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Showing 12 results for Stock Exchange

Volume 7, Issue 4 (2-2018)

Rapid technological changes, intense competition of enterprises, and globalization have transformed the phenomenon of financial distress and corporate bankruptcy into a major issue in financial and investment literature. Bankruptcy attracted the attention of financial sector activists, including investors, lenders, suppliers, business partners, and governments. Considering the role of intellectual capital in organizations, one can expect that companies with a richer intellectual capital are more intelligent in avoiding bankruptcy. The purpose of this research is to investigate the role of intellectual capital and its components (including human capital, structural capital, and customer capital) on firms’ probability of bankruptcy in Tehran Stock Exchange. For this purpose, the data of 147 firms from Tehran Stock Exchange that are selected by systematic elimination method were studied during time period of 1387 to 1393. In order to measure the intellectual capital, the PULIC model applied and to assess the probability of bankruptcy, conversion of Zscore results (from Altman Model) to the probability used. Also, to test hypotheses, multivariate regression models with hybrid data have been used. The results of the hypothesis test show that intellectual capital and its components have reverse (negative) and significant effects on the firms’ probability of bankruptcy in Tehran Stock Exchange.

Reza Najarzadeh, . Akbar Godari,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (10-2008)

The purpose of this article is to find out if the use of different Technical Trading Rules provide higher returns than the Simple Trading Rules and whether the former has a more predicting power when it comes to stock prices. Some researchers have shown that the technical rules have been quit successful in newly established markets such as in Malaysia, Taiwan and Thailand even though they have not been very successful in the markets of developed countries such as in Japan and Hong Kong. Some economists consider the inefficiency of some of today's markets as good opportunities to employ the technical approach to make a profit. This paper examines the level of profitability of trading using the Moving Averages Rules at the Tehran Stock Exchange Market. The results show that using variable length moving average rules yield a higher profitability when compared to the simple trading rules even though the profitability rates are different given different time length. Moreover, it was observed that the short-run moving averages yield better results than the long-run moving averages.

Volume 10, Issue 2 (10-2020)

This study investigates effects of managers' overconfidence on quality of auditing and audit fees for companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange. To estimate model and test research hypotheses, 128 companies were selected as a sample from 1389 to 1396. After conducting descriptive statistics’ tests, stationary, correlation, F-Lemmer and Hausman tests were performed to determine the type of estimation model. Finally, the panel data method with fixed effects was determined for regression analysis. Results indicate that there is a positive effects for the managers’ overconfidence on the quality of auditing and audit fees, as well as positive effects of audit quality on the cost of auditing.
Mirfieyz Falah Shams, Mahmood Mohammadi,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2011)

Price manipulation in the Tehran Stock Exchange has been one of the most widely discussed issues among academic and professional practitioners in recent years. In this article, we first calculated the abnormal Returns- significance difference between actual and risk-based adjusted expected returns- by using an autoregressive test, for all 130 accepted firms in the Tehran stock market during 2002-2006, which seemed to be manipulated, since they had experienced great fluctuations in their stock prices. For any firm, if changes in share prices are not at random and/or its stock prices are autocorrelated with the past ones, it can be concluded that the firm is under a price manipulation. In the next stage, we have developed a binary logit regression model for predicting the firms' price manipulation based on four factors i.e. the information transparency, the liquidity of the shares, the size (capital) of the firm and the P/E ratio. Finally, the model efficiency for predicting price manipulation in the Tehran Stock Exchange is validated by using appropriate statistical tests such as, The Wald, Likelihoods Function, and the Wilk's Lambda tests. The results showed that the model is efficient and robust for predicting the price manipulation (P<0.05, Wilk's Lambda=0.205; Cox & Snell R2=0.792 ,0.799; -2Log likelihood= 27.49).

Volume 11, Issue 20 (12-2007)

Capital markets play important roles in economic development of countries and financial policy makers are very interested to have more information about the stock markets attractiveness for investors. One of the most important questions about the stock markets is about the relationship between the attraction of stock market investments with out-of-stock market investments. This paper aimed at investigating the relationship between the out of stock investments (bank deposits and governmental industrial development bonds investments) with the attractiveness of investing in Tehran Stock Exchange (market liquidity and capitalization). The results, at 95% confidence level, revealed that there is a significant positive association between these two markets (monetary and capital markets). The results also implied that investment in these two markets not only is not competitive but complementary.Accordingly, it is concluded that out-of-stock market investments do not reduce stock market investment attraction. This finding is very important when investors will build up a portfolio investment in Iranian markets.
Firouzeh Azizi, Hassan Khodavaisi, Fatemeh Johari,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (7-2012)

In Economics literature many studies tried to examine whether stocks are perfect hedge against inflation. The answer is not conclusive. In this paper, using data from Tehran stock market, the relationship between inflation and stock returns during April 1991 till March 2009 is reexamined. The empirical results have shown that Fisher Hypothesis, which asserts that stocks are perfect hedge against inflation, has been rejected and also it is revealed that stocks are a weak hedge against inflation in Tehran stock market. Fama has already tried to explain why Fisher hypothesis did not hold in some situations. In this paper Fama hypothesis is examined and it is found out that Fama explanation for the rejection of the Fisher hypothesis is hardly acceptable and the negative relationship between inflation and real rate of return of the stocks in Tehran stock market can be attributed to temporary part of the inflation.
Seyed-Nezamuddin Makiyan, Mahin Raeisi,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (1-2015)

