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Showing 4 results for Economy of Iran

Mostafa Karimzadeh, Khadijeh Nasrollahi, Saeid Samadi, Rahim Dallali Isfahani,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (1-2013)

Ramsey model is one of the most important basic models to study intertemporal resource allocation. This model is derived from microeconomic optimal principle so it has a key role in macroeconomics with micro foundations. Hence, in many economic researches it is considered as a reference theory. Application of this model in economy of Iran will provide an appropriate theorem framework for explaining empirical facts of the Iranian economy and will introduce a new approach to researchers. The main idea of this study is generalizing Ramsey model through including terms of trade and its calibration in the economy of Iran. For this purpose first, the model is explained. Then, the first order condition is derived and mathematical optimal path of variables is solved.  Finally, the model is calibrated by GAMS package for economy of Iran in time period (2006-2036). The results indicate that there is a feasible solution for model and the optimal path of variables can be observed. The optimal path of Gross National Production and Consumption are increasing but the optimal path of capital stock and investment is primarily increasing then decreasing. In the final section of this paper a sensitivity analysis is presented. Some scenarios are designed for the important parameters of model like time preferences rate, intertemporal substitution elasticity of consumption, labour growth rate and output elasticity of capital. Sensitivity analysis shows that output elasticity of capital and labour growth rate increased the social welfare and shifted optimal path of variables upward. But time preferences rate and intertemporal substitution elasticity of consumption had inverse effect on social welfare and optimal path of variables.
Mostafa Din Mohammadi, Amir Jabbari,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (1-2014)

The aim of this article is to review the quantitative targeting of research and development expenditure in the Fifth Plan Act and executive policies of the science and technology. This article models the explaining and affecting factors of the research and development regarding to the theoretical and experimental studies. The main determinants of R&D expenditure in each economy are as follows: the intellectual property rights system; degree of government efficiency in defining, ensuring and implementing property rights; industrial structure and economy technology-intensiveness; the degree of economic openness and competitiveness; the share of large-scale firms in research and development; methods of R & D expenditure financing and the R& D production structure. The comparative comparison of main influencing factors on the research and development Intensity (RDI) in Iran with OECD RDI shows that the effective national absorption capacity of R& D expenditure in Iran, on average, is less than 20% of OECD corresponding capacity. The evidence shows that the bulk of research and development in Iran is financed by the government research credits. Naturally, we expect that effectiveness of R&D expenditure would be negligible, since the provided expenditure is not proportional to the national absorption capacity of research and development. According to pathology results, three amendments are proposed to research and development policies of the Fifth Plan in order to increase the efficiency and the productivity of R&D expenditure. The first major amendment is that the targeting of effective research and development expenditure of gross national product reach to 1.5 % in the end of the plan. Also, a fundamental attitude change towards research credits with focus on firms and non-governmental sector is essential for efficacy of consumed resources. The second proposal emphasizes on the software research and development policies. The Iranian research system focuses on hardware components and quantitative indicators, for example, budget, organization and the first-level R&D hardware products i.e., scholar papers. It is recommended that the software components of R &D including the property rights system, the national innovation system, the national learning system, motivation and reward system, efficacy evaluation, the research market, and interactive relationship of the research and development with economic competitiveness components are included in development plans. The third proposal is to develop the statistics and information system of R & D in Iran.
Ahmad Jafari Samimi, Amir Mansoor Tehranchian, Roozbeh Balounejad Nouri, Eilnaz Ebrahimi,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (2-2016)

In the present study, the New Keynesian Phillips Curve is derived for Iran using an Open Economy Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium model. Due to inflation persistence in Iran, a new hybrid Keynesian Phillips curve is estimated using Central Bank of Iran dataset during 1971-2011. The findings indicate that lagged inflation is more important than expected inflation in determining current period inflation. In addition, with reference to monetary shocks, the inflationary effects are greater than real effects. In other words, a monetary shock initially affects inflation more than output. Moreover, shocks on oil revenue and technology lead to increase in both output and inflation. A reduction in the nexus between monetary base and oil revenues, investment in research and development (R & D) and monetary discipline are policy recommendations of this research.  

Volume 17, Issue 3 (11-2013)

Poverty causes human distress, wandering of the mind and provision of sorrow. The leaders of UN member states were committed in the third millennium that the number of the poor should be reduced by half up to 2015. However, since there is a close relationship between the black economy and poverty in the Iranian economy, which has a growing trend, this shows the importance of identifying the factors effecting on the creation of black markets in urban areas on creating poverty. So the first step in designing and implementing new programs to reduce poverty is to review these offices. This study analyzes the effects of the black economy in rural and urban areas on poverty by using regression model (VAR). using this model, the variables of per capita income, unemployment, tax on income, direct tax burden, the degree of openness of the economy and inflation as the factors, which cause the black economy were studied for the years 1984-2007. The results showed that, in both the rural and urban areas, the per capita income variable has the most influence on poverty. This shows that if the policy makers want to improve and irradiate the poverty in urban or rural areas, correct changes in the per capita income variable with all accessories and institutional and distributation arrangements can be usefull.    

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