Showing 55 results for Innovation
Volume 10, Issue 1 (7-2020)
This paper focuses on the issue of decision making in context of uncertainty and in particular on decision making in innovation and knowledge-based Firms. Decision making in uncertain conditions has many complications that make it difficult to rely solely on analyzes and common models in decision making. Meanwhile, the need to consider alternative methods, especially in the real environment of decision making, is felt. In this research, with a descriptive approach, the model of this type of decision is specifically defined in knowledge-based firms with a quantitative method and structural equation modeling. Statistical analyses were performed on 320 researcher-made questionnaires containing 77 items. Smart PLS software was used for modeling. The obtained model shows that time and information categories play a significant role in creating uncertainty. This uncertainty ultimately leads to the decision-makers' reliance on intuitive decision-making. Underlying conditions and interventions include environmental turbulence, rivals, market changes, technological changes, changes in environments, experiences, education, curiosity, and patterns of mental patterns effect on intuitive decisions that themselves include improvements in speed and accuracy of decision making, creativity, satisfaction and performance of the company.
Volume 10, Issue 4 (3-2007)
This paper tries to identify and compare the levels and frameworks of innovation systems (IS) approach. Innovation systems approach is a new approach to innovation and technology development that developed and evolved in the recent two decades. This approach is a systemic approach to innovation. Consisted of three parts, part one tries to identify and analyze the existing different analytical approaches of Innovation systems, the second part focuses on knowledge, types of knowledge, interactions between knowledge and nature of generating and using of knowledge as the base of innovation, and the third part compares three main frameworks of innovation systems from knowledge perspective to recognize differences of the mentioned frame works.
Volume 10, Issue 38 (8-2017)
From past till now the formation of the ghazal have a constant form and defintions and glint in the persian literature. According to this definitions, ghazal is a form that the first hemistich have a same rime with even hemistich. in this period and simulataneously with popularity of the nimas new poetry efforts began to evolve into the field of a ancient forms including ghazal. This innovations mainly occur for dynamics of these formation and their adaptation to the changes with time. One of the most important and original course in the ghazal course is the new ghazal field that there is in the country in a literary atoosphere In this years we have seen a lot of changes in the field of content and form in ghazal. In this research basd on form transformations we try to describe the types of innovation in the form of the appearance of ghazal but the finding of this study show that the most important of them are: 1.change in the form of writing and the system of ghazal lineage. 2. Nimas ghazal formation. 3. Take ghazal visitingly. 4. Put the synonym beyt together. 5. Blending with other formation. 6.Writing the beyt regulary, 7. Bring two hemistich in one beyt, 8. Use of punctuation makes in the frame of the ghazal, 9. Divide the ghazal into several part, Finishing in ghazal technique, This is a research article to survey this techniques, aesthetic and provide examples and analyzes around them and finally a brief discussion a bout the pathology of this techniques. Different.
Volume 11, Issue 3 (12-2021)
Medical centers consume large amounts of electricity, water, food and building materials to provide high quality care. Among the medical centers, hospitals consume more energy and water than many industries and produce more waste. Medical centers should look for programs to reduce energy consumption, reduce environmental impact, and manage waste disposal and medical waste. Green innovation makes this possible for these centers. Green Innovation is a set of changes in production products and processes aimed at managing waste, environmentally friendly productivity, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, environmentally friendly design, and reducing environmental impact.In order to create a green innovation culture in the organization, in the first step, it is necessary to identify and prioritize the barriers to innovation in order to eliminate them.In this study, by examining the research literature and consulting experts, 15 sub-obstacles were identified in the form of 4 main management barriers, green suppliers, human and financial resources for medical centers.Then, using BWM method, their livelihood and ranking were considered according to 12 experts, and the results showed that managerial barriers and especially lack of management commitment are the most important obstacles for green innovation in medical centers. Therefore, first of all, this concept and its advantages and disadvantages should be explained to the managers, and then other obstacles should be removed.
