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Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Rhetorical questions are those that, according to time and local condition, have a function, beyond rhe gaining awareness and information. In addition to having an interrogative structure, these sentences imply another meaning as the secondary meaning. But in some cases, according to a special textual context, the existence of one or more weak implicit meaning or meanings between the semantic superstructure in rhetorical questions and main implicit meaning, can be proved and caught. These weak implicit meanings can neither be ignored nor be considered as the main secondary meaning. Based upon that, the problem which is stated in this research is that, with regarding to the possibility of catching such implicit meaning(s) from rhetorical questions , what is the nature and statuse of these additional implicit questions? And assuming acceptance of their existence, whether the production of meaning in rhetorical questions is still instantly? or according to the proposed theory in this research, the production meaning approach in rhetorical questions includes some processes and levels?
The approach of this research is analytic-applied approach and case study in some poems of prominant persian poets that there is a positinal stop in the structure of these poems. The results of this research reveals that , based on the author's prediction, the production of meaning in rhetorical questions has a process approach with three levels, in which, a second meaning layer is produced between superstructure and main implicit meaning (third semantic layer), that can be named as mediator semantic layer.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The simile formation process is based on the combined function of the two paradigms of selection and combination; Selection of phenomena and their combination, which is done with the purpose of conceptualization and Meaning production. Each of the simile components in both axes of selection and combination act as a network in the meaningful communication; Therefore, the communication of the simile components creates a special semantic system. In this system, each of the components is considered as a sign and plays a certain semantic role. The issue of this research is to investigate the symbolic system of simile and explain the process of signification of its components. The aim is to determine how a discourse system emerges in the form of analogy and the process of producing meaning in it. For this purpose, it is shown in the analytical-explanatory method how the poet, in the role of the subject, interacts with the “simulated” as an object in a special situation, and the result of this interaction is the mental perception that is determined by the “simulated to”. The result of the research shows that simile has a symbolic system and this system is associated with discursive, phenomenological-perceptual aspects and dynamic flow of meaning.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Despite all the efforts of professors and students, learning the four language skills of French in academic institutions has always been accompqnied by challenges. One of these skills is written production, in which students make numerous mistakes. We believe that identifying and analyzing areas of error can be effective in improving their writing skills. In the present study, using an analytical-descriptive method, the written productions of a group of students on a B1 level topic were examined. The data collection tool is the DELF B1 evaluation grid with ten criteria for writing correction. The participants in this study show that 42 percent of students had very good and good averages, and 58 percent had average and weak scores. The target population of this study performed acceptably in only three skills-coherence and logical structure, the ability to present events, and adherence to the topic-out of the ten criteria in the evaluation grid. However, they have not yet achieved the necessary skills in the other seven criteria. The areas of errors revealed in this research could serve as topics for further studies to extract and analyze errors in each domain.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)

Rural handwoven carpet weavers, particularly in the context of handmade silk carpet production, grapple with significant challenges concerning recognizing all stakeholders and establishing timely connections. These challenges have a substantial impact on the adoption of innovation in carpet production and the overall enhancement of productivity. This research was conducted to scrutinize the communication network of carpet weavers within the Knowledge and Innovation System (KIS) of handmade silk carpet production in rural areas. Data were gathered through interviews with 270 rural households in Zanjan province, specifically in the Tarom, Khodabandeh, and Zanjan counties, utilizing a structured questionnaire. Social Network Analysis (SNA) in UCINET was employed to examine the interactions among these actors, and graphical representations were created using Net Draw. The results revealed that the network's density varied across different levels, showing weakness in some cases, moderate strength in others, and strong connections in select instances. The connections of carpet weaving families with other actors within the KIS were predominantly localized. Among these families, those utilizing the home-based wage production method exhibited the most extensive interactions. The individuals designated as "FMs" (likely referring to family members) and "WNVKRs" (possibly local experts) demonstrated the highest degree of connection and influence within the network of weavers' interactions

Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)

