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Showing 42 results for Factor Analysis

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

This study investigated the construct validity and measurement invariance of the Teacher Emotion Questionnaire to introduce a valid and reliable instrument for assessing English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) teachers’ emotions inside the classroom. Second language (L2) teacher emotions have been largely neglected, despite the fact that Educational Psychology has long recognized and researched the role of teacher emotions in different aspects of teaching and learning. To bridge this gap, the current study had 208 Iranian EFL teachers in private language institutes fill out the Teacher Emotion Questionnaire (TEQ), which assessed six emotions teachers experience in their classroom, i.e., Joy, Pride, Love, Anger, Fatigue/Exhaustion, and Hopelessness. The preliminary analysis of the data showed that six items from the TEQ had a factor loading below the minimum recommended level of 0.3, meaning that they contributed to the total variance in the participants’ score less than expected. The collected data were then submitted to confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) for the purpose of construct validation and establishment of the factorial structure of the TEQ. The CFA results indicated that the hypothesized six-factor analysis had more favorable goodness-of-fit indices than both a one-factor structure and a two-factor structure (e.g., positive versus negative emotions). Multilevel CFA revealed that the tested six-factor structure of the TEQ was invariant across male and female EFL teachers. The implications for the use of TES in EFL teaching contexts are discussed, and some suggestions are proposed for further validation of the TEQ in language teaching contexts.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Although faculty members’ job satisfaction has received remarkable attention over the last two decades, there has been a long-lasting lack of a questionnaire to measure it in the Iranian context. Thus, the present study purported to develop and validate a questionnaire with adequate psychometric properties to measure Iranian English faculty members’ job satisfaction. To this aim, two samples of faculty members for the first pilot study (n = 62) and the second pilot study (n = 254) were selected from Ayatollah Borujerdi University and Lorestan University through a random sampling method. Based on the past literature, a pool of items (n = 74) was extracted and subjected to an eleven-step systematic procedure: content analysis and sampling; creating an item bank; running the first pilot; creating item pool one; expert judgment to evaluate the sub-scales; running an interview and think-aloud protocol; running Cronbach’s alpha; running the second pilot; running exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and Cronbach’s alpha; creating item pool two; and expert review. Results yielded a 60-item questionnaire with 6 sub-scales: 1. payment and rewards (10 items); promotion (7 items); supervision and interaction (17 items); job security (7 items); facilities of universities (7 items); and work nature (10 items). The hope is that the present questionnaire can be used for research and educational purposes in the future.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)

The Ministry of Agriculture Jihad in Iran implemented contract farming (CF) for wheat in 2021 to address marketing issues. This study compares agricultural sustainability for farmers participating in and not participating in CF. Agricultural sustainability was assessed by applying a combined index approach that considers economic, social, and environmental dimensions. The required data came from 620 wheat farmers in Golestan province, sampled using the multi-stage randomization technique. The data were evaluated using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and clustering methods. The findings indicated a significant difference in the performance of economic and environmental sustainability dimensions between two groups of wheat farmers. For the participants, 14.2% were deemed unsustainable, 47.7% were considered partially sustainable, and 38.1% were classified as sustainable. For non-participants, the figures were 38.7%, 47.7%, and 13.5%, respectively. Therefore, it is suggested to provide more opportunities for participation in this program and expand it to other key crops. Additionally, authorities should provide more information about the benefits of the CF plan.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (2-2009)

The identity of a society is a tool for distinguishing different nations from each other based on a common concept or predetermined concepts. The strong sense of identity can be considered as a social capital. In addition, social capital and social identity are the result of tangible social relationships, which are understandable by the society. They Also have strong affects on each other. With respect to this relationship, this paper verifies the relationship between identity and social capital. The data were gathered from the world values data of 70 countries according to the definitions of the variables. The results by logistic regression showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between social identity and social capital.