Volume 11, Issue 4 (3-2022)
In the current era, innovation and innovation performance are inevitable in many organizations. Decentralization creates flexibility that enables companies to respond quickly to changing market, customer and technology needs. Employee involvement creates dynamism in the organization and absorptive capacity as an important indicator enables companies to acquire, absorb, transform, and exploit knowledge to maintain competitive advantage. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to examine organizational aspects such as decentralization, employee involvement, absorptive capacity and their interactions on the performance of business innovation and business performance. The research method was survey-analytical and using a questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient which was 0.943 and the validity was confirmed based on the content validity measurement and Lavche formula (CVR). The statistical population includes the staff of the General Department of Wagons. Using random sampling, 50 questionnaires were completed and analyzed by SPSS software. The results of the research show that decentralization, employee involvement and absorptive capacity are positively associated with innovation performance and innovation performance also affects business performance.
Volume 12, Issue 1 (6-2022)
In today's competitive world where innovation is a condition for the survival of any organization, it is important to know the level of innovation capacity of the organization's resources, which is related to organizational policy, technology transfer, life and competition of the organization. The main purpose of this research is to design a model to determine and predict the level of innovation of organizational resources. After reviewing the available sources and interviewing experts, using confirmatory factor analysis, 12 main indicators in the form of 3 dimensions were determined as input to the fuzzy inference system. Among the new modeling methods, fuzzy systems have a special place in various sciences. Neuro-adaptive fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) is a good way to solve nonlinear problems. This method is a combination of fuzzy inference and artificial neural network that uses the ability of both to model. Using three types of model design methods in the fuzzy system and comparing the results, the best result for presentation was determined. To evaluate the performance of the model, the parameters of squared mean square error (RMSE), relative error percentage (ε), mean absolute error (MAE) and coefficient of determination (R2) were used, which were 0.047, 1.02%, 0.046 and 989 / Is achieved and indicates the accuracy and reliability of the model. This research is applied in terms of purpose and survey type according to the data collection method. The output of this study is ANFIS.
Volume 12, Issue 2 (9-2022)
In the digital age, data can be considered as the most important organizational resource. Given the increasing volume, velocity and variety of data in Iranian businesses, it has become a concern for their executives how to gain innovation as well as business value from data. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to investigate the role of big data and related analytics on innovation and then on business value using survey method. The study population was 158 Iranian businesses in Information Technology and E-business sector. In this case, businesses were questioned through judgmental sampling and questionnaires were analyzed via structural equation modeling (SEM). The results showed that the characteristics of big data have a positive and significant effect on big data analytics in those organizations. It was also found that data analytics in the businesses have a positive impact on the innovation and business value of the firms. Moreover, the impact of big data-driven innovation on business value creation in Iranian digital businesses has been confirmed. Also, the research results confirm the significant relationship between big data characteristics and innovation. Finally, the mediating role of innovation on the relationship between big data analytics and business value was approved. The results showed that innovations resulting from the analysis of large volumes of diverse data can lead to business value in Iranian businesses.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (1-2009)
Firms in many industries rely on knowledge generated outside of the firm as an input to their own research and development. The ability to exploit knowledge that exists outside the boundary of the firm is calld Absorptive Capacity. Cohen and Levinthal defined AC as ‘‘the ability of a firm to recognize the value of new and external knowledge, assimilate it, and apply it to commercial ends’’. They argued that AC is an organizational learning concept and the cumulative effect of continuous learning. However, this definition deals primarily with external knowledge. Implicit in the definition is the notion that firms are aware of internal information and have access to it. In some cases, organizations may not be aware or have access to their existing knowledge, especially tacit knowledge that can only be communicated by direct social interaction.Thus, a network of formal and informal communication linkages are necessary for the internal diffusion of new knowledge and technology. We employed a social theory of absorptive capacity and investigated its affect on innovaton and fliexibility in firm. On the other hand, we investigated the effect of intersubjectivity on absorptive capacity . To illustrate the links, the present study tested the hypothesis by structural equation, applied to a large sample (n=619). The results indicated a strong, positive and direct relation among intersubjectivity, absorptive capacity innovation and flexibility.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2021)
