Showing 8 results for Input-Output Table
Ali Asghar Banouei, Mojtaba Mohaghaghi,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (1-2009)
Considering multifaceted nature of "information", it has been introduced into different terminologies by the different researchers during the last three decades. In this article, we attempt to examine empirically the measurement of a sub-set of "information", namely “Primary information sectors (PIS)”, which requires the following factors: definition and conceptualization, methodology, Process of estimation, and data requirements. Based on the 99 sectors of input-output table derived from a 2002 version as well as the availability of the results from the 2002 manufacturing Census of the country; the size, importance, and scope of the PIS of Iran have been worked out.
The results indicate that the shares of PIS in gross output, value added and final demand are 8, 10.2, and 8.6 percent respectively. However, these percents are relatively less than those shares found in the selected developed and developing countries over the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s.
Habibollah Salami, Zohreh Shabani, Kazen Sadr,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (5-2010)
The lack of statistics has hampered attempts to estimate fixed capital for the agricultural sub-sectors of Iran. Giving a non anonymous agreement on the depreciation rate of capital in machineries and constructions, an indirect method of estimation is employed using capital consumption statistics in different sub-sectors of input-output tables. In this study, capital stock is estimated in agricultural sub-sectors of Iran using the perpetual inventory method.
According to the results of this paper, the capital stock in 2006 is estimated to be 53374.9 billion rials in cropping and horticulture, 24334.6 billion rials in animal husbandry, 4982 billion rials in forestry and rangelands and 16374.2 billion rials in fishery sub-sectors at constant 1997 prices, respectively.
The findings based on the five year development plans of the country revealed that over the third development plan, the total agricultural capital stock, both in machinery and equipment and constructions, experienced the highest growth while during the second development plan, the machinery and equipment capital stock experienced the lowest growth. Moreover, during the first development plan and over the eight year war, the construction capital stock experienced the lowest growth.
Mansoor Khalili Araghi, Hasan Rezai,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2011)
Manufacturing sector has an outstanding potential in production, employment, value added and income. This sector also procures machinery and equipment for other sectors .Since a large part of the government investments are allocated to the manufacturing sector; it needs special consideration for the optimum allocation of the limited resources. In this study we have surveyed various strategies covering import substitution, export promotion, basic export and balanced and unbalanced growth. With regard to Iran’s situation and characteristics such as resources, specialties, infrastructure, the unbalanced growth pattern is recommended. The input-output backward and forward linkages have been investigated via the input-output table. Different techniques have been used such as principal component, factor analysis and numerical taxonomy.
Reza Valinezhad Torkamani, Ali Asghar Banouei, Mohammad Jelodari Mamaghani,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (7-2013)
The statistical data of Tehran Province shows that the ratios of output and employment of service sector to total provincial output and employment are 57 and 63 percent in 2001, respectively. The aim of this article is to quantitatively explain the structure of service –based economy of province, using Input-Output Model and intersectional linkages by Eigen Vector method. So, the main question in this research is that can the usage of Eigen vector method rather than traditional methods like Chenery-Watanabe and Rasmussen methods evaluate more precisely the importance of provincial economic sectors on the basis of intermediate viability in the production process?
For this purpose, first the Input-Output Table of “Tehran Province” for 2001 was estimated by AFLQ method, and then the importance of provincial economic sectors was measured in terms of forward and backward linkages by Chenery-Watanabe, Rasmussen and Eigen vector methods.
The results show that Eigen Vector Method can explain the importance of economic sectors of province on the basis of intermediate viability in the production process, in such a way that four key sectors are of dominant shares in industrial activities which their average share of demand out of total output is 45.5 percent, but ratios for 71 economic and service sectors are 76 percent and 84 percent, respectively. In general, results show that the nature of service sector in Tehran province is different from the services in modern economies. The main reason is that the service sector in Tehran is the consuming rather than producing sector.