Volume 1, Issue 3 (12-2013)

Aims: The presence of a patient with breast cancer in the family can be considered as a guidance for further prevention and increase the susceptibility of people against this disease. Champion's health belief model scale is translated and tested in different countries, but few attempts have been made to measure this scale in women with history of breast cancer. Methods: After the standard Champion's Health Belief Model Scale was translated, 28 items were extracted with the help of panel of experts (n=13) and focus group (n=42) in four subscales. The eligible women were selected randomly (n=200) and took part in this study. The participants filled in the questionnaire through interviews. To test the construct validity of the data, the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was applied using AMOS software, moreover, test of internal consistency and test of reliability were applied by retesting (n=30). Findings: The confirmatory factor analysis, which, was repeated after omitting these two items for the subscale of perceived barriers and shows the proper fit of its structural model. Cronbach 'alpha coefficients were 0.72 (susceptibility), 0.75 (seriousness), 0.82 (benefits) and 0.76 (barriers). Internal consistency ranged from 0 .64 to 0 .79 and test-retest reliability correlation were from 0 .67 to 0.92. Conclusions: The Persian version of the Champion's Health Belief Model Scale can be a reliable and valid measure in Iranian women with family history of breast cancer.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2014)

Due to Limited resources and unlimited human demands, it is important for marketers to use resources efficiently and thoroughly to achieve the organizational goals. In this regard, green marketing assists marketers as a marketing strategy, and support environment and customers’ expectations with observable benefits. Automotive industry is one of the reflection of economic and industrial development, and as an extensive process, performs important role in rotating the wheels of economy. The aim of this study is to identify and examine the effective factors on green marketing in automotive industry of Iran. The statistical population is formed of two groups. The first group consisted 8 experts in green marketing and chose for identifying effective factors. The second group consisted experts in automotive industry to evaluate performance and extract indices weights. For collecting data, questionnaire of identification effective factors and performance evaluation used. Confirmatory factor analysis, Topsis and GRY decision making techniques employed to investigate the questions of the study. For presentation of clear and practical results, confirmed factors are placed in Importance-Performance Matrix, and separated to 4 parties. The most important factors are those that situated in second quarter which automotive industry must focus on, and improves its performance in those factors.  

Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2014)

Herzberg theorized that job satisfaction and dissatisfaction are different and independent factors. The Herzberg finding about motivator-hygiene factors were based on Storytelling Critical-Incident methodology and several researchers criticized this methodology and mentioned that Herzberg findings biased because of attribution error. In this paper the hygiene and motivator factors were measured using Teck-Hong & Waheed questionnaire. We tested a sample of 190 workers in an Electronic components factory at Tehran (120) and Shiraz (70) cities. Instrument for factor analyzing was SPSS16 software package. Results of factor analysis showed that there are considerable differences in motivator-hygiene factors between Tehran and Shiraz. According to results we found some distinct differences between the Herzberg theory and our findings on categorizing the motivator-hygiene factors. We developed two-factor theory to four- factor theory and concluded that money and security were independent factors. Further analysis of the results indicated that the motivator-hygiene factors were dependent factors Implications, limitations, and suggestions discussed. 

Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2024)

Aim: To evaluate the citizens’ perception of factors affecting regeneration in informal settlements with the approach of the base culture of Tabriz metropolis.
Methods: The research method is based on the use of questionnaire tools and the use of inferential statistics methods, especially the method of exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. Spss and SmartPlas software were used for data analysis.
Findings: The results of the research show that the factors affecting regeneration in the informal settlements of Tabriz metropolis can be classified in 4 social, economic, cultural and infrastructural indicators with a culture-based approach. These 4 factors explain a total of 67.04% of the total variance, which is significant percentage. Also, the results showed that the infrastructure index with a factor load of 0.901 and a total average of 3.61 ranked first, and an economic index with a factor load of 0.860 and total average of 1.51 ranked fourth among the factors influencing the regeneration of informal settlements in Tabriz metropolis with a culture-based approach.
Conclusion: This research has analyzed the perception of citizens and residents in the informal settlements of Tabriz metropolis. As a result, it can be said that the weakness of urban infrastructure from the perspective of the residents has been raised as the most important challenge in organizing and re-creating these structures, which shows the importance that in fact These tissues have been so neglected by urban management in terms of urban infrastructure that they have been introduced as the most important drivers of regeneration by the residents.

Volume 8, Issue 1 (6-2018)

