Showing 12 results for Good Governance
Volume 3, Issue 2 (12-2021)
The system of governing the country is the bedrock of the exercise of political power through which the distribution of power in the country and among the organs and organizations takes place. Since the management and allocation of resources in each country is done through the administration system, its function has a significant share in production, reproduction and protection of the foundations of national power. The indicators of the efficiency of the country's administration system are identified in the context of the rules, instructions and directives and are on the agenda of the executers in the form of sets of rules and regulations. If the indicators related to planning, preparation and formulation of budget allocation are prepared in accordance with the pattern of good governance, the country can be on the path of sustainable development and the natural and human dimensions of national power generation intermediaries are strengthened. With this approach, good governance narrates human-centered development and considers the provision of efficient public services, a reliable judicial system and an accountable administration system as the main pillars of the governance. From the other hand, most of the indicators of national power are related to the functioning of the structures and institutions of the country and the existed processes. With a descriptive-analytic method, this article seeks an answer to the question that “how the mechanisms of the country's administration system in the context of good governance are effective in changing the foundations of national power?”.
Volume 5, Issue 4 (5-2016)
By the increasing development of urbanization in Iran and the urban population increase namely in Tehran Metropolis, we are faced with the increase of citizens demands. Thus, we cannot ignore environment and familiarity with the environment variables, the lack of consideration of cities capacity, the lack of consideration of the condition of each effective variable lead into some problems including poverty, unemployment, inflation, environment pollution, destruction of infrastructures and conflict. Also, they influence the political management, social and economic resources management, formulation of executive policies, urban planning and etc. Normally managers take centralized decision making approach to eliminate the negative effects and try to control the conditions and this issue creates new challenges. Therefore, urban management should consider basic solutions to urban problems. Thus, good urban governance is introduced as a paradigm in cities management in which the government, citizens and private sectors participate in a horizontal and super department process. The criteria of good urban governance are based on 7 key principles including: sustainability, efficiency, equity, participation, responsiveness and accountability, security and decentralization. The present study determined and introduced good urban governance indices and presented a model of evaluation of the indices, then, some recommendations were proposed to increase the indices to improve and optimize the current condition performance.
Volume 7, Issue 3 (12-2017)
One of the essensial ideals of each governance is the realization of good governance in public satisfaction and accordingly consistency of governance path.So, various devices in the hands of government to achieve this of these devices is the suitable way of the governance running cost and expenditure. Efficiency of public expenditure is one of the important indexes in evaluation of governance performance.Thus, cognition and explaining public expenditure management framework in the light of good governance as a one of imporatant issues, is the base pivot of this paper. On the basis of present study with a qualitative method by applied approach at first is attempted to whilst study of literature and history studies, combined with expert opinions 12 persons of financial and budgeting (in 2 groups of universities and executive experts. who selected by snow ball sampling and public expenditure management aspects in the research community, processes and components of the public sectors (in the form of content analysis) to be extracted.In continuose, for increasing validity, using Results of the study from validation and qualitative strategies. Finally results shows the main aspects of suggested framework (consist of planning and resource allocation, financial disciplines, operational management), forming components of each of these dimension and their relations to good governance basics is recognized.
Key words
Public Expenditure Management, Good Governance, Allocation of Resource, Fiscal Discipline, Operational Management
Volume 7, Issue 4 (2-2018)
The key role of public infrastructure projects in promoting GDP growth and country development achievement as well as huge amount of investment needed for them, has multiplied the importance of effective and efficient implementation of them. Successful management and desirable value creation of these projects aligned with public interests, depends on good governance of multiple projects level which named “project portfolio”. Utilizing the principles of good governance at this level leads to portfolio performance improvement and results such as optimum projects resource allocation aligned with the organization's strategic requirements. But applying such a governance in the complex public sector, faces more barriers than private sector. Identifying and analyzing these barriers, pave the way for designing appropriate governance models. To accomplish this, 18 experts with 15 to 25 years of experience in key positions influencing on infrastructure portfolios governance were interviewed whom selected by purposeful sampling. This qualitative study is a practical-developmental research done with phenomenological methodology. Required data were collected through semi-structured interviews and then analyzed. According to findings, the barriers to road infrastructure project portfolios good governance categorized in five groups including: behavioral barriers, organizational barriers, credit barriers, macro structural barriers and macro strategic barriers drawn into a pattern of three-tier structure.
