Showing 19 results for Rents
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2024)
The foreign policy of Saudi Arabia in the international system is, above all, the result of this country's competitive view of the Islamic Republic of Iran and security equations in the West Asian region. The present study, through documentary research and reflective analysis technique aims to explain how Saudi Arabia, in order to shape strategic depth, controls international waters, influences the political structure of African countries, and creates a stream of Salafi groups in Africa, and how it seeks to reduce Iran's power, pose a threat to Iran, and increase its offensive capacity. Saudi Arabia believes that Iran has a high offensive capability in the region and can easily become a country with aggressive and war-initiating power. By shaping the policy of expanding geopolitical and strategic depth, interventionism and dominating the cultural discourse of Saudi Arabia in Africa, it is trying to turn the security equations into acute security threats for the Islamic Republic with trans-regional balancing.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (6-2010)
This article discusses the democratization of access to higher education opportunities in Iran. Access to educational opportunities was studied through exploring the scores the national university entrance exams. The main research question was: "How the inequality in access to higher education opportunities is explained?"
To solve this problem, we constructed a theoretical model on the basis of capital theory:
Access to higher educational opportunities is the function of modernization of parents’ economic and cultural capital. The results showed that cultural capital weight in access to educational opportunities, is more than that of economic capital.
Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2013)
The process of learning never happens in vacuum, and the final product encompasses the various interactions between the language learner and the surrounding world. Most often, the language learner is assessed in a two-way relationship and in this respect, the academic environment and the classroom are the first and the last destinations, which are considered. Considering the importance of ecological and environmental factors in learning a foreign language, the present article tries to investigate the parents’ role in learning English language qualitatively. The amount of effective interaction between the parents and the child, the amount of accessibility to cultural goods such as computer and the Internet and that the effects of these goods on learning, as well as the parents` values with respect to learning English language were included as the purpose of this study. The study was conducted based on the following assumptions: (a) Intelligence and aptitude are not the only way toward success or failure in learning English language, and (b) there may be some discrepancies between the set of values advocated by schools and institutes with those of the parents. Thirty-five families participated in this study whose children were instructed in English language institutes in Mashhad. We interviewed all of these families as well as their children. The results revealed that families in both more-proficient and less-proficient learners use various strategies. At the end, some recommendations were given to improve the quality of education within families.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2018)
Aims: Adolescence is a golden chance for preventing the harms caused by unhealthy behaviors and it is the time for choosing a permanent healthy lifestyle. The aim of study was to evaluate the impact of educational program on parental nutritional social support among parents' female adolescents.
Materials & Methods: The present field trial was conducted from January to May, 2016. Sixty-three female adolescents (33 persons in intervention group and 30 persons in control group) with the age range of 12 to 15 years at schools of Isfahan, Iran, were selected by multistage random sampling method as the samples of the study. Samples were randomly allocated to two groups. Adolescents’ perceived and received social support from their parents was measured, using a researcher-made questionnaire, of which the validity and reliability were approved. The intervention included 3 educational sessions (each session took 2 hours) within a one-week interval for adolescents’ parents. One month after performing the educational intervention for parents, adolescents’ received and perceived social support for having a healthy diet was measured. The data were analyzed, using SPSS 19 and independent t test, paired t test, Chi square, and Mann-Whitney test.
Findings: There was no significant difference between two groups regarding the demographic characteristics of the two groups. Also, no significant difference was observed between the two groups after the intervention regarding the mean level of their perceived and received nutritional social support.
Conclusion: Educational intervention on parents does not increase perceived and received social support in early adolescents for receiving healthy nutrients.
Volume 7, Issue 2 (9-2017)
This study aims to explain the role of children in family purchase decisions based on the parent clusters with a market-oriented approach. Accordingly, the present study is exploratory in terms of objective and mixed and applied in terms of result. In the first step, 30 statements were extracted using in-depth interviews that after examining the face and content validity, and exploratory factor analysis in the pre-test, these statements were reduced to 29 and the final questionnaire was developed. To determine the sample size, the experimental rules were used, therefore given the 29 resulting statements, the sample size was obtained 290 that a total of 400 questionnaires with a share of 25% were distributed among four urbanite groups of parents in Mazandaran, among which 311 questionnaires were usable. To achieve the parents’ attitude factors, exploratory factor analysis was applied and after removing four statements during various stages, 25 remaining questions were classified in six factors. In the second step, using K--mean cluster analysis, three parent clusters (traditional, halfway and moderns) resulted from the hierarchical cluster analysis approach were analyzed based on six attitudinal factors. Results showed that in traditional, halfway and modern clusters, three factors are of paramount importance including interaction, product and time. Finally, by matching the demographic characteristics of the statistical sample with three parental clusters, recommendations were presented with a market-oriented approach among four types of footwear and clothing, educational, toys, food and drink products.
