Showing 55 results for Innovation
Volume 2, Issue 1 (5-2012)
In spite of emphasis on role of organizational resource and human resources in particular, on entrepreneurship in literature of management, has not been presented an integrated pattern for Iranian organizations that measures influence of hr subsystems on entrepreneurship. By concentration of key role of human resources on entrepreneurship, present research is seeking to consider influence of different practices of human resource management on promoting of entrepreneurship in oil industry of Iran. Research methodology includes both descriptive and correlation analysis based on structural equation modeling. Data was collected by means of questionnaire that was distributed among top and middle manager of Contracting company in oil industry. Research result Indicates that human resource subsystems including human resource Acquisition, work design, development, labor relation and compensation, have influence on organizational entrepreneurship. And only training has not any impact on entrepreneurship. Furthermore, research indicates that the most impact of human resource management on entrepreneurship is indirectly and through creating supportive environment of innovation.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2018)
This article seeks to use the descriptive-analytical method and relying on the definitions of social modernism to address the issue of social innovation in the poetry of the two poets and what are the similarities and differences in each of the topics? The analysis of Baroudi's poetry suggests that he is taking advantage of the sophisticated taste as well as following the critics of the West to the affairs of the people and to correct the defects in society. Like Farrokhi Yazdi, he addresses issues such as central justice, homeland, despondency, attention to poverty, opposition to oppression and oppression, and invitation to studying science as one of the most important subjects of his poetry. The most important aspect of Baroudi's and Farrokhi's poetry's differences is that Farrokhi, as a responsible critic, deals more with the community and related issues, but in Baroudi's poetry, he makes imitation of modernization. However, with the advent of the Arab movement and the issue of exile, it is twisted within it and pursues a sharp eye and a sharp sensitivity to the social problems of its country.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (3-2014)
In today's dynamic environment, having a proper strategy is not enough for companies to be able to adjust themselves with their environments. Companies through choosing a suitable organizational structure can benefit innovation to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. The aim of this study is testing the mediating role of organizational structure (formalization, centralization, complexity) between environmental uncertainty and organizational innovation. The questionnaire was used to collect data with high reliability and Structural Equation Modeling and Partial least squares were used for analyzing data. Data collected from medium and large manufacturing firms in the Mashhad city. The results showed that the theoretical model was good fitted and the relationship between environmental uncertainty and dimensions of Organizational structure (complexity, formalization and centralization) is meaningful. Also the relationship between complexity and formalization with organizational innovation were significant. Organizational formalization and complexity mediated between environmental uncertainty and organizational innovation was meaningful but mediating role of centralization was not meaningful.
Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2014)
Innovation network is one considerable approach for innovation development in countries. This approach is applicable in high-tech development. Identifying noticeable aspects in innovation development can help planning and policy making for industries. Important factors of innovation network development in information technology sector obtained reviewing the literature. The research goal is to assess current situation of these factors and their indicators and compare them with each other. Therefore, after gaining experts opinion, a survey has been conducted in seven states of Iran about information technology corporations. The dimensions consist of corporation enablers, embeddedness, adjutant environment, self-organization, learning, interaction quality, innovation and network effectiveness. Obtained results of these dimensions have been analyzed. Based on the results, current situation of each dimension has been determined which can be used in poly-making processes. Results highlighted that there is significant differences between the situations of these dimensions.
Volume 4, Issue 1 (1-2016)
Background: The comprehensive evaluation program of the health system in higher education is a strategic plan in line with the goals of health reform program. The planning levels are based on 12 general policies. As professors of medical universities have an important role in public health promotion, this study aimed to identify the outcomes of faculty development at medical universities in Northern part of Iran, based on evolution and innovation program of medical education.
Methods: This qualitative research was conducted using Grounded Theory Approach during 2015-2016. The research population consisted of 22 faculty members of medical universities in Northern part of Iran. Sampling was performed by a purposive sampling method for those who had responsibilities at university or college.
