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Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2024)

Environmental differences and similarities are the driving factor of travel and tourism; The Africa will be one of the main destinations for tourists in the future, with a great variety of tourist attractions, especially natural and historical. Available statistics show this fact well. All this can be a good opportunity to develop relations between Iran and African countries; Therefore, it is necessary to identify and introduce them to formulate strategic plans. Tourism is a suitable field for the development of cooperation, and paying attention to tourism and including it in diplomatic programs and relations will help to expand relations and remove obstacles; Therefore, in diplomatic relations, serious planning for a more detailed understanding of Africa, including its tourism market, should be put on the agenda. The main purpose of this article is to introduce Africa's environmental capabilities in the field of tourism with reference to the continent's plans in this regard and to answer the question of how tourism can be an effective element in the development of relations between countries. The research method is documentary and library studies and referring to statistics and figures related to tourism to provide solutions for the development of bilateral and multilateral cooperation. The general result of the present research shows the absence of a written program from the I.R. Iran for the development of tourism with Africa. A special suggestion in this regard is to prioritize tourism as a phenomenon with socio-cultural, economic and even political dimensions in the macro plans.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2013)

Aims: Fatalistic employees take serious risks because they have limited knowledge of risks and accidents, leading them to under estimate the possibility of their occurrence. This research examined the effectiveness of safety training on changing employees’ fatalism with attention to the mediating role of attitude toward safety issues. Methods: 204 employees was selected according to the stratified random sampling method in Isfahan Steel Company, divided randomly into control group (n=103) and experimental group (n=101) and the questionnaires of safety attitude and fatalism were applied as data collection instruments. The data was collected before intervention, and educational intervention was then executed in four 90-minute sessions over four days. One month after intervention, post-test was performed and the collected data was analyzed using descriptive indexes, t- and F-tests. Findings: Results show that there was a significant statistical difference in average numbers of attitude toward safety issues and fatalism before and after training intervention (p<0.01). Also, mediation analysis indicated attitude toward safety issues mediated the effect of safety trainings on fatalism (p>0.05). Therefore, safety training only by promoting workers’ safety attitudes can change the fatalistic beliefs among employees. Conclusion: By understanding relationship between fatalism and safety attitude, it should be possible to improve the training of employees, such that are less likely to attribute accidents to chance or fate.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (5-2012)

In spite of emphasis on role of organizational resource and human resources in particular, on entrepreneurship in literature of management, has not been presented an integrated pattern for Iranian organizations that measures influence of hr subsystems on entrepreneurship. By concentration of key role of human resources on entrepreneurship, present research is seeking to consider influence of different practices of human resource management on promoting of entrepreneurship in oil industry of Iran. Research methodology includes both descriptive and correlation analysis based on structural equation modeling. Data was collected by means of questionnaire that was distributed among top and middle manager of Contracting company in oil industry. Research result Indicates that human resource subsystems including human resource Acquisition, work design, development, labor relation and compensation, have influence on organizational entrepreneurship. And only training has not any impact on entrepreneurship. Furthermore, research indicates that the most impact of human resource management on entrepreneurship is indirectly and through creating supportive environment of innovation.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (8-2012)

The main goal of this study is the classification of international risks facing Iranian automotive companies activated in international markets. Also, the examination of the relationship among these risks and the selection of entry mode to various countries by these companies is another goal of this research. The research population of this study is the factories in automotive industry which has entered foreign markets in recent 5 years (1385-1390). Analysis even data surface is elected "Company-Project" and exploratory factor analysis test is used for the classification of risks. In this manner, international risks are classified in the four categories of risks; specific-host country risk, specific-industry risk, specific-company risk, and specific-home country risk. Also, the relationship between international risks and the selection of entry mode is examined by Spearman correlation test and its results are the confirmation of relation specific-host country risk and specific-industry risk with the selection of the entry mode. In other words, according to findings, with increase in the mentioned risks, the export entry mode has been considered and with decreasing of the risks, the entry mode has inclined to the J.V. and foreign direct investment. On the other hand, it has been identified that the relationship between the entry mode, specific-industry risk, and specific-home country risk is not meaningful.  

