Showing 34 results for Structural Equation Modeling
Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)
The present study was aimed to investigate the effect of predicting variables of quality of life (hexagonal capitals, place attachment, benefiting of governmental services) and psychological coping strategies of Iranian farmer families facing climate variability. The method this research was survey, and the current research was analyzed using structural equation modeling. The participants were all farmer families living in the villages. The data were collected with a questionnaire and a stratified random sampling method. Findings revealed that variables of the proposed model were able to explain 69% of the changes quality of life under climate variability conditions. The results demonstrated that hexagonal capitals and place attachment had a positive and significant impact on psychological coping strategies and quality of life of farmer families. The implementation of specific interventions with the aim of farmers’ capitals reinforcement, paying attention to rural infrastructures and psychological interventions in order to enhance the resistance capacity of farmer families against climate variability has been recommended.
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2014)
Various researches indicates that family businesses are short-timed and faced with challenges to their survival. Succession planning is one of the main challenges have posed by these companies. This paper reviews the process of succession planning and main factors affecting it. Therefore two independent variables (leadership style and employee maturity) are considered and hypothesized that they have direct relationship with the succession process in the family businesses. The statistical sample was included 45 family businesses working in Khorasan-e-Razavi and hypothesis have been tested using structural equation modeling and all of them were confirmed. Responders to the questionnaire were selected among senior managers and high talented employees who has the chance of being senior managers. It has been suggested that senior executives in family businesses, firstly choose their leadership style in accordance with the maturity level of their employees and more importantly do the succession planning process.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (7-2016)
In today’s modern world, increasing pollutions and environmental problems is clear and this matter cause governments and organizations worry or anxiety. These worries lead a new concept named Green product development. This study aimed at investigating the effect of green product development on the organizational performance. To achieve this goal, after investigating literature of each variables, a conceptual modern with eight hypothesizes was presented in which hypothesizes were investigated and through active companies in small and medium size industries of Yazd. In this investigation, we used structural equation modelling approach based on partial least squares method. The results of this study show that green product development effects directly on the environmental performance and organization operating performance. And the effects tortuous use the mediator role of environmental performance and operating performance on the organizational performance and organization marketing performance. In the end, based on the general effect of green product development on organizational performance, application suggestions for doing actions related to green product development, environmental performance, operating performance, and organization marketing performance in small and medium sized industries of Yazd were presented.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (11-2016)
Competency oriented approach to human resources development is considered as one of important empowering strategies in successful organizations. In recent years, emotional and social managers’ competencies and relational competencies have been demonstrated by several research studies. The purpose of current study was to examine the impact of Emotional and Social Managers’ Competencies on improving the technical, contextual and behavioral employees’ competencies.
Research method was descriptive – correlation and Employees of Fars gas organization was the research population from which 162 employees were selected based on cluster sampling method. Data was collected through two standard questionnaires, Emotional and Social Competencies (ESC) inventory by Boyatzis (2007) and employees Competencies with Based on the Eye Competency Model of the International Project Management Association (2010). Structural equation modeling (SEM) used to analyze the gathered data.
Results show that that emotional and social managers’ Competencies predicts the technical, contextual and behavioral employees’ competencies.
Volume 7, Issue 3 (12-2017)
Over the past decades, Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERP) have become one of the most important developments in the use of information technology. ERP implementation projects which involve large groups of organization's resources are usually large and complex. There are evidences of high failure in ERP projects. Therefore, attention to ERP system success or failure factors is critical. Governance is one of factors that had been considered as influencing factors of ERP success in some researches, so this study intends to investigate direct relation between IT governance practice and ERP system success. This paper used an adapted model from the widely used Delone and McLean's model of IS success for assessing ERP value. With considering the relationship between governance aspects and the variable of adopted IS success model, the conceptual model and assumptions of this study were developed. Data gathered by questionnaire and based on responses from MAPNA group companies' members. Then structural equation modeling and Smart PLS software were used for analyzing survey data. According to obtained results, governance has a substantial relation with ERP system success.
Volume 7, Issue 3 (12-2017)
This study intends to identify the dimensions and components of the humanitarian supply chain in post-disaster of earthquake and present conceptual model to measure it. After designing the questionnaire and determine its validity and reliability, the questionnaire was distributed between managers and rescuers in partner organizations in helping in earthquakes affected areas Bam in Kerman, Varzaqan-Ahar in east Azerbaijan and Dashti in Boshehr and finally the 284 questionnaires were completed by managers and rescuers in the case studies. Confirmatory factor analysis in order to assess the content validity of the questionnaire is used first, and then to evaluate the importance and performance of these measures in relevant organizations, the one sample t-test method was conducted, and with the help of importance-performance matrix, areas for improvement of components and dimensions are identified and strategies to improve humanitarian supply chain performance in post-disaster of earthquake was presented.
