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Volume 18, Issue 1 (3-2018)

Due to high ability of built-up edge formation during aluminum machining, this study aim to reducing adhesive wear and increasing surface integrity of 5052 aluminum alloy workpiece has been focused on creating different surface texture on tungsten carbide cutting tool. For this purpose, four types of micro-grooves such as parallel and perpendicular to cutting edge and also pit and cross mode have been created on rake face by laser machining process. In addition to the types of texture, three methods of cooling-lubrication condition include: dry machining, flood mode without pressure and flood mode with high-pressure along with various holder and cutting inserts (with chip-breaker and without chip-breaker) as well as three levels of cutting speed (fixed feed rate and depth of cut) were considered as process variables. The experimental results obtained from surface roughness survey of the machined parts along with prepared images of optical microscopy from the workpiece surface showed that the presence of parallel micro-grooves significantly improves the cooling-lubrication conditions of the tool-chip surface and its effect on numerical reduction of surface roughness value and reduction of density of defective regions on the workpiece surface is visible. The prepared images by scanning electron microscope (SEM) of the tool rake face showed that the presence of chip-breaker did not significantly effect on reduction of adhesion wear in the machining of aluminum alloy but micro-texture can be largely improved the adhesion wear area compared to non-textured tool (with chip-breaker or without chip-breaker).

Volume 18, Issue 113 (july 2021)

The production of composite breads, in addition to reducing dependence on wheat, will improve the nutritional value of the final product and diversify the consumer food basket. So, the aim of this study was investigation of the effect of replacing wheat flour by millet flour at levels of 10, 20 and 30% in formulation at the presence of different ratios of guar-xanthan gums (0.3-0.1, 0.6-0.15 and 0.9-0.2%) on dough rheological properties and physicochemical and sensorial characteristics of semi volume Barbari bread in completely randomized factorial design (p˂0.05). The results of farinograph test showed that the amount of water absorption, dough development time, stability time and value of the dough valorimeter decreased by increasing the amount of millet flour in the formulation and increased by increasing amount of gum and xanthan gum. Also, the results indicated the moisture content and specific volume by increasing the amount of millet flour and addition gums, were decreased and increased respectively. Although the amount of water activity and texture firmness (2 h and 3 days after baking) were increased, while by increasing the amount of gums, these qualitative parameters were decreased. The results of evaluation crust color showed the L* and a* values were decreased and the a* value was increased by addition millet flour. On the other hand by adding different levels of gums the L* and a* values were increased and had no significant effect on b* value. In the sensory evaluation, the sample containing 10% millet flour, 0.9% of guar and 0.2% xanthan was introduced as the best sample by panelists.

Volume 18, Issue 115 (September 2021)

Improving the quality of bread and bakery products by modifying the formulation and production process is one of the most important ways to increase the level of public health in society. In this regard, steamed bread is free of harmful compounds such as acrylamides due to different baking processes, including foods. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of adding glycerol at levels of 0, 0.5 and 1% and using one-stage and two-stage fermentation methods on physicochemical and sensory properties of composite steamed bread (wheat-rye) in a completely randomized design with factorial arrangement in order to produce suitable bread taste for the Iranian consumer and improve the shelf life of the final product. Based on the results, it was found that by increasing the glycerol and using the two-stage fermentation method, the moisture content of the final product and firmness (during 2 and 72 hours after baking) increased and decreased respectively. In addition, the use of two-stage fermentation method improved the porosity and specific volume of the final product. However, glycerol had no effect on these parameters of bread. On the other hand, the amount of L* value increased with increasing glycerol and using two-stage fermentation method, while the amount of a* and b* values remained constant. In the sensory evaluation section, the taste judges gave the highest score to the sample containing 11% glycerol and prepared by two-stage fermentation process. Therefore, by localizing the technical knowledge of producing steamed bread, bread with better nutritional value can be contracted in peoplechr('39')s food basket.
Parviz davoodi, Mr. Mohammad Sarlab,
Volume 19, Issue 2 (summer 2019)

Improving the distribution of income is one of the main goals of governments in economic policy, regardless of the orientation of different systems. The purpose of this study is to investigate the distributive effects of monetary policy on income distribution in urban and rural areas of Iran. In this regard, the values of macroeconomic variables during the period of 1959-2014 and the household budget data over the period of 1997-2014 were used. The monetary policy was considered in three scenarios, including the increase in facilities granted to the private sector, the decrease in the reserve requirement ratio and decrease in the excess reserves ratio. The results showed that expansionary monetary policy improves the distribution of income in the short run, but in the long run it worsens the distribution of income due to its inflationary effect. An increase in facilities granted in the short term reduces the Gini coefficient in urban and rural areas, and whole country. However, it increases the Gini coefficients in all three sections in the long run. Reducing the reserve requirement ratio in the short run reduces Gini coefficients, but it does not change the whole Gini coefficient in the long run, but it increases the Gini coefficients in urban and rural areas. The effect of reducing excess reserves ratio is similar to that of reducing reserve requirement ratio.