Achieving economic growth requires an optimal allocation system of resources at national level. This is not possible without a perfect and efficient financial market. The stock exchange as a part of capital market can provide the required national financial resources and lead to economic growth. In the capital market, information is regarded as the most valuable asset. The more the transparency of information in the stock exchange, the lower the information asymmetry and the more efficient capital market will be. This study aims to analyze the effects of the ownership share of institutional investors, the board size, the role of non-executive board and separation of chief executive officer and chairman of the board roles (separation variable) on information asymmetry in the stock exchange. It estimates a panel data regression for the companies listed in the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) during the fourth national development plan. The results indicate that the ownership share of institutional investors and board size have negative effects on information asymmetry, while the ratio of non-executive members to board size and separation variable have no significant effects on information asymmetry. 

Volume 15, Issue 1 (2-2011)

This paper seeks to investigate the initial aftermarket performance of 142 ‎Iranian IPOs listed on Tehran Stock Exchange for the period 1997-2005 to ‎contribute to the growing body of international evidence on the anomalous ‎performance of IPOs in the short run. The results suggest that Iranian IPOs ‎are underpriced on the initial trading window of 1 through 4-weeks on ‎average of 14.85%, as are almost all IPOs in different countries. In terms of ‎industry sub-sectors, the adjusted initial underpricing is 70.24% for minerals, ‎‎62.31% for oil and nuclear fuel, and 1.12% for multimedia industries. ‎Finally, the investigation of possible factors influencing the high initial ‎positive returns in TSE (the size of the issue, age of the issuing firm, ‎financial risk of the issuing firm, gross proceeds from the issue, market ‎sentiment, offer rate and the institutional ownership of the issue) indicates ‎that the offer rate and financial risk of the issuing firm are significant ‎determinants of the initial underpricing of Iranian IPOs. As such, the results ‎yield strong support for the signaling hypothesis as possible explanation for ‎the underpricing phenomenon on the Iranian IPO market.‎
Bahram Sahabi, Hossein Sadeghi, Vali Khorsandi,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (4-2015)

This study computes the value at risk (VAR) of metal ores and pharmaceutical industries in Tehran Stock Exchange by using parametric approach (GARCH Models) and semi-parametric approach (the combination of Wavelet Analysis and GARCH). The results and evaluation of two approaches confirms the hypothesis indicating better and more efficient performance of Semi-parametric approach compared with that of parametric methods. In fact, in high confidence levels, the semi-parametric approach proposed has lower MSE and failure rates compared to parametric approach. On the other hand, investing in pharmaceutical industry due to the increasing health needs, increase in life expectancy and its effect on public health is less-risky than that of metal ores industry.

Volume 17, Issue 3 (9-2013)

Abstract: Illogical limits of the stock prices have led to ambiguities in optimal resource allocations. Price limit prevents increase or decrease in stock prices with respect to the predetermined prices. There are different viewpoints on implementation of stock price limits. The negative or positive effects of implementing stock price limits haven’t yet been demonstrated. Those who advocate implementation of price limits claim that these measurements can reduce price volatility while not intervening in the transactions. On the contrary, the critics argue that price limit will make more volatility ( hypothesis of volatility extension), will prevent stock price to reach the balance level ( hypothesis for delay in reaching real price) and it will also intervene in transactions through limiting stock prices ( hypothesis of intervention in transactions). Different models and methods have been provided for measuring effectiveness of price limits in different global stock exchanges each of which are appropriate for certain conditions. To study the delay in reaching the real price, Z binomial test was used and Wilcoxon test was applied for studying intervention in transactions. 32 companies have been reviewed through the current research since 2000 to 2009. The results indicated that price limit can extend volatility and make delays in reaching the real prices. However, it doesn’t influence on intervening the transactions

Volume 19, Issue 1 (5-2015)

             Securities markets manipulation will affect their fairness, reduce public confidence in the markets, and prevent them play their role properly. Legal and economic paradigms disagree on the definition of manipulation, especially about how it can be distinguished from other activities and transactions. For various reasons such as efficiency and market integrity, investor’s protection and moral considerations, legal systems have prohibited it; and for dealing with it, they have set up civil, disciplinary and even criminal sanctions.  Information-based manipulation, action-based manipulation and trade-based manipulation are the main three types. The latter sort is important and more complicated.    
* Corresponding author’s E-mail:

Volume 22, Issue 1 (6-2018)

Corporate reputation is stakeholders overall assessment of company over time. The Corporate reputation could affect company's financial performance where company's financial performance could affect corporate reputation. Accordingly, it can explain relationship between these behaviors where relationship between the two can be considered. Therefore, in this study, the correlation between corporate reputation and financial performance is examined. For this purpose, 64 samples of listed companies on the Stock Exchange during the period of 2011-2015 were selected. Using simultaneous equations (3SLS) the interaction between them has studied. Results show that the corporate reputation and financial performance has positive interaction. The findings could be useful for investors, managers and other users to establish the relationship between corporate reputation and financial performance.

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