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Showing 3 results for Economic System

Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)

  This study shows the integration of e-commerce and advanced algorithm-based learning to establish a sustainable economic system and foster cultural education. The research also investigates the impact of rural aging on the utilization of several different land types, including arable land, forest land, and transportation land. The incorporation of e-commerce platforms offers advantages such as resource consumption reduction and efficient supply chain management, enabling broader market access and sustainable production and consumption. However, challenges related to data privacy, algorithm bias, and the digital divide need to be addressed for inclusive access. An artificial neural network (ANN) was constructed to analyze the impact of resource consumption and cultural exploration on market access, ethical practices, and data privacy. The ANN predictions showed that cultural exploration is most prominent with restricted market access, while data privacy is inversely related to ethical practices and market access. Regardless of consumption levels, resource consumption leads to increased data privacy. The study also found that rural aging has a significant negative impact on urban, industrial, and transportation land, but no significant impact on arable, forest, and garden land. The impact varies between towns and townships, with rural aging reducing urban and industrial land in towns but promoting the expansion of forest and grassland in townships. The results show the promising avenues for sustainable economic development and cultural education through the integration of e-commerce and advanced algorithm-based learning, while emphasizing the need to address key challenges and the implications of rural aging on land use for sustainable development.
Ahmad Jafari Samimi, Hasan Zarineghbal, Mohammadreza Zibaie, Kaveh Derakhshani,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (5-2016)

This paper seeks to compare the model of publicsector in the economic model of I.R.I. Constitution and economies of WelfareStates. Thecomparison isbased on ideological principles and economic rules governing the public sector. We find that state role in both models properlyfollows the conventional economic literature on public sector, which focuses on naturalrole of state in the economy. Considering ideological literature and institutionalcapacity of state in both models, however, we find that I.R.I. constitution has moreinstitutional preferences compared with welfare state model. Primary source of this difference is inefficiencyof welfare state model, especially its inefficient system of economic norms (ideology) in practice which is extends far away from justice goals and wideninggaps in the economy. Normativeframework of public sector in economic model ofI.R.I. constitutionhas the capacity of securing economy from these inefficiencies. Regarding this, wepropose the state using the current fundamental capacity in the economic model of I.R.I. constitution, seeks grounding public participation towards constituted goals of the economy. As a practical approach, the state focusing on improvement and development ofeconomic culture, may achieve an efficient economic system through implementing economicjustice and revising the property movement pattern.

Volume 25, Issue 1 (12-2021)

Bank mergers is one of the complex issues of the banking system. Mergers in the banking system take place in a non-assisted or assisted way. Due to the distinctive characteristics of banks from other commercial companies and the special effects of mergers in the banking system, it is necessary to formulate special rules governing the merger of banks. Determining the role of the banking supervisor,the scope of its powers and duties,the role of other supervisory bodies such as the Competent Competent Authority and the merger assessment criteria in non-auxiliary mergers and determining the competent decision-maker, the scope of its authority and the type of banks subject to this type of merger shall be regulated by law. In US Federal Deposit Insurance Company act (1950) Banking Merger act (1960) and other related acts,the rules governing bank mergers are explained. The result of the study indicates the lack of regulations appropriate to the merger of banks in the Iranian legal system.

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