Showing 48 results for Asia
Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)
The current study evaluated the interactive impacts of water temperature and feeding rate on digestive enzymes, intestine histology, growth and stress-related genes, and cultivable intestinal microbiota of Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer). For this purpose, 180 fish (85.0±3.0 g) were reared at three different temperatures (20, 27, and 33 °C) and two feeding rates (apparent satiation and 2.5% of biomass) with three replications for 6 weeks. The results revealed no significant differences among different treatments regarding the activity of digestive enzymes (P˃0.05) of fish reared under different temperatures and feeding rates. The length, width, and thickness of intestinal villi were unaffected by different temperatures and feeding rates (P˃0.05). In addition, no variations were found in the total aerobic bacterial count of fish gut from different experimental groups (P˃0.05). At the molecular level, IGF-I and HSP70 coding genes were found to be highly expressed in experimental treatments (P<0.05). To conclude, present results showed that temperatures between 27 to 33 °C are more optimal for Asian seabass, and the different temperatures and feeding rates do not affect digestive enzymes, intestine histology, and gut microbiota after 6 weeks. Further molecular research is needed to unravel the complex impact and mechanisms of feeding rate and different rearing temperature on fish physiology.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (1-2025)
The turbulent region of the Persian Gulf and West Asia, as well as the Horn of Africa, has always been at risk of establishing security due to political and social turmoil and sometimes long and erosive wars. While in today's world, security is still one of the most important goods that can be supported by stability and progress. Iran and Saudi Arabia, as the two main powers in the Persian Gulf and influential powers in the Horn of Africa, can play a pivotal role in creating regional security. Security cooperation between Iran and Saudi Arabia can be expanded on various aspects, from the field of shipping, energy, and the fight against smuggling to cooperation on areas of influence. Having said that, the basic question is raised, what are the challenges and obstacles of security cooperation between Iran and Saudi Arabia in the Persian Gulf and Horn of Africa? The temporary answer to this question is as follows: The acting of the United States of America in the Persian Gulf, the lack of common understanding regarding security issues, geopolitical differences and cultural-religious differences and the lack of understanding over the area of influence are the challenges and obstacles to the security cooperation between Iran and Saudi Arabia in the Persian Gulf and Horn of Africa. The research method in this article is descriptive-analytical and in order to collect data and information, library and internet sources have been used. Based on the findings of this research, de-threats from Shiite Islam and confronting Iranophobia, technical and economic cooperation and finding a framework for cooperation on regional issues can be considered as solutions to realize security cooperation between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Volume 2, Issue 2 (6-2016)
New data for the genus Aspilota Foerster, 1863 (Braconidae: Alysiinae) of the Western Asia are provided. Four species, A. flagimilis Fischer, 1966, A. insolita (Tobias, 1962), A. latitemporata Fischer, 1976 and A. nidicola Hedqvist, 1972, are recorded for the first time from Iran. Illustrated re-descriptions of Aspilota alfalfae Fischer, Lashkari Bod, Rakhshani & Talebi, 2011, A. delicata Fischer, 1973, A. flagimilis, A. insolita, A. latitemporata, and A. nidicola are presented. A key to the Western Asian species of Aspilota is provided.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2020)
Conceptual models are representations of a system that easily show us the abstract concepts of the relationships between objects in the system. In fact, no matter how systematic and meaningful the drawing of models in the field of science, can improve the understanding of issues and topics. Meanwhile, the region of Southwest Asia is of special geopolitical importance due to its privileged geographical facilities and locations, as well as its rich resources. But the developments in this region have caused the involvement of various actors. These actors, with different and even contradictory goals, ideologies, and behaviors, have caused the crisis in the region to continue. In other words, no matter how much the geographical source of power is geopolitically appropriate if there is a basis for more attractiveness to log in and the role of actors too large and large. If you are currently presenting a new tariff on geopolitics and dividing geopolitical actors into three groups: main and focal actors, semi-peripheral actors, and peripheral actors, in the next step you have tried to systematically present the geopolitical relations of Southwest Asia by presenting a conceptual model. Because accurate knowledge of the geopolitical relations between these actors allows geopoliticians to formulate the best strategy for the volatile region of Southwest Asia.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2014)
Fauna of the Aphidiinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) of Iran is reviewed and the data on their host aphid associations are summarized. Seventy-eight species belonging to 17 genera of Aphidiinae are listed in the associations with 193 aphid species. A total of 491 parasitoid-aphid associations are presented. The distribution of the Aphidiinae species in different parts of Iran and other countries is also discussed.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2021)
Revolution is one of the great social developments, the effects of which are very tangible and very effective in changing the political arrangement of the public space of societies. The main purpose of this study is a comparative study of the position of leadership in the classic revolutions and protest movements in the Middle East and North Africa called the Arab Spring with emphasis on the role of leadership. This article question is that “what is the difference between the classic revolutions and the recent uprisings of the Islamic-Arab countries of West Asia and North Africa in terms of the role of leadership in their formation and leadership?” The present study, which is descriptive-analytic in nature and the required data and information are collected in a library method using the teachings of revolutionary theories and political mobilization, as well as the teachings of charismatic leadership in Max Weber's views, is based on this hypothesis that due to the lack of a leadership component, the protest movements in the Middle East and North Africa could not be as effective in the political planning of their surrounding space as in the classic revolutions. The findings also show that the leadership model is an important and decisive element in the success and failure of a revolution, and the multiplicity of leadership, the weak social base of leaders, the instability of the leadership and their different interpretations in protest movements in the Middle East and North Africa have only led to crisis and constant instability in the political space of the countries involved.