Volume 19, Issue 127 (September 2022)

The aim of this study was to enrich and improve nutritional and technological properties of sponge cake. Wheat flour was replaced with okra flour at levels of 0, 15 and 30%, and okra gum was used at levels of 0, 2.5 and 5% to improve texture and sensory sensory properties of the final product. The results showed that replacing wheat flour with okra flour and increasing its consumption level led to an increase in ash (from 0.54 to 1.35%), protein (from 7.56 to 93.9%) and antioxidant activity (from 79 4.5 to 49.2%) of samples. Okra flour and gum, especially at 30 and 5% level, were effective in moisture of the cakes during the baking and shelf life. The lowest moisture loss was observed in the sample containing 5% okra gum (without okra flour) and moisture of this sample decreased from 21.7% to 18.5% during two weeks. The highest specific volume (5.2 cm3 / g), porosity (31.8) and texture softness during 2 hours and one and two weeks after baking ( 1.4, 4.9 and 7.1 N) were showed in samle containing 15 % okara flour and 2.5 % okara gum. Also, in the sensory evaluation, the highest score of sensory properties and finally overall acceptance were showed in to the sample containing 15% okra flour and 2.5% okra gum and 30% okra flour without the presence of okra gum.

Volume 20, Issue 138 (August 2023)

Resistant starches are classified in the category of indigestible starches and are introduced as a prebiotic product, which has lower calories and is cheaper compared to other dietary fibers. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to use type III resistant starch produced by thermal method at levels of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30% in a completely random design as a substitute for wheat flour in biscuit, doughnut and cookie formulation. The results showed that by replacing wheat flour with resistant starch in the formulation more than 20%, the moisture content and water activity of the final product increased and decreased respectively. The specific volume and porosity of the doughnut were stable up to the level of 15% of resistant starch and then decreased. Also, the sample containing 15% resistant starch had the lowest amount of firmness in all the products. On the other hand, with the replacement of resistant starch in the formulation of the examined products on levels of 15% and above, the amount of L* value increased and the a* and b* values were decreased. The panelists also introduced the sample containing 15% resistant starch as the best sample. Therefore, it can be said that by replacing 15% of wheat flour with resistant starch, in addition to maintaining the physicochemical, textural and sensory characteristics of the final product, it is possible to enrich these snacks and the consumer can benefit from the benefits of using prebiotic products.

Volume 21, Issue 5 (9-2019)

In the present research work, the potential probiotic properties of Lactococcus lactis KMCM3 and Lactobacillus helveticus KMCH1 isolated from raw camel milk and traditional fermented camel milk (Chal), respectively, were studied. The probiotic properties of isolates that were investigated included the hemolysis, antibiotic resistance, antibacterial features, resistance to low pH and bile salts, survival under simulated GastroIntestinal Tract (GIT) conditions, adhesion ability to hydrocarbon, and their auto-aggregation and co-aggregation rates. None of isolates exhibited hemolytic activity. They were susceptible against tetracycline, penicillin, ampicillin, chloramphenicol, erythromycin and vancomycin. Lac. lactis KMCM3 and L. helveticus KMCH1 retained their viability at pH 3.0 (8.68 and 8.6 log cfu mL-1, respectively), 0.3% w/v bile salts (8.23 and 8.58 log cfu mL-1, respectively) and under simulated GIT conditions (8.31 and 8.46 log cfu mL-1, respectively). Both of these isolates inhibited the growth of E. coli, S. aureus, L. monocytogenes, B. cereus and S. enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium with MIC values of 6.25 to 25 mg mL-1. In addition, They exhibited an ability to adhere to hydrocarbon (xylene), and possessed a high auto-aggregation and co-aggregation rate (more than 40%).