Therefore, the research method is applied and in terms of gathering information tool is descriptive-correlation. The findings indicate, the components of ““supervision of custodian organizations on construction” and “Coordination between partners in rebuilding” were evaluated high importance and low performance and were located in critical area and they are in the first priority. Also, the components of “Correct assessment of damages and needed Equipment and resources for rebuilding” and “provide continuous psychological support and advice to Survivors” were evaluated in high importance and high performance and they are in the next priority.
Volume 8, Issue 3 (3-2019)
The diversity of the skills required in project management and the demand for learning them as one of the main sources of competitive advantage in organizations is growing. One of the ways to learn project management capabilities is through other organizations and people. Inter-organizational learning is the way in which different organizations in an alliance collaborate, share knowledge, and learn from one another. This research focuses mainly on project management capabilities inter-organizational learning process and also on factors affecting it. By using explorative studies, a theoretical model for project management capabilities inter-organizational learning is developed and research hypotheses are formulated based on this model. The data collected from 34 organizational units responsible for different project management functions in two international consortiums of Iran petroleum industry is analyzed and then by using the structural equation modeling, the relationships between research variables are tested. Fitting indices of the model and impact factors between variables resulted from data analysis mostly shows acceptable fit and very strong relationship between components of the model. Finally, suggestions to be used by project based organizations as well as suggestions for future studies are presented along with research results.
Volume 9, Issue 2 (4-2007)
This survey-study carried out among 360 randomly selected farmers living in drought-prone areas of Fars Province, Iran, set out to investigate the perceptions and psychologi-cal coping strategies of farmers when facing drought. Results showed that farmers per-ceived drought as a threat to all of their resources (material, conditions, personal, social and energies) and used emotion-focused and reactive problem-focused coping strategies rather than problem-focused strategies that require planning and being innovative to counteract its psychological consequences. Using structural equations modeling (SEM), relationships between perceived resource loss and the way farmers cope with drought were tested. Problem-focused coping was predicted by a greater loss of objects (e.g., yield, work utilities, land) and personal resources (e.g. motivation, patience and self-efficacy), but a smaller loss of energies (e.g. time and money). Predictors of emotion-focused coping were a greater loss of objects and energies, but smaller losses of condition and personal resources. The implications for educational interventions are discussed.
Zahra Nasrolahi, Mohammad Reza Farzanegan, Samaneh Talei Ardakani,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (7-2012)
In this article, after defining a conceptional framework for defining and measuring shadow economy in Iran a close attention is also paid to a more precise definition of shadow economy itself. It is also tried to estimate it's changing process and size during 1975-2007 based on the new definition. Direct and indirect approaches are also briefly discussed to estimate the shadow economy. Then, the strengths and weaknesses of each method are pointed out. So far, almost all of the researches carried out in Iran regarding estimation of shadow economy have mainly focused on structural equation modeling approach using Lisrel. Here in this paper for the first time both structural equation modeling software programs of Amos Graphics and Lisrel are applied to estimate the shadow economy in Iran. A comparison of the process and output of both software packages is also done in this research. Finally, in addition to investigating the direct effects of the causal variables, the interactional effects of them on latent variable of the shadow economy are also analyzed.
Volume 12, Issue 5 (12-2021)
In order to engage students in higher-level thinking, cognitive activation (CA) strategies have been advanced and utilized in mathematics. CA develops when learners are challenged, confronted with conflicts, asked to think and explain clearly on their learning, and realize connections between new and previous content. Extending the theme to English language teaching (ELT), this study investigated Iranian English language teachers’ knowledge and practice of cognitive activation writing strategies (CAWS). In so doing, a model was proposed based on a questionnaire that was developed and validated in the present study. Through this scale, knowledge and practice of CAWS by 213 English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers were explored. During a pilot phase, the reliability of the questionnaire was calculated to be .78 for the knowledge section and .81 for the practice section. Two items in each section were removed after conducting exploratory factor analysis. Ultimately, the confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the proposed model was fit for the data. Five components were confirmed as constituents of CAWS for the knowledge section, and four components were identified for the practice section. The findings revealed that Iranian EFL teachers were already familiar with the CAWS and purportedly practiced them in their writing classes. Using the scale in the process of writing instruction can provide ELT practitioners with a helpful platform for relating to CA strategies and empowers learners to accomplish tasks such as problem-solving in their writing assignments, similar to what is practiced in mathematics.