Volume 4, Issue 14 (3-2007)
Traditionally, different Kinds of paronomasia, based on phone similarities, have been brought under discussion in rhetorical books. Predecessors were not able to explain phone similarities scientifically; therefore, they got engaged in long controversial adding anything. Linguistics, particularly its two branches of phonemics and phonetics, can solve the problem. This paper determines to join linguistics to literature to explain phone similarities scientifically and present a framework for discussing paronomasia in Persian literature.
Volume 4, Issue 16 (12-2011)
Debate is one of the literary prose types prevalent in Persian. In prose debates, two or more characters are presented in dialogue writing with each other and ultimately the authorsummarizestheir language and reaches a conclusion. The structure of these debates is mostly based on dialoguewriting. During the Constitutional era of Iran, these kinds of debates were regarded as ‘objectwriting’ or ‘theatrical writing.’ With respect to their formal structure and particularstyle of dialogue writing, it can be asked whether they can be read from a dramatic point of view. The dramatic tone and language, dialogue-based dramatic action, conflict, time and place are some of the identifiable aspects that are studied in this paper. The aim of this paper is to introduce a dialogue-based model for the study of the dramatic aspects of these debates. This model is proposed on the basis of a comparative study of dialogue in prose and drama as well as identifying commonalities between these two types of literature.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (6-2019)
A new species of tiphiid wasp, namely, Tiphia kashmirensis Hanima & Girish Kumar sp. nov. is described from Kashmir, India. Male of Tiphia khasiana is described for the first time. Key to species of Tiphia from the Indian subcontinent of Allen (1975) is modified here to accommodate the new species and male of T. khasiana.
Volume 5, Issue 21 (12-2008)
Ebrahim Ranjbar. PH.D
Shah-Nameh, a work enjoying wisdom and epic, belongs to an era which observed the richest cross-cultural events of the Eastern and Western cultures. In this work, wisdom, mythology, epic and history are so deeply intermingled within each other that an admirable masterpiece is created. Ferdowsi’s wisdom and insight can be realized through the stories in Shah-Nameh; added to the clear and frank advices conveyed at the end of stories. Some of these stories are related to Afrasiab’s wars. In Shah-Nameh Afrasiab virtually represents two potentially inherited evil forces in the nature of mankind; anger and lust.
