Showing 337 results for Health
Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)
As climate change intensifies the frequency and severity of droughts, adaptive behavior becomes increasingly crucial. Farmers' capacity to modify their practices in response to evolving climate conditions is vital for ensuring long-term agricultural sustainability and food security. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the psychological factors affecting farmers' adaptation behaviors in response to drought, using the health belief model. The sample comprised 380 farmers from Kohdashat County in Lorestan Province, western Iran, selected via a three-stage cluster sampling method. Data were collected using a researcher-designed questionnaire, whose validity and reliability were confirmed. Structural equation modeling (SEM) results indicated that self-efficacy; perceived benefits, perceived vulnerability, and perceived barriers explained about 49% of the variance in farmers’ adaptation behavior. Perceived benefits emerged as the strongest predictor of adaptation, while cues to action and perceived severity were insignificant. These findings support the health belief model's practicality and effectiveness in examining water conservation behavior among Iranian farmers.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2013)
Aims: Diabetes as the most common diseases caused by metabolic disorders is an important global challenge. This is a disease that requires lifelong self-care; because the self-care and improvement of the life quality is cost effective .The aim of this study is to determine the effects of the self-Efficacy education program on reducing blood sugar levels among the type 2 diabetic patients. It was conducted in Zahedan. Methods and Materials: 138 diabetic type 2 patients were selected in Zahedan Diabetic Center and divided randomly into control groups (n=69) and test group (n=69); and special checklist and health belief model questionnaire were applied as data collection instruments. Reliability and validity of the questionnaire was evaluated and confirmed. The data collected before intervention was analyzed, then educational design method executed 3 and 6 months after intervention and the collected data was analyzed using SPSS software. Findings: According to the results, there is a significant statistical difference in average number of models before and after educational intervention (pConclusions: Self-efficacy training in striation improves knowledge, attitude and self-care behaviours performance of the subjects and the related average of HbA1c and FB. The training seems to increase the learners' active participation in caring themselves, because they have experienced the results of the training program and they are motivated to enhance their better self-care behaviours.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2013)
Aims: Drug users form the main HIV-affected group in Iran. About two-third of all the individuals affected by HIV in Iran are those who use drug through injection. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of health belief model (HBM) on prevention of HIV transmission among the opiate-dependent population in Zarandieh. Methods and Materials: This is a quasi-experimental intervention study carried out on 49 addicted men in Zarandieh. was collected using a questionnaire, based on HBM and the group completed the questionnaire. According to the pre-test, the educational intervention was designed and implemented. Three months after the intervention, the post-test was performed and analyzed using the primary questionnaire and χ2, T-test. Findings: The findings indicated that the mean scores of HBM Model constructs (self-efficacy, susceptibility, severity and benefit) increased significantly after intervention and the perceived barriers decreased (p< 0.001). Also, the history of HIV testing reported 8%before intervention, while the rate increased to 48.6% after intervention. Conclusions: This finding provides initial support for designing and implementation of health education program, based on the HBM on Preventing HIV transmission among Opiate-dependent population.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2013)
Aims: Most of the world population who is at work and production age does not have appropriate and regular physical activity for various reasons. Accordingly, the researchers tried to evaluate the effect of physical activity predictors of employees through the path analysis based on the Pender's Health Promotion Model (HPM). Methods and Materials: We conducted this study on 359 employees of the milk and milk powder production factories in Mashhad. A questionnaire consisted of items related to the structure of the Pender's Health Promotion Model (Perceived Benefits, Perceived Barriers, Prior Related Behavior, Perceived Self-Efficacy, Activity Related Affect, Personal Factors, Interpersonal Influences and Situational Influences) and the IPAQ standard questionnaire related to the physical activity were designed and applied in interviews as data collection instruments. Findings: One fourth of the employees had proper physical activity. Generally, structures of the Pender's Health Promotion Model predicted 34.8 % of the physical activity behavior variance. Regression analysis has shown that the predictability of Prior Related Behavior, Perceived Self-Efficacy, Personal Factors, Activity Related Affect and Interpersonal Influences are significant and Situational Influences are nearly significant. Prior Related Behavior (β = 0.45, P < 0.000) and Self-Efficacy (β = 0.17, PConclusions: The findings of the study revealed that HPM is efficient in identifying and predicting the physical activity behavior. This pattern can be used as a framework for planning and implementing educational interventions in order to improve the physical activity of the adult employees.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (11-2009)
