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Showing 13 results for Exports

, Alireza Karbasi,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (10-2009)

Agricultural sector is one of the most significant sectors in Iran. This sector accounts for a significant share of GDP, employment and non-oil exports in the economy. Moreover, it produces food and also raw materials used to produce manufacturing products. Therefore, the effects of macro policies on agriculture need to be well understood. This study aims to investigate the effects of exports and tax policy on agricultural employment in Iran during the period 1979 – 2005. Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach is used to estimate the empirical model. The findings of this study show that direct tax has significant and negative effect on agricultural employment while exports have significant and positive effect.
Mohsen Renani, Ali Morad Sharifi, Rahman Khosh Akhlagh, ,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (10-2009)

Large natural gas reserves are a great potential economic advantage for Iran's economy. As long as the consumption and production of the natural gas increase in the country, gas industry will play a vital role in meeting oil industry's needs. This paper aims to investigate optimal usage of the Iranian natural gas reserves among different applications and also opportunity cost of allocations by developing the gas industry over a long time horizon. Using welfare function, nonlinear dynamic model is applied to solve the problem of gas allocation among alternatives such as domestic consumption, gas injection, gas exports or gas salvaging using the data over the period 2006-2031. The constraints include gas production, requirements of gas injection, domestic growth, gas consumption and other effective variables and parameters related to the natural gas reserves allocation. Findings confirm that priorities and the values of optimal allocation gas depend on the constraints of natural gas production, energy policy, target of injection for preservation or increasing the pressure of oil reservoirs and gas imports. Furthermore, low discount rate gas injection has an absolute priority to gas exports. In the baseline scenario, if domestic gas consumption continuously growth at its average rate of last 11 years performance, it won't be possible to allocate gas injection according to the preservation pressure of oil reservoirs scenario and gas exports. The results of optimal gas salvage and its shadow price shows that the lack of gas production ability has a very high opportunity cost at the beginning years.
Kazem Yavari, Hamid Reza Ashrafzadeh, Khaled Ahmadzadeh,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (10-2010)

This paper aims to evaluate the relationship between exports diversification and productivity for nine Iranian manufacturing industries using a panel data approach. Empirical results indicate that productivity and exports have similar trends over the period considered in this study. Indicators such as capital-labor ratio in sub-sectors of the manufacturing and the real effective exchange rate have positive effects on productivity. Exports diversity index has also a positive and significant impact on productivity such that one percentage change in this index increases productivity by 1.8 percent. The effect of trade liberalization on manufacturing productivity is negative and negligible, implying that, to promote productivity, policymakers should consider other fundamental and institutional factors in addition to the foreign trade.
Kazem Yavari, Mahdieh Rezagholizadeh, Majid Aghaei,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2011)

This article analyses the effects of foreign exchange commitment and exchange rate unification policies on Iran’s non-oil exports during the last three decades. In addition, the effects of these policies on non-oil exports have empirically been estimated. For this purpose, an export supply model was estimated using the econometrics technique of Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) and reliable Iranian data for the last three decades. The empirical results of this paper shows that during the entire period of 1977-2008, foreign exchange commitment policy has caused non-oil exports to decline, but exchange rate unification policy has had positive effects on Iran’s non-oil exports.
Hamed Najafi Alamdarloo, Seyed Abolqasem Mortazavi, Katayoon Shemshadi Yazdi,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (9-2013)

According to trade theories, economic integration results in increasing trade and income among trade partners. This paper tries to test the major factors affecting the exports of agricultural products in ECO members using spatial econometric approach. For this purpose, the exports statistics of ECO members has been used in the form of panel data during 1992-2008. Agricultural exports function has been estimated using the Static (fixed and random effects) and Dynamic (generalized method of moments (GMM)) methods in panel data with classic and spatial econometric approaches. The estimated results indicate the existence of spatial dependence among the countries, so the using this estimation procedure is justified. GDP, Exchange rate and spatial variables (such as proximity) have positive effects and Population has negative effect on agricultural exports. Finally, it is suggested that the estimation equations should consider the proximity between the countries and with the increase in the exchange rate and GDP, increase exports in order to provide the necessary basis. Population control policies may also apply.
Amir Hossain Mozayani, Saeed Ghorbani, Nasrin Solhkhah,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (5-2014)

