1- Assistant Professor of Bu-Ali Sina University,
2- M.A Student of Bu-Ali Sina University
Abstract: (19455 Views)
Boom and recession cycles in different countries relate to the U.S. business cycles. The study of severe recession in the U.S. can predict a contemporaneous global recession and provide policies to reduce the negative effects. This paper analyzes the business cycles of the U.S. using three stylized facts and reasons. The consequences of U.S. business cycles, as a developed country, have been compared to those of Iranian business cycle in the final section of each part. The period covers quarterly data for U.S during 1960-2010. This paper analyzes the data using VAR model. Our findings show the severe economic recessions have been started in the U.S. during 1980 and 2008.in addition, The U.S. economy has experienced the longest period of economic boom during 1980s and 1990s. Comparing business cycle features of the U.S. and Iran suggests that the severity and extent of boom and recession cycles is much higher in Iran than America. According to the stylized facts on business cycles, some common features of the variables have been confirmed in both countries. On the other variables, the Iranian model is the same of developing countries and the American model is consistent with the developed countries. In terms of the causes of business cycles, the private residential investment has been major cause of business cycles in American economy in the recent years, while exogenous oil price shocks on the Iranian economy has been the most important factor.