Trissolcus vassilievi (Mayr) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) is one of the most important egg parasitoids of the common sunn pest (CSP), Eurygaster integriceps Puton (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) in Iran. In this study, the fitness of two populations of T. vassilievi was studied on two populations of hosts in terms of life history parameters. Two populations of T. vassilievi were selected: 1/ Tabriz (as a temperate area), and 2/ Varamin (as a subtropical area), as well as for CSP. Moreover, regarding that outcrossing between populations can produce progeny with superior characteristics, the progeny of reciprocal crosses between original populations also were examined on a single host. The crosses between the two populations caused 13.9-18.5% higher net fecundity than maternal populations which suggests fecundity to be a function of maternal phenotype. The intrinsic rate of increase showed minor differences among treatments which varied between 0.291±0.003 to 0.305±0.003. The partial advantage of the Varamin wasps over the Tabriz ones and the crosses over the original populations was obvious. Such differences may be used to obtain more efficient parasitoids in augmentation programs.

Volume 1, Issue 3 (9-2013)

Mnemiopsis leidyi population activities first were recorded during the coastal observations in 2001 in which its population considerably increased afterward and now sustained the southern Caspian Sea. Maximum summer-autumn M. leidyi abundance was recorded in euphotic layer in 2002 (851±85 ind.m-3) and maximum biomass was in 2001 with 48.1±14.4 g.m-3) while minimum were in aphotic layer. In years 2003 to 2011, M. leidyi abundance and biomass sharply declined to 1-843 ind.m-3 and 0.07-37.7 g.m-3, respectively. The length-frequency distribution of Mnemiopsis showed larval, juveniles and transitional stages that made up 98.6% of the total population. In the southern Caspian Sea, Acartia tonsa was the highest number of mesozooplankton species (36 species) which decreased tenfold after Mnemiopsis invasion during 2001-2010. Fecundity experiments of Mnemiopsis showed the average of 8 eggs. day-1, with a maximum of 35 increased with increasing body length. The main food was larger amounts of zooplankton prey such as copepodites and adult of A. tonsa. It seems the sharp decreased of Mnemiopsis abundance could be related the decreasing of ova reproduction; and food ability is the main reasons of M. leidyi sustained in the southern Caspian Sea. The objective of present study was to provide information about parameters influencingthe M. leidyi decreased after initial bloom invasion in the southern Caspian Sea.

Volume 1, Issue 4 (12-2023)

Today, financial development is one of the main drivers of economic growth and development. Since developing countries are focused on the rapid expansion of economic growth, they have taken steps toward the development of financial markets. However, the consequences of financial development on environmental quality are not clear. In addition, since the emission of carbon dioxide caused by production is significantly different from the emission of carbon dioxide caused by consumption in some countries (such as China). Therefore, this article examines the impact of financial development on the consumption-based CO emissions for a panel of 17 developing countries during the period of 1990-2019 with a Panel- Quantile approach. Empirical findings show that the effect of financial development on consumption-based CO emissions is positive and significant in all quantiles. In addition, this study considers gross domestic product, rental rates of natural resources, trade openness, and globalization as control variables. The results of this study provide new evidence for policymakers to maintain environmental quality by focusing on the link between financial development and consumption-based CO emissions.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (6-2014)

Different types of soil erosion including gully erosion occur in many parts of Iran. The west of Iran is further threatened by gully erosion due to its specific physical and climatic conditions. However, few studies have been carried out to study the sediment production of gully erosion in Iran. This research was therefore conducted to measure storm-wise sediment production of gully erosion in the west of Iran. To achieve the study objectives, 48 gullies located in three small watersheds viz. Darreh-Shahr, Abbas-Abad and Hollowsh in Ilam and Lorestan Provinces were monitored. The volumes of gullies were measured before and after 5 rainstorms for Darreh-Shahr and Abbas Abad watersheds and 6 rainstorms for Hollowsh watershed from 2005 to 2007. Sediment production was calculated on storm basis for each gully. The results revealed that the minimum and maximum volumes of gully erosion were 0.002 and 1.010 m3, respectively, for one millimeter of rainfall. The results indicated that soil moisture, percentage of silt and clay, amount and intensity of rainfall and drainage area were the most important factors on formation and sediment production of gully erosion.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (7-2000)

