Showing 18 results for Human Capital
Volume 1, Issue 2 (9-2011)
The mainly key to succeed in knowledge-based economy where competitive advantage makes the distinction is human capital. In managing the worthy capital, job satisfaction plays the important role. This prompted the researchers for measuring and improving these aspects of organizational behavior in Kalle Company. The purposes of this study aer distinguishing effective factors and their levels and quantity on job satisfaction of the selling staff of Kalle ice-cream factory. In other words, this research is to distinguish effective factors on job satisfaction of the selling stuffs of Kalle firm in the two groups of selling - marketing staff and other staff including financial, organizational and supporting staff. Importance, and influence intensity of groups will be determined and compared. Also the most important effective factors on job satisfaction of staff will be ranked according to their priority. A combined model of various aspects is provided and used according to the scientists’ opinion on behavioral field and job satisfaction. This research is a kind of descriptive stay according to data collection and objectives. The findings of this study on six effective indexes effecting on job satisfaction and marketing indicate that the three indexes of salary and wages, promotion rules and welfare facilities are in partly infavorable status, but the indexes of job nature, supervising and relationship with cooperatives are in partly favorable status. Comparison of selling and marketing staff with other staff indicates no significant differences in the studied variables of two the groups. Keywords: Knowledge worker, Human capital, Job satisfaction, Nature of job.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (7-2016)
In recent years, increased the sensitivity of the competition in the market, because nature of competition has changed since investments in tangible resources to invest in intangible resources. The company's success is their ability to adapt to rapid changes in technology and market conditions. Human capital can be strategic assets and create competitive advantage for companies. In this context, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of human capital on wealth creation for shareholders. Sample of 146 firms during the period 2009 to 2013 is the Stock Exchange. Fuzzy regression was used to test the research hypothesis. Control variables consider for this study, including firm size, return on assets and financial leverage. Current research suggests there is a significant relationship between human capital and wealth creation for shareholders. Higher human capital is associated with higher- yielding assets. However, there is not a significant relationship between firm size and leverage with human capital.
Mojtaba Almasi, Keyoumars Sohaili, Asghar Sepahban Gharehbaba,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2010)
There are many factors affecting economic growth. Based on the literature, the effects of these factors such as higher education are mainly examined using endogenous economic growth theories. Various theoretical models are used to estimate the relation among variables affecting economic growth.
This paper investigates the effects of higher education human capital on the economic growth in Iran using the endogenous growth models. The specified model includes human capital, physical investment and foreign debt which are identified as the main determinants of economic growth in Iran. Two dummy variables are included in the model in order to represent the effects of Islamic revolution and imposed war. The Johnson five steps approach is employed to estimate the empirical model.
The results confirm that higher education human capital has a relatively large and statistically significant effect on the economic growth in Iran. It is found that the growth elasticity of higher education human capital is larger than the growth impact of physical capital investment. So, in order to obtain a high rate of economic growth in the country, investment in higher education human capital must be increased. Moreover, based on the findings, it is recommended that the investment should be made using domestic saving instead of financing abroad.
Volume 10, Issue 2 (10-2020)
This paper aimed to identify the characteristics of human capital the Smart Organization in a mixed method. In the Qualitative section, 17 faculty members in of organization and management were selected using theoretical sampling method and conducted in-depth and semi-structured interviews were. Data were analyzed by content analysis in Maxqda software. Sub-Sample members of the quantitative section included 200 employees of Zahedan Municipality, regions and affiliated organizations who were selected by stratified random sampling method. At the quantitative section, the instrument was researcher-made questionnaire by acceptable validity that its reliability confirmed by Confirmatory factor analysis in Lisrel software. Evaluation of the identified characteristics was performed by T-test in SPSS software. Individual abilities, skills, knowledge, emotional intelligence, cultural intelligence and organizational intelligence were the characteristics of human capital of Smart Organization. In addition, it was found that the skills are moderate and the status of knowledge, emotional intelligence, cultural intelligence and organizational intelligence is good, but individual abilities and is not in a good condition.
Volume 11, Issue 3 (10-2007)
In a knowledge-based economiy, products and companies live and die on information and the most successful companies are the ones who use their intangible assets better and faster. Researches have indicated that inverse decreasing returns of traditional resources such as land, money, machinery etc. Knowledge is realy a resource to increase business performance. From a strategic perspective, intellectual capital (IC) is used to create and enhance the organizational value, and success requires IC and the ability to manage this scarce resource controlled by a company. In addition, one of the most important organizational capabilities is social capital that can contribute to create and share knowledge in organizations and to make sustainable organizational advantage for them in comparison with their competitors.
