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Showing 6 results for Knowledge-Based Economy

Mohammad Nahavandian, Babak Afghahi,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (1-2015)

This study introduces the factors influencing on development of high-tech services exports (HTSE) in Iran. After communicating the overall policies of the fifth development plan, the national policy-makers were invited to formulating the exports development plan of high-tech services according to paragraph 29. This paper aimed to the explanation of high-tech services and identification of factors affecting HTSE. In this regard, by a review of literature, initially a sample with 255 people out of a statistical population with 555 members was selected using cluster sampling techniques, then the statistical data was gathered using documentary searches, interviews, formation the focus groups and completion the questionnaires with reliability coefficient of 79 percent. Finally, the factors and targeted indicators have been drawn out of a non-experimental survey design using structural equation modeling (SEM) in Lisrel software environment. The findings indicate that basic requirements and related factors, necessities of efficiency and competitiveness and sustainability as well as related components are of main factors affecting development promotion of high-tech exports in I.R.Iran. The model specified explains the 80 percent of changes in basic requirements, 68 percent of competiveness necessities, and 84 percent of sustainability needs.     
Seyyed Mohammad Bagher Najafi, Farshad Momeni, Jamal Fathollahi, Bahieh Azzizipour,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (2-2016)

Realization of the knowledge-based economy model is a basic requirement for developing countries. In this model, knowledge plays important role in improving productivity.  This paper claims that in a world where the economic ties are formed in terms of the knowledge-based economy, a resource-dependent economic model, regardless of productivity, is not a proper solution for the Iranian economy. Due to the necessity of moving from oil-based to knowledge-based economy in Iran, this paper studies the impact of oil revenues on productivity and realization of knowledge-based economy. This research employs a descriptive – analytical method to define and identify characteristics of knowledge-based economy and examines the obstacles resulting from spending oil revenues in creating knowledge-based economy. This paper finds that spending rents from oil revenues, through its reward structure and knowledge direction lead the Iran economy to the unproductive knowledge and consequently low rates of productivity and prevent the creation of productive knowledge, then prevent the realization of the knowledge-based economy in Iran.  
Dr Mohammad Bagher Najafi, Dr Jamal Fathollahi, Mrs. Farahnaz Mohamadpoor,
Volume 19, Issue 1 (4-2019)

This paper aims to explain the role of good governance in the realization of the knowledge-based economy within a quadruple helix innovation system (QHIS). It employs an analytical-descriptive method, while focusing on the econometric models within Eviews9 software environment. Theoretically, the paper is based on institutionalism approach. The interaction of good governance and knowledge-based economy is described after defining the concepts of QHIS. Then, the relationships between innovation (as the goal of innovation systems and knowledge-based economy) and good governance indicators are evaluated within an econometric model. To do this, good governance indicators in Iran are compared to those of the Northern Europe and South-Easter Asia as regions enjoying high scores in knowledge-based economy indicators. The findings indicate the impact of good governance on realization of the knowledge-based economy through various channels including property rights, enforcement of contracts, domestic and foreign investment, brain drain, human capital development, and research and development. Alike the conceptual part of paper, the results reveal positive and significant relationships among good governance indicators and innovation. Considering the importance of good governance in realizing a knowledge-based economy, good governance index is selected as the fourth helix in QHIS for Iran.

Volume 20, Issue 3 (11-2016)

Between 2010 and 2015, a new wave of information and knowledge based economy, leads to the formation of knowledge intensive firms in geography of Tehran metropolis. In most cases, these firms selected sites which are not in compliance with spatial planning frameworks, norms and rules and they were located following the market-driven factors. Therefore, reviewing and analyzing this new geographic phenomenon is important for recommending spatial planning policies in Tehran. The main objective of this research is to understand the spatial distribution patterns of these knowledge intensive firms and their spatial relationships with environmental, social, economic, educational, research and infrastructure factors in Tehran metropolis. In this study, the data of more than 930 registered companies till 2015 have been pinpointed in GIS, using spatial statistics methods to be analyzed. The findings show that spatial distribution pattern of knowledge intensive firms is cluster type which is highly related to basic infrastructures such as public transport network and also, with research and educational institutions. At the end, suggestions based on the results of the research have provided. At the end, suggestions based on the results of the research have provided.    
Dr. Zahra Alinezhad, Dr. Sayed Mohammad Bagher Najafi, Dr. Jamal Fathollahi, Dr. Nader Zali,
Volume 21, Issue 1 (3-2021)

The knowledge-based economy is the newest pattern of production in the current era. So far, this pattern has resulted in unique achievements for a wide range of countries. This study aims to classify the provinces of Iran in terms of Knowledge-based economy. The classification of provinces based on their similarity in achieving the knowledge-based production pattern is the first step for correct and realistic planning. The same version cannot be used for different provinces. The regional knowledge-based economy index is defined in three dimensions: education, innovation, and information and communication technology, based on 15 sub-indices. The classification is based on the clustering technique, which is one of the branches of unsupervised learning. To do this, k-means and fuzzy c-means algorithms are used simultaneously to compare their results. The optimal number of clusters is calculated through the Silhouette coefficient. This coefficient also indicates the accuracy of the clustering results. Clustering based on the fuzzy c-means algorithm in 6-cluster case with a Silhouette coefficient of 0.77 is the most appropriate classification for research purposes. The results show that there is a clear discrepancy between different provinces in the context of knowledge-based economy. Tehran and Alborz are in separate clusters and are among the leading classes compared to others, while more than half of the provinces belong to backward cluster.

Volume 28, Issue 2 (4-2021)

 In the last three decades, along with the development of knowledge-based economy, the development of businesses related to this field has also taken a growing trend and the concept of entrepreneurship has found an important role in the growing economy. Knowledge-based economics as an emerging field and with the focus on information technology and communication technology grew significantly. According to the International Telecommunication Union (2016), ICT-related businesses will account for 95% of all global companies, as well as one-third of all global formal-related businesses in the next decade. The purpose of the present study is to explore the contribution of women in the Persian Gulf region in the field of science, technology and knowledge-based economy using the documentary research method. The research results revealed that in the said field, there is an extensive opportunity to reduce the economic gender gap. Comparing the trend of women's participation in this field shows that the progress of women has been smooth in some countries while in some others, more development is needed. Suggestions have been made for the development of women's technical and professional knowledge, balancing between work and life, and implementing supportive policies.

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