Nowadays resources mobilization besides identifying optimum financing methods is one of the top priorities for economic policy makers. Undoubtedly, the growing trend of literature on Sukuk would be regarded an act in this line, so that various studies have been conducted on usage methods of them until now. Most of these studies have focused on explaining conceptual, legal, administrative and religious jurisprudence aspects of the bond as well as their applications in different economic sectors such as agriculture, industry, tourism and have paid less attention to intra-sectors such as external trade. In this article, we review non-oil export structure of Iran and analyze the feasibility of export financing through applying sukuk securities from operational, institutional, and religious jurisprudence points of view. The results imply that at the time being Mudaraba and Istisna are the proper options for financing export of goods and technical & engineering services. Meanwhile Musharaka security can be applied for both as well. At the end of paper the operatable-national framework of three-sukuk securities issuance has been developed.  
Mohammad Nahavandian, Babak Afghahi,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (1-2015)

This study introduces the factors influencing on development of high-tech services exports (HTSE) in Iran. After communicating the overall policies of the fifth development plan, the national policy-makers were invited to formulating the exports development plan of high-tech services according to paragraph 29. This paper aimed to the explanation of high-tech services and identification of factors affecting HTSE. In this regard, by a review of literature, initially a sample with 255 people out of a statistical population with 555 members was selected using cluster sampling techniques, then the statistical data was gathered using documentary searches, interviews, formation the focus groups and completion the questionnaires with reliability coefficient of 79 percent. Finally, the factors and targeted indicators have been drawn out of a non-experimental survey design using structural equation modeling (SEM) in Lisrel software environment. The findings indicate that basic requirements and related factors, necessities of efficiency and competitiveness and sustainability as well as related components are of main factors affecting development promotion of high-tech exports in I.R.Iran. The model specified explains the 80 percent of changes in basic requirements, 68 percent of competiveness necessities, and 84 percent of sustainability needs.     

Volume 14, Issue 6 (11-2012)

 Iran's economy dependence on oil revenues has caused some impacts in the form of commodity price fluctuations on current revenues. Accordingly, in the past few years especially in the Second Development Plan, the government included encouragements and reduced the country's dependence on oil revenues in its agenda. Agricultural export, especially livestock and poultry export has a proper status due to its relative advantage. Therefore, this study aims to identify the factors affecting the supply of export animal products. For this purpose, factors affecting the export of livestock products were identified using Co-integration Analysis. Empirical results showed that livestock products export is significantly affected by livestock added-value, changes in price index of export goods, subjective price index of livestock products and climate changes.
Karem Azarbayjani, Ali Sarkhosh Sara, Aso Esmailpour,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (4-2015)

One of the main goals of developing countries is to achieve a sustainable economic growth. The exports promotion can directly help economic growth. Therefore, recognizing the factors influencing economic growth is of utmost important. Regarding the significance of factors affecting non-oil exports in trade policy making, this study aims to investigate the impact of exports insurance subsidy and other relevant variables on non-oil exports in Iran. To do this, the short- and long-term relationships between non-oil exports and exports insurance subsidy are estimated by Auto-Regressive Distributed Lags (ARDL) over the period 1995-2011. The results show that exports insurance subsidy is of positive effect on non-oil exports in both short- and long-term. 

Volume 17, Issue 102 (7-2020)

Assessing factor affecting Iranian Pistachio export due to comparative advantage and share of Iran in international market of this crop is very important. In recent years, pistachio exports has faced many challenges including limitation of aflatoxin maximum of importing countries. In the present study, factors affecting on Pistachio export with emphasis on the role of aflatoxins were evaluated by gravity model. For obtained this goal, the major importing countries pistachio were determined and panel data from the years 1990-2017 were used. The results of gravity model estimation showed that the limitation of aflatoxin, GDP, population and border for selected importing countries has significant positive effect on the export of Iran Pistachio. The result suggested that Iran to maintain it is share in the Pistachio global market, pistachio with high quality and lesser aflatoxin have to be product, as well as, sanitation laws are approved based on international laws could be very useful.

Volume 21, Issue 3 (7-2014)

This paper investigates the short- run and long-run effects of government size and exports on the economic growth of Iran as a developing oil export based economy for the period of 1974 - 2008 using an autoregressive distributed lags (ARDL) framework. A modified form of Feder (1982) and subsequently Ram’s (1986) model has been applied to include both government size and exports in growth equation. The findings show that in long run and short run the Armey curve (1995) is valid, indicating that both a very big size and a too small size of government are harmful for growth and government should adjust its size. The results also show that total exports, the amount of oil exports in terms of barrels and oil prices affect economic growth positively and significantly both in short-run and long-run. However, non-oil exports do not have a significant effect on growth in the long run
Mrs. Susan Etemadinia, Dr Seyed Jamaledin Mohseni Zonouzi,
Volume 22, Issue 4 (12-2022)

Technological innovation is one of the key indicators for economic growth and productivity. Recent studies show that R&D investment causes technological change. However, this relationship is not always obvious and seems to vary according to the level of economic development. A large number of studies on developed countries confirm the positive relationship between research and development, innovation and productivity. However, in developing countries, this relationship is not always clear. In this regard, in order to allocate an important share of national income to research and development, developing economies need to achieve a high and sustainable economic growth rate or create an economic development policy based on new innovation. This paper investigates the threshold effect of medium-high technology exports on total factor productivity in 50 developing and developed countries over the period 2007-2020.

