Showing 20 results for Cooperative
Volume 4, Issue 3 (10-2013)
The linguistic study of “Humor” has a rich and long history, and the systematic research on linguistic mechanisms of humor goes back to Raskin’s semantic theory of humor (1985). Besides the elements such as incongruity, ambiguity and exaggeration, flouting of Grice maxims (1975) of Cooperative Principle (CP) is one of the most reviewed techniques of producing humor, which has been the subject of various linguistics studies. In this research, we study the role of maxim flouting in producing so-called “pa-na-pa” (“so what” conversational style) jokes, which have been recently spread initially on the Internet and then in the society. We also depict the process in a three-part algorithm. This new generation of Iranian jokes is considerable not only because of their linguistic but also because of its sociolinguistics characteristics in which there is no trace of insulting language toward social and ethnic minorities that itself shows a paradigm shift in Iranian jokes.
Volume 5, Issue 18 (12-2017)
In Persian language, implicature has an important role in discourse and also inference by listener is of great importance. The purpose of this study is analysis of Persian data and categorizing different forms of implicature. The problem is how Persian speakers infer the intended message conveyed by the speaker. The study is based on a descriptive-analytical approach. Data of this study are the 50-hour recorded conversations of people in 13 situations in Tehran. After finding implicatures, they were classified. They were described and analyzed based on the hypotheses. It is concluded that in Persian, implicit meaning is shown by generalized conversational implicature, scalar implicature, particularized conversational implicature and conventional implicature. Moreover, grammatical structures including conditional sentences and wh.q structures can create implicit meaning with assuming special cases and resulting in impliatures. Finally we reached to the conclusion that the context of situation and culture are crucial and influential factors in analyzing the conversations. Since meaning and interpretation could be inferred in the context of situation.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (1-2005)
The primary purpose of this study was to assess the professional satisfaction of Rural Production Cooperative (RPC) members. The secondary purpose was to investigate the professional characteristics of RPCs’ farmers, and determine the RPC members’ atti-tudes toward cooperative farming. The population of this study consisted of all 2000 rice-growing members of four RPCs in rural Mazandaran, a northern province of Iran. Using a complete randomized sampling technique, 320 members of the population were selected for the study. A questionnaire consisting of three parts was designed to collect the data needed for the study. The results showed that cooperative farming substantially increased farmers’ crop yields and lowered their farm operational and maintenance costs. Members reported particular savings in the area of farm labor expenses. More than 90% of the farmers indicated that cooperatives enabled them to have more access to agricultural ma-chinery, which resulted in the efficient use of farm resources. About 64% of the farmers were considered to be practicing a “high” level of mechanization on their rice fields. The members generally had a positive and favorable attitude towards the cooperative and its activities. The mean score on staff professional satisfaction was 2.4 (2= Somewhat satis-fied; 3=Satisfied), with a standard deviation of 1.6. There was a statistically significant re-lationship between members’ professional satisfaction and their attitude towards the co-operative (r=0.645). This is considered as a “substantial association”. A Multivariate Linear Regression indicated that among the independent variables, the farmers’ level of participation in the cooperative’s activities, their attitude towards the cooperative, and the amount of land owned by farmers could together explain 68.8% of the variability in members’ professional satisfaction. This implied that there are other factors that may have contributed substantially to the variations in farmers’ professional satisfaction that were not investigated in this study.
Volume 8, Issue 33 (9-2004)
Cooperation among human beings have existed in different forms from past centuries till now. The modern cooperatices have been formed in response to disorders due to the occurrence of industrial revolution. Inefficiency of market and government for various reasons, justifies the formation of the third sector of economy (including cooperatives). This paper aims to answer the following questions:What are the reasons for the formation of cooperatives? What is the thire sector of economy? What are the roles of cooperatives in macroe conomy?
Bijan Baseri, Hossein Sadeghi, Gholamreza Khaksar,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (10-2010)
The aim of this paper is to investigate the role of producer cooperatives (PCs) on rural development in Fars, Khorasan, Semnan, Golestan and Hamadan provinces of Iran in 2007. More specifically, this paper focuses on the economic aspects and social changes occurred in rural area concerning the cooperatives development. In order to measure quantitatively the effectiveness of economic and social changes, we included per capita income, factors productivity, expansion of rain irrigation, technology changes as economic indicators and the rate of participation in social activities, rate of migration and job creation as social indicators in the model.