Volume 2, Issue 3 (9-2014)

The objectives for this study were first to understand and estimate energy consumption in each stage of production and processing of milk using regional data and second, suggesting improvement opportunities. A cradle to gate assessment of market milk was performed by separating the system into three stages: agronomy, animal farm and processing plant. Data were collected from multiple sources e.g. questionnaire, published papers, national and international databases, and the processing plant database. Throughout the study, ISO framework and International Dairy Federation guideline on life cycle assessment were used. The functional unit (FU) was one liter of pasteurized milk packaged in plastic pouch at the processing plant gate. The average energy demand for producing 1 kg of fat-protein corrected milk at farm-gate was 10.8 MJ, although for the final packaged milk, it was 12.5MJ. Main stages in overall energy use of FU were agronomy 68 %, animal farm 19 % and processing plant 13%. The average energy use for raw milk production was 2-5 times higher than previous European reports. To enhance efficiency in this sector, we need to assess other regions’ potentials for feed and milk production and then to focus on agronomy stage for lower energy use by optimization of irrigation, or even importing energy intensive feed such as barley and alfalfa from other countries.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (9-2017)

Introduction: Musculoskeletal disorders depend on a variety of factors such as inappropriate body posture; heavy lifting; repetitive actions; and mental, physical, and organizational risk factors. The component manufacturing industry is one of the industries in which direct involvement of the worker in the production process is unavoidable. The present study was carried out with the aim of surveying the prevalence rate of musculoskeletal disorders and assessing the upper limb conditions in employees of a component manufacturing company affiliated to Iran Khodro. Methods and Materials: This descriptive-analytical study was performed on 50 employees selected from 5 sections in 2016. In this study, Nordic questionnaire was used to determine the prevalence rate of musculoskeletal disorders and then to evaluate the incidence of musculoskeletal disorders. Results: The results of this study showed that the highest prevalence rates of musculoskeletal disorders in employees of component manufacturing industry during the last 12 months were 58.69, 52.17, and 41.28% in waistline, neck, and wrists, respectively. Conclusion: Considering the high prevalence rate of musculoskeletal disorders in some of the employees in this industry, it is necessary to consider ergonomic issues, optimize workstations, use the mechanical methods for lifting and moving loads, design the standing-sitting work stations, contract with sports halls, gives overtime work, and design and construct ergonomic chairs.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2013)

Abstract The insurance industry of Iran has a low level of maturity in utilizing the capabilities of Internet for improving its business processes, especially when it comes to effective interaction with customers. On the other hand, Web 2.0 as one of most modern approaches in electronic business, incorporating tools such as weblogs, wikis, online social networks, mashups and R.S.S, creates a great opportunity for insurance companies to deepen their communications with their customers, gain extensive feedback and harness collective intelligence. Accordingly, the goal of this research is to design a conceptual model for the effective adoption of Web 2.0 in insurance industry by identifying the relevant components in this context. In order to do this, after designing the model, by distributing a questionnaire, we ask the opinions of academic experts about the validity and importance of the components of the model. Consequently, the gathered data are analyzed by the Binomial test and then, using TOPSIS technique, the components are ranked in terms of importance. According to the results, reaching for a huge volume of information is the most important driver for Web 2.0 adoption and gaining immediate feedback for the stakeholders is the most important capability of Web 2.0 in the insurance industry.    Keywords: Web 2.0, Insurance Industry, Electronic Insurance, Social Networks, Collective Intelligence.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2013)

This research is conducted on the basis of the relational view of competitive advantage. In this view, competitive advantages are created by not only corporate-level resources but by inimitable capacities and mixed into dynamic relations. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze and quantify the impact of external social capital dimensions on organizational competitive advantage. For this purpose, after an extensive study of literature, the initial conceptual model was designed. The questionnaires were distributed among senior executives and board members of Color and Resin Company and 64 questionnaires were returned and the data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, inferential analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. Results show that the size of a firm impacts innovation and external social capital significantly affects the organizational competitive advantage. Also, structural dimension of external social capital is the most effective among the dimensions of competitive advantage, and strategic flexibility dimension is the most impressible dimension of external social capita. Additionally, the cognitive dimension of external social capital has the minimal impact on competitive advantage. It seems that the warm personal relationships, business relationships and working closely with many diverse groups and work teams in complex industrial organization are the most important tools for achieving the desired organizational results.    

Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2018)

Aims: Due to the increasing development of industries and the need for continuous and intensive work, work-related diseases, such as Work- Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WRMSD), have increased. The present study was carried out to evaluate the association between shifting work and WRMSD.
Instruments &Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out on 300 male workers recruited from Mobarakeh Steel Company Esfahan, Iran during May 2015 till June 2016. The participants in this study were selected by two-stage random sampling (stratify-cluster sampling) in 3 shift categories (day worker, ordinary and rotation shifting worker) and then responded to the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ). Data were analysed using SPSS software (version 24) and ML-win software (version 2.3).
Findings: The mean age of the participant was 42.4(SD=8.19), 39.82(SD=8.48) and 44.4(SD=3.57) years in day worker, ordinary and rotation shift worker respectively. The results showed that over the past seven days, the risk of shoulder disorders in ordinary shifts was significantly (OR=1.66, P value=0.04) higher than the rotational shift. The risk of elbow
disorders during the seven days or the past 12 months in ordinary shifts was significantly (OR = 0.38, P-value=0.01) lower than the rotational shift worker.

Conclusion: According to the result of this study, considering shifting work greatly is helpful in preventing WRMSD. Therefore, it is necessary to pay more attention to working conditions and risk factors for shoulder, elbow, and legs disorders

Volume 3, Issue 10 (9-2022)

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the factors affecting the achievement of world-class production in the economic development of the sport industry by mediating production planning from the viewpoint of employees of the General Department of Sports and Youth of Tehran Province. The statistical population consisted of experts from the Tehran Sports and Youth Department, totaling 210 people. One hundred thirty-two persons were selected based on Morgan's table and by simple random sampling. Of these, 120 questionnaires were returned. For data analysis, 24 SPSS and 24 AMOS software were used. Global production in terms of factors influencing production planning, 58% of the variance of the factors influencing production planning and production paths in the world-class, and factors affecting production planning to develop the economy of the sports industry, explains 96% of the variance in the development of the economy of the sports industry. Production of products in a World class, which is competitive in international markets, inevitably necessitates strategic planning, so sports products can have dramatic effects on the countries' economies, evident in their transitional stages to economic development or emergence.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2014)

Effective IT governance guarantees alignment of IT with business in order to maximize benefits, achieving organizational goals and optimal use of IT resources. Therefore in industries such as banking industry due to the dependency of their activities on IT, appropriate IT governance is no longer a “nice to have”, it is a “must have”. To achieve effective IT governance, an organization needs to employ well-designed, well-understood, and transparent governance mechanisms. A complete list of 30 IT governance mechanisms categorized in 3 groups: decision making structures, alignment processes and relational mechanisms were synthesized through the literature review and using the Qualitative Meta-Synthesis Methodology. In the next step, a group of domain experts were requested to modify the list to the specific characteristics of Iranian banking industry and as a final outcome, a list of 26 mechanisms for effective IT governance in Iranian banking industry was obtained. Then, designed and validated questionnaire of field studies was distributed among IT managers of 25 banks. The collected data were analyzed via statistical tests. Results indicated 12 mechanisms are strongly deployed among which the existence of an IT strategy committee, IT project steering committee, IT project tracking (time and budget control) and Motivation and incentive to follow the principles of IT governance have positive impact on effective IT governance in Iranian banking industry.    

Volume 4, Issue 1 (7-2019)

Aim: Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are the main cause of occupational disorders and  disabilities in the developing countries. The goal of this study was to assess the prevalence of  the MSDs in steel Industry workers using Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ), and  its relationship with the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) results. 
Instruments & Methods: The present research was a descriptive-analytic study conducted  on the Iranian steel industry in 2018. A total of 17 workstations were randomly selected and  NMQ was used to explore the prevalence of the symptoms of Work-related Musculoskeletal  Disorders (WMSDs). Afterwards, the workers’ postures were assessed via RULA. Finally,  the results were analyzed in SPSS 22 through the chi-square test, independent t-test, and  analysis of variance (ANOVA) method.
Findings: This study showed the significant relationship between the results from the  Nordic assessment of the back, knee, and neck within the past 12 months and profession type  (p<0.05). However, the final assessment scores, corrective measures priority, and Nordic  assessments of the back, neck, and knee of the workers showed no significant relationship  with work experience (p>0.05).
Conclusion: The findings of this study revealed that in order to considerably reduce the  musculoskeletal disorders in the steel industry workers, immediate measures must be taken  to correct the back and neck postures especially in the scrap shear operators, welders, ingot  shear operators, electrical technician, tower operator, and guillotine operators.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2014)