The biopharmaceutical industry in Iran is developing in parallel with the global trend. Given the risks and costs of research, development, production, and sales of these drugs, firms have moved toward open innovation models across different value chains in the last decade. However, the limited use of technological cooperation methods by the Iranian firms will trap the industry in genericization soon. Accordingly, the development of an open innovation system in the value chain of the Iranian biopharmaceutical industry provides the possibility of continuous development of the industry. In the present study, first, the technological capabilities of the firms in the Iranian biopharmaceutical industry were evaluated, and then some cases of technological cooperation in the industry were studied deeply. Accordingly, considering the "strategic" level of technological capability of firms and also the lessons learned from the multicase study of the experiences of the Iranian pharmaceutical firms, strategies including the completion of the value chain links, the use of export development tools, the supporting of the commercialization in universities and research institutes, the facilitation of technology integration and acquisition and finally the development of smart public financial support to develop are proposed for the development of open innovation system in the Iranian biopharmaceutical industry.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (3-2023)
In recent years, the concept of innovation ecosystems has become commonplace for understanding the process of creating shared value. On the other hand, due to the importance of radical innovations in creating a unique defense capability and evolving of these innovations in a network of different actors, the need for an ecosystem view is felt more. In this research, with a qualitative approach and in the form of a multi grounded theory strategy, using latent content analysis tactics and semi structured interviews, a framework for radical innovators in the Iranian defense sector has been introduced. The interviewees were selected from senior managers in the field of defense innovation by snowball sampling method and the researcher saturated the data after 28 interviews. Findings showed that the components of radical innovations ecosystem include actors, capital, infrastructure, regulations, knowledge, ideas, commonalities and communication channels, culture, and structural principles.
Volume 13, Issue 1 (1-2025)
Aims: This study examined the relationship between innovation practices and occupational fatigue among healthcare professionals in a high-intensity oncology setting.
Instrument & Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at the Sultan Qaboos Comprehensive Cancer Center (SQCCC) in Muscat, Oman in 2024, involving 163 clinical staff members. Data were collected using validated self-reported questionnaires that measured innovation practices, occupational fatigue, and demographic characteristics. Descriptive statistics, correlation analyses, and independent samples t-test were performed to identify significant relationships and demographic differences.
Findings: Innovation practices were rated highly across domains, with resource allocation scoring the highest (4.26±0.42). Occupational fatigue levels were relatively low overall (1.73±1.03), with shift-related fatigue being the most prominent (1.92±0.85). A significant negative correlation was identified between occupational fatigue and innovation (r=-0.68, p<0.05). Leadership behaviors (r=-0.62, p<0.05) and organizational climate (r=-0.59, p<0.05) showed the strongest negative associations with fatigue. Participants aged over 40 reported higher fatigue levels compared to younger professionals aged 20-40. Additionally, professionals with over 10 years of experience exhibited significantly higher innovation scores (p=0.032) and lower fatigue levels (p=0.027) than their less experienced counterparts.
Conclusion: Demographic factors, such as age, experience, and education, play significant roles in shaping perceptions of fatigue and innovation.
Volume 13, Issue 2 (9-2023)
The purpose of this article is to exploring the strategic approaches of innovation development for businesses that intend to have an acceptable position in the future of Iran's agriculture. In-depth interview with 12 selected experts, Delphi method and library document review were the methods of sampling and data analysis. The scope of the research is the entire agricultural sector of Iran.After extracting macro trends, innovation development strategies and specific innovations, by using strategic analysis tools, while extracting the most important environmental factors and the most important internal factors strategic positioning of Iranian businesses was done. Using the Simos method, the extracted strategies and innovations were ranked. The most important weakness of Iranian businesses was the lack of specialized and managerial knowledge and skills, and the most important strength was the possession of young and creative human resources. Widespread small ownership and immaturity of the innovation ecosystem in the agricultural sector were identified as the most important threats, and the richness of Iran's agricultural ecosystem, as well as the creative and educated human capital, were identified as the most important opportunities. Strategic cooperation for the development of applied innovations according to the maturity of the innovation ecosystem was the best strategy and internal commercialization of advanced innovations was identified as the weakest strategy. Innovations related to market efficiency and farm efficiency were identified as the most appropriate innovations and innovations related to advanced farms were identified as the most unsuitable innovations for the development of innovation in Iran's agricultural sector.
Volume 13, Issue 2 (9-2023)
Objective: Environmental awareness is defined as the level of people's information about environmental issues and the effective factors in its expansion and knowledge of how to behave to improve problems. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of environmental awareness on green human resource management with the mediating role of employees' green behaviors and green innovation and the moderation of servant leadership.