Thus, the objective of the present descriptive and analytical research was to discuss the role of intellectual capital and social capital in competitive advantage in two automobile maker companies in Iran. Statistical community of the research consisted of supervisors, general managers and top managers. The obtained results indicated that there was a significant positive relationship between the social capital and intellectual capital in the two studied companies. Also, their intellectual capital had direct impact on their competitive advantage. However, their social capital had indirect impact on their competitive advantage.
Yousef Mohammadzadeh, Davood Daneshjafari, Seyyed Yaser Majidi,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (1-2012)
Empirical studies imply that natural resource abundance plays an important role on economic growth in natural-resource-rich countries. The growth literature shows that human capital, education, technology progress and institutional quality are effective factors on economic growth. This article using a panel data firstly investigates the Resource Curse Hypothesis and then analyzes the effective factors and how they affect RCH. Among several effective factors that are reported in present studies, in this paper the main focus is on Human Capital and Institutional Quality. The sample for this research is two groups of petroleum exporting countries: A) Major petroleum exporters and B) Other petroleum exporters which are analyzed for the period 1996-2006. Results show that Resource Curse is seen in major Petroleum Exporting Countries. The findings also confirm the importance of low institutional quality and inadequate investments in human capital in case of resource curse. The results confirm that natural resource abundance has a negative impact on growth if considered in isolation, but a positive direct impact on growth if other explanatory variables, such as human capital, institutional quality, openness and etc. are taken into account.
Mehdi Safdari, Mohammad Nabi Shahiki Tash, Zahra Sheidaee,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (9-2014)
Nonlinear relationship between education and e
The main objective of this study is to investigate the role of human capital on economic growth in different economies. For this purpose, we consider a model in which the growth rate of total factor productivity (GRTFP) depends on human capital stock levels, and human capital affects GRTFP through innovation and technology adoption from abroad. Using a cross-country panel approach for 104 countries, including 79 developing countries and 25 OECD countries, in five-year intervals during the 1980-2005, we found the relationship between human capital and economic growth is nonlinear. In addition, the development of domestic technology is more effective factor on economic growth in developing countries than catch-up factor, while human capital accumulation through technology adoption from abroad is more effective factor on economic growth in developed countries.
conomic growth (Barro and Lee's approach in measuring human capital) The goal of this study was to investigate the role of human capital on economic growth in different economies. For this purpose, we examine the relation between growth rate and human capital by econometric models. In this paper, using the panel approach to Iran and 103 other countries, and considering the five-year moving average during 2005-1980. we realized that the relationship between levels of human capital and economic growth is nonlinear and development of domestic technology, operating more important role in economic growth in developing countries. The main result of this paper denote that there are different between growth pattern among developed and developing countries.
Volume 15, Issue 1 (2-2011)
This article investigates the effect of human capital on social capital. The sample includes the employees of National Petrochemical Company and the required data were collected by questionnaire. Trust, civil participation and leadership, voluntariness, informal social relations and diversity in friendship were considered for measuring social capital. Also experience, education, creativity, skill and health were used to measure human capital. The results showed that social capital will be increased by investment on human capital, and one of the best ways to achieve that, is investment on education because it has great effect on all factors of social capital.
Teimoor Mohammadi, Syrous Omidvar,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (4-2015)
In this article, using two criteria of rivalry and excludability, the direct production factors are classified as physical capital, human capital and technology. Based on the new theories of economic growth, essential role of human capital in innovation, adoption and application of new technologies is emphasized. Then to explain differences of economic growth across countries, institutions as the fundamental causes of economic growth are discussed. It is argued that institutions provide circumstances in which proximate causes of production are accumulated and used. Institutions signal to the economic agents to pursue productive or rent seeking activities. In this regard, paradoxical findings of empirical studies as to effects of human capital on economic growth are analyzed. Using a cross-section data, based on 10-year average of output per worker for about 90 countries over the period 2001-2010, the interaction effect of human capital and institutional quality on growth is evaluated. The main implication of the model for Iranian economy is: Notwithstanding the huge investments in human capital, which mainly financed by oil revenues, low quality of institutions has led to slow economic growth.
Lida Gohari, Mostafa Salimifar, Mohammad Ali Aboutorabi,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (11-2016)
Since financial development can contribute to the development of human capital, this paper examines the effect of financial development on human capital formation in Iran during 1973-2010. Regarding financial development as a multifaceted concept, this article first deals with constructing a multidimensional index, including ratio of M2to GDP, ratio of private debt to banks to GDP, ratio of central bank assets to GDP and the ratio of assets of deposit-accepting banks to GDP, using principal components analysis with SAS. Then, using Auto-Regressive Distributed Lags (ARDL) model, the effect of financial development on human capital is estimated through Microfit 4. The results suggest that financial development has significant positive effect on human capital in the short- and long term, and the magnitude of influence is higher in the long term than short term.