Due to Limited resources and unlimited human demands, it is important for marketers to use resources efficiently and thoroughly to achieve the organizational goals. In this regard, green marketing assists marketers as a marketing strategy, and support environment and customers’ expectations with observable benefits. Automotive industry is one of the reflection of economic and industrial development, and as an extensive process, performs important role in rotating the wheels of economy. The aim of this study is to identify and examine the effective factors on green marketing in automotive industry of Iran. The statistical population is formed of two groups. The first group consisted 8 experts in green marketing and chose for identifying effective factors. The second group consisted experts in automotive industry to evaluate performance and extract indices weights. For collecting data, questionnaire of identification effective factors and performance evaluation used. Confirmatory factor analysis, Topsis and GRY decision making techniques employed to investigate the questions of the study. For presentation of clear and practical results, confirmed factors are placed in Importance-Performance Matrix, and separated to 4 parties. The most important factors are those that situated in second quarter which automotive industry must focus on, and improves its performance in those factors.  

Volume 4, Issue 3 (8-2016)

Aim: Occupational health with the goals of providing, maintaining and enhancing the physical, psychological and social health of employees and preventing harmful factors is important.
One of the ways of preventing occupational hazards is to identify them in the workplace. So the purpose of this research is to identify hazards and risk assessment in order to provide the necessary information to help make the decisions required to reduce the occupation-related risks.
Methods: In this study, we used a combination of FMEA and AHP methods to assess the occupational risks of the cement industry.
Findings: In this study, eight hazards were first examined by the FMEA method, which was the highest risk priority number for occupational hazards. Then the hierarchical analysis process technique was used to evaluate and rank the hazards, with the risk of working at an elevated level with a relative weight of 0.2234 in the first place and the dangers of working with machinery with a relative weight of 0.20864.
Conclusion: The manufacturing activities in this industry are required to work in different conditions such as high altitude, work and contact with dangerous rotating and moving equipment, and high-risk manufacturing processes that provide suitable safety controls and structures for the protection of human capital and even upgrading machines. Therefore, the health of the staff and the work environment is necessary.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2017)

Aim: Every year, a huge number of incidents of irreparable damage to personnel and industries occur, most of which are predictable with identifying hazards as well as risk assessment and control. Therefore, in order to prevent occupational accidents, the automotive industry is one of the top priorities for evaluating and identifying the hazards.
Methods: The purpose of this study is to identify, control and rank the hazards of actions and processes in the hazardous automotive industry. This descriptive-analytical study was carried out in 2017 in one unit of Iran Khodro Company by using FMEA method. Also to accurately assess the health risks and make decisions for corrective actions to prioritize hazard risks, Wiliam Fine and AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) methods were used, respectively.
Findings: In this research, a list of 301 risks in 7 units including cutting line, assembly line, prototyping and modification, manufacturing, packaging, quality control, laboratory, and repair and maintenance were provided. The results of FMEA method indicated that the highest risk priority number (RPN) is related to the risks of particle swirling in grinding operations (336). Moreover, based on the results of William Fine method, the exposure to noise in the Kissing & Wessich Sersim Strandbauft operation was rated at 540 and 500, respectively, with the highest risk of evaluation. The risk of exposure to noise (Kicking operation) with a relative weight of 0/1904 was ranked the first.
Conclusion: The results of the hazard analysis showed that the effect of noise pollution that leads to hearing impairment in the staff is very high.

Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2015)

The purpose of this study is to examine the correlation between canonical variables (x component) of organizational commitment, including (affective commitment, normative and continuous variable) and quality of services provided to employees (y components), including (responsibility, reliability, trusting, empathy, tangibility). These two sets of change variables are taken to be a suitable model for determining the relationship between Y components. Also it would use to provide a prediction method for y components using canonical correlation. At first, the theoretical model and the theories between the variables were developed and for surveying the research theories structural equation was used. ansar bank counter staves of Tehran city are the statistical population. 320 employees were picked based on the Morgan table using random sampling. A questionnaire was used to collect data, and its reliability and validity assessed by Cronbach's alpha and confirmatory factor analysis. Results of canonical correlation showed a good linear combination between organizational commitment and service quality offered by them. Affective and normative commitment has direct relation with quality components, and continuance commitment correlated inversely with quality components. Normative commitment in empathy have the greatest role in creating the first canonical correlation coefficient as well as a comparison with other canonical variables.