Aims Today, the growth and expansion of cities, especially in metropolitans, has reduced the social relations of citizens and, subsequently, caused social alienation and social isolation among citizens, and has gradually diminished the identity of urban neighborhoods and their social segregation. The aim of the present study was identifying the effective factors on socio-spatial segregation and investigation in Fadak and Kerman neighborhoods located in District 8, Tehran.
Instruments & Methods The applied study was conducted in the 2016, Tehran. From the statistical population, of 49061 with household size of 3, 52 families were selected by multistagesampling method. The researcher-made questionnaire was used. The Fadak and Kerman neighborhoods were considered as sample and the amount of their segregation was measured. Factor analysis was used to investigate the effective factors in the segregation. To do better calculations with fewer indices, factor analysis reduced the number of indices to two main factors. Then, the method of factor analysis was applied to them, and the amount of segregation was calculated in the sample with the Geo Segregation Analyzer 1.2 software. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin, Bartlett’s Test, and SPSS 22 software were used.
Findings The total of the two factors explained more than 52% of the variances. The first factor explained about 36.75% of the total variance of the index set, and the next factor explained 15.67% of the variance of the indices. The amount of socio-spatial segregation in the sample was low; so, they were very similar in social, economic, and physical terms.
Conclusion There is no segregation in the Fadak and Kerman neighborhoods and these two neighborhoods and their inhabitants are very similar in social, economic, and physical terms.

Volume 8, Issue 4 (10-2006)

The present research was conducted with the aim of identifying the subjective patterns of managers and experts of Iranian Fisheries Organization regarding organizational transformation. The research was carried out with the participation of a number of managers and experts of the Fisheries Organization who were selected by a purposeful sampling approach. The main research method for collecting the required data was in-depth interview. After reviewing and summarizing 75 statements extracted from the interviews, 41 statements were finally selected as Q samples. After sorting Q statements, exploratory factor analysis and varimax rotation approach were employed to identify subjective patterns. The results revealed that five different subjective patterns can be identified among the managers and experts of the Iranian Fisheries Organization regarding the organizational transformation, which explained 72.87% of the total variance in the factor analysis model. The results of factor analysis indicated that the subjective patterns identified included participatory policies, capacity development and change management, appropriate organizational structures, incentives for change, and clarification of financial and administrative affairs. In the end, it was recommended that it was very important to develop more units and mechanisms within the organization for communication and interaction with other actors. Rereading and amending the regulations related to the support of the information system in the organization is an undeniable necessity that can develop and institutionalize the teamwork culture in the fisheries organization. In addition, the results of the present study can facilitate the organizational transformation and ultimately increase the success and responsiveness of the fisheries organization.

Volume 8, Issue 20 (12-2004)

This paper discusses a comparative study between ISO 900:2000 standards and two groups of total quality management approaches, one proposed by different intelligents such as, Crosby, Deming, etc. and the other by two widely used quality awards namely EFQM and MBNQA. Based on this study seven criteria and their subـcriteria were identified which determines the differences and communalities between ISO 9000:2000 standards and also indicate that these standards comply with a total quality approach. Based on the comparative analysis conducted, two similar instruments in questionnaire with alike content were developed to measure the level of implemention of TQM in the organizations implementing TQM and to collect the views of quality experts respectively. Through statistical tests, reliability and validity including construct validity of the mentioned above instruments were approved by factor analysis. Finally by analyzing the data collected from the two instruments a gap analysis aimed at identifying the differences between what is really done in the organizations and what quality experts believe that should be done was performed. The results of this research can help the organizations of the country in their efforts on implementing TQM.

Volume 9, Issue 4 (10-2007)

Eight genotypes of spring safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) were evaluated for several physiological traits under stress and non-stress water regimes. Data were analyzed using principal factor analysis. The factor analysis technique extracted six factors under non-stress conditions. Six factors explained about 80% of the total variation, and only 40% of the variance was accounted for by the first two factors. Factors I and II were identified as water consumption, and water balance capacity, respectively. Similarly, seven factors were extracted under stress conditions, and 34% of the total variation was accounted for by the first two factors. Factors I and II were described as water conservation, and water holding capacity, respectively. Important physiological criteria were recognized by Fac-tors I and II in two experiments. Ultimately, initial water content (at stem elongation and grain filling stages), canopy temperature (at stem elongation and flowering stages), and leaf water potential (at flowering stage) under non-stress conditions, and canopy tempera-ture (at all stages), leaf area index (at stem elongation), and rate of water loss from ex-cised leaf (at grain filling) were the best criteria for screening suitable genotypes under the afore mentioned conditions.