Volume 7, Issue 3 (7-2019)
Aims: Down syndrome (DS), as the most common cause of mental retardation causes many health problems for families. This study aimed to investigate the experiences of life problems for parents with a DS child.
Participants & Methods: This qualitative research was conducted using the conventional content analysis method on 21 Iranian parents with a DS child of over one year of age. Data were collected using online asynchronous interviews in 2017. Snowball sampling was continued until the data saturation was reached. Data collection and analysis were conducted simultaneously by qualitative content analysis.
Findings: Participants included 21 parents of children with DS in the age range of 28-49 years old. The analysis of qualitative data led to the extraction of three main themes, including "continuation of a difficult life", "inappropriate atmosphere of the community for acceptance of a child with DS", and "perceived future concerns".
Conclusion: The findings showed that parents of children with DS had major common concerns about taking care of their children. It is necessary for health policymaker and healthcare providers to pay more attention to the implementation of medical care and education programs for children with DS. Also, informing the community about DS helps to raise awareness and appropriate social interactions among the families and community members.
Volume 8, Issue 1 (3-2020)
Aims: One of the most common childhood disorders that cause many problems during school years is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This disorder requires counseling and treatment. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the effect of parents’ cognitive-behavioral group counseling on learning problems and anxiety of hyperactive children in primary school.
Materials & Methods: This experimental study with pretest-posttest design with control group was conducted on 60 parents of 7 to 13-year children who were referred to Counseling Center of Education Department of Ramhormoz, Khuzestan, Iran in 2017-2018 academic year. The subjects were selected by purposive sampling method and randomly assigned into two experimental (n=30) and control (N=30) groups. The ADHD of their children was assessed using Conner’s Parents Rating Scale. In experimental group, 9 sessions of cognitive-behavioral group counseling were conducted; however, the control group did not receive the intervention. After the sessions, hyperactivity of children in both groups was evaluated with the Conner’s Parent Parents Rating Scale. Data were analyzed by SPSS 21 using multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) and univariate analysis of covariance.
Findings: By controlling the pretest effect, a significant difference was observed between the experimental and control groups in terms of learning problems (F=177.94; p<0.001) and symptoms of anxiety (F=279.56; p<0.001).
Conclusion: Cognitive-behavioral group counseling for parents can reduce the symptoms of ADHD children in primary schools.
Volume 8, Issue 34 (6-2012)
Socialist, realist poetry is one of the important literary currents of Afghanistan in the recent decades, which has been highly promoted in the 1950s and 1960s in this country. The peak of this current transpired in late 1950s and early 1960s. the poets of this genre are modernist and usually write blank poems; although among them, poets who continue to compose classical poetry are also present. Overall, their poetry are reformist, and social in nature.
This current can be divided into two groups, prior and after the year 1978. The poems composed prior to the year 1978 maintain two main approaches of stating the appalling economic and social conditions and promoting the socialist ruling system. Meanwhile, the poems composed after the year 1978 until the fall of the communist regime, revolve round a number of topics; the most important of which include promotion of the political ruling system; and focus on the status of women.
Volume 9, Issue 1 (12-2017)
This article begins with the presupposition that the idea of the Islamic Revolution was born in historical social context and intellectual and political currents 20s, so the problem, it is that How did the religious, intellectual and political in this decade? Which has provided social and historical context for the sociological phenomenon as the revolution.
In order to obtain ideas of the Islamic Revolution in separate thematic analysis of leader and elites Islamic Revolution thought and in this study whit the searching the religious, intellectual and political situation in 20s, achieved this result that Revolutionary thought is closer to one of the intellectual and political currents of the decade.
