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Showing 62 results for Productivity

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The present study aims to investigate the meanings and productivity of derivative suffix «i» in Persian language using Plag's (2003) point of view. Data collection was conducted by library method and analysis of findings was done by descriptive-analytical method. The sampling included three works from the 5th, 8th, 11th centuries, and the contemporary period. Then, the frequency of using «i» to express different meanings was investigated in each period. The findings indicate that in the 5th and 8th centuries, noun-forming «i» was more productive than adjective-forming «i». In the 11th century and the contemporary period, adjective-forming «i» was more productive than that of noun-forming «i». Also, the productivity of the adverb-forming «i» has been less than adjective-forming «i» and noun-forming «i» in all periods. Considering the different adjective-forming meanings of this suffix, the highest frequency in the 5th, 8th and contemporary periods was related to the adjective "place" and in the 11th century, it was related to the adjective "belonging to a thing". Among the different meanings of the noun-forming «i» in the 5th century, the noun "state indicator" had the highest frequency and in the 8th, 11th and contemporary periods the "simple" noun was the most frequent. Among the different meanings of the adverb-forming «i», the highest frequency was related to the adverb "state" in the 5th century, "scale, amount and size" in the 8th and 11th centuries, and "place" in the contemporary period. The paper also explains possible causes of differences in this suffix's productivity.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)

The vagaries of monsoon rains severely affect the growth and yield of little millet (Panicum sumatrense) in semi-arid India. Continuous sole cultivation of little millet depletes soil nutrients, reduces crop productivity, and fails to ensure a stable income for farmers. A crop mixer is an alternate option to cope with climate variability and sustain soil fertility in the sole crop little millet areas. Among crops, pulse crops are a viable mixer for improving soil fertility, productivity and farmers' net income. Field studies were conducted in 2016, 2017, and 2018 at the Dryland Agricultural Research Station, India. Little millet was raised as the main crop, with red gram intercropped in ratios of 4:1, 6:2, and 8:2. Black gram, moth bean, and horse gram were sequentially cultivated after the little millet harvest. Biometric, yield attributes and yield, soil nutrients and nutrient uptake were measured. Intercropping of little millet and redgram in a 4:1 combination recorded higher grain yield (511 kg ha-1) and straw yield (1632 kg ha-1) of little millet. Similarly, little millet grain equivalent yield and production efficiency were also higher (730 kg ha-1 & 4.5 kg ha-1 day-1) in the 4:1 combination with sequential horse gam. Regarding soil fertility, a 4:1 combination with sequential horse gram resulted in significant nitrogen build-up (157.3 kg ha-1) and phosphorus (9.7 kg ha-1) and potassium uptake (37.6 kg ha-1). Intercropping red gram with little millet at a 4:1 ratio, followed by sequential planting of horse gram, enhances rainfed little millet pulse productivity and improves soil fertility in semi-arid Alfisol.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (11-2012)

Certainly the fair rewarding between personnel based on their productivity and performance which could motivate the employee and increase productivity of organization is one of the most important matters for managers. Obviously, allocating rewards and bonuses that result from productivity or other which has been defined from management should be justly and based on people effectiveness and efficiency. The purpose of this research is designing a productivity model for allocating bonuses through determining the productivity and performance indexes and then measuring and also analyzing, as well as allocating rewards and bonuses among employees based on their own productivity and performance. This is an applied research, uses descriptive statistics and the data are collected from random stratified sampling in Niro Mohareke Company.  Finally, the model which is confirmed and validated by experts and managers of Niro Mohareke Company, is used as a practical example in the Strategic dep.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (11-2012)