Volume 17, Issue 6 (11-2015)
In Asia, food security and poverty alleviation depends on sustainable rice production. The study examined factors determining irrigated and rainfed rice farming sustainability in Bangladesh. Data for the study were collected through a farm households survey, covering 390 rice growers (sample size was determined by using the Sloven’s formula), and also via observation, key informant interview, and in-depth informal discussion with relevant stakeholders. Validity of the survey instrument was assessed by experts through contents examination; yet, reliability was estimated by a post-hoc reliability analysis (the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of reliability was 0.86). Based on stepwise multivariate regression analysis, the study found that (i) grower’s knowledge, skill, and competency development are common influential factors affecting sustainable rice farming, (ii) the application of resource conservation technology in irrigated rice farming plays a leading role in increasing productivity and preserving natural resources, and (iii) raising land productivity is a decisive determinant for the sustainability of rainfed rice farming. The evidence-based policy implications deduced from the study are outlined.
Dr Hoda Zobeiri, Dr Mani Motameni,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (9-2020)
Economic complexity reflects the capabilities of a country and determines the level of economic growth and development. Investing in knowledge and human capital due to increasing the capabilities of economic actors is essential to achieve a complex economy. This paper examines the relationship between human capital and economic complexity in Iran during 1971-2017. Empirical analysis shows that primary school enrollment has no significant correlation to economic complexity. In addition, R&D expenditure as percentage of GDP has no significant relation to economic complexity. According to Johansen-Juselius co-integration test there is no co-integrating relationship between the variables under study. However, government expenditure on tertiary education as percentage of GDP, shown by TR, is co-integrated with economic complexity. Based on Granger causality test, there is a unidirectional causality from TR to economic complexity. Impulse response analysis indicates that economic complexity responses to TR after three years. If spending on higher education increases by 10 percent, the economic complexity index will increase by 11 percent.
Dr. Gholamali Haji, Mr. Reza Keyhanihekmat, Dr. Sayed Abbas Najafizadeh, Dr. Nader Mehregan,
Volume 20, Issue 4 (12-2020)
This study attempts to investigate the effect of government spending on regional growth in Iran. The relationship between government spending and economic growth is one of the well-known topics in economic literature. One of the problems of developing countries is the failure to achieve sustainable economic growth, which not only causes economic problems such as recession and unemployment, but also cultural, political and social problems. The government economic stabilization policies can be used to narrow the gap between the potential and realized product and to maintain the product near its potential level. One key issue in the field of regional planning is to study and understand the geographical inequalities in different dimensions. In this paper, using the spatial econometric method, the relationship between government spending and regional growth is estimated by applying the regional data of Statistical Center of Iran during 2001-2017, and Excel and R software’s are used to perform the calculations. This study seeks to explain the growth of different regions using government spending, and to answer these questions: Does government spending have a significant effect on growth in the regions? Do the regions converge in terms of economic growth over time? The results indicate the negative effect of government spending, population growth and human capital on regional growth in Iran. In addition, the statistical significance of spatial correlation coefficient indicates the positive diffusion effects of regional economic growth.
Volume 21, Issue 1 (1-2019)
Although Turkey's agricultural sector is important in terms of national economy, it faces some important structural problems such as decrease in human capital in the agricultural sector. In order to solve these problems, within the "National Agricultural Project", a policy instrument named "Support for Young Farmers Projects" (YFPS) was added to the support in 2016. The aim of this study was to evaluate the criteria used in the selection of the beneficiaries of young farmers' support within the scope of YFPS in Turkey. A survey was prepared to determine what features young farmers benefiting from project support have and the extent to which the selection criteria served the purposes of the support program. The survey was conducted in the TR 71 Region, which is at the center of Turkey, in June-August, 2017. A total of 248 young farmers (139 supported, and 109 non-selected farmers for support) were interviewed. The methodology used in this study was the Categorical Regression. The results showed that the applicants who benefited more from YFPS were in the following order: Female> married> those aged 18-30> people from rural areas with a population of 1,000 or less> those with education in agricultural production> the disabled / martyr’s relatives / ghazi, and those from enterprises with an annual income of TL 10,000 or less. YFPS has breathed new life into agriculture by encouraging youths in rural areas, but this support has to be aimed at creating economically sustainable and viable enterprises.