Whereof four major currents of thought and political had social life in the that tract free space, after a brief mention of the status of that tract, will be discussed, to recognize these trends, but where of 57 Iran’s revolution have give Islamic indicating, most the focus of this article is to understand the ideas of the two branches of political Islamism, the religious fundamentalism and religious modernism in the 1320s. the religious fundamentalism is current that in the religious knowledge sees no need to change and is trying to extract answers all the questions and needs of modernity from religion in the from of pre-existing, not with a new understanding of religion, and religious modernism that includes a wide range, is trying to respond modernity to new understanding of religion that it leads to changes in religious knowledge in this paper is discussed in detail to the stream.
Volume 10, Issue 3 (7-2022)
Aims: This study aimed to examine the challenging experience of parents with hospitalized chronic kidney disease children in the nephrology department.
Participants & Methods: Using the content analysis approach, a qualitative study was carried out on 19 parents with chronic kidney disease children. The participants were selected through purposive sampling. For data gathering, in-depth, semi-structured, and face-to-face interviews were carried out and the collected data were analyzed through conventional content analysis.
Findings: Data analyses revealed two overarching categories of “confusion and the lack of support” and “chronic illness challenges.” The subcategories of category 1 were “insufficient information in parents and others” and “inadequate support.” Category 2 included the subcategories of “chronic nature of the disease” and “hard to manage the disease.”
Conclusion: Through creating a proper communication and supportive environment, the health team members can significantly assist parents.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (10-2024)
Aims: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder affects approximately 5.3% of children globally, causing significant functional challenges. This study examined the relationship between parental stress-coping strategies and the quality of life in children with this disorder.
Instrument & Methods: In this cross-sectional analysis, 220 children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (aged 8 to 12 years) and their parents were selected from medical centers affiliated with Babol University of Medical Sciences in 2023. Diagnoses were confirmed by a child and adolescent psychiatrist using DSM-5 criteria. Parents completed the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations-Short Form, while the children's quality of life was assessed using the Pediatric QoL Inventory.
Findings: Children rated their quality of life and its specific aspects higher than their parents did. A significant difference was observed only in the emotional coping strategy within the emotional functioning domain, where children in the high-quality-of-life group reported better scores (p=0.017). Other dimensions and coping strategies did not show statistically significant differences (p>0.05). Furthermore, from the parents' perspective, no significant associations were found between stress-coping strategies and their children's quality of life across any dimension (p>0.05).
Conclusion: Parental coping strategies, particularly those involving emotional support, play a key role in shaping the emotional experiences of children with ADHD.
Seyyed Mohammad Bagher Najafi, Farshad Momeni, Jamal Fathollahi, Bahieh Azzizipour,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (2-2016)
Realization of the knowledge-based economy model is a basic requirement for developing countries. In this model, knowledge plays important role in improving productivity. This paper claims that in a world where the economic ties are formed in terms of the knowledge-based economy, a resource-dependent economic model, regardless of productivity, is not a proper solution for the Iranian economy. Due to the necessity of moving from oil-based to knowledge-based economy in Iran, this paper studies the impact of oil revenues on productivity and realization of knowledge-based economy.
This research employs a descriptive – analytical method to define and identify characteristics of knowledge-based economy and examines the obstacles resulting from spending oil revenues in creating knowledge-based economy.
This paper finds that spending rents from oil revenues, through its reward structure and knowledge direction lead the Iran economy to the unproductive knowledge and consequently low rates of productivity and prevent the creation of productive knowledge, then prevent the realization of the knowledge-based economy in Iran.
Morteza Ezzati, Allahmorad Seif, Nader Mehregan, Mojtaba Maleki Shahrivar,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (8-2016)
This paper investigates the short-term and long-term effects of oil revenues on economic corruption in Iran using Autoregressive Distributed Lags (ARDL) model during 1979-2011. Findings indicate that increase (decrease) in oil revenues by one percent increases (decreases) per capita economic corruption by 0.29 percent in the long run. In addition, increases in government regulations indicator and government size by one percent reduce the per capita economic corruption by 1.95 and 1.63 percent, respectively. Moreover, one percent increase in trade openness results in increase in economic corruption per capita by 1.26 percent.