This paper is a sociological study of heamong female students. A sample of 110 female students (62 students from Alzahra alth, illness, and health-related behaviors -a single sex university located in Tehran- and 48 students from University of Tehran) were deeply interviewed. Using grounded theory the interview-based information was analyzed. Findings suggest that health is believed to be the most important issue in life in terms of both mental and physical meanings. The female students who were interviewed describe illness differently. While one group knows it as something reducing the quality of life, the other group views it as a kind of God punishment. Regarding health-related behaviors, according to the results, female students ignore illness symptoms, kill pain temporarily and, by appearing beautiful, try to indicate they are mentally healthy. These lead to further dominance of male culture, risky life style and threaten social health. The above described views and behaviors among female students are influenced by low self-esteem, socialization, family interdependence and industrial life.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (2-2016)
Background: Osteoporosis is one of the most common metabolic bone diseases. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of a walking education program based on the health belief model (HBM) on osteoporosis among women. Material and Methods: In this quasi-experimental research design, 120 patients (60 experimental and 60 control),who were registered with the health centers in Fasa City of Fars Province, Iran, participated in the study in 2014. A questionnaire consisting of demographic information and HBM constructs was used at pre-intervention, immediately after their intervention, and then six months later. Bone mineral density (BMD) was recorded at the lumbar spine and femur prior to and six months post-intervention. Data were analyzed using SPSS19' through 'chi-square test, independent t-test, repeated measure ANOVA at a significance level of 0.05. Results: Immediately and six months after the intervention, the experimental group showed increased in knowledge, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers perceived, self-efficacy, perceived internal cues to action and walking performance compared to the control group. Six months after the intervention, the value of lumbar spine BMD T-Score in the experimental group increased to 0.127, while in the control group it decreased to -0.043. The value of the hip BMD T Score in the intervention group increased to 0.125 and in contrast, it decreased to-0.028 in the control group. Conclusions: This study showed the increased knowledge and walking behavior regarding walking benefits could improve bone density. Therefore, HBM model can be a basic framework for designing and 'carrying out' educational interventions for women’s osteoporosis.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (2-2016)
Background: Chronic Low back pain (CLBP) is one of the most prevalent health problems which is affected by psychological disorders. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of psychological intervention on chronic low back pain among a sample of Iranian nurses.
Material and Methods: This is a randomized clinical trial. The participants of this study consisted of 84 nurses suffering from chronic back pain and working in Valiasr hospital, Tehran-Iran. The recruited nurses were randomly assigned to intervention and control groups (42 nurses in each group). The demographic questionnaire and Visual Analog Assessment scales (VAS) and a Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS) were used to collect data at the beginning of the study and 3 months following completion of the intervention. Data were analyzed using Chi-square, T-test and paired T-test.
Results: Forty-two nurses, with a mean age of 32 ± 8.2 and 31.5 ± 7.4 years in the intervention group and control group respectively, took part in this study. The two groups were not significantly different at the beginning of the study in terms of demographic data (P > 0.05). At the 3-month follow up, the pain rate in the intervention group was significantly decreased from 4.47 to 4.09 (P < 0.0001). Furthermore in intervention group, the mean scores of anxiety intervention group were decreased from 17.73 to 9.76 (P < 0.0001). Decreased Stress scores decreased from 15.52 to 9.52 (P < 0.0001), and the depression score from 17.66 to 10.45 (P < 0.0001).