Results: The results of the obtained data suggested two main themes: the internal university outcomes (i.e. Promotion of education quality at universities) and external university outcomes (i.e. Public health promotion).
Conclusion: It is suggested to education policy makers to apply a more accurate and systematic plan in order to achieve development and growth of their faculty members; so, the effectiveness and efficiency of faculty members and consequently higher education will be promoted.
Volume 4, Issue 3 (9-2016)
This study tries to make a distinction between factors affecting adopters and non-adopters of domestic rainwater harvesting (DRWH) in Golestan Province, Iran. In order to better comprehend the differences, nine dimensions were considered in this study, including (1) social background (including respondents’ demographics, water sources, issues in accessing water sources, primary awareness of the DRWH systems, information communication channels, and their dwellings characteristics), (2) economic and financial scale (including construction, maintenance, investment rate of return), (3) scale (including law and regulation) (4) social scale (effect of social determiners on person’s decision making), (5) compliance with every day’s needs,(6) past experience, (7) image (importance of adopting DRWH systems on person’s social image and position), (8) providence (person’s outlook of the future), and (9) risk adoption. Results show that the surveyed groups vary remarkably in terms of considered dimensions. It seems that lack of experience and observation are the underlying reason of low adoption rate in this area.
Volume 5, Issue 4 (5-2016)
Innovation can Create competitive advantage and consequently the company success. Innovation in business models is a new them and Companies act based on innovative business models to create and deliver greater value for their customers. Innovation in business model includes not only technological innovation or organizational innovation but also strategic innovation witch is sharing and increasing knowledge resource and managerial skills. Thus the important role of customer knowledge management which is based on strategic innovation in business models, can be identified. this study evaluated the ability of customer knowledge management capability of organizations to create innovative business model. Conceptual model based on the relevant literature is presented and tested. This research is practical and survey- analysis. company of creating custom cars in Iran Khodro (APCO) is the study case of this research. Path analysis and structural equation modeling was used for testing the research model. results show that if Organizations use the customer knowledge management to improve their skills in creating customized products and Create better conditions for optimal decision and design better consumer experience, they can achieve business model innovation by creating value based on the success of customers and increasing sales volume .
Volume 6, Issue 1 (7-2016)
Denison’s Organizational Culture Model (DOCS) was used widely by academics and practitioners today. However we included the papers has published in Iranian journals that was published in several Iranian universities in a systematic review and results of a meta-analysis suggested that all cultures’ traits; involvement, Consistency, adaptability, and mission have similar measures. We found some methodological errors in the Denison and Mishra (1995) paper. First of all the correlation test wasn’t suite statistical test to compare the four traits of organizational cultures. And finally the five point Likert measurement in not good enough to measure the traits of organizational cultures. We should be concerned about the relation between organizational effectiveness and four traits of organizational cultures based on these methodological errors.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (11-2016)
Over the centuries, cities have always employed human societies to achieve their goals; to be more precise, they are part of the infrastructure and tools that are made by human to deal with nature threats and of life management within communities. Of course, it should be considered that cities, as opposed to tools and machines that formed based on the presiced design, are the means which their emergence are not based on detailed planning and a lot of their features simply and arbitrarily have manifested.
The increasing growth of technologies are as emerging phenomenon in cities that follow a future of uncertainty in societies. Political, economic and social factors that are shaping urban applications will be beyond the grasp and control, and will be associated with a set of unknowns and the uncertainties. So the planning and management of cities in its current form, can not respond to this complexity. Integrated management of this uncertainty, requires planning to make smart cities and communities and configuration of these cities should be based on the creation of environments aimed at improving cognitive skills and learning abilities and innovation. This necessitates the creation of digital, physical and organizational spaces that are organized via innovation and creativity through a combination of individual cognitive skills and information systems.
Smart cities are emerging around the world, but still deep differences can be seen with amazing smart environments that open minds and transmit skills and the abilities from the base. Integrated studies in this area can be somewhat overcome the raised shortcomings.