Background and Aim: Problems such as less working and aggression in organizations force organizations to reduce these behaviors and increase behaviors that are beneficial such as productivity for organization. One of the elements that create benefits like productivity in organization is Organizational Citizenship Behavior. The purpose of this research is Organizational Citizenship Behavior factor linkage appointment with human resources productivity among selected Hospitals of Tehran Medical Sciences University and Shahid Beheshti Medical Sciences University. Method and material: This research is done in six selected Hospitals of Tehran Medical Sciences University and Shahid Beheshti Medical Sciences University .The data are collected by distributing questionnaires among 429 staff of the hospitals via random 2-stage Sampling method. The research methodology is cross-sectional- descriptive and the type of research is a field study. In order to confirm or reject research hypotheses, we use Spearman Correlations and regression in SPSS software [version 16]. Results: The findings show that in personnels’ point of view, there is a significant correlation between Organizational Citizenship Behavior and staff's productivity in  

Volume 2, Issue 5 (3-2021)

This study aimed to investigate the mediating role of job satisfaction in the relationship between social capital and quality of work-life (Case study: physical education teachers in Mazandaran province).  The research is a descriptive survey of correlational type in terms of applied purpose and data collection.  The statistical population of this study was 1350 physical education teachers in Mazandaran province that 302 people were selected as a sample using a simple random sampling method.  Standard questionnaires of social capital, job satisfaction, and quality of work-life were used to collect data. The Pearson correlation test and model fit of fit indices using SPSS software version 24 and Amos software version 24 was used for data analysis.  Data analysis showed that the relationship between social capital and job satisfaction with path coefficient (β = 0.69) has a significant positive effect and job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on the quality of life with path coefficient (β = 0.28) and capital Social through the mediating variable of job satisfaction has a significant positive effect on the quality of life.  Therefore, it can be said that if the social capital of employees increases, their job satisfaction will also increase. This process ultimately increases people's productivity and can help strengthen the quality of teachers' working lives.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2013)

  Today strategic plans and organizational structure of the precursor organizations is constructed according to developing and improving human resources productivity. In order to attain to this goal, organizational culture role is should be considered. By conducting a conceptual survey on organizational culture and Islamic teachings models expressed by human resources researchers, a model-based approach have been designed. The purpose was to improve the productivity of native workers in the field offices of Bank Sepah. The results of this study indicate that the ability to develop and successfully deploy an organizational culture model, will have a high impact on the optimizing potential productivity of individual employees. The model is evaluated in terms of meaningfulness, and observed that the theoretical model is statistically meaningful. Also the model has theoretical and practical significance in terms of the suitability of conditions and according to statistics calculated by statistical software used in this research.      

Volume 3, Issue 3 (10-2012)

Derivation is a process in which adding a derivational affix leads to formation of a new word. This process has been studied by linguists for many years and mainly seen as a morphologic or morphosyntactic process. Productivity of a derivational affix (the number of new words formed by a derivational affix) is a prominent factor while considering the derivation process. Phonological and morphophonemic factors may also play role in the ratio of the productivity of an affix. This paper studies the impact of syllable structure on the productivity of verbal derivational suffixes in Persian language. The results showed that there is a close relation between the syllable structure and the productivity of the verbal suffix derivational suffixes in Persian, all of them have a vowel in their initial syllable position. As a result, we can conclude that initiation with a vowel can be considered as a productivity factor of a derivational suffix in Persian. The study of the nucleus of the syllables also showed that the two front vowels of [a, e] are the most frequent vowels of these suffixes as nucleus. Consequently, it is concluded that phonological factors, especially syllable structure of a derivational suffix, play an indispensable role in its productivity      

Volume 4, Issue 1 (3-2016)