Volume 10, Issue 4 (9-2022)

Aims: How people react to stressful and painful situations, such as suffering from a chronic disease like multiple sclerosis, is influenced by various factors, one of which is self-compassion. Self-compassion has a psychological nature and significant efficiency in the care and treatment of chronic patients. Existing tools have not paid attention to the characteristics of people suffering from chronic diseases such as MS in using self-compassion for managing the disease. Therefore, the present study aimed to design a questionnaire to measure self-compassion in patients with MS.
Instrument & Methods: The present study is methodological research that was conducted in qualitative and quantitative parts. The items were designed based on the qualitative part of the study and review of texts. The validation characteristics of the questionnaire were performed using face validity, content, and structure. The reliability was assessed by internal consistency and stability methods.
Findings: In the qualitative phase, 78 initial items were extracted. After calculating the item impact score index with values higher than 1.5, content validity ratio higher than 0.51, and content validity index higher than 0.79, 73 items were selected. Confirmatory and then exploratory factor analysis was performed. The internal consistency of the questionnaire was 0.813, and the stability of the questionnaire was 0.778.
Conclusion: Self-compassion scale in patients with MS is a valid and reliable tool in Iranian society. Since Neff theory was used as a guiding framework in this study, the tool can also be used for non-Iranian patients to understand their perception and experiences.

Volume 10, Issue 38 (1-2013)

The purpose of this research was to study and analyze the component of adoption of agricultural organic products from the viewpoints of consumers. A descriptive and correlation design was used for the research with data collected using questionnaire. The statistical population of this study consisted of Karaj urban residents that a sample of 306 people was selected using proportionate stratified sampling technique. A questionnaire was the main tool of study. The validity of the questionnaire was approved by the judgment of a panel of faculty members of the Department of Agricultural Extension Education, University of Tehran. In order to measure the reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach Alpha coefficients were calculated for the main scales of the questionnaire, which was more than 0.70, indicating that the tool of study was reliable. SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) was used to analyze the data. The findings showed that the consumers’ knowledge of organic products was at medium level. Also, consumers’ attitude toward using organic products was at neutral and favorable levels. Finally, factor analysis showed that four most highly ranked factors influencing the adoption of organic products were educational, access, improving product characteristics and supportive services which explained 26.60, 23.61, 9.41 and 8.81 percent of  total variance (68.42%).
Mansoor Khalili Araghi, Hasan Rezai,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2011)

Manufacturing sector has an outstanding potential in production, employment, value added and income. This sector also procures machinery and equipment for other sectors .Since a large part of the government investments are allocated to the manufacturing sector; it needs special consideration for the optimum allocation of the limited resources. In this study we have surveyed various strategies covering import substitution, export promotion, basic export and balanced and unbalanced growth. With regard to Iran’s situation and characteristics such as resources, specialties, infrastructure, the unbalanced growth pattern is recommended. The input-output backward and forward linkages have been investigated via the input-output table. Different techniques have been used such as principal component, factor analysis and numerical taxonomy.

Volume 11, Issue 4 (10-2020)

The ability to speak is an important part of every body’s language proficiency. This ability plays an important role in the academic life of students. But scoring and assessing speaking is not easy. In this research, we try to study the validity of Ferdowsi University’s Persian proficiency test. We know that every test has a certain amount of error; but in scoring speaking ability if the scoring rubric is designed in a scientific way, the score attributed to the speakers' speech ability is likely to be very similar to their actual language ability. In other words, the appropriate scoring rubric can have a significant effect on reducing the error rate of the test. In norm-reference tests, this can be achieved only when test designers can say what scoring constructs they intend to measure and how successful they are in achieving that goal. Also, it should be clear whether the scoring scale can distinguish weak, medium, and strong test takers. On the other hand, in applying the scoring rubric , the level of consensus of the scorers should be clear. In order to see how successful is the scoring rubric in Ferdowsi Persian proficiency test, in measuring the test taker’s speaking ability, the authors analyzed the result of one of the proficiency tests administered at Ferdowsi University with Rasch model and factor analysis. The result showed that scorer reliability is 0.97 which is so high. It showed that scorers have the same understanding of the scoring rubric. This means that the scorers have given the test takers a relatively stable score, which is a strong point for the test. Also, the scores have used the scoring rubric properly because the cut score goes up in an organized way as the ability of test-takers increase. Each of the four thresholds obtained by the Rash statistical model differs by approximately 5 degrees, respectively. A regular increase in thresholds is commensurate with the ability of the test takers. This indicates a correct understanding of the scorers of the 5 grades specified in the scoring rubric; in other words, scorers have a good understanding of the level of competence of test takers and its relationship with the grades in the scoring rubric. The Wright map shoes that the scoring rubric can differentiate basic, intermediate and advanced test-takers well. Although on the top of the map there are 8 test-takers which there is no score for them that means the needs some higher scores for them. On the other hand, factor load for three constructs, delivery, language use and topic development are 0.74, 0.78 and 0.76. This shows that dividing speaking ability into these three constructs is proper while language use has the highest factor load and topic development has the lowest factor load.

