Showing 5 results for Agriculture Sector
Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)
Small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs) have played a significant role in the growth and advancement of the Chinese agriculture sector. However, these enterprises often face challenges in navigating local distribution networks, complying with regulations, and procuring local consumer products, which can hinder the marketing environment and impede economic growth. To address these issues and promote continuous business development, Chinese agriculture enterprises require effective modeling techniques that facilitate transformation to meet evolving requirements. This study proposes a game-theoretic approach, specifically the Mixed Strategy Game-Theoretic Approach (MSGTA), as a decision-making tool for enterprises facing pre-emptive changes. By analyzing oligopoly firm behavior, the MSGTA approach identifies enterprise outcomes, cooperation patterns, and price-fixing strategies, providing decision-making options and incentives within the enterprise structure. The MSGTA approach assists SMEs in the Chinese agriculture market by systematically analyzing product development stages and ensuring the effective adoption of pre-emptive changes. The efficiency of SMEs implementing the MSGTA approach is evaluated by examining statistical relationships between enterprise growth and requirements. By integrating effective modeling techniques, Chinese agriculture SMEs can adapt to changes proactively, enhance their ability to navigate local distribution networks, comply with regulations, and procure local consumer products more effectively, thereby improving the marketing environment and fostering economic growth.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (7-2018)
Aims: Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission estimates were made from agriculture sector in Jammu and Kashmir to assess the 2015 situation and future trends in emission which would help in formulating a policy for mitigation.
Materials and Methods: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) tier-II methodology (IPCC, 1997) has been adopted for estimating methane (CH4) emissions from enteric fermentation in livestock and Tier-I methodology for other sectors of agriculture for GHG emission.
Findings: Agriculture in J and K accounted for a total GHG emission of 5.411 Tg of carbon dioxide (CO2)e in the year 2015. Source-wise, enteric fermentation was responsible for emittance of 160.233 Gg of CH4 and 1.399 Gg of nitrous oxide (N2O), manure management for 8.25 Gg of CH4 and 0.276 Gg of N2O, rice cultivation for 28.75 Gg of CH4, cultivated soils for 1.988 Gg of N2O, and residue burning for 0.405 Gg of CH4, 0.029 Gg of N2O, and 118.01 Gg of CO2.
Conclusion: Higher GHG emission from enteric fermentation was mainly due to higher population of livestock in the state. The most effective methods for reducing GHG emissions in the state would be to adjust the part of animal feed to decrease digestion time, using feed additives to reduce metabolic activity of rumen bacteria that produce CH4, and increase nitrogen-use efficiency by applying nitrogenous fertilizer or manure to crops as per crop needs and time of need.
Mohammad Hadi Hajian, Sadegh Khalilian, Ahmad Sam Daliri,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (1-2008)
Monetary and fiscal policies are the main macroeconomic instruments, so the most important step in programming for national development is to know how they affect economic variables. On the other side, agricultural sector is the main sector in economic growth and development and a strategic sector for supplying food for growing population, so this sector has a great importance in development programs. In this research, the effect of monetary and fiscal policies on the major factors of agricultural sector in Iran i.e. added value, price, and export are investigated by using Vector Auto-regressive Model (VAR). Results show that monetary and fiscal policies have positive effect on added value, price and export in agricultural sector but negative effect on investment in this sector. Furthermore, short-run effect of monetary policies on added value, export and investment is more than that of fiscal policies but long-run effect of fiscal policies on the added value, export and investment in agricultural sector is more than that of monetary policies. Furthermore, a one-S.D. liquidity innovation has a positive decreasing effect on the added value and price in agriculture sector but its effect on investment is positive in the first year and will be nearly consistent in the next years. In addition to that the effect on the export is positive in the first year and negative in the next years. Each government budget innovation has a positive effect on added value, export and price in agriculture sector but its effect on investment is positive in the first year and negative in the next years.
Bijan Baseri, Hossein Sadeghi, Gholamreza Khaksar,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (10-2010)
The aim of this paper is to investigate the role of producer cooperatives (PCs) on rural development in Fars, Khorasan, Semnan, Golestan and Hamadan provinces of Iran in 2007. More specifically, this paper focuses on the economic aspects and social changes occurred in rural area concerning the cooperatives development. In order to measure quantitatively the effectiveness of economic and social changes, we included per capita income, factors productivity, expansion of rain irrigation, technology changes as economic indicators and the rate of participation in social activities, rate of migration and job creation as social indicators in the model.
The findings based on 212 Producers Cooperative sampling data in the selected provinces show that the PCs have played a positive role in preventing migration to urban area. Moreover, the PCs have statistically significant and positive effects on the production, employment and labor productivity in this sector. In addition, in some areas they contributed to develop commercial agriculture.
Jaafar Haqiqat, Ebrahim Javdan,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (1-2015)
Since the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates, both real and nominal exchange rates have fluctuated widely. Empirical findings indicate significant impact of exchange rate uncertainty on macroeconomic variables such as output, trade, and investment. This article investigates the impact of the real exchange rate uncertainty on total factor productivity (TFP) in agriculture sector of Iran during the period of 1974-2007. The uncertainty of real exchange rate is defined as the conditional variances obtained from Exponential Generalized Auto-Regressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (EGARCH) model. The econometric estimation using Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach shows that the real exchange rate uncertainty has a significant and negative effect on TFP in Iran's agriculture sector in long- and short term. According to the results, in order to reduce the real exchange rate uncertainty, it is recommended that the appropriate policies should be made by policymakers to lessen the difference between nominal and real exchange rates.