Dr Morteza Ezzati, Dr Zana Mozaffari,
Volume 22, Issue 1 (3-2022)
The quality of manpower is one of the factors affecting the environmental degradation. According to studies, air pollution is affected by its past values, so a dynamic model should be used to study it. Accordingly, using the GMM method, the present study evaluates the impact of human capital on air pollution in Iran during 1981-2019. Human capital is a latent variable in economics and is often replaced by alternative proxies. In this paper, like most previous studies, the research model was firstly estimated using the average proxy of years of schooling (as an indicator of human capital), which resulted in statistical insignificance and theoretical inconsistency in the estimated coefficients. Based on theoretical foundations, it is argued that the human capital index in addition to the education component is influenced by other aspects such as skills and health. Therefore, using fuzzy logic, an indicator for human capital in the Iranian economy has been constructed, so that it includes three main aspects (education, skills and health) of human capital. The results of estimation of the air pollution model using the human capital index showed that improving the level of human capital had a negative effect on air pollution. Therefore, by increasing human capital and improving the quality of manpower, we can expect to reduce air pollution and environmental degradation. In addition, urbanization, industrialization, trade freedom, economic growth and pollution in the previous period had positive and significant effects on air pollution.
Mr. Reza Alikhan Beyk Zand,
Volume 22, Issue 1 (3-2022)
Human capital causes increase in the production factors productivity and
in turn affects economic growth positively
. In this study, we intend to study the effect of human capital on economic value added in Iran by extracting the type and manner of the influencing of education costs on economic growth and to provide appropriate solutions to promote this role in the economy. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical. To evaluate the short-term equilibrium relationship between the variables, we use the Auto Regressive Distributed Lags (ARDL) method. Based on the results, in the short-term, human capital indicators have positive impacts on growth of economic value added. The long-term results indicate that the gross secondary and university enrollment ratio, the import
of goods, services and income growth, the percentage of public education costs to GDP, the percentage of private health spending to GDP, the labor force participation (aged 15 and more), the foreign direct investment growth, government efficiency, quality of rules and annual growth of gross capital formation have positive and significant effects on economic value added growth.
Error correction term of ARDL model is
- 0.78.
that shows in each period 78% of short term shocks will be adjusted to the long-term value. The results of this study can be used by policymakers because identifying the factors affecting economic growth, can make economic planners inform in two important aspects, firstly, by considering new variables in planning and thus the optimal allocation of resources, and secondly, by reducing errors due to misanalysis of the factors affecting economic growth.
Volume 26, Issue 2 (3-2024)
The poultry industry is one of the most important agricultural subsectors, significantly contributing to protein supply and holding a unique position in terms of production and employment. To expand and boost profitability in this industry, it is important to analyze the economic factors of production, so that the factors influencing the rise in productivity of broiler production units may properly be recognized. As a result, the effective factors on the productivity of the Arian broiler sector in Iran's Kurdistan Province were investigated and prioritized in the current study. In order to evaluate the productivity of the industry, four main factors including human capital, economic, technical, and environmental variables were evaluated. The DEMATEL-ANP integrated approach was then used to determine the relative weights of the factors. The results revealed that the human capital component had the highest impact and the economic component was identified as the most influential factor among the other factors. Furthermore, the economic indicator had the highest priority, with a weight of 0.17. Of the 29 research components (sub-criteria), the "broiler farmer experience", with a weight of 0.042, exerted the greatest impact on the productivity of the province's broiler sector. The "feed cost", "day-old chicks cost", and "health care cost" ranked the second to fourth, respectively. According to the findings, more attention should be devoted to the production chain, such as input production and poultry vaccinations, in order to accomplish and also enhance productivity in the broiler industry.
Volume 29, Issue 2 (6-2022)
Human capital in any organization has a positive effect on the performance of activities and causes the goals to move forward in the direction of organizational development. By investing in human resources, the field of increasing the supply of specialized labor as a factor of growth and development is also provided. The field of entrepreneurial human capital developmentstrategies is one of the new research fields in the field of human capital and entrepreneurship and little research has been done in this regard and no comprehensive model presented so far. The review of the human capital literature shows that several factors affect the development of entrepreneurial human capital of an organization's employees. Due to the importance of the subject, the main purpose of this study is to design a model of entrepreneurial human capital development strategies in governmental organizations. This research conducted within the framework of a qualitative approach and in order to collect data, in-depth and exploratory interviews used in two stages with 10 managers and experts of the Jihad Agricultural Organization. The interview tools approved both in terms of content validity and reliability based on the agreement between the two coders. Out of 280 verbal statements from the interviews, 28 influential factors at three levels: individual, organizational and macro level, as well as seven strategies for the development of entrepreneurial human capital, including training strategies, financial and legal policy strategies, human resource strategies, extra-organizational strategies, technological strategies, cultural strategies and discourse-building strategies obtained.