Methodology: The research is a descriptive survey in terms of practical purpose and in terms of data collection. The statistical population was 8000 employees of active petrochemical companies in South Pars region and the statistical sample was 370 people. Cronbach's alpha method was used to obtain the reliability of research variables. Partial least squares method (Smart pls) was used to measure the fit of the research conceptual model and hypotheses.
Research findings: The result of the research shows that environmental awareness has a significant effect on the green behavior of employees, green innovation and green human resource management. The green behavior of employees has a significant effect on the management of green human resources; But the effect of green innovation on green human resource management was not confirmed. The green behavior of employees plays a mediating role between green human resource management and environmental awareness; But the mediating role of green innovation and moderator of servant leadership between green human resource management and environmental awareness was not confirmed.
Research innovation:The investigated research helps the managers to put the process of selection, recruitment and green training on the agenda and to strengthen the awareness of human resources in the environmental field and by using the mediator role of green behavior of employees, green innovation and moderator of leadership. Servant, help to form an environment-friendly environment.
Volume 13, Issue 4 (1-2024)
Objective: Despite the importance of strategic innovation in the organization, research in this field is in its infancy and most studies have only described one or more aspects of these influencing factors. The purpose of this study is to identifying and conceptualizing the Antecedents of strategic innovation.
Methodology: This research is a mixed method (qualitative-quantitative) and in terms of purpose, it is applied-developmental research. At first, in the qualitative stage, meta synthesis method was used, then case study, and in the quantitative stage, DEMATEL method was used. To collect the data in the meta synthesis stage, a systematic literature review published in the years 1998 to 2022 was used, and in the case study stage, interviews were conducted with 21 experts active in the executive and academic department of football industry. Content analysis was used to analyze it, and finally, in the survey phase, using a questionnaire, the DEMATEL technique was used for the final model.
Research innovation: The results of the present research help managers and activists of the football industry to have a comprehensive view of the antecedents of strategic innovation in the football industry and provide the necessary background and platforms for strategic innovation in the football industry.
Volume 14, Issue 3 (11-2024)
Aims: Tehran, as the capital of Iran, is facing many urban problems and challenges to survive as a city. Identifying sustainability indicators have been evaluated by many articles, but less attention has been paid to the instability indicators that fuel the challenges of instability in urban planning; In this regard, the aim of the current research is to identify the challenges of instability in the urban planning of Tehran metropolis.
Methods: This research evaluated the instability indicators in urban planning from a real point of view by rereading the indicators related to urban sustainability.
Findings: The findings show that the main unstable indicators of urban planning are summarized in three economic, social, and environmental indicators. In the economic index, including uncertainty in economic policies, housing prices, non-standard housing, income, employment, unemployment, cost of living, and female heads of households; In the environmental index, including climate changes, heat island, flood, transportation, energy security, noise and air pollution, urban traffic, water quality and quantity, waste disposal quality, urban green infrastructure, environment as a luxury issue and changing approach to the environment; And the social index includes social interaction, access to facilities and services, social injuries, sense of identity and belonging, neighborhood relations, social segregation, people's participation in city affairs and welfare security.
Conclusion: Reframing the challenges of instability in the urban planning of the Tehran metropolis from a practical point of view shows the necessity of attention to urban planning with a special focus on the relationship between citizens and planners.
Seyyed Mohammad Bagher Najafi, Farshad Momeni, Jamal Fathollahi, Bahieh Azzizipour,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (2-2016)
Realization of the knowledge-based economy model is a basic requirement for developing countries. In this model, knowledge plays important role in improving productivity. This paper claims that in a world where the economic ties are formed in terms of the knowledge-based economy, a resource-dependent economic model, regardless of productivity, is not a proper solution for the Iranian economy. Due to the necessity of moving from oil-based to knowledge-based economy in Iran, this paper studies the impact of oil revenues on productivity and realization of knowledge-based economy.
This research employs a descriptive – analytical method to define and identify characteristics of knowledge-based economy and examines the obstacles resulting from spending oil revenues in creating knowledge-based economy.
This paper finds that spending rents from oil revenues, through its reward structure and knowledge direction lead the Iran economy to the unproductive knowledge and consequently low rates of productivity and prevent the creation of productive knowledge, then prevent the realization of the knowledge-based economy in Iran.