Volume 14, Issue 3 (5-2012)
Despite considerable effort in developing climate information and demonstrating the potential benefits available to farmers, use of the climate information by farmers in farming decisions has not changed. The present research employed the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) as a theoretical framework to analyze the antecedents of agricultural climate information use behaviour. Fars Province wheat growers (n= 314) were administered a questionnaire survey that measured standard TPB constructs. The data and hypotheses were examined using structural equation modeling (SEM) by AMOS 7. Results from the maximum likelihood estimation showed that attitude was positively related to farmers’ climate information use in farming decisions. Thus, greater attitude (instrumental and affective) toward use of information in farming decisions was associated with stronger intention to engage in behaviour. Chi-square tests and fit indices indicated good fit for the final structural models. The results of this study demonstrated that the modified theory of planned behaviour provided a significant improvement on the model fit by adding a direct causal path linking attitude to behaviour. Applicability of the theory of planned behavior for measuring levels of wheat growers’ climate forecast use and the implications for future research are discussed.
Volume 14, Issue 3 (5-2023)
Teachers’ classroom management plays a potent role in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, especially in relation to other psychological variables, namely self-efficacy and personality types. Consequently, the present study aimed at generating a structural equation model of evidence to better illustrate the relationship among classroom management, self-efficacy, and personality types as well as the pertinent sub-scales. A sample of 249 Iranian EFL teachers completed three questionnaires including the Behavior and Instructional Management Scale, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Personality Type, and Teacher Efficacy Scale. The structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and the schematic illustration confirmed the hypothesized model (x2df = 1.28; RMSEA=.03; RMR =.03; GFI =.98; AGFI=.95; NFI =.98; CFI =.99; IFI =.99; TLI=.98), revealing significant internal interplay among the classroom management approaches, self-efficacy, personality types, and their sub-scales. The results of multiple regression further confirmed the direction of the path model illuminating the predictability power of the teachers’ personality types and their self-efficacy concerning the EFL teachers’ classroom management approaches. In other words, EFL teachers’ personality types and self-efficacy can predict their classroom management approaches. The study offered pedagogical implications for teachers, policymakers, and stockholders.
Volume 14, Issue 4 (3-2011)
Design and implementation of QMS will cause to the improvement of
organizational performance if it concerns on the especial characteristics of the
organization. In general, previous studies have obtained different results about
the effect of QMS (7 main practices) on organizational performance (4 main
practices). In this survey, the relationship between QMS and organizational
performance practices is analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling. The
results showed that QMS practices have a significant relationship with the
employee’s satisfaction, customer satisfaction and organization effectiveness,
but the relationship between financial practice and QMS is not significant.
Volume 15, Issue 3 (11-2011)
Inter-Organizational Relationships Modeling: Investigating the Effects of Relational Factors on Collaborative Structures
Ebrahim Teimoury1, Mehdi Fesharaki2, Afshar Bazyar3
1- Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering Department, Iran university of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
2- Associate Professor, Computer Engineering Department, Malekashter University, Tehran, Iran
3- Ph.D. Candidate, Industrial Engineering Department, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
Received: 3 /1/2010 Accept: 24/4/2011
Inter-organizational relationships are studied in three dimensions including relational structural, and outcome. The main objective of this research is to study the relationships between relational factors and their impact on the forming of structures. Therefore, via defining operational variables for power, risk perception, control and trust, as relational variables, the impacts of these variables on collaborative structures were investigated. The relationships between these variables, in the form of some hypotheses and a conceptual model, were examined using a sample including 112 high ranked managers. The results indicated that unbalanced power has a positive effect on relational risk perception. Relational risk perception itself is a positive predictor for safeguard control and a negative predictor for commitment-based trust. On the other hand, safeguard control is a negative predictor for collaborative structure while commitment-based trust is a positive predictor for such kind of structures. Further investigation revealed that commitment-based trust does not have a significant effect on collaborative structure while it has passed a threshold, and safeguard control does not have a negative effect on collaborative structure while it has not passed a threshold.
Volume 16, Issue 3 (9-2012)
The contribution of the service sector in the global economy is rising nowadays and organizations are the key elements of this economical sector. The customer-orientation and attempting to enhance the performance are playing a fundamental role in the organizations success and effectiveness. The present study assesses the organizational effectiveness, using the structural equation modeling (SEM) statistical approach. As the main dependent variable, the organizational effectiveness has considered as a function of customer satisfaction and objectives attainment scales. Data was gathered from two customers population and managers population of the governmental banks of Dezfoul township, using two separate questionnaires. Based on the SEM approach, the 5 and 4 sub-scales of the customer satisfaction and objectives attainment scales were considered as observed variables. The same scales and the main dependent variable, effectiveness, were also defined as unobserved or latent variables and their interrelationship was then analysed constructing a second-order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) model. Results confirmed the fitness and validity of all two measurment models for customer satisfaction and objectives attainment scales and also the second-order CFA for assessment of effectiveness, based on the gathered data. The precedence of the magnitude and significance of direct and indirect effects of the customer satisfaction and its sub-scales compared to the objectives attainment and its sub-scales on the organizational effectiveness is another part of results.