Mohammad Kiani de Kiani, Dr Seyed Habibollah Mousavi, Dr. Sadegh Khalilyan,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (4-2018)
The possible costs and benefits of trade liberalization generate essential problems for the developing countries and make free trade dubious. A major problem for developing countries is to create jobs in sectors supported indirectly by imposing import tariffs. This study aims to investigate the potential effects of the tariffs’ elimination of agricultural imports on the job creation of this sector and other sectors using 2011 input-output table. For the whole economy, the results show that private sector experiences 5.5% and 9.81% reductions in direct and indirect employment, respectively. On the other hand, public sector faces with 2.63% and 4.59% reductions in direct and indirect employment, respectively. According to findings, the reduction in direct employment is bigger than that of indirect employment.
Mrs. Frnaz Dehghan, Dr Zahra Nasrollahi,
Volume 22, Issue 4 (12-2022)
In order to evaluate the socioeconomic development, various criteria are used to evaluate the livelihood, welfare, and social changes of human life. The economic progress is one of the important dimensions of development. The social dimension of development, which leads to the creation of justice for different members of a society, is another important aspect of development, and the realization of this goal requires planning. Land planning, which seeks to pay attention to regional potentials and differences, is a step in this direction. Ignoring these capabilities will lead to resources waste, intensifying regional dualities and negative consequences. For this purpose, the aim of the current research is to identify the key sectors of the economy of Yazd province based on the multi-regional input-output table. The innovation of the current research is to investigate all the economic activities of Yazd province and national economy and to identify the key parts of the two regions.
In the current research, we seek to identify and evaluate the key economic sectors of Yazd province and national economy using traditional methods, elasticity of final demand, data envelopment analysis (DEA) and finally a multi-ranked index using multi regional input-output table. In this article, the Central Bank's 2016 input-output table was used, which was the most up-to-date official statistical data table approved and available at the time of the research. Also, the regional input-output table of 2015 Yazd province and national economy has been extracted from the updated input output table of Central Bank and regional accounts of the same year by using specific Flegg location quotient (SFLQ) method. The input-output table of the Central Bank, according to the production and economic structure of the two regions, and using the ISIC classification method, has been aggregated into 20 sectors.
Results and Discussion:
The results of the present research show that in the traditional method, in total, the section "Manufacturing metal factory products except machinery and equipment" and three sections "Manufacturing paper and paper products and printing", "Manufacturing products from rubber and plastic" and "Manufacturing metals" "Basic" are respectively known as the key sectors of Yazd province and other national economies. In the final demand elasticity method of Yazd province, the sections "Manufacture of motor vehicles and other transportation equipment", "Manufacture of clothing, processing and dyeing of fur, tanning and polishing of leather and other leather products" and "Manufacture of unclassified machinery and equipment in Other" and for the rest of the national economy, the sectors "Manufacturing textiles", "Manufacturing basic metals" and "Manufacturing non-metallic mineral products" are ranked first to third. In the third method, known as data envelopment analysis method, in Yazd province, the "Manufacturing of motor vehicles and other transportation equipment" sector and in other national economies, the "Manufacturing of paper, paper products and printing" sector are known as key sectors.
In a general summary using a Multi Ranking Index (MRI), in Yazd province, "Textile manufacturing", "Clothing manufacturing, fur processing and dyeing, tanning and polishing of leather and other leather products", "Wood manufacturing and wooden products", "Coke manufacturing, Products from the refining of petroleum and nuclear fuels and the manufacture of chemical materials and products", "Manufacture of basic metals", "Manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified", "Manufacture of motor vehicles and other transport equipment", "Manufacture of furniture and articles Not Elsewhere Classified", "Water, Electricity and Gas", "Construction", "Transportation" and at the level of other national economy sectors "Clothing manufacturing, processing and dyeing of fur, tanning and polishing of leather and other leather products" , "Making wood and wooden products", "Making paper, paper products and printing", "Making rubber and plastic products", "Making basic metals", "Manufacturing, repairing and installing subsidized, electronic and optical products, manufacturing, repairing and installation of electrical equipment”, “Manufacture of furniture and articles not elsewhere classified” are identified as key sectors.