To obtain detailed information of sowing density and defoliation intensity under more controlled conditions on herbage production and seed yield, Paraggio medic was grown on raised-beds located outdoors at the Waite Agricultural Research Institute. A split split randomised block design was used. Treatments comprised three sowing rates (densities): Low (3 kg/ha), Medium (15 kg/ha) and High (75 kg/ha) (based on pure germinating seed which gave 75, 375 and 1875 seedlings/m2 respectively); four defoliation intensities: Control (undefoliated), Low (6 cm from ground level), Medium (4 cm) and High (2 cm) to simulate different grazing pressures and two defoliation systems of continuous (defoliation from June 1) and deferred (defoliation from June 29). The total combination for experimental blocks was:Main plots, defoliation systems (2) x Sub plots. sowing densities (3) x Sub-sub plots defoliation intensities (4) x Blocks (4) = 96 micro plots.The continuous defoliation system produced significantly higher (P<0.05) available forage as well as total pasture production (P<0.05) than the deferred. High sowing rate increased (P<0.01) forage availability and total pasture production. Medium and high defoliation intensities significantly (P<0.01) reduced available forage and total pasture production in the deferred defoliation system. Seed production was adversely affected by defoliation intensity.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2014)

Processing efficiency of rainbow trout, amounts of by-products and their nutritional value as well as some correlations between whole fish weight and products yield were evaluated. Results showed that efficiency decreased up to 87.56 ± 3.43% for gutted fish and it reached up to 56.69 ± 3.26% and 45.36 ± 2.37% for skined on and skinless fillets, respectively. The highest amounts of by-product were related to head and viscera which were 15.52 ± 2.00% and 12.62 ± 2.61% of body weight, respectively. A significant negative correlation was found between fish weight and head weight percentage (P<0.01). Also, the yield of headed and gutted product increased significantly by increase in fish weight (P<0.01). Among by-products, viscera and head were the richest sources of fat (17.4 and 13.0 % of wet weight) and skin contained the highest amount of protein (24.1% of wet weight). Moreover, a significant presence of the most important and health benficial omega-3 fatty acids was detected in both head and viscera. Viscera and bone were also found as rich source of iron mineral.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (10-2000)

Three stocking densities (20, 40, and 60 sheep/ha) were applied in four stocking periods (0, 2, 4, and 6 weeks) on a Medicago truncatula cv. Paraggio pasture. Treatments were arranged in a split plot system and compared through a completely randomised block design with four replications.Grazing period had a significant effect (P<0.001) on availability of both medic and other species separately. Total available forage (medic and other species) was significantly affected by both stocking density (P<0.05) and grazing period (P<0.001) and there was a significant interaction between stocking density and grazing period (P<0.001). Grazing period was the only factor affecting the cumulative forage production of medic and other species. Stocking density and grazing period both had significant effects on total cumulative pasture production. Pod production significantly decreased as grazing period increased. More seeds per pod were observed at low stocking density as compared with other densities. There was a dramatic reduction in seed production as grazing period increased (P<0.05).

Volume 2, Issue 4 (10-2000)

This paper shows the role of the general dynamic model in empirical research of production technology in agriculture. The model is a first order autoregressive multivariate specification, first developed by Anderson and Blundell. This model is general enough to nest several simpler dynamic as well as static models within it. Therefore, it provides a framework for applying classical testing procedures and identifying the appropriate specification in the empirical econometric model of production. The usefulness of the general dynamic model is shown by estimating the production structure in the Iranian crop sector. The results indicate that the Iranian crop production is best characterized by a long-run static model derived from a non-homothetic translog specification which incorporates non-neutral technological change and allows for structural change after the Islamic Revolution of 1979.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2015)