Volume 12, Issue 5 (12-2021)

In order to engage students in higher-level thinking, cognitive activation (CA) strategies have been advanced and utilized in mathematics. CA develops when learners are challenged, confronted with conflicts, asked to think and explain clearly on their learning, and realize connections between new and previous content. Extending the theme to English language teaching (ELT), this study investigated Iranian English language teachers’ knowledge and practice of cognitive activation writing strategies (CAWS). In so doing, a model was proposed based on a questionnaire that was developed and validated in the present study. Through this scale, knowledge and practice of CAWS by 213 English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers were explored. During a pilot phase, the reliability of the questionnaire was calculated to be .78 for the knowledge section and .81 for the practice section. Two items in each section were removed after conducting exploratory factor analysis. Ultimately, the confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the proposed model was fit for the data. Five components were confirmed as constituents of CAWS for the knowledge section, and four components were identified for the practice section. The findings revealed that Iranian EFL teachers were already familiar with the CAWS and purportedly practiced them in their writing classes. Using the scale in the process of writing instruction can provide ELT practitioners with a helpful platform for relating to CA strategies and empowers learners to accomplish tasks such as problem-solving in their writing assignments, similar to what is practiced in mathematics.

Volume 12, Issue 47 (7-2015)

Nowadays, the importance of brand concept is so high that some researchers believe that brand is a perfect product and argue the most of the time customers instead of buying a product buy the brand. Therefore recognizing the factors influencing brand choice and investigating the specific features of brand is of   importance   and requires various studies .the present study aimed at investigating into factors that affect brand choice in food industrial companies . the methodology of this study was applied .research and for data collection. Survey approach was used. The statistical population consisted of buyers in Tehran and statistical sample based on factor analysis were 400 buyers.  Based on statistical analyses  , 19 factors that affect brand choice were categorized in 4classified:                   4 factors namely the simplicity of brand pronunciation, personality and psychological factor, recognition quality and services and  famous .further based on qualitative analyses based on qualitative analysis result revealed that "personality and psychological factor" for responding effects in brand choice to great extent    

Volume 13, Issue 1 (1-2025)

Aims: Individuals with schizophrenia frequently experience impaired social functioning and reduced relationship satisfaction. This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Social Effort and Conscientiousness Scale (SEACS) in individuals with schizophrenia.
Methods: This study examined the psychometric properties of the Persian Social Effort and Conscientiousness Scale (SEACS) in 83 Iranian individuals with schizophrenia (55 men, 28 women, aged 18-65). Participants, recruited via purposive sampling from Ahvaz medical centers, completed the translated SEACS, Social Functioning Questionnaire (SFQ), the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), and the Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia (CDSS). The SEACS translation followed a forward-backward method. Data analysis, conducted using SPSS 27 and SmartPLS 3, included descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), assessment of convergent validity (AVE), discriminant validity (HTMT and Fornell-Larcker), and reliability analysis (Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability).
Findings: CFA confirmed the SEACS's two-factor structure, with all 12 items loading above 0.40. Model fit was acceptable (SRMR=0.067, CFI=0.94). High internal consistency was observed (Cronbach's α=0.92 overall; 0.93 for social effort; 0.77 for conscientiousness), as was composite reliability (0.92 overall; 0.94 and 0.77 for subscales). Convergent validity was established (AVE>0.5). Discriminant validity was supported by both HTMT (<0.90) and Fornell-Larcker criteria.
Conclusion: The Persian version of the SEACS demonstrated satisfactory psychometric properties in individuals with schizophrenia, demonstrating strong evidence of validity and reliability. This culturally adapted tool can be used in research and clinical settings to assess social effort and conscientiousness in this population.


Volume 13, Issue 2 (6-2009)

This research was designed to identify the critical success factors of business process reengineering in an Iranian defense industries case study based on multivariate data analysis. Through developing a business process reengineering model and implementing it on the case study, the business processes were be managed and then its success was be analyzed, by a questionnaire. This analysis initially, represents the success of applied changes, and then follows the critical success factors of process reengineering in three main factors. Subsequently, by multiple regression tool, the business process reengineering success as dependent variable was estimated by the above three factors. The results, showed goodness and validity of the regression model. Accordingly, belief to change, change of infrastructures, participation of people in changing programs and decreasing of the resistance against the changes are the critical success factors of business process reengineering in the respective organization.

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