Ongoing climate change has been a major global challenge since the 1880s. Sequestration of carbon(C) in rangelands ecosystems could provide a net carbon sink to offset increases in atmospheric C in global scale. This research is aimed at estimating the above-ground biomass carbon sequestration potential in Iran. For this purpose, total rangelands area and productivity data were extracted from the annual reports of Agriculture Statistical Pocketbook (2006-2013) of the country. Then productivity data was used to calculate above-ground C storage per province. The maximum and minimum rangeland areas were observed in Sistan and Baluchestan and Mazandaran (Nowshahr) Provinces, respectively. Maximum above-ground biomass C storage was about 1.07 Mg Cha-1y-1 in Fars Province. The minimum amount occurred in Qom province with only 0.023Mg C ha-1 y-1. In summary, mean carbon CO2fixation was about 0.25 Mg C ha-1 y-1in Iran’s rangelands from 2003 to 2013. Considering the total rangeland area(≈ 84.8 million hectare) and productivity of Iran, 11770.011 Gg C y-1 carbon is stored in above-ground biomass annually providing at least 5885 Gg organic C sequestration potential.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2023)

Aims: Cities and their surrounding areas provide the ground for creating opportunities. Moreover, these places reveal systematic socio-economic fault lines, gaps, inequalities, and structural poverty. Cities are centers where ecosystems cross their functional thresholds and reinforce inequalities and vulnerabilities with increasing demands and pressures on limited natural resources. Therefore, it is time to move quickly from the extraction-based model in the last century to a renewable, flexible, and nature-based model which accepts the limitations of our world. 
Methods: Therefore, this study aims to identify the concept of productive city as a novel concept in the theoretical field of urban planning using the systematic review method based on a four-stage model via formulating the search strategy of papers and search process considering terms of productive city, productive urban planning, urban productivity and nature city in the top citation databases. In total, 214 papers were identified from 2013 to 2022 in the initial search, 68 of which were selected as eligible for deeper investigation and response to the research questions. 
Findings: This research indicate since adapting to the effects of climate change and resilience against environmental hazards requires a long-term perspective based on understanding nature. 
Conclusion: applying the concept of the productive city as a nature-based approach, guaranteeing social regeneration, economic and ecological sustainability, and functional-spatial continuity of cities in facing the upcoming challenges and environmental hazards, and reduce the pressures on natural resources. Furthermore, this seems necessary in contemporary urban development plans.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (4-2015)

Using the Correct Pattern of Consumption to achieve stable and optimal patterns of consumption and use of resources, not only can increase productivity but also can increasing possibility of a successful crossing of probable future economic downturns. Productivity means using least resources most effectively to achieve growth and prosperity in all concerning aspects. The Main Objective of This Study was to investigate factors influencing the productivity of employees with regard to the mediator role of Correct Pattern of Consumption variable. The statistical population includes all government employees in Kermanshah that among them a sample of 371 individuals was selected by The Stratified approach using the Cochran formula. For Collecting Data, questionnaire was used. Based on the research literature, a model showing influence of selected variables has been tested using LISREL software. The results showed that all factors have significant and positive effects on the productivity. Considering this relationship, and taking indirect correct pattern of consumption Mediator variable into account there are significant and substantial effects. Amount of the model fit indexes (GFI=1, AGFI=0/98) demonstrate suitability of the research model.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (7-2002)

Variance of rainfed crops yield in different years is one of the main problems of world agriculture, specially in arid regions. There are two major groups of factors that might affect the development of agriculture.The First group are factors that are either constant in time or can be controlled with modifing methods and technologies. The second group are unsustainable factors related to microclimate of each region (such as the rate of rainfall, temperature, relative humidity, etc.) which we can not have any control on them; because climate modifing based on optimum need of any crop is possible only in Greenhouse conditions and in small scale, Therefore, recognizing the climatic parameters that influence crop yield is very important. By taking these factors into account, models can be prepared for forcasting the productivity and necessary plans can be made for providing the necessary crops in case of any shortage or saving them in stocks in case that there are more than enough. In this research, the effective climatic parameters in the productivity of rainfed wheat in west Azarbaijan province has been studied, and the relation of crop yield and climatic parameters has been investigated by making different multiple-regression models. Finally, some modells has been presented for forcasting the rainfed wheat productivity in west Azarbaijan province. Result of this study show annaully rainfall total and annaully frost days average parameters have the more important role in the produce of find model.
Mahmoud Saffarzadeh, Abdolreza Rezaee Arjroody, Parisa Bazdar Ardebili,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (10-2007)