Afrasiab has a bad and evil image in mythological and historical works. Whether for this reason, or whether because Ferdowsi has exaggerated his evilness and badness in portraying his character, in Shah-Nameh he is the most evil character who starts out the greatest war against Iran. This research intends to show how he is the representative of anger and lust. For this purpose Afrasiab’s image, in historical and mythological texts and also in Shah-Nameh, are compared and his words and manners and behaviors, which is associated with evilness and corruption in relation to his hostility against Iran, is surveyed in Shah-Nameh.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (3-2017)
Huanglongbing (HLB) also known as citrus greening, is a destructive disease of citrus and now, is considered as a new emergence and spread out threat to the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) citrus production. In a survey conducted in southern Iran in 2013-2014, 77 citrus samples exhibiting symptoms of HLB were collected. Single-step and nested polymerase chain reactions (PCR) were employed to determine the presence of the phloem-limited bacterial pathogens ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’(CLas), phytoplasma and Spiroplasma citri. Both CLas and phytoplasma were detected in HLB-affected citrus trees as co-infection (7.79%) and single infection (10.38% for phytoplasma and 42.85% for CLas). According to the proposed 16S rDNA-based phytoplasma classification scheme, the HLB-associated phytoplasma from this study was a member of peanut witches’broom (16SrII) phytoplasma group. This is the first report of association of a phytoplasma with HLB in sweet lime in the world and first record of association of CLas with sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.) and sweet lime in Iran.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (10-2014)
This article seeks to answer this question that how the Buddist art could grow and develop in the Central Asian countries. The Muryan Empire of the Bactrian State (321-185 BC), in the mid-third century BC, tried to promote the Buddhist sect in the West. The Kushanas (near 100 BC) stablished a new civilization in the history of Bactria. Afterwards, the Kushanas Empire became the eastern neigbour of the Sasanian Empire. Then Kushanaz territory was conquered by the Sasanian Empire. From the sttelement period of the Central Asia Budhist, four kinds of art works have been discovered: 1) Graffiti; 2) Architecture of Buddhist temples; and 3) Buddhist iconography; and 4) Kushanas art and jewelery. The ancient city of Termez in the south of Uzbakistan has an important role in this sect as a main center of Buddhism. In the north part of Termez, in a place named “Qara Tepe”, of an anciant monastery have been discovered in including the Khalchyan palace. Afrasiab, Samarkand in Uzbekistan is the most important archaeological site that underscores the art works of this period. What connects Marve in the Sasanian Turkmenstan with the East is a stupa Buddhist temple built outside the wall of the city.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (8-2024)
One of the centers of regional crisis is Afghanistan in the east of Iran. This country has common cultural, social, religious and political structures with Iran, but due to the weakness of political structures, it has been the center of geopolitical competition of regional and global powers. Due to its geographical proximity on the one hand and the competition of the powers, it is one of the geopolitical regions that can have many effects on Iran's regional actions. Therefore, Iran is bound to play a geopolitical role in this region. One of the most important reasons for the importance of Iran's role in the East, especially in today's Afghanistan, is activities of the groups that are religiously sympathetic to the Taliban. Therefore, national interests require Iran to prevent these groups from approaching radicalism through regional de-escalation. During the sanctions period, the Afghan market is one of the main markets for Iran's exports, the dependence of Sistan and Baluchistan province in eastern Iran on Hirmand River can be better achieved by maintaining the relationship with the Taliban, and finally, being present in Afghanistan prevents the country from turning into the backyard of Iran's regional and extra-regional rivals.
The research method is applied in terms of purpose and is descriptive-analytic in terms of method and nature. Data gathering procedure is based on library findings. The statistical population of the research consists of experts and professors of the university and fields related to geopolitics, geostrategy and geoculture, and the sample size was determined based on Cochran's model of 50 people. In order to analyze the findings, the average test was used in SPSS software.
Results and discussion
The factors of Iran's role-playing in the geopolitical region of the East with an emphasis on Afghanistan are subject to relevant factors and variables at three internal, regional and extra-regional "global" levels. In this context, the ambiguous future indicators of power in Afghanistan and Iran's capabilities in playing its role, ethnic diversity in Afghanistan and the Pashtuns' role in power and the roles played by the Islamic Republic with regard to its civilizational characteristics in Afghanistan and playing a role, the Islamic Republic of Iran is considered as one of the main and most important factors in the geopolitical region of the East in terms of building universities and scientific centers in Afghanistan and Pakistan and producing knowledge and increasing general literacy in Afghanistan, and the influencing factors. The role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the fields of increasing the construction of cultural bases such as Basij, seminaries, knowledge centers and cultural centers, etc. is prominent. Preventing illegal immigration on the borders of Pakistan and Afghanistan has not been successful. In the context of evaluating Iran's role-playing achievements in the direction of securing the national interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the East, 12 indicators were presented, and the results showed that factors such as Iran's achievements in solving hydropolitical disputes with Afghanistan, Iran's achievements in the construction of the Chabahar Free Zone, Iran's achievements in the field of spreading the Persian language in Afghanistan and Iran's roles in preventing the spread of the Salafist ideology of Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia are the most achievements for Iran in the East, and finally factors such as Iran's role in preventing the transit of narcotics on the borders of Pakistan and Afghanistan and Iran's role in preventing arms smuggling in the borders of the peripheral east are not considered as the achievements of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the peripheral east.