Volume 22, Issue 3 (5-2022)

A significant number of engineering structures around the world are exposed to fire on a daily basis. The most important effect of fire on the structure is elevated temperatures, which may reach more than 1000 degrees Celsius and cause not only thermal stresses and deformations but also diminished mechanical properties of materials comprising the structure. Fire-related collapses have been observed in numerous structural fires. However, many reinforced concrete structures exposed to fire do not demonstrate notable apparent damage and survive despite having experienced elevated temperatures before the fire is put out. Estimating the residual strength of such structures is of critical importance when deciding whether such structures can be safely used after fire. Moreover, in many industrial applications, there is a need to concrete that can withstand repeated long-term cycles of elevated temperatures without diminished mechanical properties. The objective of this paper is to investigate the effects of silica fume and fly ash as two widely used supplementary cementitious materials on the residual strength of concrete exposed to elevated temperatures and evaluate while such materials can be of benefit in improving the strength retention in case of heat exposure. Using 19 mix designs, a series of 570 concrete cylinders was fabricated using different water to cement ratios (0.35, 0.5, and 0.65), silica fume replacement ratios (0, 10, and 15 percent), and fly ash replacement ratios (0, 10, 20, and 30 percent). The specimens were cured in water for 56 days, after which they were placed in a rate-controlled large-scale electrical furnace, and their residual compressive and tensile strengths were measured before heat, and after heat exposure for 2-, 12-, and 24-hour heating cycles with temperatures reaching 200, 400, and 600 degrees Celsius. To eliminate the risk of explosive spalling, all specimens were preheated at a temperature of 100 degrees for 24 hours before the main heating cycle. Results showed that the compressive and tensile strengths did not reduce noticeably after exposure to 200 degrees but demonstrated a significant drop after exposure to 400- and 600-degree cycles. In many cases, the residual compressive and tensile strengths of specimens were found to be smaller than those predicted in previous studies. The square root equation widely used in the literature was found to provide a reasonable lower-bound estimate of the residual splitting tensile strength of concrete from the residual compressive strength; however, a linear trend was identified to provide a more accurate estimate for the results of this study. Moreover, due to less scatter, the splitting tensile strength was found to be a better indicator of heat damage in the structure than the compressive strength. The use of silica fume did not result in a meaningful trend in the residual compressive strength but reduced the residual tensile strength of specimens. Fly ash, on the other hand, could increase the residual compressive strength of the specimens but reduces the residual tensile strength. The results suggest that generally, and with few exceptions, these two supplementary cementitious materials are not recommendable choices for improving the strength retention of concrete in case of heat exposure.
Dr Parviz davoodi, Dr Mohamadreza Sezavar,
Volume 22, Issue 4 (winter 1401 2022)

All economists believe that the most important goals of economic policy are achieving full employment, price stabilization and economic growth in the society. On the other hand, rendering the formation of the exchange rate to the market mechanism and increasing it disproportionately with the purchasing power of the rial has a negative effect on production and employment and causes an increase in prices and a decrease in the value of the national currency, which again provides the ground for the next increase in the exchange rate. For this purpose, in most societies, especially in developing countries, currency policies are used to achieve the mentioned goals. Changes in exchange rates affect economic performance in different ways. In this study, we will examine the effect of exchange rate changes on the performance of important macroeconomic variables, namely production, employment and the general level of prices. Taking into account the effects of sanctions against the country, the model considers the mechanism and channel of its effect on the foreign sector of the economy, while creating an index with monthly frequency for it, and its effect has been calculated directly on all macroeconomic variables of the foreign sector of the model.

During the last two decades, tremendous developments have taken place in the field of modeling time series variables and predicting the future values of economic variables, one of which is to specify and estimate equations where the variables involved in that equation, unlike usual, have different frequencies. Mixed-data sampling (MIDAS) has been specified and estimated with the help of time series data over the period 1959-2017. Mixed data sampling regressions are now commonly used to deal with time series data sampled at different frequencies.
A MIDAS regression is a direct forecasting tool which can relate future low-frequency data with current and lagged high-frequency indicators, and yield different forecasting models for each forecast horizon. It can flexibly deal with data sampled at different frequencies and provide a direct forecast of the low-frequency variable. It incorporates each individual high-frequency data in the regression, which solves the problems of losing potentially useful information and including mis-specification.

Results and Discussion:
The presented macro econometric model is developed in the framework of the aggregate supply-aggregate demand model. Total demand is made up of household consumption expenditures, investment expenditures separately from private and government, government current expenditures and net exports. The production function forms the supply side of the economy according to the utilization rate of the production capacity. The modeling of the two parts of supply and demand has been done in a completely consistent manner, so that after the estimation of the model, it is possible to solve and simulate the model to examine the effect of economic policies and predict macro variables. According to the results of the model, in relation to the policy of devaluation of the national currency in the Iranian economy, the increase in the exchange rate in the face of sanctions, in addition to reducing production, paves the way for employment and inflationary pressures. Indeed, The incorrect approach of increasing the exchange rate has not only limited economic growth due to the increase in production costs, but has also caused the impoverishment of the oppressed and the unfair distribution of income in the society.