For analyzing data, panel smooth transition regression (PSTR) model is used, which was presented and expanded by Gonzalez et al. (2005) and Colletaz & Hurlin (2006) and is very suitable for heterogeneous panel data. Thus, Medium-High Technology Exports index is chosen as the transition variable. Following the study of Hammar and Bellarebi (2021), the general model shows the relationship between the logarithm of total factor productivity, the logarithm of advanced and medium exports (transition variable), the logarithm of trade openness, and the logarithm of research and development expenditures.

Results and Discussion:
The results show a nonlinear relationship between the variables under study. Based on the necessary test results, considering only one transition function with a threshold value and two regimes is sufficient for nonlinear estimation of the model. Also, the logarithm of the value of the transition variable threshold is estimated about 3.0816 and the slope parameter is estimated about 6.4226. Research and development (R&D) expenditures and trade have negative significant effects on total factor productivity in the first regime on total factor productivity that this effect by crossing the threshold (Medium-High Technology Exports) effect for the variable of R&D expenditures becomes positive and insignificant. This result is consistent with the study of Sepherdoost and Afshari (2016). In addition, the results show that the influence of trade on total factor productivity is negative and significant, but its influence is lower than before, in the second regime. This result is consistent with the study of Lotfalipour et al. (2015)

Considering the role of high and medium technology exports in the relationship between research and development expenditures and total factor productivity, it can be said that developing countries in the initial stages of growth can increase their productivity by increasing the export of high technology industries, to a level of specific development, despite the very high importance of research and development in the development of high-tech industries. Only a very small part of the country's resources is spent on research and development, and the weakness of the workforce has reduced the utilization of this small amount of domestic research and development investment. So, the low contribution of research and development expenses indicates that companies do not have much desire for innovative efforts and the creation of new technology transfer capacity as a stimulus for the quantitative and qualitative growth of industrial products. This action has caused them to not provide new products and services and reduce their competitiveness in domestic and foreign markets.
The most important policy recommendation is that the governments of developing countries should develop high and medium technology exports witch through their positive effects such as productivity growth, reduction of production costs, improvement of financial development and growth of innovation and technology, it is possible to achieve favorable economic growth and to improve the productivity of all factors. Also, the development of exports with advanced and medium technology and knowledge-based production will initially attract educated and specialized unemployed people, and with the improvement of management practices, the productivity of production factors and the level of technology will increase and lead to product innovation. Therefore, considering the importance of exporting with advanced and medium technology and knowledge-based production, it is suggested that the universities move towards the third generation university, in which case the chain of knowledge to technology will be completed in the university and the university will support the industries by developing the latest technologies. It is also suggested that in order to improve their competitiveness in the international arena and to advance their development goals, developing countries allocate a greater share of their income resources to research and development and create incentives for researchers in various economic sectors, especially in industries with technological capabilities, and move more towards the knowledge-based economy and the implementation of research policies based on innovation.

Volume 24, Issue 5 (9-2022)

The recently emerged Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been identified as an pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) and has affected all sections of human society including agriculture, livestock, manufacturing, and industry. In this research, we investigated the impact of COVID-19 on Iran’s livestock and meat market by using an equilibrium displacement model.  The prevalence of the Coronavirus has had the greatest economic effects on rising exchange rates and has reduced exports in Iran. The results also show that the factors of the Coronavirus (exchange rate and exports) have the highest effect on Iran’s meat market. The rising exchange rates and reduced exports lead to higher prices and lower quantities in the meat market, which increase the suppliers’ welfare at the retail and farm levels. These results show the negative effect of the outbreak of Coronavirus. Corona outbreak increases price at the farm and retail level, therefore, farm and retail quantities fall. Since the impact of an increase in the price is much greater than the effect of reducing production, producer surplus increases. A policy conclusion of this research is that the current situation in Iran is difficult for the poultry and livestock industry because of the need for foreign currency and the abuse of market power in the distribution system. Farmer cooperatives can overcome these problems because their objectives are to serve farmers and their goals align with farmers goals.

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