Farshad Momeni, Mohammadreza Attarpour, Reza Salehzadeh, Mohammad Mehdi Khazaee,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (11-2016)
The significant role of institutional conditions created by government and institutions involvement in the process of achieving sustainable development has attracted attention of policy makers to institutional innovation as one of the fundamental concepts in development strategies. On the other hand, achieving sustainable development requires access to technology and making appropriate policies for technology and innovation. This study seeks to denote the relationship between institutional innovation, technology development and the achievement of sustainable development using a partial least squares (PLS) model.
The proposed model applying a questionnaire distributed among science and technology experts was estimated. The results show that institutional innovations as soft technologies will play great roles in achieving sustainable development and technology development. In addition, among technology innovations, strategizing and policy-making with a coefficient of 0.92 is of greatest importance in attaining sustainable development. As well, among technology development evidences, patent and copyright, technology management and technology environment with coefficients of 0.904, 0.89 and .0898 respectively have the highest significance in achieving sustainable development.
Volume 16, Issue 6 (11-2014)
The extensive use of traditional irrigation systems has led to overexploitation of groundwater and overuse of surface water in theUrmia Lake Catchment (ULC) area ofIran. The purpose of this study was to model the adoption process of drip irrigation system (DIS) by apple orchardists (AOs) using the five stages of Roger’s model for Innovation Decision Process (IDP). Survey method of applying questionnaire and interview technique was used to collect data from 136 AOs. The results of the study indicated that, first, AOs’ knowledge level was “relatively low” and the majority of them were in the early stages of IDP. Secondly, applying an ordinal logistic regression, up to 36.3% of knowledge level variability, could be explained by variables consisting of: the contact level with extension agents, educational level, rural-urban commuting and information sources. Thirdly, using binary logistic regression, up to 74.1% of probability of adoption, could be explained by variables consisting of source of irrigation, knowledge scores, and orchard size. Fourthly, the main barriers for adoption were high costs, lack of license for semi deep wells, need to grow alfalfa, poor knowledge, and low surface area, respectively. Fifthly, about 0.5% of AOs had already implemented DIS. These findings were instrumental for localizing a model and developing the needed policy and institutional interventions falfa, poor knowledge, and low surface area, respectively. Fifthly, about 0.5% of AOs had already implemented DIS. These findings were instrumental for localizing a model and developing the needed policy and institutional interventions.
Volume 17, Issue 1 (2-2013)
Knowledge sharing creates opportunities to maximize the organization’s ability to meet those needs and generates solutions and efficiencies that provide a business with a competitive advantage. Knowledge sharing can be defined as a social interaction culture, involving the exchange of employees knowledge, experiences and skills through the whole department or organization. The concept of innovation has been closely related to “knowledge creation and knowledge sharing”. Innovation is a process where the knowledge is acquired, shared and assimilated with the aim of creating new knowledge, which embodies products and services. Through exchange tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge with others, the capacity of people increases to be involved in new situation and solve new problems. It further helps to build new solution for the next issues. So different kinds of knowledge sharing are necessary to create new knowledge and innovation. A descriptive–correlation survey approach was used in this study, and the questionnaires were filled in by the staff (n=96) in Refahe Kargaran Bank. In the 95% confidence level, the results of the study revealed that there is a positive. relationship between knowledge sharing and innovation. Also it was found that there is similar relationship between serial transfer and innovation. In addition, the same result were observed for near transfer, far transfer, strategic transfer and expert transfer with innovation. Finally, the research limitations and suggestions for further researches are presented. Keywords:
Volume 17, Issue 1 (3-2010)
This paper explores the empirical evidence of the nature of intra-metropolitan supply linkages and industrial clustering and searches for the driving forces that enhances the learning processes and innovation capacities hence; contributing to competitive advantage within the Tehran metropolitan. The research points to accelerating growth in the automotive sector since the late 1980s and early 1990s which has been the driving force of the Tehran’s economy. This growth appears to be related to industrial clustering and systemic linkages with actors such as suppliers, sub-contractors and so on. The analysis of empirical evidences from the sample industrial cluster indicates a considerable number of interesting findings from strong degrees of industrial clustering. However, there are some weak evidences of industrial clustering such as weak institutional environment in the cluster.