The findings based on 212 Producers Cooperative sampling data in the selected provinces show that the PCs have played a positive role in preventing migration to urban area. Moreover, the PCs have statistically significant and positive effects on the production, employment and labor productivity in this sector. In addition, in some areas they contributed to develop commercial agriculture.
Volume 13, Issue 1 (1-2010)
Objective: To classify different types of acute leukemia based on cooperative game theory and Shapley value.
Materials and Methods: In this study, patients data were collected from Flow Cytometry tests of the Iran Blood Transfusion Organization (IBTO) have been used. 304 different diagnosed samples in 8 classes of acute leukemia were investigated.
Samples were initially in numerical format. In the next stage, we transformed them into Boolean format according to the defined threshold. Then, weights were assigned to these samples based on cooperative game theory and Shapley value. In this regard, different samples of acute leukemia were separated and classified (Learning Phase).
In the diagnosis phase, using similarity measures, the similarities between new under study and the training samples were assessed and the type of under study leukemia were detected (Diagnosis phase).
Results: The accuracy rate of the classification method based on the cooperative game theory for leukemia was 96.3% which indicates that the proposed method has a considerable precision rate to classify the different kind of classes. In order to find the validity and efficiency of the proposed method, the results were compared with neural network, which is one of the useful learning algorithms. The accuracy rate of the classification method based on Radial Basis Function method (RBF) was 91.80%.
Conclusion: Considering the data, the proposed method gave very hopeful results for acute leukemia classification. In this regard, it can assist hematologists and physicians in reasonable and accurate diagnosis of the kind of leukemia, to make more suitable decisions.
Volume 13, Issue 2 (6-2009)
In B2C models of e-commerce, customer trust is considered as one of the key factors of successfulness, and many scholars believe that the success factor in e-commerce is establishment and implementation of a safe and reliable purchasing process for the customers.
The aim of this research was to study the effective factors on customer trust in e-commerce. To do so, the research hypotheses were developed to examine individual, company and infrastructural variables.
Statistical population of this research was the customers, who had the experience of e - purchasing from the e-stores of “Iranian virtual community”.
As the results of data analysis showed, the cooperative and infrastructural variables had positive influence on customer trust but individual variables had no positive influence on customer trust.
Hamid Sepehrdoust, Saber Zamani Shabkhaneh,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (4-2015)
Various socio-economic factors affect employment. In this regard, offering credit facilities has attracted the attention of economic policy-makers. This study aims to evaluate the impact of credit facilities on employment in Iranian industrial cooperatives. For this purpose, the Constant Elasticity Substitution(CES) production function and panel data regression analysis are used to analyze the relationship between credit facilities and employment in provincial industrial cooperatives during the period 2006-2010. The results show that the offering credit facility is of significant effect on employment. The elasticity coefficient of employment with respect to credit facilities and technical services facilities is 0.1. In addition, the elasticity of employment with respect to credit facilities of fastest-growing and entrepreneur firms is 0.05. These figures indicate the different effects of facilities on employment in industrial cooperatives, and fastest-growing and entrepreneur firms.
Volume 15, Issue 1 (4-2015)
In this paper, we consider a cooperative cognitive radio network in which there is an OFDM primary link and multiple single carrier secondary links.The primary link is required to maintain its secrecy rate above a predefined threshold. If the secrecy rate requirement is not satisfied, the secondary system help primary link to maintain its secrecy rate requirement. In doing so, the secondary transmitters work as decode and forward (DF) relays and hence, as a reward, gains access to network resources to transmit its own information. Our objective is to maximize the data rate of secondary system while satisfying the primary secrecy rate constraint and individual transmit power constraints for primary link and secondary system. We solve our proposed optimization problem using dual Lagrange approach to find the set of cooperating secondary link, subcarrier assignments, and transmit power over each subcarrier. Using simulations, we evaluate our proposed scheme in various situations.