In Iran, oil products are the most valuable export, 30% of which (Crude Oil) is used domestically every year. Countries like Iran depend heavily on oil revenues. One of the main sectors for consumption of crude oil in Iran is the transportation Industry. This paper aims to measure and estimate fuel productivity in land transportation in Iran using available data from 1973-2003. The function of fuel productivity is estimated using time series analysis, and the co-integration with stationary variables have been accounted and analyzed. At this stage, initially the co-integration variables of the model are known, and then, the structure of the model and the number of optimal orders are identified. The next step however, determines the number of co-integration vectors of the model which eventually with some restrictions estimate the fuel productivity function within the land transportation sectors e.g. rail and road.

Volume 8, Issue 2 (4-2006)

This paper examines the effects of agricultural land productivity improvement on the economy of Iran assuming that the domestic and international trade liberalizations will open up the opportunities to expand market access. A 25-sector computable general equi-librium model was developed to simulate the effects of this policy. The simulation results indicate that enhancing agricultural land productivity while implementing trade policy reform results in an expansion of agricultural sector which, in turn, leads to the expansion of food manufacturing and service sectors and mitigating the problem of unemployment. Furthermore, improving land productivity results in a decrease in the price of food prod-ucts and an increase in real GDP. Consequently, food security enhances and Iranian wel-fare improves. As a result, this is an appropriate domestic policy for Iran. This policy re-sults in an expansion of agricultural sector which in turn leads to expansion of food manu-facturing and service sectors, mitigates the unemployment problem, improves the Iranian welfare as the real GDP increases, and improves the food security in Iran, as the price of food products decreases.
Seyyed Hamid Reza Ashrafzadeh, Maysam Musai,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (1-2009)

This paper aims to measure the extent of mark-up and monopoly pricing in different sub sectors of the Iranian manufacturing. We measure annually the degree of monopoly pricing and mark-up for sub sectors over the period from 1959 to 2003. A panel data approach is developed and applied to gauge the mark-up and degree of monopoly pricing The results show that in four sub sectors, including chemical, non-ferrous metals, basic metals and machinery, these kinds of pricing are dominated and it is also prevalent in other sub sectors. Capital intensity and increase in the number of firms in each sector cause a reduction in mark-up while trade liberalization leads to an increase in productivity. The experience of liberalization in Iran over a short period of time confirms that mark-up is reduced, productivity is increased and capital intensity is decreased.

Volume 8, Issue 20 (12-2004)

At the present time that our country is passing through a critical period, the role of the administrative, industrial and educational organizations is inevitable in the economic operation and development of the country. But the fact whether all of them have been successful in making an effort to obtain the given aims is really questionable, because some of them seem to have performed a lot better than the others. Viewing the success of some of these organizations, we can find out about some common and key factors which have played important roles in their efficient performance. An important factor is the existing powerful and overruling culture in which these organizations operate. Certainly, getting to know such factors and supporting them would be a useful step in leading these organizations to achieve their ideal goals successfully. In this Article, first a theoretical analysis of culture and organizational culture is presented, then labor productivity and finally the existing theories concerning the relationship between organizational culture and labor productivity are explained. Also, in this investigation, using variance test analysis, the rank of Management Colleges of such academic institutions like Higher Education Confederate of Ghom, Tehran University, Allameh - Tabatabaei University and Shahid Beheshti University have been determined on the basis of the impact of organizational culture on the rate of productivity. By applying the correlation coefficient of Spearman, the relation of organizational culture with productivity of colleges has been analyzed with regard to the criteria explained for productivity. Finally, using Friedman’s test the criteria and characteristics of organizational culture have been ranked.

