Showing 9 results for Public Sector
Mahdi Khodaparast Mashhadi, Mohammad Ali Falahi, Mostafa Salimifar, Amin Haghnejad,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (5-2012)
The objective of this paper is to investigate the validity of Wagner’s law and the Keynesian view with regards to the relationship between the non-oil gross domestic product and the public sector size for the Iranian economy during the period of 1967-2007. Time series analysis techniques have been used which include unit root tests, cointegration tests and Hsiao causality test. The findings indicate that Wagner’s Law is confirmed in both the short-run and the long-run; whereas the Keynesian view is approved only in the short-run for Iran.
Volume 14, Issue 1 (6-2024)
In the dynamic and complex environment of public organizations, human resource management is considered a vital and determinant factor in improving organizational performance and enhancing services to citizens. In fact, the importance of human resources in public organizations is greater than that in private organizations due to the widespread services these organizations provide to society. In this article, using the grounded theory approach, an inclusive model in the field of human resource management in public organizations has been formulated. According to the findings of this research, the most important human resource challenges in the public sector include inefficient management, lack of systematic management in the human resources domain, high levels of stress and job dissatisfaction, inconsistency in the relationship between payment and performance, a strategy of significant cost reduction, increased volume and complexity of services in the public sector, and the lack of proportional human resource development. Various reasons contribute to the emergence of challenges and problems in the human resources of public organizations. These challenges are not only related to legal factors and budget constraints associated with public governance but also stem from organizational culture weaknesses and a lack of attention to public interests in public organizations. Strategies for improving human resources in the public sector include human resource planning, establishing a fair reward system, training and development of employees, performance evaluation, safety and health, effective establishment of a relational system, creating an effective safety and health system, promoting organizational culture, and developing organizational structure.
Volume 15, Issue 2 (5-2011)
Measurement of Governance Capacity: Concept, Modeling and Evaluation
Ali Asghar Fani1, SeyedYaghoub Hosseini2, Hassan Danaeifard3,
Asghar Moshabaki4
1- Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management & Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
2- Ph.D. Student, Faculty of Management & Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
3- Associate Professor, Faculty of Management & Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
4- Associate Professor, Faculty of Management & Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Received: 17 /7/2010 Accept: 18/10/2010
Government capacity and governance capacity are the new concepts that have recently entered the literature of state management and political science. The existing literature in this ground is neither comprehensive nor homogeneous. This article intends to study different dimensions of capacity and, based on the findings, introduce a model for examining it.
Governance capacity is manifested in such dimensions as the capacity of a state in designing, implementing and assessing policies and super policies. The innovative point in this article is the introduction of a model on governance capacity, which has not been done in the previous researches. In the past studies, based on the context of the related study, scholars have had a micro view on the governance subject, and no comprehensive view to include all dimensions of governance has been considered. This inadequacy is removed by the outcomes of the present article.
This article consists of two parts. The first part includes the review of theoretical literature about governance capacity and theoretical fundamentals of the concept. The second part introduces a model, which has been examined by the data collected from different countries.
Volume 15, Issue 4 (2-2012)
Adel Azar*, Rahmatoallah Gholipor**,Saied Mehdi Alavani***, Akbar komijani****, Esfandiar Mohammadi*****.
From the End of 1970s Privatization have become a Dominant Goal of General Policies of Governments. Every Country Based on its Special Circumstances Followed Special Model of Privatization. The aim of This Study is to Design the Comprehensive Model for Privatization and Transfer of Governmental Enterprises in Iran with PolicyMaking Approach having Concern to Laws and thair Haierarchy in Country , Proper Strategies of Transfers is Offered.
In this Model , Privatization have Settled on Two Bas:1- Financial Goals of Enterprise Include: Productivity , Competition, Profitability and Stock Value. 2- Public Good Goals Include: Employment, Environment of Life, Welfar and Equity. Based on these Goals We offer Ways for Creating Infrastractures of Privatization in Country Such as: Transparency in Transferes, Create Security for Investement, Stablish and Modify the Current Rules, Create Competitive Stock Environment, Resesrch and Development, reinforcemented stock Exchange, Evaluate and Restructure of Enterprises and Stablish Non Governmental Institution for Control of Privatizution Process. After That We Propose Two Magor Strategies for Privatization In Iran: use of Foreign Investment and Issue of Stock In Stock Exchange. The, Proper Requirements have Proposed for Monitoring Privatization Process Such as Government, Parlement, Mass Media and Non Govermmeut Ovganizations. At the end of Modol The Alternative for Reporting of Perfoemance have Presented.