Volume 7, Issue 2 (9-2017)

In E-commerce and wireless communication technologies, location-based services are one of the most valuable processes. Using this services in the banking industry, in addition to providing customized banking services to customers, will bring infinite benefits for banks. However, due to the new emergence of this technology and possible obstacles ahead, it is essential to be paid to the issue of acceptance of this services in the banking industry. The aim of this study is presenting a model for acceptance of location-based services to Iranian banks. For this purpose, according to the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, a comprehensive model has been developed to identify effective factors on the acceptance of location-based services in Iranian banks and has been tested utilizes structural equation modeling, in the community of banks customers in Tehran. After analyzing the results, the main research hypotheses were confirmed and the effective factors on acceptance of location-based services in Iranian banks, including performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, social influences, privacy concerns, confidence, perceived risk, and willingness to innovation. According to the findings, gender and age is not involved in the acceptance of the banking location-based services, but the educational degree is effective on intend to use this services.

Volume 7, Issue 3 (10-2016)

One of the most important events Since World War II is Nationalization of the oil industry due to the presence of people in politics and the crisis that is led to the severance of diplomatic relations between Iran and Britain.  So the oil nationalization movement in Iran can be considered the beginning of a new chapter based on the demands of the people seeking independence and authoritarianism. Various writers has examined and investigated the Oil Nationalization from different prospective and formation reasons as well.   This Paper seeks to add a new angle to the movement of the oil industry-backed measures based on relative deprivation theory, the official answer to this question which admits Iran's insistence on holding the oil nationalization movement review and analyzed the factors involved in the divergence. In terms of writing ahead, between mental Elements seeking independence and authoritarianism political culture iran, Deprivation resulting from the expectations and abilities of citizens and government to achieve progress  The research in this paper is a descriptive and analytical methods and Data for Library Studies and Documents, including books, scholarly articles, and the Internet has been made. The research shows that independence groups have caused the Iran according to Geopolitical and geostrategic position, to provide and promote Insisted on its right to nationalize the oil industry.

Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2018)

The advent of new technologies is constantly evolving in today's societies, while information technology is the most effective of these activities. Since information technology can have a devastating impact on the environment, protecting the environment from these threats has added to the concerns of organizations, and as a result, the Green IT debate has become a topic of the day. Different models and methods have been used to explain the various dimensions of the maturity of green information. In this research, a dynamic model was developed to examine the relationship between components and determine the appropriate strategy to reduce energy consumption and thus increase the maturity level of green information technology in the organization. Since the banking industry is closely related to information technology, all Iranian banks have been investigated in this study. First, various components influencing the maturity of green information technology have been identified and their initial level and factors influencing their increase or decrease have been determined, then Causal loop and Stock and flow diagrams are illustrated to explain their relationships. In this regard, variables related to human factors and factors related to technology have been investigated. In the end, after testing and simulating a dynamic model, several scenarios have been proposed to improve the situation in the banking industry and to reach the highest level of maturity of green information technology. Keywords: Green Information Technology, Green Technology Maturity, System Dynamics, Banking Industry

Volume 8, Issue 3 (3-2019)

The diversity of the skills required in project management and the demand for learning them as one of the main sources of competitive advantage in organizations is growing. One of the ways to learn project management capabilities is through other organizations and people. Inter-organizational learning is the way in which different organizations in an alliance collaborate, share knowledge, and learn from one another. This research focuses mainly on project management capabilities inter-organizational learning process and also on factors affecting it. By using explorative studies, a theoretical model for project management capabilities inter-organizational learning is developed and research hypotheses are formulated based on this model. The data collected from 34 organizational units responsible for different project management functions in two international consortiums of Iran petroleum industry is analyzed and then by using the structural equation modeling, the relationships between research variables are tested. Fitting indices of the model and impact factors between variables resulted from data analysis mostly shows acceptable fit and very strong relationship between components of the model. Finally, suggestions to be used by project based organizations as well as suggestions for future studies are presented along with research results.

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