1- Assistant Professor of Economics, Tarbiat Modares University
2- Staff of Islamic Azad University, arsanjan Branch
Abstract: (10375 Views)
Tourism is an old concept. Since the 1960's economists in the field of development have referred to tourism as an industry. With the turn of the century the tourism industry has become a major source of income and an important foreign currency provider. According to WTO reports this industry ranks third in securing foreign cash at a worldwide level and after petroleum and automobile industry is the biggest industry. Based on the WTO reports the statistics on tourism have been on an expansion path in all areas. Concomitant with this fact, the planning and investing to take advantage of the benefits of this growing industry has been intense too. Countries with old and historical attractions and ancient monuments have been able to attract more tourists. On the other hand countries with less ancient attractions have tried to attract tourists through other means such as unique recreation centers and natural sceneries. After security, the main factor for the development and progress in the tourism industry in each country is a well established and efficient transportation system. Therefore, paying attention to tourism infrastructure and the underlying facilities such as roads and transportations are major challenges that every country must deal with if they plan to really benefit from tourism. The D-8 countries consisting of Indonesia, The Islamic Republic of Iran, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Turkey, Malaysia, Egypt and Nigeria in their first gathering in the June of 1997 in Istanbul, Turkey formally agreed, among other issues, on mutual and bilateral cooperation in the area of tourism. Therefore, this study is an attempt to evaluate the potentials and also set the grounds for the fulfillment of one of the objectives of the D-8 member states' mandate. In this research a simple method of computing tourism potentials among the D-8 countries for the year 2005 is employed. The results indicate that Indonesia, The Islamic Republic of Iran, Turkey, Malaysia and Egypt have good opportunities in tourism. However, in most cases such opportunities have not been fully utilized..
Received: 2007/12/1 | Revised: 2011/05/30 | Accepted: 2011/02/27 | Published: 2011/04/30