Dr Farzaneh Ahmadian Yazdi, Dr Masoud Homayounifar, Dr Mohammad Hossein Mahdavi Adeli, Dr Mohammad Ali Fallahi, Dr Seyed Mohammad Hosseini,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (4-2018)
Natural resources generate the major part of national wealth in resource-rich developing countries. Based on economic theories, if natural resource rents are reinvested continuously in other forms of capital, such countries can benefit from these resources. Thus, examining the mechanism of how to rents affect economic growth through capital accumulation channels is of great importance. Because of the importance of management of resource rents in achieving sustainable growth and development in resource-rich countries, this paper investigates the impacts of resource rents on accumulation of four kinds of capital (foreign, physical, human and social capital) in Iran during 1970-2014. To this end, a simultaneous equations system consisting of various capital forms is designed, and estimated by using Seemingly Unrelated Regression estimator. According to the findings, resource rents have positive effects on accumulation of foreign, human and social capital in Iran. But it is of negative effect on accumulation of physical capital. The results show that physical capital is affected by natural resource rents more than other kinds of capital. This is because of unproductive government investments in physical capital, hence not only resource rents increase physical capital but also they affect physical capital negatively.
Volume 19, Issue 4 (11-2019)
It is important in Hydraulic and river engineering to estimate the mean velocity and turbulence intensity to identify the presence of secondary currents, its shape and position. The flow of channels consists of three components of velocity: one in the direction of flow ,one in the transverse and the orther in the vertical directions of the channel. Due to the heterogeneity of the velocity fluctuations, a series of vortex vortices in the channel section to be formed which is called secondary currents cells. The secondary currents are dependent on factors such as bed roughness, channel slope and bed shear stress. The present study investigates the effect of bed roughness form on the pattern of secondary currents with numerical modeling in Flow-3D software by using RNG turbulent model. In order to successfully model and reduce the cost of simulating the near wall region, mesh sensitivity analysis has been done and numerical domain has been divided into some subdomains. This research has been carried out according to the data of the Negara laboratory model (for triangular roughness) carried out at the Hydraulic Laboratory of Singapore National University. In the results obtained from the mean velocity profile, the mean error for the roughness trough was 9.94% and for roughness crest was 3.71%. in the case of shear velocity, the error was obtained at three cross sections x=4m, x=5m and x=6m respectively 6.58%, 6.86% and 5.67% which demonstrated the good fit of the numerical model results with the reference laboratory model. The flow conditions in the channel were designed and studied for three geometries of roughness (with same height) ,i.e., rectangular roughness, trapezoidal roughness with an internal angle of 80 degrees and trapezoidal roughness with an internal angle of 55 degrees that are most used in hydraulic structures. The results of the study on the turbulence intensity, secondary currents and turbulence kinetic energy showed the effect of trapezoidal roughness with an internal angle of 55 degrees relative to the other two forms of roughness. The difference in the turbulence intensity in trapezoidal roughness with an internal angle of 55 degrees relative to a triangular roughness was obtained about 4.54%. The location of the center of the secondary current cell was in the depth of about 0.2 meters. The tendency of cells to the side walls of the channel is also affected by roughness geometry. In trapezoidal roughness with an internal angle of 55 degrees, there is a tendency to both walls. The turbulence kinetic energy contour with the center of the nucleus begins at the roughness crest with an approximate value of 0.0002 for all roughness, but its location was different in relation to the roughness geometry. In fact, the turbulence kinetic energy is the effect of fluctuating components of the velocity that the existence of external rotations is the effect of the redistribution of energy by velocity tensor, which is responsible for the formation of secondary current cells. As has been pointed out in the literature, results showed the role of roughness shape in the appearance of the secondary currents.
Dr Bagher Darvishi, Mrs. Lida Namdari,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (9-2020)
The purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between quantity and quality of children in Iran. The quantity-quality models of fertility primarily assume that there is a substitution relationship between quantity and quality of children. The ambiguity in sign and final effect of newborns on the quality of existing children and the linearity or nonlinearity of such effect led us to investigate the relationship between quantity and quality of children in Iran. In this context, by using cross-section expenditure and income data of urban households in 2015, first we draw out a sample of 5624 children over 25 years of age in urban areas. Then, we investigate the relationship between quantity and quality by applying OLS method with Huber-White robust standard errors. The results show that there is significant, negative, and nonlinear relationship between family size and quality of children, but the size and sign of this relationship are not the same for all children, that is for first, second, and third births there is a complementary relationship between quantity and quality of children, and for births of more than three children there is a substitution link between quality and quantity of children. According to the results, we recommend that the population growth policies consider the size of families. If the policy of population growth focuses only on small families having no children or those having less than three children, population growth will not be detrimental to its quality and will improve the human capital of society.