Conclusions: The findings of this study showed that psychological interventions reduced stress anxiety, depression as well as low back pain among Iranian nurses. It is recommended that further research with larger sample and longer follow up be conducted to confirm the findings of this study.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (6-2020)
Based on the mental health comprehensive plan of development expression in 2015, mental disorders owned the second place of illnesses in Iran and residents of urban areas are the majority of the groups that most had been suffering from mental disorders. Therefore, urban living is a risk factor for residents’ mental health. While the issue of mental health and health is finding an acceptable place in urban design knowledge in global research, only in the last few years this study field has been considered in Iran with respect to the physical aspect of health and the psychological dimension of health remains neglected. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to examine the relationship between mental health and urban environment and to propose a conceptual framework aimed at promoting mental health through urban design. In the present qualitative study, the data collection is done through desk study of related valuable scientific papers, and qualitative content analysis is used to extract the urban design qualities related to mental health. The validity of conceptual framework is done through interviews with experts in the fields of urban design and psychology, and completing the questionnaire and data analysis has been done using descriptive statistics. The results show that qualities such as "safety and security", "access to green-blue space", "permeability and walkability", "public realm quality", "place attachment", and "environmental cleanliness" in the substantive dimension and "social interaction and engagement" in the procedural dimension are related to residents’ mental health.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2013)
Aims: Fatalistic employees take serious risks because they have limited knowledge of risks and accidents, leading them to under estimate the possibility of their occurrence. This research examined the effectiveness of safety training on changing employees’ fatalism with attention to the mediating role of attitude toward safety issues. Methods: 204 employees was selected according to the stratified random sampling method in Isfahan Steel Company, divided randomly into control group (n=103) and experimental group (n=101) and the questionnaires of safety attitude and fatalism were applied as data collection instruments. The data was collected before intervention, and educational intervention was then executed in four 90-minute sessions over four days. One month after intervention, post-test was performed and the collected data was analyzed using descriptive indexes, t- and F-tests. Findings: Results show that there was a significant statistical difference in average numbers of attitude toward safety issues and fatalism before and after training intervention (p<0.01). Also, mediation analysis indicated attitude toward safety issues mediated the effect of safety trainings on fatalism (p>0.05). Therefore, safety training only by promoting workers’ safety attitudes can change the fatalistic beliefs among employees. Conclusion: By understanding relationship between fatalism and safety attitude, it should be possible to improve the training of employees, such that are less likely to attribute accidents to chance or fate.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2013)
Aims: The oral health is one of the most of public health problems and women with pregnancy have high risk for dental caries and need more attention. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a health education intervention based on the Health Belief Model (HBM) on oral health behavior in pregnant women. Methods: This is a quasi-experimental study carried out on 130 pregnant women selected with random sampling method from health centers in Arak in 2011 (case and control groups each of 65 women). Data collection with questionnaire was based on construct HBM, as well as their knowledge and performance about oral health. The women of the case group participated during the two month of intervention and again two month after، with 2 session meeting classes as the follow up after intervention. The data were collected 3 months after intervention and analyzed. Findings: Our findings indicated that mean scores of HBM Model variables, i.e susceptibility, severity, benefit and barriers perceived, were significantly increased in the case group compared to the controls after intervention. Also, oral health care (before intervention 45 ±9.2, after three months 77±9.7) improved significantly among the case group, compared to the controls (p<0/001). Conclusion: Applying the HBM Model is very effective for developing an educational program for oral health in pregnant women. Besides such programs, follow up education on controlling and monitoring is highly recommended.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2016)
Background: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) represent one of the most common occupational health education problems in both developed and developing countries. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of an occupational ergonomic training educational programon awareness, attitude and work-related musculoskeletal disorders behavior among Office Workers.
Methods and Materials: Firstly,200 office workers from 12 health centerswere recruited. Withresponse rate of 90%, 180 eligible participants, were assigned to receive an 8-week participatory ergonomic occupational training educational program available in Shemiranat, Tehran, Iran. A self-controlled longitudinal study with pre/post design was used to evaluate the effects of the intervention among office workers in 2015-2016. Post-test was then administered to the participants to identify changes at 3 months after intervention.
Results: Totally, 200 participants with a mean age of 37.48 ± 8.78 years old completed this study. The 3-month follow-up rate was 90%. After the intervention, the awareness rate, attitude and MSDs work-related health behaviors were improved. The self-reported prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders for neck, shoulder, upper and lower back pain or discomfort were significantly lower than before intervention (P < 0.05).
Conclusions: The MSDs work related behaviors as well as MSDs prevalence can be improved through the health education program. It is recommended that further research with larger sample and longer follow up be conducted to confirm the findings of this study.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2016)
Background: Although the need for theory-based designs, evidences exploring exercising effects during pregnancy is limited by non-theoretical and cross-sectional assessments. This study aimed to prospectively examine women’s exercise behavior from their second to third pregnancy trimester using the Health Belief Model (HBM).
Methods and Materials: This was a randomized controlled trial in which 100 pregnant women (50 individuals in each group of control or intervention) with gestation age of 20 weeks or more were examined. Just the intervention group participated in eight 40-minute exercise classes with15-day interval between each class. The control group received only routine prenatal care. The researcher- made questionnaires for general demographic characteristics, and variables of Health Belief Model (HBM) regarding doing exercise during pregnancy were completed at two time points of initial of the study and follow up. Descriptive/analytical statistics were applied to analyze the variables using SPSS version18.