Therefore, this article seeks to explore various aspects of urban intelligence and key components of smart city based on an integrated conceptual model. Method of this research is descriptive and based on gathering documents related to this field. In the first step smart city and its related concepts are presented, in the next step, key factors of smart city based on summing up the views of experts in the field are revealed; catagorized in the framwork of basic smart city factors and componenets (public, institutional factors and infrastructure). Three important factors (intelligence, integrity and innovation) considered as essential requirements for the creation of smart communities that the combination of these factors and preconditions depicted in the form of a model. Ultimately in the final stage of research, how to smart cities explained based on the dimensions and components of the considered model.
One hundred years ago, only about one out of every seven people lived in the city. Today, half of the population live in cities and the percentage of that is growing steadily each year. Because more people migrate to the big cities, town’s credit, technology, trade, formation of governments, resource consumption, quality of life, and many other things considerably grows.
Personal talent or professional opportunities of people, creativity, economic exploitation and accumulation of large numbers of people can have a positive impact on society. Of course, the big urban communities are always big risks for Earth in the form of overcrowding, excessive carbon emissions and waste and high levels of non-renewable energy consumption, so cities - municipal governments, along with businesses and city dwellers that launch the economic growth have a major responsibility for the effective monitoring of people and the environment.
The need to manage resources in terms of sustainability associated with a more important purpose: to create an attractive social and economic environment in which citizens, companies and governments can work and live interactively. In fact, The Cities compete more for their citizens and investments than the merchants for their customers.
The issue that is subsequently increased its importance; the overall attractiveness of a particular city, is the experience that the city provide to its citizens and businesses and it becomes manifested in a wide rangeof important features: Value and sustainability of the city government, the economy and employment opportunities, its schools, the quality of the physical environments, culture and artistic resources, higher educational institutions and other educational opportunities for adults, housing, security, social participation, freedom and its variations.
Smart cities and towns have been created via the connection of innovation and digital cities and with the aim of promoting knowledge and innovation. This connection is based on two objective criteria: (1) innovation and digital cities are both community-based processes, and (2) innovation and digital cities are both knowledge-based processes. «Connection» is on the basis of shared knowledge networks and online provision of knowledge and innovation processes. Intelligent Community Indicators depict a global framework for understanding the different communities and regions that can create a competitive
advantage in today›s economy. Indicators show that an intelligent city has a more life span than a traditional form:
•Significant deployment of broadband communications and government facilities; government that has a role of catalyst via provision of regulations and incentives
•Education; training and workforce development to create a workforce, capable of implementing knowledge effectively.
•Government programs and private sectors that promote digital democracy, benefit from all sectors of society, including the expansion of citizen participation in government and their decision-making.
•Innovation in the public and private sectors, including e-government initiatives and efforts to create economic and business development to finance new job opportunities; Effective marketing as a lever for economic development, attract workforce and other community assets to new employers.
•Smart cities, lifeless spaces, complex structures, physical infrastructures, and electronics applicable programs are not digital, In contrast, they are such living communities that use from skills of individuals and institutions for collective learning and innovation, and use from physical and digital infrastructure to communicate and online collaboration.
This research is based on descriptive approaches, for which our goals were to collect data on surviving geometrical patterns and classify them on the basis of time scale and regionalism. Such approaches provide dialectic answers to a wide range of philosophical and architectural questions, such as when or where a particular pattern was extensively used. Smart City, due to the outstanding characteristics of sustainability and attraction, is divided from other cities. Environmental projects are flowed with more than a moral obligation. Sustainability is important for its positive Social consequences and the main factor is creation of habitable environment by the health and welfare of citizens and their businesses. Today, there is no smart city. However, one of the most common ways to get started is creation of a starting point that is based on the geographic, political, economic of the city, then, that city can determine different states based on the costs and effects of different projects and their anticipated transactions, and begin to design various forms of technology, strategy, processes, training, supervision and management of a developed program.