Volume 16, Issue 4 (1-2013)
Attaining wellbeing and promoting standards of citizen's life is one of the pillars of national security of countries since a long time ago, and success of governments in achieving this goal is interpreted as one of their power elements, in a manner that guarantee of social member’s survival and achieving good and happy life is counted among major mission of governments. In present research, besides review of present literature about wellbeing, promoting national wellbeing is considered from perspective of improvement of public service qualities and good governance. Research methodology includes both descriptive and correlation analysis based on Structural Equation Modeling. Data was collected by means of documents and libraries studies. Research results indicated that improvement of good governance components result in national wellbeing promotion. Meanwhile, promoting good governance pave the way of wellbeing promotion in quantities direction such as gross domestic product, education, research, health and … and qualitative directions such as happiness. In other words, promoting good governance has dual objectives such as improvement of quantitative indexes like national product and growth of qualitative indexes such as decrease of social costs of economic growth, safeguarding resources for futur and stability of growth.
Mohsen Zayanderoody, Mohamad Khosroabadi, Alireza Shakibaeei,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (9-2017)
With regard to the increasing income inequality, higher unemployment rates, urbanization, economic inefficiency, lack of economic justice in different societies especially within developing countries, and highlighting the role of governments in achieving a better distribution of incomes, the need for good governance is strongly felt. This study aims to examine the impact of the good governance on income distribution among the South-Western Asia countries during the period from 1996 to 2013. It estimates two panel data models using Stata12 software. In the first model, the index of good governance quality and in the second model, six indicators of good governance are investigated. The results show that the index of governance quality and the indicators of political stability and government effectiveness have negative and significant effects on reducing inequality. Thus, the proper policy-making may improve the distribution of income in these countries.
Volume 19, Issue 1 (7-2015)
Amir Kargar Samani *, Asadollah Kordnaeij, Seyed Hamid Khodadad Hosseini, Seyed Masoud Mousavi Shafaee In recent decades, global cities have become important in national, regional and international environments of themselves, because they have great effects on space of flows and have been affected by them. In this regards some scientific and international institutes have ranked the global/world cities and have proposed some comparative tables for them. Local and urban governance, also, are items that play significant roles in contrast with central governments, especially in local management. Urban good governance gives privilege to poor, women progress, civic participation, and interaction with public and private organizations in different social areas and effective management in cities. So, this is one of the especial arguments in city management and is investigated, discussed and developed by various institutes. The importance of these two subjects, have been an incentive to use librarian method with utilizing some reliable city, national and international resources to develop a detailed table for urban good governance of 194 global cities. So relations between urban good governance and city urban situation in some aspects could be assessed. This study indicates that urban good governance in different categories of global cities (especially among the highest category and others) has significant meaningful difference.
Dr Mohammad Bagher Najafi, Dr Jamal Fathollahi, Mrs. Farahnaz Mohamadpoor,
Volume 19, Issue 1 (4-2019)
This paper aims to explain the role of good governance in the realization of the knowledge-based economy within a quadruple helix innovation system (QHIS). It employs an analytical-descriptive method, while focusing on the econometric models within Eviews9 software environment. Theoretically, the paper is based on institutionalism approach. The interaction of good governance and knowledge-based economy is described after defining the concepts of QHIS. Then, the relationships between innovation (as the goal of innovation systems and knowledge-based economy) and good governance indicators are evaluated within an econometric model. To do this, good governance indicators in Iran are compared to those of the Northern Europe and South-Easter Asia as regions enjoying high scores in knowledge-based economy indicators. The findings indicate the impact of good governance on realization of the knowledge-based economy through various channels including property rights, enforcement of contracts, domestic and foreign investment, brain drain, human capital development, and research and development. Alike the conceptual part of paper, the results reveal positive and significant relationships among good governance indicators and innovation. Considering the importance of good governance in realizing a knowledge-based economy, good governance index is selected as the fourth helix in QHIS for Iran.
