Showing 6 results for Kermanshah Province
Volume 4, Issue 2 (12-2022)
Land use planning, classification of human activity in geographical space, is a thinking that considers all aspects of a country's development, and is a strategic planning and a purely geographical solution for the sustainable development of countries. This issue is more important for Kermanshah province which is neighboring with Iraq, because the existence of a wide range of potential and actual threats in both Iraq and the Kurdistan region have led the implementation of any plan to be corresponded with the analysis of the security situation around the border. Achieving this requires recognizing geostrategic features, analyzing the environment, categorizing the types of threats and identifying their source and origin. This article also serves this purpose, namely presentation of indicators of military centers and bases in Kermanshah province using descriptive-analytic method. The data collection tool is based on documentary and library findings. For this purpose, the required data were collected from documents and written sources and content analysis method is used to analyze the data. The results showed that the arrangement of military centers and bases in Kermanshah province is not very comprehensive and efficient, and it has a traditional approach and has been done regardless of natural and human indicators and threat points, so it has little effect on the effectiveness of projects, decrease in vulnerabilities and increase in defensive capabilities. Also, it is faced with ignoring internal and external threats, unbalanced spatial organization in the manner of establishing and locating military centers, excessive concentration of political, administrative, demographic places and centers, important industries and facilities in the center of Kermanshah province, etc
Volume 7, Issue 1 (2-2025)
Country divisions are one of the solutions that countries follow for territorial development so that they can put the place of residence of citizens at a suitable level for living. Several factors play a role in country divisions, factors such as scientific and legal indicators, form of government and type of political regime, geography of power and support, ecological minorities, strategic environment and surrounding spaces of the country, etc. Iran is one of the countries with a historical history of having a system of country divisions, and the divisions of the country face problems. Kermanshah province is one of the border provinces that is associated with deprivation and lack of development. As one of the western provinces of the country, in line with the country division system, this province has 14 cities, 31 urban centers, 86 villages and 2,793 inhabited villages. The main goal of this article is to analyze the state of the national division system on the development of Kermanshah province. To investigate this goal, the main question raised is, what was the status of the country's division system on the level of development of Kermanshah province? In response to this question, the descriptive-analytical method has been used using library resources and internet sites. The results of research findings show that due to the formation of the first urban phenomenon for the city of Kermanshah, lack of attention to the existing cultural-religious structure in the province and lack of attention to environmental potentials, for example in the field of agriculture, the current country divisions in Kermanshah province are ineffective and It has not had a favorable effect on the development process in this province.
Volume 7, Issue 27 (9-2019)
The Iranian folk culture originates from ancient time so that Iran can be considered the origin of ancient rituals and beliefs. Kermānshāh province is one of the regions rich in cultural heritage. Therefore, the beliefs of its inhabitants may well reflect the folk culture of this region. In the same vein, as an important element of folk culture and literature, the crystallization of this rich culture in these deeds is highly important and remarkable. By adopting a descriptive-analytical research methodology, the current research investigated the attributes of folk culture and literature in five deeds of Qājār Era in Kermānshāh Province. The results indicate that these texts are the best indicator to observe people's thoughts during Qājār period and can be clearly seen in the reflections of folk culture and literature. The expressions of professions, instruments, weight and quantity, titles, curse and prayer, measurement and religious rituals are among the material and spiritual elements that have been analyzed, identified and investigated in these deeds.
Rahman Saadat, Moslem Ghasemi,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (7-2012)
This article examines the poverty rates for urban and rural areas of Kermanshah and the entire country using a Linear Expenditure System (LES) and Iterative Seemingly Unrelated Regression (ISUR) method during 1995-2007. Results indicate that poverty in rural and urban areas over the years in this province has an upturn trend. The findings also suggest that in rural and urban areas of Kermanshah, the group "foods" have biggest share of the poverty line. In rural areas of the country group "foods" have also the biggest share of the poverty line, but the largest share in country's urban areas belongs to group of "Housing and fuel". About elasticity the results show that in both urban and rural areas the group "other" and "appliances and furniture" are luxury.