Volume 8, Issue 33 (9-2004)

Nowadays mumerous machines are used for production in electronic industries. Considering the high cost of in vest ments on these machines, how to increase their productivity is an important problem in thiese industries. In this article it is tried that with, studying the functions of concurrent machines such as Axial and Jumper Wire first we present a linear programming mathematical model to optimize these machines’ productivities and then with suggesting an heuristic model, we provide necessary facilities to solve a real problem. We also study the results of our findings on the Axial and Jumper Wire Machines in a factory.
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Volume 9, Issue 1 (4-2009)

From exports point of view, competitiveness concept is a very restricted approach. Competitiveness is a reflection of microeconomic decisions, socio-political problems and public welfare and it must also potentially be able to help countries achieve a sustainable value added creation. Due to this reason, most studies on this issue consider competitiveness in terms of efficiency and labor productivity. This paper uses competitiveness indexes and competitiveness factor of international management development to examine the country's competitiveness power such as knowledge based competitiveness, education, technology and information infrastructures, innovation and economic and institutional performances. The results indicate that a quadratic form explains the relationship between competitiveness and human capital. It confirms that the average years of schooling has a positive effect on labor productivity. Moreover, technology and information infrastructures (ICT), defined as the ratio of ICT expenditures over GDP, has a positive effect on labor productivity. Government size and the degree of openness have a negative effect on competitiveness. Economic and institutional performances have a positive effect on competitiveness, the more freedom of speech, the higher the competitiveness power.
Kazem Yavari, Nader Dashti,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2010)

In this paper we have studied the trend and bias of technological change in Iran’s cement industry by dual cost function approach. This approach is useful to estimation of factors demand structure with regard to changes of factors price and technological situation. We estimated a translog cost function in addition to equations system of cost share, using Seemingly Unrelated Regression Equation (SURE) approach during the period 1355-1385. The results show that the rate of technological change has been -1.12 percent during the studied years. It means that there is a decrease in rate of cost of productive units along with time. Furthermore, the results indicate that technological change has been biased towards the use of more energy.

Volume 9, Issue 4 (11-2020)

Primary production is a key indicator in the evalution of aquatic ecosystems that can directly affect carbon sequestration. Due to climate change and environmental dynamics, this component has changed spatially and temporally in different ecosystems. Therefore, to understand and monitor these changes, the most important influential parameters include; sea surface temperature, chlorophyll-a and algal bloom on this component and their changes were analyzed based on the time series. Images related to Chl-a, SST and NPP from January 2003 to December 2018 were used by MODIS sensor and VGPM model to estimate NPP in the study area. Aftar pre-processing and extracting the time series algorithm, the trend of variation was determined using the mann-kendall and theil-sen procedure. Then, using enhancing false color composite, algal blooms in the Persian Gulf and the sea of Oman were identified and the amount of chl-a concentration in the algal bloom area and outside the area was determined.  The results of trend analysis with theil-sen procedure showed that the rate of change for chl-a is decreasing in all regions except the fifth region. The highest amount was observed in the fifth region (-0.19), which corresponded to the rate of NPP. The results also show that the highest amount of NPP in the first region in March and the lowest in June and July (540 and 690 gC/m2/day), which corresponds to the amount of chl-a concentration. Despite the apparent correlation, there is no cause-and-effect relationship between SST and chl-a as well as chl-a and NPP. In this way, factors other than chl-a can be considered for algal bloom and NPP.
Yadollah Dadghar, Ali Reza Gholamzadeh,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (7-2010)

The objective of this paper is to analyze entrepreneurship in Iran. More specifically, it focuses on the introduction of the entrepreneurial aspects of the 16th famous Iranian entrepreneur and evaluates his performance. To this end, we study the performance of late Mustafa Ali Nasab as a distinguished entrepreneur. We describe the main characteristics of the entrepreneur through analyzing the productivity performance of his two firms including oil and gas industry. The findings confirm that following his passing, the productivity of the firms is significantly decreased.

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