Volume 16, Issue 2 (7-2012)
Managers in all organizations today called for optimum use of existing facilities and capacities in different sectors. So in order to provide feedback model to improve performance of various branches and agencies to achieve a tool to meet the needs of managers, and the essential logic seems. The purpose of this study provide a model compilation process fuzzy network analysis, balanced scorecard and fuzzy data envelopment analysis for performance evaluation of branch offices is Yazd Cooperative with the device can also identify efficient and inefficient branches, the appropriate strategies improve the performance of inefficient branches and more branches to strengthen whatever can be effectively developed. In this study of balanced scorecard model to extract parameters assessment, fuzzy analysis network process techniques to estimate fuzzy relative importance of each indicator under a single perspective and of fuzzy data envelopment analysis techniques to evaluate the performance of branches has been used. financial Perspective as the most important, and the Yazd and ardakan Branches were identified Assessment as the efficient performance of the branches.
Volume 16, Issue 2 (6-2016)
In this paper, we study the physical layer security in the presence of an adversary which is able
to switch its mode from jamming mode (when transmits jamming signals) to eavesdropping mode (when adversary eavesdrops legitimate link) and vice versa. To combat with this type of adversary and establish security in this
communication, we propose two approaches: 1) probabilistic approach (PA), 2) worst case approach (WCA).
The system model consists of a source, an adversary and full-duplex destination. A full-duplex destination can
receive the private message and transmit jamming signal to deceive the adversary, simultaneously. The simulation
results show that the average rate PA, is 50% more than the WCA.
Hamid Sepehrdoust, Saber Zamani Shabkhaneh,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (12-2016)
Examining the strategies related to the promotion of human resource productivity, and quality level of laborers using wage payment is considered as the most important factor responsible for quantitative as well as qualitative economic growth of the society. Obviously, if the employees working in any part of the economic sector have high productivity, the overall performance of that sector will be improved in accordance with productivity. The aim of this study is to find out whether any increment in wage payments of the laborers as an effective measure can cause a substantial increase in the labor productivity and value added in industrial cooperatives. In order to study the effects of compensatory earnings by the employees on their productivity, the Cobb-Douglas model and panel data regression were used to analyze productivity performance of laborers working in industrial cooperatives across 30 provinces during the period 2006-2011. Moreover, the regression analysis on panel data of these cooperatives was applied to examine which section of compensatory payments, i.e., wage or other payments, has the highest effect on labor productivity. The results show that the variable of compensatory payments is of significant and positive effect on value added of industrial cooperatives in Iran. However, the direct wages have higher impact than other payments on labor productivity.
Volume 17, Issue 5 (9-2015)
There are more than one million agricultural cooperatives members in Iran. In the meantime, the rapid development of the animal husbandry in Iran has forced cooperatives to meet the members’ scientific and practical needs for completing production cycle of the dairy industry. Livestock production covers a wide spectrum of livestock activities including bee keeping, silkworm raising, and aquaculture, indicating widespread business systems in Iranian animal husbandry. Due to significant livestock population, various animal products, such as raw milk, red meat, white meat (chicken and fish), eggs, and honey are produced. Thus, the mentioned cooperatives need to meet the markets demands for keeping competitive advantage more than any time before. Only when innovation is fostered, market competitive advantage can be maintained. Today, sustainability and innovation issues have a great importance in some organizations such as agriculture cooperatives. The term “entrepreneurship” is coined to describe this need to keep organizations in competitive situation by innovations tools. Presently, it is believed that entrepreneurship can be developed. Organizational, personal, and environmental aspects are important factors toward entrepreneurship fostering. This study took into consideration three factors in cooperatives, including structure, strategy, and leadership.The results of research revealed that these three variables play important role in entrepreneurship development in cooperatives. Thus, consideration of these aspects can help in development and boost cooperatives profits. The result of modeling by structural equations methods showed that 38% of the variance of entrepreneurship as a dependent variable could be explained by these three factors in cooperatives.
