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Showing 2 results for Non-Renewable Energy

Mrs. Azam Esfahani, Dr Sara Ghobadi, Dr Karim Azarbayejani,
Volume 22, Issue 4 (12-2022)

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between economic growth, energy consumption and ecological footprint in 27 developing countries and 27 developed countries during the period 1990-2018.

This paper analyzes the relationship between economic growth, energy consumption, and ecological footprint in 27 selected developing countries and 27 selected developed countries over a period of 1990-2018. The present model was developed according to as Akadiri et al. (2019) and Mohammad et al. (2019), which are in the form of the following three equations:
EFPit=α1+α2iEGit+α3iNRECit+α4iRECit+α5iTECit+α6iURBit+α7iFRit+α8iMRit+α9iHCit+εit                                                                        (1)
 NRECit=β1+β2iEFPit+β3iEGit+β4iURBit+β5iFDit+εit                         (2) 
 EGit=γ1+γ2iEFPit+γ3iNRECit+γ4iRECit+γ5iFDit+γ6iTOit+γ7iLit+γ8iKit+γ9iPIit+γ10iHCit+γ11iMRit+γ12iKOFEit+εit                                     (3)
The EFP is an ecological footprint index that compares the rate of resource consumption and production of human waste with the rate of resource reproduction and waste disposal by the biosphere, being defined in terms of the amount of land needed to maintain this cycle. EG is described as the economic growth. NREC is the consumption of non-renewable energy and includes energy from combustible non-renewable energy, such as oil, gas, hydrocarbons, coal, and nuclear energy. REC is the consumption of renewable energy. FD is financial development. URB is the growth rate of urbanization. TO is the degree of trade openness. L is the labor force. K is an investment. HC is human capital. FR is the fertility rate. MR is the mortality rate. PI is political instability. TEC is the technology. KOFE is the globalization of the economy. In order to analyze the relationship between the mentioned variables, the Generalized Method of Moments (Sys-GMM) was used.

Results and Discussion:
The results showed that in both groups of developed and developing countries, economic growth was correlated with energy consumption and ecological footprint index. Nonrenewable energy consumption, urbanization rate, fertility rate and mortality rate in both groups of the country had positive effects and the renewable energy, technological growth rate and human capital had negative effects on ecological footprint. Economic growth had a negative effect on the ecological footprint of developed countries and a positive effect on the ecological footprint of developing countries, which indicates that more developed countries rely on the use of renewable energy. Ecological footprint has a negative effect and economic growth, urbanization rate and financial development had positive effects on energy consumption in both groups of countries. Ecological footprint has had a negative effect on the economic growth of developed countries and a positive effect on the economic growth of developing countries. Renewable and non-renewable energy, financial development, degree of trade openness, physical capital, labor and economic globalization had positive effects and political instability and mortality rates had negative effects on economic growth in both groups.

Based on the results of the research, it is suggested that countries, especially developing countries, try to create and use clean energy. High information, proper education, exchange of information with other countries to benefit from the information and advanced goods that are in line with the environment, taxation of producers who use polluting energy and granting tax exemptions and low-interest and long-term loans to producers who use clean energy will reduce the ecological footprint. Given the impact of non-renewable and renewable energy on growth and economic development, the contradiction of the impact of economic growth on the ecological footprint in developed and developing countries indicates that developed countries have adopted an approach based on which renewable energy is used rather than non-renewable energy in the production process. While the use of non-renewable energy sources in developing countries, although leading to economic growth, has led to environmental degradation. Since increasing economic growth is one of the most important economic goals of countries, it is necessary for policymakers to take measures in terms of economic growth, which imposes the least damage to the environment and achieves the goals of sustainable development. In this regard, it is recommended that the developing countries, as well as the developed countries, use renewable and less polluting energy such as solar, wind, and hydropower instead of non-renewable energy.

Mrs Najme Mohamadi, Dr Bahram Sahabi, Dr Hassan Heydari, Dr Hosin Sadeghi,
Volume 24, Issue 2 (5-2024)

Economic complexity is an index that has been raised in the last decade and indicates the use of technology in the process of producing goods and services of a country, which leads to increased economic growth and prosperity by creating a productive structure in the composition, increased productivity and diversity of manufactured products. Economic complexity is expected to affect energy consumption because the type of products produced is an important determinant of energy consumption. If countries operate in energy-intensive industries such as metals, chemicals, and forest products, energy consumption will be high, and if they specialize in low energy and highly complex products, energy consumption in these countries will decrease. In addition, the level of technological knowledge of countries can significantly affect energy efficiency. Therefore, in this research, the effects of economic complexity and economic growth on renewable, non-renewable and total energy consumption in developing and developed countries in the period of 2000-2020 have been investigated by GMM method.
GMM estimator is a subset of instrumental variable method estimators. In this method, in addition to solving the problem of correlation of the independent variable with disturbance components, the endogeneity of the variables and the heterogeneity of the variance of the model are also solved. It should be noted that this method is applicable when T is smaller than N (number of segments).
The results of this research show that the economic complexity index affects the development of renewable energy in developing and developed countries and also causes a decrease in the use of non-renewable energy and total energy consumption in developed countries and an increase in the use of non-renewable and total energy consumption in developing countries. It is currently being developed. In this research, the opening of trade has had a positive effect on the consumption of renewable energy in both groups of countries, and in developed countries, the opening of trade has reduced the consumption of non-renewable and total energy, and in developing countries, the opposite result has been obtained. In both groups of countries, energy consumption has a positive relationship with income level. Also, the results show that if economic growth is accompanied with higher technology, it can lead to a lower increase in total energy consumption in both groups of countries.
Conclusion and Discussion
As mentioned in the introduction, economic complexity represents a complex and knowledge-based production structure of a given country that takes a long time to mature. When economic complexity increases, the use of non-renewable energy and environmental degradation increases first in a given country. However, with the increase of environmental preferences in a society, the economic actors change their energy by using non-renewable energy habits. This is completely consistent with the results of the estimation models as explained above. Based on the obtained results, it can be said that economic complexity is a policy factor for the overall transformation of renewable energy and demand for greener energy. The study recommends that complexity and structural change policies should be implemented for cleaner and greener growth and overall promotion of greener energy in developing and developed countries. Due to the movement of developing countries towards the development of technology, the need for energy will increase in the coming years. Hence, there is a need for policymakers to plan to meet energy needs. Considering the existing limitations in the use of fossil energy, which leads to complications such as environmental pollution and resource depletion, necessary investments should be made for the development of clean and renewable energy. In order to reduce energy consumption, policies that increase energy efficiency or prevent any form of  waste should be formulated, especially in economic sectors. In this regard, Can and Guzgur recommend that the level of fossil energy consumption in each industry should be clearly estimated and based on that, governments should establish specific laws for each industry. Through developing policies related to trade facilitation, they should also reduce the cost of importing new technologies, or decrease the cost of discovering new technologies via financing research and development institutions. Governments should promote energy regulations to reduce fossil fuel dependence and energy intensity. Future studies could examine the impact of economic complexity on energy demand in terms of oil-importing versus oil-exporting economies. Examining the effects of economic complexity on different aspects of energy (e.g., electric and nuclear energy) can be an important research question for researchers working on energy strategy.

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