Mrs Fateme Shamsolahrar Fard, Dr. Majid Ahmadian, Dr. Nafiseh Behradmehr, Dr. Mohsen Mehrara, Dr. Ghahraman Abdoli,
Volume 20, Issue 4 (12-2020)
This paper investigates the role of financial development factors on how to affect oil price on oil and gas rents in Iran. In order to construct a multidimensional financial development index, the principal component analysis and weighted average of nine financial development indicators are used. The oil price is derived from the estimates of spot prices. Data is collected seasonally for Iran during the period of 1970Q1-2016Q4. In order to evaluate the how to affect oil price on oil and gas rents, a simultaneous equations system, the SUR estimator, and rolling regression method are used in two stages. In the first step, the ARDL rolling method is used to estimate the effect of oil price on oil and gas rents. Then, the effect of multidimensional financial development index on the oil price is determined by simultaneous equations system of oil and gas rents. The findings indicate the positive effect of multidimensional financial development index on how to influence oil price on oil rent and gas rents. It means that increasing multidimensional financial development index strengthens the effectiveness of oil price on oil and gas rents in Iran.
Dr Majid Aghaei, Dr Mahdieh Rezagholizadeh, Dr Mohammad Abdi, Mrs Rawa Mosavi,
Volume 24, Issue 4 (12-2024)
Aim and Introduction:
Based on empirical studies, in addition to the natural resources curse and the negative impact of natural resources income on the economic growth and development in resource-rich countries, some of these countries face various other issues. These issues include political and social problems, high levels of poverty and inequality, low levels of education, economic growth fluctuations, low institutional quality, and political instability (Sachs & Warner, 2001). In this context, one of the challenges in resource-rich countries, especially in developing countries, when compared to countries without natural resources, is the low level of financial development. Financial development has failed to play an effective role in the economic growth of these countries (Albadawi and Soto, 2012; Gelb, 2010; Samargandi et al., 2014; Frenkel, 2012). On the other hand, considering studies such as those by Pendergas et al., (2011), in most resource-rich countries that have managed to overcome the resource curse, a reasonable level of financial development is observed. Therefore, the first question that arises is whether there is a relationship between financial development and the abundance of natural resources in these countries. Given the role of the financial system in the optimal allocation of resources, what impact will the financial system have on the abundance of natural resources in resource-rich countries?
Iran is a country abundant in oil resources that has struggled to overcome the challenges and obstacles on the path to development, such as unemployment and economic growth fluctuations. Issues related to natural resources still persist in this country. Given the importance of the relationship between the financial sector and the abundance of natural resources for necessary policymaking on the path to economic growth and development, this study aims to examine and investigate the relationship between the abundance of natural resources and financial development in Iran using various financial development indicators and different econometric methods.
In order to investigate and empirically analyze the long-term and short-term dynamic relationship between variables, this research employs the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bounding test approach. The ARDL Bounding test method was developed by Pesaran and Shin (1999) and Pesaran et al. (2001). This method offers advantages over other conventional and previous cointegration methods, such as the Johansen and Toda-Yamamoto approaches. Some of its advantages include applicability regardless of considering the order of cointegration between variables, its ability to handle cases where variables are I (0) or I (1), suitability for limited sample sizes, obtaining efficient estimates without the risk of over-specification of the long-run model relationships, and presenting a reduced-form single-equation form rather than a systemic one for the long-run relationship.
The ARDL model estimates the short-term and long-term linear relationship between variables and cannot estimate non-linear relationships between the variables. Therefore, in this study, considering the possibility of a non-linear and asymmetric relationship between resource rents and financial development, the non-linear ARDL model, developed by Shin et al. in 2014, was employed to estimate the model. The NARDL model is a specific form of the ARDL model developed by Pesaran et al., (2001). It allows for the investigation of asymmetry in the long-term and short-term relationships between variables. The advantage of the NARDL method over other cointegration techniques is its superior performance in models with limited observations. Furthermore, this approach is applicable when the explanatory variables in the model are endogenous (Alam and Quazy, 2003).
