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Showing 6 results for Regional Planning

Volume 10, Issue 3 (10-2020)

Aims: The main purpose of the current study is to introduce forests and wild-life environment as a source of endless learning and of course in harmony with nature and natural structures to conceive, lead, guidance, implement and manage the regional planning system. A type of regional planning system that achieves the UN Millennium Development Goals with a deep understanding of ecosystem cultural services.
Instruments & Methods: Research methodology is to explore the evidence of the selected case studies from among the emerging dominant exemplars of low-tech development projects in order to outline significant lessons from nature. “Logical argumentation” is selected as research strategy which is going to be developed by deductive approach and FGD (Focus Group Discussion) and snowball sampling in the cases of the forests and the wild-life environment.
Findings: Nature, wild-life and ecosystem includes invaluable source of inspiration. Nature as a source of hidden geometry emphasizes on form and structure, management and process, cultural and spiritual, and recycling and upcycling.
Conclusion: It is essential to sift to low-tech, green economy and low impact planning for biophilic regional planning; which includes holistic and comprehensive approach, planning for CES for better green economy, low-tech and soft development for environmentally-sensitive areas based on local circumstances, and classification of cultural services in natural ecosystems and reorganizing cultural benefits of ecosystem on the basis of environmental education program.

Volume 13, Issue 3 (9-2023)

Aims: The dissertation aims to outline the concept of “biophilic regional planning” with emphasis on low-tech construction and low impact development, and materialize the outlined conept in the case of Meshkindasht City. It aims to show “nature” and “environment” as a valuable and endless source of inspiration in accordance with nature and natural archerypes for idealizing, strategic planning, performance and strategic management.

Methods: The research methodology is combination of descriptive and analytical research methods based on post-posotovism research paradigms. Independent variable of the research is “low-tech construction”.

Findings: Natural recources support “biophilic development" including: 1- Regional Potential Index (RPI), 2- Aspect Ratio (RA) and 3- Tourism Opportunity Spectrum (TOS).

Conclusion: The research shed some light on the concept of “biophilic regional planning” as a constructive strategy for low impact development in natural-resouses-rich landscapes. Based on preliminary analysis regarding to the dissertation topic, the concept of “biophilic regional planning” might be fulfilled via 1- Holistic and comprehensive approach, 2- Planning for CES for better green economy, 3- Low-tech and soft development for environmentally-sensitive areas based on local circumstances, and 4- Classification of cultural services in natural ecosystems and reorganizing cultural benefits of ecosystem on the basis of environmental education program.

Volume 21, Issue 5 (9-2019)

The sustainable livelihood approach was introduced as a sustainable rural development approach in the late 1980s with the aim of poverty alleviation in the rural communities. This approach has offered a broad framework for assessing the various dimensions of sustainability. An important component of this framework is livelihood capitals in a way that it is not possible to achieve sustainable rural livelihood with no regard to the livelihood capitals and assets in rural areas. Thus, the purpose of this descriptive-analytic survey research was zoning the villages of the Central District of Dena County in terms of the sustainability of livelihood capitals. The statistical population of this study was 2500 rural households in the Central District of Dena County, of which 300 households were selected using cluster random sampling method with appropriate allocation based on Krejcie and Morgan’s table. The research instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire whose face validity was confirmed by a panel of experts, and its reliability was confirmed in a pre-test and calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Findings of the research showed that, in most studied villages, 3 capitals (social, physical, and human) were above the average and 2 capitals (financial and natural) as well as the total capital was less than average. Additionally, there was a gap and heterogeneity between the villages in terms of social, human, natural capital as well as financial capital, whereas there was a homogeneity in terms of physical and total capital as well. Besides, the most studied villages were potentially unsustainable in terms of financial and natural capital, average level in terms of human and physical capital and total capital, and potentially sustainable in terms of social capital. In addition, cluster analysis to categorize villages indicated that 9, 4, and 7 villages were categorized as non-privileged, semi-privileged, and privileged, respectively. Furthermore, the result of Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA) indicated that there was a significant difference between three categories of villages in terms of social, physical, financial and natural capital, and total capital. Therefore, non-privileged and semi-privileged villages should be given more consideration by planners, who need to pay more attention to regional planning than general planning.
Mrs. Frnaz Dehghan, Dr Zahra Nasrollahi,
Volume 22, Issue 4 (12-2022)