Volume 20, Issue 4 (1-2017)
Investigating the effect of climate change on agricultural crop yield in a geographical area is an important approach in climatologic studies. Our study aims to predict the maize yield under the impact of climate change in Kermanshah province. For this purpose, CGCM3 model under A1B scenario and Change Factor downscaling method as well as WOFOST agricultural model were employed using daily data of four weather stations in the province, including the minimum and maximum temperatures, precipitation, relative humidity and sunshine hours at a 28-year period (1982-2009). The base (1982-2009) and future (2023-2050) data were taken from Canadian Climate Data and Scenarios (CCDS). After downscaling, changes of any of the climatologic parameters were analyzed, and consequently the results were entered into the WOFOST agricultural model. The results showed that the minimum and maximum temperatures in the stations in the upcoming 28-year period will increase on average 1.3 and 1.7°C, respectively. However, precipitation will be faced with both increasing and decreasing situations. Despite the increase of growth period of maize in the region due to rising temperatures, crop’s potential yield in the future will be considerably reduced on average by 22 percent due to reduced rainfall in some parts of the region and also reduced relative humidity in all stations. The highest yield reduction will occur in low-lying and warm area of Sarpol-e-zahab in the west of province by 28.7 percent.
Volume 23, Issue 2 (9-2019)
Global warming and climate change are nowadays significant challenges for humankind. It is widely and generally accepted that the increase of greenhouse gases emissions (GHGs) in the atmosphere are caused by anthropogenic effects especially in modernized and industrialized countries. Consequently, cleaner energy generation is needed in order to reduce global GHGs emissions (Waewsak et al., 2014). Wind energy becomes today a promising option to complement the conventional energy source, especially in region where the existing power plants are not sufficient to match the increasing electricity demand. This success is principally due the rapid growth of the wind technology which led the wind power to be more competitive by reducing the cost of electricity produced (Djamai and Merzouk, 2011). Since there has no comprehensive wind potential study in Kermanshah province, it is necessary to pay this important subject to reply for increased demand of electricity. Thus this paper aimed to assess economical usage of wind power in Kermanshah province.
In this study we assessed economic feasibility of wind energy usage at 13 sites in Kermanshah province. In order to carry out the research, 3-hour wind speed data in 2009 to 2013, topography, land cover and obstacle maps were used, and ten models of wind turbines with different rated power were investigated. It has been calculated Capacity Factor, Operating Probability of wind turbines, and Annual Energy Production for selected turbines in 0.03m surface roughness using WAsP and Windographer software. Economical evaluation was down by Net Present value method and benefit costs analysis (B/C) in 13 sits and 10 models of wind turbines. Also in this research it was used Extra Investment Analysis (EIA) method to choose the best project from the initial Selected Projects. After investigation of cost analysis, it was determined the most economical wind turbine and site for utilization wind energy in Kermanshah province.
Results and discussion
The maximum Capacity Factor of selected turbines has calculated in Gilanqarb (46.4%), Tazeabad (44.2%) and Somar (39.2%). This is because of different wind climatology of these sites in comparison with the other sites in the Kermanshah province. In the other words orography characteristics of these sites leads to more nocturnally mean wind speed.
The costs of the construction and maintenance of a wind farm include initial Capital Costs (turbine price and costs civil work), and also operation, maintenance and Repair costs. On the other hand, the proceeds from the sale of electricity generated should be borne by the costs incurred. The cheapest turbine is 500- kW machine with 707 thousand dollars and the most expensive is 2000- kW machine with 2900 thousand dollars.
Benefit costs analysis indicated wind power plant construction in Gilanqarb area is more economical than other areas with all turbines except for 1300- kW machines which is more economical in Tazeabad. Also the most economical machine is 2000- kW turbine in Gilanqarb area. The cost of wind power plant construction whit one 2000- kW turbine is 15.4 Billion toman right now, while the proceeds from the sale of electricity generated is 21.49 Billion toman in life time of machine. So this project is the most economical with benefit-cost ratio equal to 1.4 in comparison with other project in the study area. Obviously, the results of economic analysis will also be different if the prices used in economic analysis, such as the price of a turbine, the price of electricity or the exchange rate change.
The results showed 750- kW and 800- kW machines have maximum Operating Probability of wind turbines and also it was the highest in Tazeabad site with 80 to 89%. While Capacity Factor has the highest value for 500- kW machine in all sites. Of course this turbine has the highest value in Gilanqarb (46.4%), Tazeabad (44.2%) and Somar (39.2%) sites. The most Annual Energy Production (AEP) acquired for 2000- kW turbine which is due to its high rated capacity. Calculated AEP for selected turbines vary between about 2 GWh in Kangavar to 6.7 GWh in Gilanqarb in the year.
Benefit-Cost index showed that wind power plant construction in Gilanqarb area is more economical than other areas with more turbines, and also the most economical machine is 2000- kW turbine in this area. Finally Calculations showed that usage of wind energy is not economical with any turbine in Eslamabad-Qarb, Kangavar, Sarpol-zahab, Ravansar, Sonqor, Harsin, Javanrood and Qasre-Shirin.