The results showed that Iran's role-playing in the geopolitical region of its peripheral east, with an emphasis on Afghanistan, will be subject to relevant factors and variables at three internal, regional and extra-regional "global" levels, and the greatest share of this role-playing includes extra-regional factors. Also, factors such as Iran's achievements in the field of settling hydropolitical disputes with Afghanistan, Iran's achievements in the field of establishing the Chabahar Free Zone, Iran's achievements in the field of spreading the Persian language in Afghanistan and Iran's roles in preventing the spread of Salafist ideology in Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia will bring the most achievements for Iran in its peripheral east.
Volume 6, Issue 6 (12-2015)
Stroke can negatively affect a person’s ability to utilize properly acoustic measurements as a cue to prosody at the sentence level. The objective of this study was to determine the nature of the prosodic disturbances in Persian Broca’s aphasics at the sentence level in the framework of Autosegmental-Metrical Phonology. The subjects of this experimental study included three Persian-speaking males. They were selected by simple purposive sampling method from patients directed to the speech therapy unit in the Ghaem Educational, Research and Treatment Centre (Mashhad, Iran). Aphasic subjects sustained a lesion to the left hemisphere and particularly to the Fronto-temporal region. Acoustic measurements of duration, intensity, and terminal components of fundamental frequency (F0) that distinguish statements from their yes-no question counterparts were examined in the reading task in Persian-speaking aphasic patients. The findings of the present research revealed that the aphasic individuals were able to produce statements from their yes-no question counterparts in terms of terminal components of fundamental frequency (F0); however, they demonstrated a poorer performance than the control group. So, generally speaking, the present study confirms that linguistic ability of Persian-speaking aphasic patients to differentiate statements from questions may be preserved to some extent. The findings also support the notion that the left hemisphere may be important in the production of prosody and the Fronto-temporal region is sensitive to sentence-level prosodic contours.
Volume 6, Issue 6 (12-2015)
The comprehension of Persian idioms was studied in monolingual Persian aphasic patients. Having specific structures, idioms are different from other sentences in every language, so their way of processing can be different from that of other sentences too. The main goal of this study was to investigate the roles of the two brain hemispheres in idiom processing. Idiom comprehension in two left hemisphere damaged (LHD) and two right hemisphere damaged (RHD) patients was assessed through three tasks: a sentence-to-word matching task, a sentence-to-picture matching task and an oral definition task. The results of all tasks showed that idiom comprehension in brain damaged patients was impaired compared to that of the control group (which consisted of 15 healthy subjects). There were no meaningful differences between the performance of right hemisphere damaged patients and that of left hemisphere damaged patients. In addition, some probable factors such as the visual-spatial deficits in RHD patients or severe production deficits in LHD patients had some effects on the patients' performances.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (4-2017)
Islamic architecture has included all architectural aesthetic elements with mystic viewpoints; however, this art shows different indicators according to developments in each period and region, which distinguishes it from other periods and demonstrates the culture of that specific region. This article studies Islamic architecture of Central Asia and changes in the early 16th/10th to late 17th AD/11th AH, respectively. In this regard, it briefly explains political, social, and cultural conditions of Central Asia in the mentioned period, which indicates the effectiveness of social conditions for architectural art, decorations, construction materials, and finally growth and progression or decline and stagnation. The architectural works created in this region have the most significant executive facades with highly pleasant designs, not only in Samarkand and Bukhara, but also in the entire Central Asia.
Among the main problems that prevent researchers from investigating Islamic architecture is lack of access to major historical monuments. Therefore, to select the samples and buildings of this article, some important types of Islamic architecture such as schools and mosques are emphasized.
The research method of this article is historical-analytical, in which social dimensions of the mentioned periods are considered through a scientific approach.
Most of the books in this regard have been written in the original language, some in English and a few in Farsi. Since this study is focused on visual details, documentary photography images with high resolution are needed.