Volume 20, Issue 1 (5-2016)
Accountability as an element of good governance has long been in the core attention of Public Law and Politics scholars. Despite this, the concept of accountability and its dimensions are ambiguous, and sometimes, there exists confusion. This article tries to achieve the concept of accountability through functional democracy according to its object(i.e. allocating power). According to this definition, accountability is a two -dimensional concept and consists of “Answerability” and “Enforcement”: which achieving each of them needs two preconditions: transparency and rule of law. Furthermore, even if one or two of them are missing, we may still legitimately speak of acts of accountability.
Irrefutably clarifying the position of accountability in democracy and good governance can be useful for understanding this concept. Accountability is a concept with the emergence of which the concerns about limiting, control, monitoring and balancing the power can be fulfilled.
Mr Ali Rashid Shamkhal, Dr Kambiz Paykarjou, Dr Beitollah Akbari Moghaddam,
Volume 25, Issue 1 (3-2025)
Aim and Introduction
Seigniorage, in addition to being a crucial economic tool, holds a significant position in terms of governance for governments. The way governments manage the power obtained through seigniorage can be influenced by granting independence to the central bank or by adhering to principles of good governance within social institutions. Good governance has several positive effects on government revenues and efficiency. While the use of seigniorage may initially appear as a natural right of governments, if it leads to a faster growth rate of money compared to economic growth, it can result in inflation and impose inflationary taxes.
According to the theory of financial dominance, the practice of monetizing deficits undermines the independence of the central bank, rendering it unable to exercise proper monetary control and policymaking. In countries that are members of the OPEC cartel, where government budgets are often closely tied to oil revenues, budget deficits can be influenced by fluctuations in oil prices, which can incentivize governments to use seigniorage more frequently. Additionally, in the context of good governance, covering up government inefficiency and corruption can also serve as an incentive for increased use of seigniorage. This research focuses on exploring the relationship between good governance and seigniorage in OPEC member countries that have access to oil revenues.
This study has employed a panel vector autoregression model to investigate the relationship between good governance and seigniorage among the member countries of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) during the period of 1995-2020.
Among the OPEC members, four out of the six facets of good governance were found to have a negative correlation with the government's use of seigniorage. However, no statistically significant correlation was observed between other facets, namely changes in political stability and the absence of violence and terrorism, government effectiveness, and the government's use of seigniorage. The findings also indicated long-term effects of good governance shocks, as an institutional factor, on seigniorage, lasting for up to seven years. Therefore, this study cautiously confirms the negative correlation between the good governance index and the government's use of seigniorage.
Discussion and Conclusion
In OPEC member countries, where governments also control oil revenues, good governance can play a role in managing these revenues. Oil revenues have two effects on government decisions; an income effect and a monetary effect. In terms of income, it increases the government's available revenues, while in terms of money, it can contribute to the country's monetary base. However, unless the domestic equivalent of money is received from the central bank and introduced into the domestic economy, it does not lead to a change in the monetary base and inflationary effects. In countries with active and effective social institutions, better governance enables governments to use oil revenues more efficiently, often directing them towards investment funds to increase the country's wealth. Therefore, the impact of oil revenues on seigniorage in OPEC member countries is determined by the combined effect of these two outcomes. Furthermore, good and efficient governance by the government leads to a reduction in government expenditures, subsequently reducing the need for inflationary financing and the use of seigniorage. Good governance, considering factors such as responsiveness and the political costs of the government when using seigniorage, increases the costs and reduces the government's inclination to rely on inflationary financing.
The research results did not indicate a negative relationship between the variables of "political stability and absence of violence/terrorism" and "government effectiveness." Several factors may contribute to this finding, including the fact that the studied countries are developing nations where government expenditures increase significantly with improved political stability through development programs. Moreover, except for Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, the government's efficiency in most OPEC member countries is somewhat negative and exhibits low volatility, which may explain the lack of significant impact from changes in government effectiveness on seigniorage.