With regard to the impact of the cities on the health of the planet, the agenda of smart city, regardless of where they live, is important for all citizens. If cities are focused on affordable measures to embed intelligence in their services, they have to carry out fundamental right activities, Open and intelligent architecture that is enabled of delivering smart services now and in the future due to the growing needs of a city.
Volume 6, Issue 4 (2-2017)
Identifying the necessary infrastructures for an effective management of knowledge and making innovations in organizations are of the paramount importance. In previous investigations, infrastructures have been studied in isolation from other factors, but it has been tried in this research to survey and analyze the direct and indirect impact of the climate and organizational structure on innovation performance considering the mediation of knowledge management and social interaction, through a comprehensive model. Interaction in affecting leadership style & organizational climate on knowledge management also are reviewed. This study has been done using sample of 140 selling and marketing unit employers of the shuttle corporation in Tehran. This research is descriptive- survey and questionnaire used for data collection. Result showed that knowledge management and social reaction are not mediating. Effects of organizational structure on social interaction and organizational climate on knowledge management, social interaction on innovative performance are positive and meaningful, but other hypothesis were rejected.
Volume 7, Issue 3 (12-2017)
Achieve to high performance is a concern for corporate executives. Manufacturing companies with investments in research and development tries to use research-based innovations and their impact on the company's success in the market. The balance between market orientations and to have it (passive and active marketing) and its impact on corporate performance, questions are many managers in these firms. What is important in a lot of research on market orientation and firm performance is the role of innovation ambidexterity in this regard that the study tries to fill this gap. In this study, the effect of market orientation on firm performance by taking innovation ambidexterity mediator variables, has been investigated by using structural equation modeling. The instrument used to collect data is questionnaire that is completed by senior managers of 79 companies in Rasht. The findings showed that market orientation has a positive impact on innovation ambidexterity and Innovation ambidexterity have a positive impact on performance too. On the other hand, the direct role of marketing was not accepted in the company's performance but the role of innovation ambidexterity was confirmed as a mediator.
Volume 8, Issue 1 (6-2018)
One of the methods to create loyalty among customers is presenting a value through customer clubs which is beyond the intrinsic value of the product or service. In order to achieve this aim, a new perspective of customer club’s basics that is based on findings business model is needed. As a result, the purpose of this study is to explore customer club Hafez Insurance business model as the first private insurance in free zones of Iran, with an emphasis on"innovation"and" customers block ".In this research, we try to find out the answer of questions such as customers segmentation in the insurance industry, Identifying distribution channels, the type of services and products that offered in the club correspond to the target of customers and the type of value which is created for customers to increase loyalty. From the data collection method standpoint, current study is a qualitative research and was conducted through in-depth interviews and semi-structured focus group. This focus group meeting is consist of 12 experts of Hafez Insurance Company that have been selected based on purposefully sampling method. Finally, by analyzing the findings from focus group research and using the Atlas.ti software, basics of "innovation" and " customers blocks are explained. The content of qualitative data suggests that components of customers block include three themes of customers segmentation, distribution channels and communication with customers, 11 sub-components and 40 items. Components of innovation include the proposed theme for value, eight sub-components and 29 items.
Volume 8, Issue 1 (6-2018)
One of the best strategies to obtain competitive advantage and reduce the failure rate of new product development is product co-development. Knowledge-intensive organization required to receive new idea and knowledge to produce product and service according to market, because their nature based of innovation and knowledge. So this firms rely to open innovation and building collaboration network with external partners in order to access new knowledge and technologies, therefore for using the internal and external knowledge in product development process, firms should be promote its knowledge integration capability. The aim of this research is effect of knowledge integration capability on product co-development with mediating open innovation. Data has been gathered using questionnaire in 70 knowledge-intensive institutions in Guilan Science and Technology Park. Data analyze via Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)-PLS. The results showed that the KIC indirectly has positive and significantly effect on product co-development through OI but directly no effect. Moreover, KIC has positive and significantly effect on OI and, OI has positive and significantly effect on product co-development.