1-1. Objectives:
1. Examining developments in Islamic architectural art and its special features in Central Asia during the 16th-17thAD/ 10th-11thAH;
2. Introducing remarkable monuments related to the 16th-17thAD/ 10th-11thAH in Central Asia and comparing their remarkable similarities and differences
1-2. Research questions
1- What are remarkable similarities and differences among Islamic architectural works in Central Asia during the 16th-17thAD/ 10th-11thAH?
2- What are remarkable monuments and major architectural centers in Central Asia during the 16th-17thAD/ 10th-11thAH?
Contemporary with Uzbek Sheybani dynasty in the 16th/10th AD/AH and Ashtarkhanian in the 17th AD/11th AH, a reduction in the political and economic contact between Central Asia and other countries as well as intensity of internal conflicts in the region led to social crisis along with architectural and urban decline in this region. But in general, it is possible to state that, in the second half of the 16th AD/10th AH, building construction and architectural processes have been almost improved and constructing new public and cultural buildings as well as bridges, caravan paths and roads, cellars, caravanserais, bathrooms, firms, schools, monasteries, mosques, and cemeteries have undergone a growing process.
The most important features of architecture in the 16th AD/10th AH have been reflected in Bukhara's monuments such as Mir Arab and Abdullah Khan Schools and the new wall around Bukhara. Also, a famous bridge has been built over Zarafshan River, and Sheybani School has been constructed at the beginning of the century in Samarkand. Also, Ulugh Beg School, located in this city, has been restored and repaired.
Kalan Mosque, Boland Mosque, Haji Zeynolabedin Mosque, Tashkand Siunji Khan Tomb, and Abdollatif Sultan School (Kook Gonbad) in Uratapeh city in modern Tajikistan are some examples of the buildings constructed during this period. Charbekr Architectural Complex in Bukhara can also be added to the list.
By studying the buildings in Central Asia during the 16th AD/10th AH, it can be inferred that traditional and modern methods beside each other has been mostly applied in mosques and schools. But, regarding public buildings, there has been a tendency to construct modern buildings. Also, in constructing Central Asian buildings of the period, some innovations can be observed in terms of the design and plan of domes and cupolas and also great attention has been paid to the proportionality of size of domes to surface area of buildings.
Gradual evolution of decorations is remarkable in the middle of the 16th AD and 10th AH. In architectural art of the first half of the 16th AD/10th AH, Timurid traditions have been continued. For the decoration of monuments, inlay and brick tiles with different patterns and suitable blue, white, and indigo colors, which are considered the basis of decoration in this period, have been used in extensive fields. Enameled clays with golden patterns also have a special ranking for the decoration of monuments in this period.
In the second half of the 16th AD/10th AH, decoration in luxurious buildings has been changed and relatively cheap and simple decoration materials such as white plaster and colors have been used; however, there is no decline in architectural art and artists have created significant masterpieces using the cheapest materials and tools.
Great and comprehensive architectural collections, including Kalan Mosque and Mir Arab School, suggest a non-breakable bond between religion and science. Also, in the crossroads of some streets, they have constructed four-sided buildings as well as arches and caravanserais along the street. A combination of such monuments has given a special look to squares, crossroads, and streets, all of which demonstrate urbanism art of the period.
In the 17th AD/11th AH, the huge amount of constructions, which represents architectural features of Bukhara in the 16th AD/10th AH, has been reduced; but, great collections still exist. Architecture in this period has been influenced by high-ranking Uzbek tribes who had a large amount of money available for construction, by which they intended to gain some fame and record names in history. Rigestan Square across from Ulugh Beg School can be mentioned as a mirror image of this school in Samarkand. View of Shirdar School is exactly the same as that of Ulugh Beg School, which is architecturally similar to buildings in Timuid dynasty; but, numerous innovations can be found in the details of building design and its decorations. Glided Mosque-School in Rigestan, Samarkand, is a building which is a mosque and a school at the same time. On three sides of the yard, there are chambers and the mosque is located on the fourth side. Great Pool Architectural Collection, which is known as "Labe Hoz", is another building that includes a pool, a school, and a small monastery. Ulugh Beg and Abdulaziz Khan Schools in city of Bukhara, which are located across from each other, are also remarkable examples of this era. It is worth mentioning that constructing the two monuments across from each other has been one of the new ways invented by the architecture of that era.
In general, architecture of the 17th AD/11th AH in Central Asia has undergone a decline with greater attention paid to decorations, which can be found from the extensive use of inlay and tiling arts. Architects of the 17th AD/11th AH have continued the decoration style of the two previous centuries and partly had some accomplishments in this field, especially in plastering which is distinguished from other works owing to its complexities and delicacies.