The pollution of aquatic ecosystems may affect natural reproduction of fish populations by decreasing the fertilization efficiency. Among the various sources of pollution, heavy metals are important group, being found in both freshwater and marine environment. The present study investigated changes of sperm characteristics of Caspimyzon wagneri when exposed to Manganese (Mn). Spermatozoids were exposed to 0 (control), 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100 and 1000 mg l‑1 of Mn, duration of sperm motility and percent of motile sperms were measured using a light microscope and digital camera as a semi-quantitative method. Total duration of spermatozoids motility decreased with increase of Mn concentration in all treatments. This study indicated that Mn could seriously affect the reproductive success of the Caspian lamprey in a polluted environment through decreasing the duration of spermatozoid motility and possibly fertilization and hatching rates. Hence, contact to this metal could decrease the survival rate of this endangered species, especially during the reproduction.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2014)

During a survey on the identification of plant-parasitic nematodes associated with walnut in Sanandej region (Kurdistan province, western Iran), a population of Paratylenchus labiosus was collected and identified morphologically. Description, illustrations and morphometrics of the species are given and comparisons are made between it and some related species. Paratylenchus labiosus comes more close to three species namely P. similis, P. tateae and P. italiensis in having certain diagnostic characters such as short stylet less than 18 µm long, concave-conoid head with prominent submedian lobes and tail ending to an acute to finely rounded terminus. However, P. labiosus differs from them in having a spermatheca full of sperm cells and presence of males. Different modes of reproduction (parthenogenesis or amphimixis) may be observed in different populations of some species in this genus, but somewhat unique reproduction behavior of P. labiosus could be considered as a diagnostic character for separation of it from the three closely related species.      

Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2014)

The effect of thiamine injection at doses of 0 (T0), 5 (T5) and 50 (T50) mgkg-1 body weight on reproductive performanceof 45 females (698.7 ± 8.9 g) sterlet sturgeon (Acipenser ruthenus) was investigated in fiberglass tanks. Fish were fed practical diets supplemented with 1 g/kg amprolium hydrochloride (as the anti-thiamine) once a day for 5-month before spawning. At the end of 5 months trial, no significant difference was observed in germinal vesicle migration among treatments (p>0.05). Estradiol level was not significantly different (p>0.05), but testosterone was affected by injection of thiamine (p<0.05). Fecundity and latency time was not significantly different (p>0.05) among the treatments, but number of eggs per gram and hatching rate were significantly different (p<0.05). According to the results, injection of 50 mg thiamine hydrochloride per kg body weight had a positive effect on reproductive performance and could reduce the negative impacts of anti thiamines in natural environment.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (2-2015)

In recent years the use of rotifers as live food for rearing fish larvae and crustacean is very important. Growth and density is considered as an important factor in the production of rotifers. In this study, the effect of three different concentrations (1.5×106, 3×106, 4.5×106 cell/ml-1) of green algae, Tetraselmis Suecica, on growth, reproduction, body and egg size of marine rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis were investigated. Rotifers were cultured in standard conditions in 500 ml plastic containers. The initial density of rotifers in different treatments was 30 ind/ml. Based on the results, the highest density (331/67 ± 13/32) were showed in high concentration, which were significantly (P <0/05) higher than the other two treatments. Specific growth rate at concentrations of 3×106 cell/ml-1and 4.5×106 cell/ml-1 were significantly greater than concentrations of 1.5×106 cell/ml-1 of green algae (P<0.05). However, no significant differences were observed between the two treatments, medium and high. The maximum number of eggs and egg-bearing females were observed in the fourth and seventh days. Mean body size (lorica area) and egg size (bio-volume) in rotifers fed with high concentrations (4.5×106cell/ml-1) significantly greater than the mean body size of rotifers fed with medium (3×106 cell/ml-1) and low (1.5×106 cell/ml-1 ) concentrations while no significant differences were observed between low and medium treatments(P>0.05). The present study showed that the concentration of algae Tetraselmis suecica might be used in marine rotifer breeding and changing various concentrations, can produce various sizes of rotifers.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (2-2015)

The effects of stress on body cortisol and reproductive performance of guppy, Poeciliar eticulata, was evaluated on  90 immature female fish (0.29 ± 0.03g body weight). The experiment, carried for 30 days in three replications, included: the control (without any manipulation), handling stress (daily holding in a net for 2 minutes) and feeding with the cortisol-treated diet (500 mg per kg food). After this period, reproduction was induced by adding male fish to the remaining females in each tank. No significant difference was observed in growth rate among the treatments (p=0.001). The mortality rate and body cortisol content in both handling and cortisol-fed treatments were significantly higher than that in the control group (p=0.000). The minimum and maximum number of embryos was observed in the control and cortisol-fed  groups, respectively. Our results indicated that such manipulations have negative effects on survival and reproductive efficiency and change whole-body cortisol content. Therefore, the measurement of whole-body cortisol content could be a suitable criterion for determining physiological condition in small laboratory fishes.

