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Showing 2 results for Financial Structure
Sajad Ebrahimi,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (5-2014)
The relationship between financial and real sectors of economy has been considered in various economic studies. This paper investigates the effect of financial system structure on economic growth using Dynamic Panel method (GMM) for 39 countries during 2000-2009. The estimation results show that financial structure has no significant effect on economic growth in both the entire set and developed countries, while this effect is significant in developing and emerging countries. In other words, real sector performance in market-based financial system is better than bank-based financial system in developing and emerging countries. In addition, financial development has significant and positive effect on economic growth in entire set of countries, and this effect is higher in developing and emerging countries than developed countries.
Mr. Zana Mozaffari, Alireza Kazerooni, Mr. Farid Rahimi,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (4-2018)
The main objective of this research is to investigate the impact of financial structure on the Iranian economic growth volatility by applying GARCH & ARDL methods using quarterly data over the 1991-2015 period. The results indicate that financial development and financial structure have negative and positive effects on the economic growth volatility in Iran, respectively. The results reveal that financial structure in Iran is facing with several challenges, so that regardless of negative impact of financial development on economic growth volatility, the financial structure leads to economic growth volatility. In addition, oil revenues, government final consumption expenditure and capital formation have significant and negative relationships with economic growth volatility in the period under study.