Condition of the next period in Central Asia could not significantly help the growth of architecture and art. The first half of the 18th AD/12th AH has witnessed economic recession, intensified civil war conditions, destruction of cities and villages, civil uprisings, reappearance of attacks and invasions, and attacks from bedouin and strangers. It is natural that no important architectural and artful monument or work has been left from such a dark and turbulent period.
Volume 7, Issue 4 (11-2021)
Backgrounds: Evidence indicating the association of cancers and chronic inflammations is increasing. The importance of urinary tract and sexually transmitted infections (UTIs and STIs) in the development of prostate cancer is still unclear. Chlamydia trachomatis (C. trachomatis) is one of the most important causes of UTIs and STIs. Here, a case-control study was performed on the Iranian population to assess the association between C. trachomatis and prostate cancer (PC).
Materials & Methods: Paraffin-embedded prostate tissue specimens collected from 62 PC and 62 PBH (benign prostate hyperplasia) (as controls) patients were screened to detect C. trachomatis 16srRNA gene using nested polymerase chain reaction (nested PCR) method. A p-value < .05 was interpreted as a remarkable difference using SPSS statistical software Ver. 16.
Findings: There was a significant difference regarding the prevalence of C. trachomatis (p < .001; OR=10.07; 95% CI [2.81-36.001]) between the PC (33.87%) and BPH (4.84%) samples. Furthermore, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels were statistically higher (p< .05) in C. trachomatis-positive patients than in patients with negative C. trachomatis.
Conclusion: It could be concluded that patients with a history of C. trachomatis infections are more likely to develope PC. Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment of C. trachomatis infection may help the prevention of PC. Moreover, nested PCR is a suitable method for C. trachomatis detection in paraffin-embedded prostate tissue specimens.
Volume 7, Issue 5 (11-2016)
There is still controversy over the organization of the two languages in a single brain and the degree of similarities and differences in linguistic processing across the two languages in a bilingual brain. In the present study, the researchers aimed at comparing L1 and L2 lexical richness and speech fluency in aphasic bilinguals. Fifteen right-handed Bilingual (Azari: L1 – Persian: L2) female patients within the age range of 30 and 70 years who were diagnosed with a specific type of aphasia due to cerebrovascular accident and head trauma were selected for the study. Neurolinguistic assessments of the patients were done once at the time of onset of aphasia and also three weeks after the onset of aphasia with the use of Azari and Persian versions of the Bilingual Aphasia Test (BAT). The extent of damage to lexical systems and speech fluency in both L1 and L2 at the mentioned time points were compared for each individual. According to the results, different degrees of impairments and different patterns of recovery of L1 and L2 lexical system and speech fluency were observed in aphasic bilinguals. Indeed, most of the patients improved in the measured categories three weeks after the onset of aphasia. However, the difference was not statistically significant between L1 and L2 lexical richness and speech fluency in aphasic bilinguals (p>0.05). The results of the present study are probably in favor of the notion which advocates that bilinguals have differentiated linguistic systems. However, further larger studies are suggested.
Volume 7, Issue 28 (11-2019)
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of folk culture in Joseph Arthur Gobino's travel book entitled “Three Years in Asia” , based on the content analysis method in which he tries to divide these effect in six categories of hospitality, compliments, customs and types, Iranian art, architectural and urban features and the story of his trip to Iran. Superstitious thoughts were also studied and analyzed. The result of this study shows that although in his account of his trip to Iran Gobino was able to provide a detailed account of Iran's morality and behavior patterns, it would be impossible not to ignore the contrast between the European “I " and the oriental “other” that underlies his thoughts and descriptions of different aspects of Iranian life and customs. Conflicts that have a direct impact on the spectator's mind with the other and with what belongs to his territory, followed by his reports and descriptions.
Volume 8, Issue 1 (1-2019)
The genus Eidophasia Stephens, 1840 and E. messingiella (Fischer von Röslerstamm, 1840) are newly reported for the fauna of Iran. They were identified based on three and one specimens collected in Kordestan and Tehran Provinces, respectively. Taxonomic characterization of the species, as well as figures of the adult female, collecting data map, and both male and female genitalia are briefly described and illustrated.