Ahmad Jafari Samimi, Hasan Zarineghbal, Mohammadreza Zibaie, Kaveh Derakhshani,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (5-2016)
This paper seeks to compare the model of publicsector in the economic model of I.R.I. Constitution and economies of WelfareStates. Thecomparison isbased on ideological principles and economic rules governing the public sector. We find that state role in both models properlyfollows the conventional economic literature on public sector, which focuses on naturalrole of state in the economy. Considering ideological literature and institutionalcapacity of state in both models, however, we find that I.R.I. constitution has moreinstitutional preferences compared with welfare state model. Primary source of this difference is inefficiencyof welfare state model, especially its inefficient system of economic norms (ideology) in practice which is extends far away from justice goals and wideninggaps in the economy. Normativeframework of public sector in economic model ofI.R.I. constitutionhas the capacity of securing economy from these inefficiencies. Regarding this, wepropose the state using the current fundamental capacity in the economic model of I.R.I. constitution, seeks grounding public participation towards constituted goals of the economy. As a practical approach, the state focusing on improvement and development ofeconomic culture, may achieve an efficient economic system through implementing economicjustice and revising the property movement pattern.
Volume 16, Issue 3 (10-2012)
The “Right to Strike”, as a fundamental right for demanding the legal claims of employees has maintained an important role in regulating the labour relations in the last decades. Importance of this fact, especially about the public sector servants with attention to organic sensitivity and function of this section, becomes multiple. Recognition of this legal phenomenon requires understanding the public sector servants, and illustrating the general approaches about recognition and regulation of this right. French approach is based on recognition and ensuring of this right about the mentioned servants with some restrictions and prohibitionsi, while English approach is based on denying the right natured of this right. With attention to legal vacuum of public sector servants’ right to strike in Iran, in this paper, we are going to investigate and analyze each of the mentioned approaches and theirs affects on regulating of the servants’ right to strike, and then select a dominant approach.
*Corresponding Author`s E-mail:
Mohammad Kiani de Kiani, Dr Seyed Habibollah Mousavi, Dr. Sadegh Khalilyan,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (4-2018)
The possible costs and benefits of trade liberalization generate essential problems for the developing countries and make free trade dubious. A major problem for developing countries is to create jobs in sectors supported indirectly by imposing import tariffs. This study aims to investigate the potential effects of the tariffs’ elimination of agricultural imports on the job creation of this sector and other sectors using 2011 input-output table. For the whole economy, the results show that private sector experiences 5.5% and 9.81% reductions in direct and indirect employment, respectively. On the other hand, public sector faces with 2.63% and 4.59% reductions in direct and indirect employment, respectively. According to findings, the reduction in direct employment is bigger than that of indirect employment.
Volume 21, Issue 2 (9-2017)
In recent years, public sector performance and public perception of the values created by this sector through public services has become a center of focus for many researchers in public administration.
Substantial research has been conducted to develop metrics for measuring public sector performance in different contexts.
The present study followed an applied approach to develop a model for measuring public sector performance in creating public values. To this end, after a thorough review of the existing literature, a quantitative survey-based study was conducted which resulted in identifying a fairly comprehensive list of common values in four categories: moral, professional, humanistic and democratics; the face and content validity of which were approved by a Panel of Experts.
Subsequently, a questionnaire was developed based on the values inferred in the first stage, and handed to the sample population, consisting of the clients of state banks (Melli Bank, Sepah Bank & Keshavarzi Bank). Construct validity of the values was confirmed using SPSS software output and factor analysis. The final step was to evaluate the measurement model using partial least squares method and PLS software. At this stage, values with factor loading less than 0.4 were excluded from the measurement model and 18 remaining values were confirmed in the four above-mentioned categories.
Volume 22, Issue 4 (2-2019)
Education, and in particular, work experience is merely a "fit" and when it is worthwhile the origin of the formation of a phenomenon called "capacity" in individuals, such capacity is itself the source of work performance. The existential philosophy of individual, group, organizational, and national education systems is also the formation of a potential called "capacity" in students. It is a successful educational system that has succeeded in shaping this potential among its students. In the package of "competencies" required for high organizational and national managerial positions in the public sector, "work experience" is one of the most important criteria because the "work experience" seems to reduce the essence of the experimental error of decision-making by managers. Although several studies have elucidated the role of "work experience" in enhancing work performance, less study has been done on the negative consequences of excessive reliance on "work experience" in choosing managers in the public sector. The final goal of this study is to analyze work experience "based on" competency-capacity-performance "model and to analyze the negative consequences of" experience "in choosing governmental and national government managers. Therefore, the attitudinal, spoken and behavioral consequences of extreme reliance on work experience as the main criterion for the selection and appointment of managers are discussed. The arguments of this paper in designing the device for selecting and appointing managers in the public sector and privately can be useful.