1- Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Shahid Beheshti University
2- Ph.D. Student in Law and Lecturer in Azad Islamic University (Boukan Unit)
Abstract: (12795 Views)
The harms and damages caused by consumption of damaged or dangerous goods is an undeniable fact and in some cases can be an extremely bitter and sad event. In order to support consumers in such a situation, the creation and use of preventive laws and regulations is the first step towards introducing damages. Passing legislation to compensate for damages incurred by consumers is the next step. Recognizing the responsibility of the sellers of damaged or dangerous goods has a particular importance for the compensation of harms to the consumer of this kind of product. In the area of responsibility of sellers of damaged or dangerous goods and compensation for the consumers of these goods, in addition to the general regulations and special laws protecting consumer rights, we can also use laws and regulations that have not necessarily been adopted with the rights of consumers specifically in mind. The laws and regulations relating to rules preventing harm to the consumers of damaged or dangerous goods have previously been considered by the authors in another article . In the present article one section of the laws and regulations that contain rules relating to compensation is considered. A methodology based on library research along with a descriptive and analytical approach has also been used in this paper.
Received: 2011/05/31 | Revised: 2012/09/19 | Accepted: 2011/12/4 | Published: 2012/06/30