Results: The mean gestational age for intervention and control group were 27.40 ± 5.39 and 26.26 ± 5.31 weeks respectively. Despite similarity of two groups at initial of the study in terms of all studied variables,, all HBM constructs in intervention group were significantly higher than control group after intervention (all p value ≤ 5%).
Conclusion: This study revealed that the educational program based on HBM could provide the pregnant women with a conceptual framework to improve the beliefs of pregnant women regarding exercise doing.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (11-2021)
Child sexual abuse is one of the social problems that has devastating effects on various aspects of children's personality. In this article, an attempt has been made to examine the psychological consequences of sexual harassment in related to children. The main purpose of this study is to identify the psychological, behavioral, cognitive and emotional consequences of sexual victimization of children under 15 years of age among those referred to four social emergency centers located in Tehran province.
In this research - which is quantitative in terms of type and descriptive-analytical in terms of method - First, different indicators were selected as the effective factors of sexual victimization and each of the selected data was entered into the statistical tables using the available sampling method and using the researcher questionnaire. Then, the relationship between the variables was measured using statistical tests and the correlations were analyzed.
The results of the analysis of child sexual abuse cases referred to the social emergency confirm that there is a significant relationship between child sexual abuse and subsequent mental disorders. Hypothesis testing suggests that sexual abuse has psychological, behavioral, cognitive, and emotional consequences for children's personality. Due to the need to identify these factors in order to prevent the occurrence of psycho-behavioral disorders afterwards and increase ways to eliminate or reduce it, early detection of child abuse, intervention, treatment and prevention of horrific complications of child abuse seems necessary.
Keywords: Mental Disorder, Mental Health, Mental Consequences, Sexual Victimization, Social Emergency
Volume 1, Issue 3 (12-2013)
Aims: The presence of a patient with breast cancer in the family can be considered as a guidance for further prevention and increase the susceptibility of people against this disease. Champion's health belief model scale is translated and tested in different countries, but few attempts have been made to measure this scale in women with history of breast cancer. Methods: After the standard Champion's Health Belief Model Scale was translated, 28 items were extracted with the help of panel of experts (n=13) and focus group (n=42) in four subscales. The eligible women were selected randomly (n=200) and took part in this study. The participants filled in the questionnaire through interviews. To test the construct validity of the data, the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was applied using AMOS software, moreover, test of internal consistency and test of reliability were applied by retesting (n=30). Findings: The confirmatory factor analysis, which, was repeated after omitting these two items for the subscale of perceived barriers and shows the proper fit of its structural model. Cronbach 'alpha coefficients were 0.72 (susceptibility), 0.75 (seriousness), 0.82 (benefits) and 0.76 (barriers). Internal consistency ranged from 0 .64 to 0 .79 and test-retest reliability correlation were from 0 .67 to 0.92. Conclusions: The Persian version of the Champion's Health Belief Model Scale can be a reliable and valid measure in Iranian women with family history of breast cancer.
Volume 1, Issue 3 (12-2013)
Aim: Oral health is one of the most important parts of public health which significantly affects on quality of life. The purpose of this study is to assess the socio-economic statues as well as oral health behaviors among a sample of Iranian students studying in elementary level. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study which was conducted from April 2012 to November 2012. Data obtained from a face-to-face interviews with students studying in elementary schools of Chahbahar, Iran. Considering inclusion criteria, 300 eligible students were selected through a two - stage random cluster sampling. Data were analyzed through descriptive statistics using SPSS version 11.5. Finding: Totally 300 students who studying in grade four or five of elementary schools took part in the study. The mean age of subjects was (11± 2.81). Of all students, 11/7% (n = 35) never brush their teeth, 18% (n=54) never floss and 20% (n= 62) never used mouth wash. Furthermore, 94 students (31%) of students had no dental visits regularly. As the results showed, there were significant relationship between lower parents’ educational level (P=0.02), not to access to dental caries services (P=0.04) and lower income (P=0.03) and reasons for not doing oral health behaviour. Conclusion: According the results of this study the students who were in lower socio economic levels, doing less dental healthy behaviors.