In order to evaluate the socioeconomic development, various criteria are used to evaluate the livelihood, welfare, and social changes of human life. The economic progress is one of the important dimensions of development. The social dimension of development, which leads to the creation of justice for different members of a society, is another important aspect of development, and the realization of this goal requires planning. Land planning, which seeks to pay attention to regional potentials and differences, is a step in this direction. Ignoring these capabilities will lead to resources waste, intensifying regional dualities and negative consequences. For this purpose, the aim of the current research is to identify the key sectors of the economy of Yazd province based on the multi-regional input-output table. The innovation of the current research is to investigate all the economic activities of Yazd province and national economy and to identify the key parts of the two regions.

In the current research, we seek to identify and evaluate the key economic sectors of Yazd province and national economy using traditional methods, elasticity of final demand, data envelopment analysis (DEA) and finally a multi-ranked index using multi regional input-output table. In this article, the Central Bank's 2016 input-output table was used, which was the most up-to-date official statistical data table approved and available at the time of the research. Also, the regional input-output table of 2015 Yazd province and national economy has been extracted from the updated input output table of Central Bank and regional accounts of the same year by using specific Flegg location quotient (SFLQ) method. The input-output table of the Central Bank, according to the production and economic structure of the two regions, and using the ISIC classification method, has been aggregated into 20 sectors.

Results and Discussion:
The results of the present research show that in the traditional method, in total, the section "Manufacturing metal factory products except machinery and equipment" and three sections "Manufacturing paper and paper products and printing", "Manufacturing products from rubber and plastic" and "Manufacturing metals" "Basic" are respectively known as the key sectors of Yazd province and other national economies. In the final demand elasticity method of Yazd province, the sections "Manufacture of motor vehicles and other transportation equipment", "Manufacture of clothing, processing and dyeing of fur, tanning and polishing of leather and other leather products" and "Manufacture of unclassified machinery and equipment in Other" and for the rest of the national economy, the sectors "Manufacturing textiles", "Manufacturing basic metals" and "Manufacturing non-metallic mineral products" are ranked first to third. In the third method, known as data envelopment analysis method, in Yazd province, the "Manufacturing of motor vehicles and other transportation equipment" sector and in other national economies, the "Manufacturing of paper, paper products and printing" sector are known as key sectors.
In a general summary using a Multi Ranking Index (MRI), in Yazd province, "Textile manufacturing", "Clothing manufacturing, fur processing and dyeing, tanning and polishing of leather and other leather products", "Wood manufacturing and wooden products", "Coke manufacturing, Products from the refining of petroleum and nuclear fuels and the manufacture of chemical materials and products", "Manufacture of basic metals", "Manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified", "Manufacture of motor vehicles and other transport equipment", "Manufacture of furniture and articles Not Elsewhere Classified", "Water, Electricity and Gas", "Construction", "Transportation" and at the level of other national economy sectors "Clothing manufacturing, processing and dyeing of fur, tanning and polishing of leather and other leather products" , "Making wood and wooden products", "Making paper, paper products and printing", "Making rubber and plastic products", "Making basic metals", "Manufacturing, repairing and installing subsidized, electronic and optical products, manufacturing, repairing and installation of electrical equipment”, “Manufacture of furniture and articles not elsewhere classified” are identified as key sectors.