Volume 8, Issue 3 (3-2019)
Despite the growing body of research acknowledging that strong brands are critical for firms' long - term competitiveness, little research examines how firms should manage their brands internally to maximize their value and the brand performance. The aim by present study is to examine the role the role of market orientation, brand management and marketing innovation in improving brand performance. Population of study consists of active firms in the country's food industry and size of sample is 222 obtained through stratified random sampling way. Data gathering toll is the standard questionnaire, for whose reliability Cronbach alpha was applied. Present study is an applied study in terms of purpose and in terms of collecting data it is regarded as a descriptive survey. Considered model was studied using structural equations modeling. The findings show that brand management system helps companies achieve brand performance better than competitors, and market orientation and marketing innovation are two of the key constituents of the system's development. In this study, the brand management system was considered as an intermediate variable for achieving better brand performance.
Volume 9, Issue 1 (1-2018)
Aims: Emerging sciences and technologies have huge potential in the field of innovation; therefore, they should be protected against large uncertainties caused by unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate biotechnology forecasting innovation pathways based on its convergence with other technologies.
Information and Methods: In this systematic review, by the future-oriented assessment of biotechnology innovation pathways, future biotechnology strategies were developed at the national level. All potential applications of the future innovation pathways of this technology were identified in the combination and convergence with nanotechnologies, information, and cognitive science and technology. The strength and weakness of the effects and barriers in all areas of biotechnology were considered in terms of the short-, mid-, and long-term; in the same timeframe, the barriers to these technologies were identified in the field of combined dual technologies and ultimately for biotechnology itself, and future strategies for biotechnology were proposed based on 4 strategies, including ignorance, investment, exploitation, and opportunism.
Findings: In the field of biotechnology- information technology- in the mid-term, the greatest impact was on improving the quality of human life, improving social outcomes, and increasing the level of innovation, and in the field of biotechnology- nanotechnology and biotechnology- cognitive science on improving the quality of human life, increasing security and defending power, and improving the positive social consequences.
Conclusion: The highest number of applications is the mid-term. The "exploitation" strategy should be used in biotechnology- cognitive science and biotechnology- nanotechnology, respectively. The "investment" strategy should be the most widely used in the common areas of biology with information technology. In the common areas of biotechnology with nanotechnology and cognitive sciences, the most application is the “opportunism" strategy.
Volume 9, Issue 2 (12-2019)
Scholars name the current era as the global revolution of innovation and believe that innovation and entrepreneurship today are the main factors of value creation. The impact of entrepreneurial activities on companies' success has attracted researchers to motivating or restrictive factors. Iranian organizations, like other organizations around the world, are presented with complicated environments and conditions, and there is a growing need for innovation and entrepreneurship. Although, whether antecedents of the corporate entrepreneurship in Iranian organizations are consistent with those identified in other countries remains unanswered. What are the main barriers to implementing corporate entrepreneurship in Iranian organizations? This research, through conducting semi-structured interviews with 14 top and middle managers from 10 large Iranian private companies, while using the thematic analysis method, attempts to answer these questions. Results show that the most important environmental obstacle in Iran is the lack of a comprehensive industrial development plan. Moreover, the main distinguishing organizational internal factor of the firms studied in this research in comparison with other organizations that have been studied in literature is the "non-separation of manager from the owner and entrepreneur", which can be considered as the most significant finding of this research.
Volume 9, Issue 3 (9-2018)
Aims: The innovation ecosystem states that innovation through interactive networks occurs at different levels. The network has a wide range of stakeholders that are complex in the innovation process as part of the innovation ecosystem. Considering the importance of the issue of prevention in the health sector and the importance of the role of biotechnology in this field, the aim of this study was to examine the innovation ecosystem of human vaccines in Iran.