Volume 17, Issue 6 (12-2017)
In the recent decades, water demand has been increased specially in arid and semi-arid areas, led to the over-exploitation of water resources. Groundwater resources are important sources of water supply for domestic, industrial and agricultural consumption. Nowadays, over-exploitation from groundwater resources has increased the pressure on these sources which causes the major environmental damages. In this study, a cooperative game theory model is used to investigate how the cooperation of groundwater resources consumers influences the environmental damage and the benefit of stakeholders. The used model in the present study is developed for investigation of an optimal control problem including the variables of economic, environmental, agronomic, and hydrologic issues. Ant colony optimization method is used to flexible define and solve the simulation-optimization problem of this study which provides an ability to consider an extensive range of objectives and constraints. The results show that how uncontrolled pumping and over-exploitation in each aquifer affect on the stakeholders of the adjacent aquifers. Furthermore, the impacts on aquatic ecosystems are analyzed and presented as environmental damages. The obtained results demonstrate that in different areas, environmental damages are reduced under the coalition and effective cooperation condition among stakeholders and considering the environmental externalities in comparison with status quo. In the recent decades, water demand has been increased specially in arid and semi-arid areas, led to the over-exploitation of water resources. Groundwater resources are important sources of water supply for domestic, industrial and agricultural consumption. Nowadays, over-exploitation from groundwater resources has increased the pressure on these sources which causes the major environmental damages. In this study, a cooperative game theory model is used to investigate how the cooperation of groundwater resources consumers influences the environmental damage and the benefit of stakeholders. The used model in the present study is developed for investigation of an optimal control problem including the variables of economic, environmental, agronomic, and hydrologic issues. Ant colony optimization method is used to flexible define and solve the simulation-optimization problem of this study which provides an ability to consider an extensive range of objectives and constraints. The results show that how uncontrolled pumping and over-exploitation in each aquifer affect on the stakeholders of the adjacent aquifers. Furthermore, the impacts on aquatic ecosystems are analyzed and presented as environmental damages. The obtained results demonstrate that in different areas, environmental damages are reduced under the coalition and effective cooperation condition among stakeholders and considering the environmental externalities in comparison with status quo. In the recent decades, water demand has been increased specially in arid and semi-arid areas, led to the over-exploitation of water resources. Groundwater resources are important sources of water supply for domestic, industrial and agricultural consumption. Nowadays, over-exploitation from groundwater resources has increased the pressure on these sources which causes the major environmental damages. In this study, a cooperative game theory model is used to investigate how the cooperation of groundwater resources consumers influences the environmental damage and the benefit of stakeholders. The used model in the present study is developed for investigation of an optimal control problem including the variables of economic, environmental, agronomic, and hydrologic issues. Ant colony optimization method is used to flexible define and solve the simulation-optimization problem of this study which provides an ability to consider an extensive range of objectives and constraints. The results show that how uncontrolled pumping and over-exploitation in each aquifer affect on the stakeholders of the adjacent aquifers. Furthermore, the impacts on aquatic ecosystems are analyzed and presented as environmental damages. The obtained results demonstrate that in different areas, environmental damages are reduced under the coalition and effective cooperation condition among stakeholders and considering the environmental externalities in comparison with status quo.
Volume 17, Issue 9 (11-2017)
Control of multiple robots, whose end-effects grasp an object, involves complex control tasks. First, the multiple robotic system, for a cooperative task, forms closed kinematic chains that impose additional kinematic and dynamic constraints. Second, the interactive actions among the robots through the object lead to the essential need to control position and interactive force, simultaneously. In this paper, the backstepping control method is studied for tracking control problem of cooperative robot manipulator system handling a common rigid object. The error system of coordinated robot manipulators is developed by defining the new variables based on the integral and differential of position and orientation errors. Then by defining the appropriate change of coordinates and using the backstepping design strategy, a backstepping position tracking control scheme is proposed for multi-robot manipulator systems handling a common object. Additional terms, using the properties of internal forces, are also added to the control signals to consider the force tracking problem. It is proved the closed loop system are uniformly ultimately bounded based on Lyapunov stability theory. Finally, the two three-link planar robot manipulators is applied for simulation, and the simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Volume 18, Issue 7 (11-2018)
Vastness of operation airspace and uncertain environment in aerial search missions, makes utilizing multiple intelligent agents more preferable to integrated centralized systems due to robustness, parallel computing structure, scalability, and cost optimality of distributed systems. Cooperative search missions require the search space to be divided properly between agents. In order to minimize the uncertainty, the agents will calculate the best path in the assigned space partition. According to the communication topology, environmental information and the near-future decisions are shared between agents. In this paper, cooperative search using multiple UAVs has been considered. First, mathematical representation of the search space, kinematic and sensor model of UAVs, and communication topology have been presented. Then, an approach has been proposed to update and share information using the Bayes’ rule. Afterwards, path planning problem has been solved using different optimization algorithms namely First-order Gradient, Conjugate Gradient, Sequential Quadratic Programming, and Interior Point Algorithm. Finally, the performance of these algorithms have been compared according to mean uncertainty reduction and target detection time.