As various studies have confirmed, improving good governance has positive effects on economic growth. With some caution, this research suggests that enhancing good governance leads to less inflationary financing and reduced government reliance on seigniorage. Therefore, establishing the necessary conditions for better governance in OPEC member countries can help curb inflation, which is one of the main consequences of the government's reliance on seigniorage. Establishing good governance based on appropriate economic, political, cultural, and social structures is feasible, but the decision and willingness of rulers to implement it undoubtedly remain among the most influential factors in this endeavor.
The investigation of good governance and the seigniorage in Iran also demonstrates that Iran relies more on the average OPEC members for inflationary financing or using the seigniorage, and its governance indicators are lower than the selected countries' average. Therefore, based on the results obtained from the analysis of responce functions in empirical analysis, it is essential to pay attention to changing and improving the methods of governance and administration of the country. This way, monetary governance can be improved, and the government's use of the seigniorage can be limited
Volume 25, Issue 3 (10-2021)
Social resilience is one of the most important tools in the context of decent urban governance to reduce tensions and the negative consequences of various crises. In order to make Ardabil resilient, we need to deepen our understanding of the current situation and move towards more sustainable solutions that can provide a good starting point. Linking a decent governance approach with social resilience helps to prevent spatial, social, economic and other vulnerabilities in cities and to increase capacity to deal with slow and sudden changes. Looking to the future can be important and necessary in order to recognize the appropriate drivers and scenarios to increase the social resilience of Ardabil city.
Research Methods:
The present research is applied and descriptive-analytical in terms of method, which is in line with the basics of futuristic science with an exploratory and an analysis of the state of social resilience in Ardabil city. In this regard, the collection of data in the theoretical part by documentary method and in the practical part by survey, were based on Delphi technique. Mick Mac software and Wizard scenario have been used to analyze the data.
Analysis and Research Findings:
In the present study, considering that the goal is to identify the most important determinants and influential factors in increasing the social resilience of Ardabil city within the framework of proper urban governance, effective variables (because they are the most influential indicators), risk variables (because high capacity to become key system factors) and regulatory variables (which have the potential to become risk variables and secondary targets) are used as the most important determinants, for a total of 12 key factors. Of these 12 factors, two variables of "participation of civil society and the private sector in planning" and "participation of civil, social and cultural institutions in policy making and resource planning" are merged, due to the thematic similarity, in a variable called "participation of public institutions and the private sector in planning, resource planning, and policy making”. Finally, 11 key factors were identified that after identifying the most important factors, different situations (possible situations related to key factors) for each of the different situations were considered about improving social resilience in Ardabil within the framework of proper urban governance. The number of these situations is designed to fit the circumstances of each factor. In fact, these situations related to each of the factors can be considered as drivers and strategies to improve the social resilience of Ardabil city and are likely to occur. Finally, 31 possible situations for the future of social resilience in Ardabil were considered within the framework of proper governance, of which 17 were possible favorable conditions; 6 were possible static states and 8 were possible critical states.
Given the output of MicMac software, which shows the extent of the system's instability, it is best to take steps to resolve critical situations so that the system moves towards stability and the factors influencing the first scenario have a positive impact. Facilitating the intervention of citizens, increasing the number of urban NGOs and forming volunteer organizations are among the highest values of compatibility related to key factors in the future of social resilience in Ardabil.
Volume 26, Issue 1 (8-2019)
One of the challenges of the Islamic Republic of Iran during her forty years since the 1979 revolution is the bewilderment for the realization of social justice. Although it is argued that the lack of social justice during the Pahlavi regime finally resulted in the Islamic Revolution, failure in the improvement of social justice indices after the revolution, especially after the end of the war between Iran and Iraq in 1988, has resulted in governance policies that are contrary to social justice. Given that social justice in Iran is not desirable and the current situation in Iran, forty years after the revolution, does not resemble much the ideals of the revolutionary leaders for establishing social justice, the present article, by referring to reliable data and using analytical-descriptive method, attempts to show that the governance practices in Iran have not been able to realize social justice which entails taking into consideration the successful international experiences and implementation of the good governance practices.