Results indicate that impact of natural resource abundance on the banking development index is not significant in the short term, while the lagged values of natural resources have a positive and significant impact on the banking development index in Iran. Considering the long-term estimation of the model, it can be concluded that the effect of natural resource abundance or, in other words, resource rents on banking sector development in Iran is positive and significant. Based on this result, the hypothesis of resource curse in the banking sector during the examined period in Iran is confirmed. Beck (2011) found that in natural resources rich countries, banks have better capitalization and profitability, but they provide fewer credits to the private sector and have less inclination towards financial development. Therefore, it appears that due to the bank-oriented nature of the financial system in Iran and the substantial injection of oil resources into banks, it has managed to foster the development of this sector.
The results of estimating the stock market development model indicate that natural resource abundance has a positive impact on stock market development in both the short and long terms, although it is not statistically significant. Therefore, it is not possible to make a clear statement about the presence or absence of the resource curse in the stock market. Based on studies like Asif et al. (2020) and Ali et al. (2022), the inclusion of various companies related to natural resources in the stock market can help finance these companies in their high-cost extraction and refining operations. Consequently, it can create various job opportunities and boost economic activities, leading to economic growth and development. Therefore, income derived from natural resources through an efficient stock market can contribute to economic growth.
The impact of natural resource abundance on the overall financial development index in the long term is positive but not statistically significant. Therefore, the hypothesis of the resource curse in Iran is not confirmed. Considering that the Iranian financial system is influenced by the banking system, and resource rents have been confirmed in the banking sector, this result can be justified as indicative of the greater flow of oil revenues into the Iranian banking system. However, this result may also indicate the dominant role of the government in the allocation of natural resource revenues and the weakness of the private sector and the capital market in the proper allocation of these revenues. The results of estimating the overall financial development index, which is obtained by combining stock market development and banking development, highlight the importance of financial integration and the utilization of the entire financial system's capacity to transform resource rents into a resource blessing.Top of Form
Discussion and Conclusion:
Based on the empirical results, the hypothesis of the presence of resource cures in the banking sector in Iran was confirmed, given the significant positive relationship between banking sector development and natural resource abundance during the study period. However, regarding the resource curse in the stock market, it is not possible to make a clear statement due to the insignificance of the coefficients.
According to the estimation of the NARDL model and the significant positive impact of positive shocks from natural resource rents on the banking development index on one hand, and the negative (although insignificant) impact of negative shocks on the other hand, the results of the NARDL model can be seen as confirming the findings of the ARDL model. Therefore, the hypothesis of resource blessing in the banking sector is cautiously confirmed based on this model.
In the case of the stock market, the NARDL results also do not provide conclusive evidence regarding the hypothesis of a resource curse in Iran's stock market due to the insignificance of the coefficients related to resource rents in the estimation of the stock market development index.
The results of the NARDL estimation in the overall financial development index model indicate that positive shocks from resource rents have a significant positive impact on the overall financial development, while negative shocks have a negative impact, although they are not statistically significant. Considering these results, the dominant role of the banking system in Iran's financial system is confirmed, and thus, special attention from the government to the capital market as one of the most effective components of the financial system seems necessary.Top of Form
Volume 26, Issue 3 (5-2024)
Environmental Literacy (EL) is recognized as a fundamental component in directing individuals' environmental preservation behavior. This descriptive-correlation research was conducted with the main objective of explaining the environmental literacy of eco-villages’ students. Data were collected from 175 high school students, selected through census, living in eco-villages in western Iran (n= 175). Findings showed that students' EL was moderate. Three dimensions of EL, including knowledge, attitude, and behavior, were higher in students living in developed Eco-villages than in developing and less developed Eco-villages. Gender, father's job, field of study, and level of Eco-village development had a significant effect on students' EL. However, the effect of educational level and participation in environmental training courses was insignificant. The results of stepwise regressions revealed that the number of years of parents’ education religiosity, study hours per week, and satisfaction with living in rural areas explain 49% of the variance of students' environmental literacy.