Volume 24, Issue 2 (2024)                   QJER 2024, 24(2): 233-263 | Back to browse issues page

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Samadi S, Torki L, Mahdian S. Sukuk Market Expansion and Profitability of Islamic and Conventional Banks A Comparative Analysis. QJER 2024; 24 (2) : 9
URL: http://ecor.modares.ac.ir/article-18-70368-en.html
1- Associate Professor Department of Economics, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
2- Associate Professor, Department of Economics. Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics. University of Isfahan. Isfahan. Iran , l.torki@ase.ui.ac.ir
3- Ms, in Economics Department of Economics, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics University of Isfahan
Abstract:   (888 Views)
In Islamic financial markets, Sukuk is the most important Islamic financial securities. Sukuk is designed in a way that is compatible with Islamic laws. These characteristics of sukuk have made it an attractive source of capital for issuers outside the Islamic world who seek to access the liquidity provided by Islamic investors. The sukuk instrument is a partial ownership in an asset (lease sukuk) or property interests (benefit sukuk) or participation in a business or project (participation sukuk). Sukuk diversifies investors' portfolios and offers opportunities to invest in new assets, and on the other hand, issuers can benefit from additional liquidity resulting from growing demand among a large number of investors. Institutions and individuals benefit from Sharia compliant investment tools. The main goal of this research is the comparative analysis of the impact of sukuk market development on bank profitability in Islamic and conventional banks.
. In order to achieve the above goal, the information of 15 countries in the Persian Gulf was analyzed in the period from 2014 to 2021. To test the hypotheses of the research, the multivariate regression method was used using the combined data method.
Results and Discussion:
The results of the research showed that the development of the sukuk market increases the profitability of Islamic banks. Also, the results showed that the development of sukuk market has no effect on the profitability of conventional banks. In addition, the results showed that the Covid-19 crisis does not moderate the impact of the development of the sukuk market on the profitability of Islamic and conventional banks.
In general, it can be said that with the development of the sukuk market, the private sector is increasingly interested in this market, and it is expected that this market will take a large part of the society's liquidity. Financial institutions will also be interested in this market. The sukuk instrument is a partial ownership in an asset (lease sukuk) or property interests (benefit sukuk) or participation in a business or project (participation sukuk). Sukuk diversifies investors' portfolios and offers opportunities to invest in new assets, on the other hand, issuers can benefit from the increased liquidity resulting from the growing demand among a large number of institutional investors. and individuals to benefit from Sharia compliant investment instruments. Therefore, many companies are currently waiting to enter this market due to the greater diversity of the sukuk market compared to traditional bank loans. Sukuk is a financial instrument that allows market participants to obtain a large amount of money and capital from investors, which is possible through the development of a diverse structure of sukuk. Also, according to the presented results, the development of the sukuk market has not played an effective role in the profitability of banks against economic shocks and crises. Therefore, due to the limitations of the research regarding the limited time period and the difficulty of accessing the information related to the variables, one should act cautiously in generalizing the results to the periods before and after the scope of this research
Article number: 9
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics
Received: 2023/07/8 | Accepted: 2023/09/18 | Published: 2024/05/20

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