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Showing 1 results for Public Sector Employment
Mohammad Kiani de Kiani, Dr Seyed Habibollah Mousavi, Dr. Sadegh Khalilyan,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (4-2018)
The possible costs and benefits of trade liberalization generate essential problems for the developing countries and make free trade dubious. A major problem for developing countries is to create jobs in sectors supported indirectly by imposing import tariffs. This study aims to investigate the potential effects of the tariffs’ elimination of agricultural imports on the job creation of this sector and other sectors using 2011 input-output table. For the whole economy, the results show that private sector experiences 5.5% and 9.81% reductions in direct and indirect employment, respectively. On the other hand, public sector faces with 2.63% and 4.59% reductions in direct and indirect employment, respectively. According to findings, the reduction in direct employment is bigger than that of indirect employment.