Volume 19, Issue 4 (7-2017)
Rural cooperatives, as a small member-owned organizations, are the potential to facilitate socio-economic development in rural areas. Despite this fact, in Iran and many other developing countries, they have not had remarkable successes in this regard. Because strategy formulation and management is a plan to obtain far-reaching development effects of any organization. This study aimed to present a hybrid method to formulate and choose strategies for rural cooperatives development. It combined SWOT analysis, TOWS matrix, and the Analytic Network Process (ANP). We applied brainstorming technique to analyze the external and internal environment of rural cooperatives using the contributions of an experts’ team comprising 10 individual CEOs of rural cooperatives and senior employees of the Central Organization of Rural Cooperatives. When this team identified key SWOT factors, TOWS matrix was constructed to create good strategic alternatives. Finally, ANP was applied to prioritize the strategies. According to results, 19 key strategic factors such as lack of management knowledge (W4), and ability to improve value and supply chains (S4) were identified. In addition, this team identified 11 strategic alternatives which among them Implement public policy and provide technical and financial services (SO2), Facilitate procurement of inputs and develop supply and value chains (SO1) and Involve rural cooperatives in policy planning (ST1), had greater priority in Iran. The experts’ team believed that the presented combined approach helps decision makers and managers to make and choose the best alternative strategies and factors that affect rural cooperatives development.
Volume 24, Issue 1 (1-2022)
This study was done to integrate Total Quality Management (TQM) and Supply Chain Management (SCM) in a unified framework to study improving the employee service quality of rural cooperative companies and obtaining an important tool for competition in future management. All employees of rural cooperative companies of Tehran Province were selected as a statistical population (N= 500). The stratified sampling method (n= 217) was used. To collect information, the questionnaire for SCM and TQM was developed based on an extensive literature review, and its reliability and validity was verified by experts, pilot test, and various statistical techniques. According to the proposed conceptual framework, the direct and indirect impact of the variables was investigated by the Path Analysis in the LISREL software. The results showed that there was a positive significant relationship between dimensions of SCM and TQM. The results of path analysis show the direct impact of all aspects of TQM on internal integration and the effect of “support and leadership of the top management of the organization”, “strategic planning”, and “customer focus”. Also, based on the research results, the management support and “support and leadership of the top management of the organization”, strategic planning, and customer focus have an indirect effect on internal integration. Overall, our findings reveal that building SCM and TQM by strengthening the effect of each other is an effective way to achieve services quality among the employees of rural cooperatives in Tehran Province.
Volume 26, Issue 1 (5-2022)
study, 13 factors were finally extracted as key variables and drivers in the optimal performance of the cooperatives. All 13 factors were repeated in both direct and indirect methods.
The results show that the drivers of housing cooperatives' performance including "coherent measures to get the housing market out of recession; involvement of housing investment institutions, mass builders, and cooperatives in housing production; and satisfaction with housing efficiency" are marginalized. This trend shows that these indicators do not tend to improve, and with the current trend, the situation in the organization will continue to be unfavorable. As a result, the necessary condition for improving performance of cooperatives in the physical and spatial changes of Tabriz city based on decentralized planning and meeting the needs of all citizens in the future, is the promotion of the above indicators.
Volume 26, Issue 4 (12-2022)
One of the main questions in contract theory is the justification of the binding nature of contract; That why the legislator intervenes in this private field and determines some sanctions and remedies. In response to this challenge, in the common law three major theories have been offered: moral theory, economic theory and the rule of will theory. In Iranian law, legal scholars have based their theories on moral, social, economic and religious grounds. This article, while examining and evaluating these theories with an analytical-descriptive method, despite the support of most Iranian legal writers for theories based on social interests, defends the principle of autonomy of will and claims that other values can be unified with this principle. The main idea of this article is that the most important and direct goal of the legislator from enforcing contracts should be to enforce the cooperative will of the parties to the contract, which is in line with supporting the higher value of autonomy. Also, efficiency as an economic value is included under autonomy and as an instrument plays a central role in formulating detailed regulations and the structure and how to support the contract.