Volume 8, Issue 3 (2008)                   QJER 2008, 8(3): 99-120 | Back to browse issues page

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feyze pour M A, moubed M. Manufacturing-Plants Closures in Yazd Province during the Third Development Plan: 2000-2004. QJER 2008; 8 (3) :99-120
URL: http://ecor.modares.ac.ir/article-18-9078-en.html
1- yazd of university
2- yazd
Abstract:   (6029 Views)
Manufacturing firms born like humans do and after some stages in their life, die in different ways. With this approach, death is inevitable and just can be delayed. One way to delay this event is having information about the factors influencing that. The purpose of this paper is to study the effects of some factors (like location, size and industrial group) in industrial firms' closure in Yazd province in the third development plan. Data used in this study is gathered from the Yazd Mining and Industry Department database. These are 1539 manufacturing firms that were started their work before 2000, the first year of the Third Development Plan. From these, 175 firms became closed during this period. To determine the effects of these factors, we use the probit regression technique. The results show that firm location (in or out of industrial zones) and firm size doesn't have any effect on closure probability. Moreover the closure probability of older firms is less than the younger counterparts.
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Received: 2007/08/1 | Revised: 2010/02/2 | Accepted: 2008/03/21 | Published: 2008/04/27

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