The findings of the present research indicate that the use of different criteria can show a different picture of the economic performance of the sectors. Using traditional methods, key sectors are industry-oriented. In the final demand elasticity method, the priority of the sectors is determined based on the importance of each sector, and in the data envelopment analysis method, the results are estimated based on the efficiency value of each sector. These results show the importance of paying attention to choose the right method in the evaluation of key sectors. Although the key sectors determined using different methods are different, the common point of all three methods is that the key sectors of Yazd province are industry-oriented. Therefore, according to the criteria used in the three methods, it can be seen that the province is well industrialized and the role of industry in the economic structure of the province is dominant.
Mrs. Mina Mansouri, Dr. Ayoub Faramarzi, Dr. Hojatollah Mirzaei, Mrs. Narges Akbari,
Volume 23, Issue 3 (8-2023)
Aims and Introduction:
Limited resources and facilities require prioritizing their allocation. For this reason, determining the sectors in which investment stimulates the economy and causes more economic growth has always been the focus of economic planners. Investigating the contribution of different sectors of the economy in job creation is very important for better allocation of limited resources. The priority of investment will be given to a sector that has the highest employment generation capacity and the production level of the entire economy.
In this article, on the one hand, three methods of analyzing the key sectors of the economy in terms of creating employment were compared. On the other hand, by calculating the normalized backward and forward links of different sectors of the economy and using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, the results of three methods were examined.
Finally, the most suitable method to introduce the important sectors of the economy to simultaneously improve production and employment was identified.
Results and Discussion:
By comparing the results of the analyzes of two traditional methods and the hypothetical removal of Meller and Marfan, it can be seen that the other services and professional, scientific and technical activities with an increase of one unit (one billion Rials) of investment have the highest direct and indirect employment generation capacity. In addition, mining activity with an increase of one unit (one billion Rials) of investment has the lowest direct and indirect employment generation capacity.
Also, in both primary tables, the fields of agriculture, forestry and fishing have been ranked fourth in terms of importance in creating employment.
Meanwhile, the industrial production sector (construction) has changed from the 13th rank in the traditional method to the 3rd rank in the hypothetical removal method of Meller and Marfan.
In Meller and Marfan's hypothetical elimination method, by considering production, the defect of the traditional employment generation method was largely eliminated.
In the third method, unlike the first two methods, industrial production activity is the most important sector of the economy.
In fact, this sector accounts for about 34% of the total lost indirect job opportunities. Also, according to the revised method, the agricultural sector ranked second among 19 fields of activity and is much more important than the two sectors of other services and professional activities, which were introduced as the most important sectors of the economy (from the point of view of employment creation) according to the first two methods. The calculation of normalized links showed that the industrial production sector (construction) with normalized coefficients of more than 20 had the greatest effect and influence from the production of other sectors. After the industrial production sector, transportation and storage sectors; agriculture, forestry and fishing; and the building have the most links (forward and backward) with other parts, respectively.
Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, between the normalized links of production and the 3 described methods, showed that based on the results of the 2015 Input-Output table of Statistical Center of Iran, only the modified method of hypothetical elimination can correctly determine the important sectors of the economy from the two perspectives of production and employment.
Volume 26, Issue 4 (7-2024)
Since the 1960s and the reduction in the share of agricultural sector in GDP in different countries, based on extensive forward and backward linkages of the agricultural sector, the concept of agribusiness has been introduced to explain the valuable contribution of agriculture to the national economy. This paper estimates the share of agribusiness in gross domestic product using input-output tables for 1986, 1991, 2001, and 2016. The results showed that the contribution of agribusinesses to GDP was about 2.5 times that of agricultural production (the average share of agribusinesses in 1986-2016 was about 23%, while the corresponding figure for agricultural value added was 9.25%). In a similar trend to developing and developed countries, the share of agribusinesses in GDP had decreased from 27.2 to 17% in 1986-2016. However, the examination of the components of agribusinesses in Iran compared to other countries shows significant differences, which can be attributed to Iran's arid and semi-arid climate, low rate of capital formation, low productivity of production factors, as well as lack of participation in regional and global chains due to long-term sanctions imposed on the economy.