Participants and Methods: In this qualitative, exploratory, and descriptive research, while investigating the dimensions of the ecosystem of innovation in literature and its main characteristics, the status of the innovation ecosystem of human vaccines was investigated in Iran. This study was carried out through content analysis of the current documents and deep and semi-structured interviews with experts in this field. Subsequently, a description of the current state of the vaccine innovation ecosystem was presented.
Findings: Most of the graduates did not have enough familiarity with the techniques needed to attend the industry. The existence of two major vaccine manufacturers, the Pasteur and Razi Institutes, were of important properties of ecosystems. The small number of service providers and existing service companies with knowledge-based organizations were of shortcomings. Shortcomings in the characteristics of stable and dynamic interaction in the innovation ecosystem of human vaccines in Iran were evident and the making policies to create or strengthen these characteristics was one of the important issues of Iran in this area.
Conclusion: Despite the abundance of elements and actors in this field, the innovation ecosystem of vaccines in Iran has not yet been formulated in a structured way, and its creation and development requires the characteristics of the innovation ecosystem and the resolution of its challenges.
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2020)
This study analyzed the theoretical innovation strategies and their impact on success of knowledge-based entrepreneurial businesses intermediator's absorption capacity. In fact, this paper explores how knowledge-based firms use their innovation strategies, which have the greatest impact on their entrepreneurial success,based on their absorption capacity. The study population was companies based in Isfahan research centersandby simple random sampling of 196 companies were selected as research sample fordistribution of questionnaire. For data analysis and hypothesis of structural equation modeling,Smart PLS 2 partial least squares software was used. The results of this study shows that the impact of innovation strategy on absorption capacity is7.51%, and the impact on the absorption capacity of entrepreneurial success on knowledge-based firms is 7.46 %.
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2020)
Social innovation has attracted the attention of many researchers in recent years; as it offers new answers to social challenges and whole community use its advantages. The main objective of this research is to design a social innovation success model in the Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation as a social organization.This research is fundamental-applied in term of purpose and its method is grounded theory.Participants of this research are experienced staffand experts in the processes of Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation that by combining the methods of purposive sampling, snowball and theoretical sampling, 16 wer selected to perform semi-structured interviews.Data analysed with more than 200 primary codes in Atlas.ti 8. Factors of mission and Strategy, Organizational Culture,Servant Leadership Style,Organizational Agility, Extensive and favorable interactions with Enviroment and Facilitating Financial Conditions recognized as factors for facilitator level.Innovators' motivation,effective Content and implementation and acceptance of innovation were complementary levelfactors. And brandingsocial innovation, collaborating with international institutions, networking of innovation roles and develop a people-dependent structurewere growth levelfactors of social innovation success model.
Volume 10, Issue 1 (4-2006)
This article deals with importance of the survey of research and scientific activities and the existing mechanisms in this regard and at the same time, provides a framework for innovation survey at national level. The first part of the article is a review and survey of the literature of technological changes. In this part, theoretical principles of technological changes are discussed. Also we will deal with measurement of research and development as the oldest indicator of research and scientific activities and, then, considering the flows and defect in the measurement of research and development, as well as, non-linear realities of modern economics, innovation survey is introduced as the latest mechanism for technological activities. In addition, current approaches for the survey of innovations at national level are introduced and, at the end of the first part, we will discuss different approaches to classify technology policies in this regard.
In the second part of the article, an appropriate framework for innovation survey at national level is proposed through the use of field research. First of all, considering the potentials and capabilities of each of the current innovation surveys at national level, the appropriate approach is adopted. Then through the direct approach of technology policy classification, the status of innovative activities in Iran is determined. In the next section, we identify current innovation survey indicators at national level, which are deemed appropriate based on national requirements and the status of innovation activities in Iran. At the same time, we discuss the possibility of evaluatiny current indicators of innovation survey based on the situation of Iran. Finally, considering the results of the measurement research, we offer appropriate and possible indicators for innovation survey at national level.