The findings of the present research indicate that the use of different criteria can show a different picture of the economic performance of the sectors. Using traditional methods, key sectors are industry-oriented. In the final demand elasticity method, the priority of the sectors is determined based on the importance of each sector, and in the data envelopment analysis method, the results are estimated based on the efficiency value of each sector. These results show the importance of paying attention to choose the right method in the evaluation of key sectors. Although the key sectors determined using different methods are different, the common point of all three methods is that the key sectors of Yazd province are industry-oriented. Therefore, according to the criteria used in the three methods, it can be seen that the province is well industrialized and the role of industry in the economic structure of the province is dominant.

Volume 24, Issue 2 (6-2020)

 Introduction: In the past decade, planning at different levels, especially at the regional development, has experienced different ideas of organization of product activity. Industrial cluster concept on cooperation among manufacturing firms are proximity to one another. The trace of this concept can be found in the theories of industrial planning. It is what distinguishes the concepts, the impact of industrial clusters on various sectors of the economy, named economic planning; and to interact on regional spatial development, named spatial planning.
 Methodology: Little attention has been paid by interdisciplinary scientists to this view of the industrial cluster; and researchers have been associated with regional development. This thesis is aimed to determine the role of industrial clusters in regional spatial development and the role of spatial development in optimizing the production of industrial cluster. Also,  the attempt is to interact between physical, social, economic factors and spatial development of regional industrial cluster. In general, industrial clusters within its definition set priorities on two concepts: 1. The geographical concentration of companies and institutions; and 2. Cooperation of product activities. So, companies, to achieve concepts, benefit values through activities of the production process. Michael Porter named it as value chain. These activities can generally be divided in two categories. The first category is called a primary activities, such as operations, marketing and sales, inbound/outbound logistic and services; and the second category is named support activities, such as procurement, technology development, human resource management, firm infrastructure
 Results and discussion: Thus, the principal foundation of industrial clusters, resulting results in the value chain of operations in the value chain as primary activity and interacts to procurement, technology development, human resource management, firm infrastructure as support activities.  Need to emphasize supply elements in mechanisms of growth changed regional growth models, and intra-regional flows of the resources (of capital and labor) are elements of the model. These models were developed in two main directions: 1. Focused on endogenous growth elements; 2. In addition to the resources of production (capital and labor), it seeks to engage the other factors of production, such as infrastructure and accessibility.
Conclusion: Thus, in the context of spatial development of the region, the five processes that are named competitive, spatial, social, interactive and endogenous processes production as space on the production of industrial clusters at region interact to in value chain. In strategic planning, SWOT is applied in regional spatial planning that use on industrial clusters by three stages: 1. To decide the system of spatial planning and its environment; 2. To develop a systematic framework for analysis; and 3. Proposal of possible strategic options. Within results of  SWOT, strategy statement of regional spatial development of Sari County based on industrial cluster provides a tool for guiding and restraining forces, trends and processes affecting the spatial development. This statement contains a hierarchy of goals, objectives, and strategies, and policies. These are as alternative paths of action and attempt to provide the ideal model of regional spatial planning based on industrial cluster.

Volume 27, Issue 3 (10-2023)

Considering the complex nature of mental images of the future construction and spatial reconstruction of cities and metropolitan areas as well as existing complexities, it is particularly important to avoid a positivist and single-layer view of urban-regional studies. This study considers perspective building in urban and regional planning and the creation of alternative futures as a requirement for an intelligent and modified choice of future research methods. Causal layered analysis, introduced under a critical paradigm, is one of the most important future research methods. This method, like many others, is associated with gaps and limitations and needs to be adjusted. This research seeks to critically analyze this method and accordingly, the number of layers of this method should be reduced to 3 in accordance with criticisms and covering the critical paradigm dimensions. The approach of the first layer should be changed from scientific-experimental to an interpretive one with a critical attitude. And, the second layer's approach to post-exploration, which is aimed at identifying the obvious and hidden mechanisms, and finally deconstructing and criticizing the functional basis of the third layer. Then, according to the changes of each of the layers and the direction of applying the model in urban and regional planning, a set of qualitative methods is mentioned and an analytical device of the political economy of space is used to mount this model.

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