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Showing 2 results for Export Intensity

Mrs. Fatemeh Karampoor Goruhi, Dr Ali Dehghani,
Volume 19, Issue 2 (6-2019)

This study examines the effects of ownership, competitiveness, firm size and research and development (R&D) expenditure on exports of Iran's vehicles manufacturing industries. A panel data model is set up using 4-digit codes of the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) related to vehicles manufacturing industries in Iran over the period 2005-2013. The dynamic panel data technique and two-stage generalized method of moments (Arellano and Band method) are used to estimate the econometric model. The estimation results indicate positive and significant effects of private ownership, R&D expenditure and competitiveness on export intensity in Iran's vehicles manufacturing industries. According to the positive effect of the private ownership on exports, facilitating the entrance of the other private firms aiming at producing and exporting of vehicles’ products can be a considerable step for promoting foreign trade in Iran. In addition, findings show that real exchange rate has no significant effect on export intensity among mentioned industries. Moreover, higher tariff rates on imports of vehicles in Iran and higher relative prices of vehicles compared to world prices have limited the potential of exporting the products of such industries.

Volume 21, Issue 4 (7-2019)

The trend of export in some developing countries such as Iran shows that, in addition to exogenous factors such as exchange rates volatility and government policies, endogenous variables also affect the volume and value of products export. Among endogenous factors, the role of marketing strategies is very important. In the current study, the role of marketing strategies of market penetration, market development, product development, and differentiation on the export performance of saffron exporting companies in Khorasan Razavi Province in Iran was investigated using spatial panel data regression model. In order to calculate the export performance index, the four components of firm’s profitability, sales volume, sales growth, and export intensity were considered. Data and information used in the study were obtained from a census of 14 saffron exporting companies during 2011-2016. The results show that marketing strategies of differentiation, market development, and product development had a significant positive effect on the export performance of saffron companies in Iran. Therefore, by applying appropriate marketing strategies in different markets, export performance could be enhanced.

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