Volume 11, Issue 3 (2011)                   QJER 2011, 11(3): 111-134 | Back to browse issues page

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Asgharpour H, sojoodi S, Aslani Nia N M. Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Non-oil Export Price of Iran. QJER 2011; 11 (3) :111-134
URL: http://ecor.modares.ac.ir/article-18-4024-en.html
1- Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Tabriz
2- Ph. D. Student of Economics, University of Tabriz
3- M.A. Student of Economics, University of Tabriz
Abstract:   (8218 Views)
According to exchange rate pass-through models, exchange rate has a great impact on the competitiveness of exports and determining the effects of exchange rate on export prices can be useful in planning for export promotion. For this purpose, in this paper it has been attempted in the theoretical framework of exchange rate pass- through models and applying ARDL approach the effects of exchange rate on non- oil exports price of Iran during 1971 to 2007 has been tested empirically. The findings show that there is a significant positive relationship between exchange rate and export price index so that by increasing exchange rate (devaluation of national currency) export price index increases significantly. Exchange rate pass- through to export prices is complete and to import prices in terms of destination currency is zero. In other words, the empirical results of this study indicate that in the Iranian economy, exporters are faced with devaluation of national currency (increase in exchange rate), which increases export prices in terms of domestic currency. Thus, the exchange rate changes have not significant effects on export prices in terms of destination currency and just affect the profits of exporters.
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Received: 2010/10/26 | Revised: 2011/10/10 | Accepted: 2011/05/15 | Published: 2011/10/10

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