Volume 19, Issue 4 (7-2017)
The aim of this survey was to investigate the effect of entrepreneurial orientation and marketing capabilities on greenhouses businesses performance. The statistical population of the study consisted of all the greenhouse owners in Jiroft County (N= 1022). A sample size of 246 was selected using a stratified random sampling method (n= 246). Data was collected through a questionnaire. Content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of experts. Construct validity and composite reliability of the research instrument were tested by estimating the measurement model and they were satisfactory after making the necessary corrections. The data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling technique. Results indicated that the total mean of the greenhouse businesses performance was at a level of lower than average and the customer performance had the highest average among the three dimensions of performance. Also, results showed that the two variables of entrepreneurial orientation (ρ-value= 0.001, β= 0.354) and marketing capabilities (ρ-value= 0.001, β= 0.501) had significant and positive effects on greenhouse businesses performance; accordingly, research hypotheses were supported. Based on the results of the study, planning and effort to improve and strengthen entrepreneurial orientation and marketing capabilities in greenhouses can considerably increase performance and sustain their activity in the competitive environment.
Volume 20, Issue 3 (5-2018)
In recent years, rural marketing has gained significant importance as a driver of economic growth. However, one of the main problems in the production cycle in rural areas is inefficient marketing. Today, the quantitative and qualitative improvement in rural marketing requires accurate and up to date information. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) provide this information. So, survey applications of ICTs are very important in rural marketing mix. A questionnaire survey was conducted on members of rural cooperatives in Garmsar, Iran. Descriptive statistics and structural equation modelling were used to analyze the data using SPSS20 and AMOS20 software, respectively. The descriptive results showed that the rural marketing mix is undesirable. In addition, ICT capabilities have much role in boosting the rural marketing mix. The order of the effects of ICT capabilities on components of this mix are as follows: diffusion capabilities on the promotion (68%), and on the price (31%), location capabilities on the place (54%), and efficiency capabilities on the product (0.33%) and on the price (28%). Moreover, on the basis of the findings from the structural equation modelling, among the four ICT capabilities i.e. diffusion, location, efficiency, and financial, the impact of the financial capabilities of ICT on the price were more than that of the other capabilities (%0.77).
Volume 21, Issue 1 (1-2019)
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effect of Organizational Learning (OL) on the relationship between Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) and Organizational Performance (OP). The target population of the study comprised of all experts of Agriculture Jihad Organization (AJO) of West Azerbaijan Province in the northwest of Iran (N= 1004). Two hundred and forty subjects were selected using a stratified random sampling method based on Bartlett et al. (2001) Table. A structured questionnaire was used to obtain data and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) multivariate technique was used to analyze the data. The results showed that EO had a statistically significant positive effect on OP (P-value= 0.001, β= 0.660) and explained about 44% of its variances. Moreover, the variable OL mediated the relationship between EO and OP (P-value= 0.001, β= 0.423). After inclusion of OL as mediating variable in the model, the predictive power of the model increased by 17%. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that it is necessary for AJO to strengthen OL and its components in order to maximize the effect of EO on OP.
Volume 21, Issue 3 (12-2017)
Affective factors roles on export is an interesting issues. Export is mainly vital for a company. This survey studies effect of resource – based view of human resource on company export performance regarding mediation role of commitment to export and on base of solidarity study. Research population contains staffs in different companies and Sample size using Cochran formula was 248. A 47 questions questionnaire used to collect data for measuring relationship between variables. Its content and construct validity and reliability were confirmed in two ways questionnaire using Cronbach's alpha of 0/905. Data analyzed using structural equation modeling by Amos 21 software. Research findings show that the resource-oriented approach to employees has a significant indirect effect on export performance through the role of mediator of export commitment.
Volume 21, Issue 3 (5-2019)
In the present research, the health belief model was used as a framework for understanding the factors affecting farmers’ intentions to engage in the on-farm food safety practices in Iran. The suggested model was empirically tested using the data collected from a survey of 230 lettuce producers of Alborz Province in northern Iran. The structural equation modeling technique was utilized to test the hypothesized relationships in the research model and confirmatory factor analysis was used to examine the validity and reliability of the measurement model. The results revealed that the perceived barrier was the most reliable predictor of the farmers’ intentions to engage in the on-farm food safety practices. Further, the variables including perceived benefit, self-efficacy, and cues to action were among the main predictors of the intention. Most notably, the threat perception variables, i.e. perceived susceptibility and severity, had no significant effects on the farmers’ intentions to engage in the on-farm food safety practices. Overall, the main components of the health belief model explained about 45.6% of the variance of intention. The findings gave preliminary support for the health belief model as a powerful framework for scrutinizing the intention to engage in food safety behaviors, offering a reasonable explanation for the farmers’ engagement intention in on-farm food safety practices, and providing practical information that can be incorporated into the development of more effective on-farm food safety interventions in Iran.