Volume 3, Issue 10 (9-2022)

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the factors affecting the achievement of world-class production in the economic development of the sport industry by mediating production planning from the viewpoint of employees of the General Department of Sports and Youth of Tehran Province. The statistical population consisted of experts from the Tehran Sports and Youth Department, totaling 210 people. One hundred thirty-two persons were selected based on Morgan's table and by simple random sampling. Of these, 120 questionnaires were returned. For data analysis, 24 SPSS and 24 AMOS software were used. Global production in terms of factors influencing production planning, 58% of the variance of the factors influencing production planning and production paths in the world-class, and factors affecting production planning to develop the economy of the sports industry, explains 96% of the variance in the development of the economy of the sports industry. Production of products in a World class, which is competitive in international markets, inevitably necessitates strategic planning, so sports products can have dramatic effects on the countries' economies, evident in their transitional stages to economic development or emergence.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2015)

The effect of four light intensities (0, 100, 2000 and 5000 lux) on some reproductive charachteristicsof Artemiaurmianabroodstocks was investigated. 30 male and female individuals were reared in 3 liter containers until the death of all females over the consecutive weeks. Results showed significant differences in terms of average weekly offspring productions among the treatments. The broodstocks cultured in 5000 lux had an increasing trend in offspring production from the first to the fifth week, but a decreasing trend from the sixth to the tenth week. A relatively similar situation was observed in the 2000 lux treatment. The broodstocks cultured in 0 and 100 lux intensities had reduction fluctuations in offspring production from the first to the sixth and seventh weeks, respectively. The highest percentages of egg-sac females were observed in the early and mid-raising weeks, showing the maximum in the mid-week (until the fifth week) in all treatments. In most weeks, a considerable increase was detected in the encysted embryos production in the broodstocks reared in 0 and 100 lux intensities as compared with 2000 and 5000 lux intensities. The survival percentage of broodstocks at the end of the fifth week was 95, 86, 23 and 30 % (in order from high to low levels of light intensities).Considering the increased production of offspring and higher survival rate in the broodstocks as well as the increase in egg-sacsfemales (during the first five weeks), it is recommended that the light intensity of 5000 lux is useful for the mass culture of A. urmianain hatchery reared broodstock.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2023)

Aims: In Tehran, which is a city born in the modern era and is always open to immigration, establishing a meaningful relationship between the urban space/architectural bodies and citizens has been one of the most important design and planning challenges. The demographic structure and buildings undergo dramatic changes at a high speed, and citizens find fewer points of support to recreate themselves and their memories with them.
Methods: Research paradigm is interpretive and the approach is quantitative. The collected data through a survey study is analyzed with statistical tests. Data analysis is done through descriptive-analytical research design and the validity of the research model has been measured thorough exploratory factor analysis.
Findings: In the dimension of “spatial practice”, “physics and the structure of space” followed by “the structure of signs”, have gained the most points. The respondents are able to understand the relationships of the components and the language that conveys the meanings in experienced spaces. In the dimension of “representation of space”, “ideology and mental preconceptions” has the highest score, which means that the respondents interfere their mentalities in judging the qualitative values of the space. In the “representational space”, the “social perception” has the highest average which means that people have given importance to their psychological needs in the experience of the public space alongside other citizens.
Conclusion: The phenomenological dimensions of space in the realm of cultural uses can be counted and evaluated in a way that is concreted in people's lived experience of space. This can significantly affect the planning of urban spaces and the design of architectural bodies.

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