Volume 1, Issue 3 (9-2016)
Background: Preventive measures such as training and awareness and prevention skills for personal protection in the musculoskeletal areas are one of the most important strategies in health care systems. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of an educational intervention based on Health Belief Model (HBM) on promoting preventive behavior of musculoskeletal problems in female Afghan health workers. Material and Methods: In this study, 60 female employees of Afghanistan health ministry were selected and divided randomly into control and experimental groups (N = 30 women for each one). Data, collected through a questionnaire based on health belief model on preventive behaviors of musculoskeletal problems. The experimental group received the educational intervention for a month, and three months after the program, both groups completed a questionnaire and data were analyzed. Results: The results indicated that before the educational intervention program, there were no significant differences between the experimental and control groups in knowledge, perceived susceptibility, severity, benefits and barriers and performance. However, after the intervention, these factors significantly increased in the experimental group compared to the control group and also perceived barriers decreased (all P < 0. 001). Conclusion: According to this study, health education program based on Health Belief Model was an effective program on promoting preventive behaviors of musculoskeletal problems. Therefore, for successful implementation of these programs, control, monitoring and follow-up training is recommended.
Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2014)
Aim: Investigating factors affecting the adoption of preventive behaviors in women with osteoporosis is necessary. This study aims at determining the preventive treatment of osteoporosis in women in Fasa using the Health Belief Model (HBM) during 2014. Method: In this cross-sectional study, 401 women (aged 30-50 years) covered by the health centers in Fasa city were randomly chosen. Construct of HBM and the function of feeding and walking were determined to prevent osteoporosis in women. Findings: The mean age of women was 40/9±6/2 years. The variables of perceived susceptibility (p=0.007), motivation (p=0.009) for walking behavior and variables of perceived sensitivity (p=0.020) for feeding behavior were predicted. Conclusions: This study confirmed the power of HBM in predicting feeding and walking behavior for prevention of osteoporosis. Hence, this model can be used as a framework for designing and implementing educational interventions for prevention of osteoporosis in women.
Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2014)
Aims: Drug abuse among college students continues as a major public-health concern. Theory-driven research is necessary to address and find causes. The current research investigates the utility of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in designing and implementing a drug abuse educational prevention program among medical college students. Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted among 120 college students in two groups: experimental and control, who were randomly enrolled at the baseline survey. We used a questionnaire, which included three sections of background data (11 questions), knowledge about the side effects of drug abuse questionnaire (16 questions), and TPB-based questionnaire (20 questions). Educational planning was based on active learning with using group discussion, printed leaflet, and audio-visual CD. The participants were followed up after 2-month intervention. Data were analyzed by the SPSS software version 16 using appropriate statistical tests such as stepwise multiple logistic regressions and t-test. Findings: Almost 6.7% of the participants had a history of drug abuse. The three predictors of 1) attitude, 2) subjective norms, and 3) perceived behavioral control accounted for 48 % of the variation in the outcome measure of the intention to drug abuse. There was a significant improvement in average response for knowledge about the side effects of drug abuse and TPB variables among the students who were under intervention (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Designing intervention to reduce positive attitude and subjective norms toward drug abuse among college students could be useful to substance abuse prevention.
Volume 2, Issue 1 (1-2017)
Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMD) are a common health related problem throughout the world. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of hydrotherapy training on health, function, motion, and occupational performance of the police personnel in Iran.
In this before/after prospective study, 30 participants were selected purposefully and divided into two experimental (n = 15) and control groups randomly (n = 15). The 8-week hydrotherapy training program was just assigned for intervention. The occupational performance and physical fitness tests, Health related Quality of Life (HRQoL) questionnaire and Visual analog Scale (VAS) were measured for both groups before and after intervention. data were analyzed through SPSS 16
Volume 2, Issue 1 (1-2017)
The most common type of muscular-skeletal disorders among health care worker is low back pain (LBP). This study aimed to investigate the effects of an educational program based on the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) on low back pain severity in healthcare workers in hospitals located in Qom, Iran. In this interventional research study, 125 nursing aides were divided into two experimental and control groups. Data gathering instruments were a demographic questionnaire and a questionnaire based on the predictor constructs of SCT. For the intervention group, training was administered by health education specialist in four 2-hour sessions In each session discussion regarding self-efficacy, self-control, outcome reinforcement, and emotional coping were taken into account carefully, respectively. Data were analyzed SPSS version18.0, IBM Corp.