Showing 7 results for Service Quality
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2014)
Internal service quality and its role and importance in developing and increasing HR efficiency has considered by most managers in recent decades. The present study sought to examine the internal service quality of Yazd Regional Electric and chooses a proper strategy improving the quality of local services in the organization as a result. This study is an applied one and is based on survey method. Data were collected from 26 components questionnaires. Research community included staff of the organization. Also, the sample size were calculated using the initial questionnaire and Cochran's formula. Performance control matrix used to identify components are needed to be improved. Also, in order to prioritize improving measures, Rough set theory is used. Data analysis show that there are 6 criteria needed to improve. So, these criteria prioritized using RST.
Volume 4, Issue 4 (3-2015)
Nowadays with increasing competition among service organizations, they are looking for a way to differentiate their services. This requires emphasis on the necessity of applying brand as a source of competitive advantage and differentiation. This study seeks to answer the following question: “what is the impact of customer perceptions of the brand on customer loyalty, mediated by perceived value?” Theoretical formed model tests the relationships between the four main factors associated with the perception of brand equity (including brand image, company image, employee trust, and company trust) and value creation and customer loyalty. The model is
Volume 9, Issue 20 (10-2005)
Customer satisfaction through improving service quality considers a critical sucsess factor in the super service organizations. Because of importance of quality and its effects on customer satisfaction in service industries, the key question is how the quality of services can be evaluated. The aim of this paper to determine the most important factors affecting bank service quality, to calculate and analyze effective factors in bank service quality from view points of bank customers and employees, to analyze the gap between customers and employees' expectations and bank performance and finally to provide the posibility of valid scientific improving bank future performance. Factors affecting bank service quality were defined according to the literature. We also asked bank and academic experts view points to adjust the factors and confirm their validity. To calculate factors relative importance weights, a questionair was designed and distributed among a sample group of customers and employees selected randomly. Results of the statistical analyzes show a meaningful difference between the importance weights determined by customers and employees. Also, there is a meaningful differnce between customers and employees priority concerning corrective measures for better future performance. In addition to statistical analyzes, we measured and evaluated bank service quality using four well known models (SERVQUAL, weighted SERVQUAL, SERVPERF, and SERVIMPERF models). The results imply that in all models, not only both customers and employees scored bank service quality more than average, but also customers average score on bank service quality was meaningfully higher than employees average score. Generally, results of this research provided a set of valuable data to bank in order to improve its service quality in future based on both its customers and employees view points.
Volume 10, Issue 1 (1-2022)
and health promotion. This study aimed at how universities consider student satisfaction with academic services and health promotion.
Instrument & Methods: This research uses a descriptive method. This research was conducted in six state Islamic universities in Indonesia and involved 315 students. Research data collection using a questionnaire. The variables in the study include lectures, counseling, health issues, additional services, hidden services, explicit services, and social atmosphere. This study uses Rasch analysis to measure variables with the help of WINSTEPS 3.73 in determining validity and reliability. The RASH model is used in this study to verify the measurement of service quality variables. Rash's model only focuses on student perceptions and gains satisfaction with the dimensions of academic service and health promotion.
Findings: The results showed student satisfaction based on demographic characteristics that state Islamic universities were more dissatisfied than university-type Islamic colleges.
Conclusion: Academic services to students need to be considered to increase student satisfaction.
Volume 13, Issue 2 (9-2023)
Over the past few decades, the mobile government has attracted a lot of attention around the world. The governments are seeking quality services to citizens to achieve the desired level of satisfaction. Therefore, in order to provide better services, it is necessary to study of the quality of mobile government services and ultimately explain the factors affecting the quality of its services. The present study is a type of qualitative research in terms of purpose, applied, and in terms of data collection.In this study, the method of meta synthesis and the approach of Barrosu and Sandeluski was used to investigate the research literature. Data collection tools are open coding to identify themes and components Drivers of of mobile government service quality. The validity of the analysis was assessed using the kappa coefficient, which was equal to 0.771 In this study, 39codes were identified as basic themes to identify the quality of service quality components. Of these, 21codes were selected as Sub themes and 7were identified and formed as Main themes:Quality orientation, meritocracy, personal privacy, commitment, infrastructural measures, pragmatism, efficient management.
Gholamhossain Khorshidi, Arash Naghash, Milad Mohamadian,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (3-2014)
Nowadays, the issue of service quality for service-provider organizations specifically banks is of considerable importance. The service-provider organizations (specifically governmental banks) are aware from the necessity of getting satisfaction of customer and assessing quality of services. In this research, we evaluate and analyze the gap of expected and current service quality. In fact, the gap between customer´s expectations of bank services and customers perceptions is assessed based on the hierarchical service quality model (HSQM), which has been introduced by Brady and Cronin in 2001. To do this, customers of Keshavarzi Bank are given as statistical population and a sample with 384 people is extracted from Tehran Keshavarzi Banks using Krejcie-Morgan Table and Cochran formula. The results show that just in two dimensions of HSQM namely «waiting time» and «valence», there is no significant difference between expectations and perceptions, but there are gaps among expectations and perceptions in the other dimensions.
Volume 14, Issue 2 (9-2010)
Nowadays, by the daily expansion of service industries, the subjects of service
marketing and service quality have been converted into vital issues for all
organizations. Abundant attempt of organizations in this area is a clear
evidence of this claim. In the past years, organizations have tried to provide
high quality service and better external customer satisfaction through external
marketing concepts and attitudes of external marketing. One of the important
specifications of services is the employees 'direct interactions with customers
and the determinant role of their customer-orientation behaviors in contact
with customers. Therefore, to gain superior service quality thus external
customers ’satisfaction, we should have employees (internal customers) who
are obligor to the company's goals and visions. They should also have
customer-orientation behaviors. Nowadays, with the introducing of internal
marketing concept, the importance of organization's internal customers
(employees) in the success of external marketing plans has become more
obvious. Researches have indicated that there is a close interaction and
relationship between internal and external marketings. According by, the
present research was conducted to identify the effect of internal marketing's
effect on organizational citizenship behaviors and quality of services. The
research methodology was survey - correlation based on the structural equationsmodel. Using conceptual model (path analysis), the obtained results indicated
that internal marketing effect in Great Tehran Gas Company (GTGC) has
increased organizational citizenship behaviors of the employees as well as the
quality of services.