Because the model under study has better explanatory power than other time series models due to more complete information, it is expected that it will be possible to evaluate exchange rate policies more accurately. The model has sections on production, consumption and investment expenditures, foreign trade, government, employment, money and prices. In addition, according to the very good results obtained from the dynamic simulation of the model, the model can be a good representative of the mechanism of the Iranian economy. Finally, the results of the evaluation of foreign exchange policies in the context of sanctions can be reviewed.

Volume 24, Issue 3 (8-2024)

Arch bridges have been commonly used in high-seismicity regions of the world, as a result of which notable damage has been documented in several arch bridges during past earthquakes. Certain aspects of seismic behavior of arch bridges are different from those in typical slab-on-girder bridges, including the significance of axial loads, sizable differences between in-plane and out-of-plane stiffness, and the use of piers with different heights. However, limited previous studies have addressed the seismic behavior of concrete arch bridges. In the present study, the effects of earthquake incidence angle and asynchronous support excitation on reinforced concrete arch bridges are investigated. Nonlinear 3-D models of four existing reinforced concrete deck-type arch bridges in Iran were developed. The bridges had arch spans of 23, 35, 45 and 50 meters and were subjected to nonlinear time history analyses using seven acceleration records. The incidence angle was changed in 15 degrees increment between 0 and 90 degrees. Moreover, the effect of asynchronous support excitation was investigated by means of introducing a time delay between excitation input for different supports. The relative displacement (drift) of the piers, the curvature ductility demands within the piers, the curvature ductility demand at different locations of the arch, and the displacement of the deck at the abutments (unseating) were used as damage indicators. The results showed that unseating of the bridge deck from abutments and pier drifts were the most and the least sensitive damage parameter to the change in incidence angle, respectively. The axial force at the end points of the arch was found to change significantly during earthquake, with a maximum of 40 percent in case of 90-degree incidence angle. The effect of asynchronous support excitations was relatively small, with a maximum increase of 10 percent in damage indicators and 5 percent in the axial forces and bending moments.   

Volume 24, Issue 5 (9-2022)

The purpose of this research was to study the relationships between surface nanomechanical properties and agronomic traits in different sugar beet varieties (Beta vulgaris spp.). Agronomic traits were related to the indicators of seed germination stage and resistance to rhizomania; and in correspondence, a group of nanomechanical traits of inner testa of seeds were examined using an atomic force microscope. The results of parametric and non-parametric correlation analysis between agronomic and nanomechanical traits showed that the single bud wet weight had a significant negative and positive relationship with, respectively, lower surface friction and adhesion of the inner testa. Similarly, thousand shell weight had a negative correlation with upper surface elasticity, and also seed vigor had a positive correlation with upper surface friction. Spearman's rho correlation coefficient showed that resistance to rhizomania also had a significant positive correlation with the upper surface adhesion of the inner testa. Three canonical variables between the two groups of physiological and nanomechanical traits were significant (r1= 0.972 and DF= 66; r2= 0.924 and DF= 50; r3= 0.839 and DF= 36). These traits have a kind of cause-and-effect relationship and, therefore, have the potential to be used for breeding programs and plant systematic studies.

Volume 25, Issue 1 (3-2026)

High stiffness to weight ratio, ease and speed of handling, as well as having favorable architectural appearance cause that, double layer grids with ball joint system are widely used to cover large spans. A double-layer grid has a complex behavior due to a large number of elements and a particular type of joints; hence, structural identification of this type of structure is an important issue, which refers to the determination of natural frequencies, mode shapes, and damping ratios. These results are necessary to complete the structural health monitoring, finite element model updating and damage detection. Due to the limitations of input-output methods, modal parameters of civil engineering structures such as bridges, dams, tall buildings, and double layer grids are determined mainly by output-only modal identification. In output-only methods, the vibration parameters are determined based on the information acquired only from the structure’s output. In this work, physical model of a ball jointed double-layer grid with dimensions of 2.8 m at 2.8 m, which is supported on four steel pipes in four corners was made in the laboratory. The grid consists of 32 members connected together with 13 balls, each having ten threaded holes at different angles. each member consists of a middle pipe and connecting parts including conical piece, sleeve and high strength bolt at both ends of the pipe. The middle pipe has the nominal length, diameter and thickness of 120 cm, 7.64 cm and 0.35 cm, respectively. The horizontal center to center distance of adjacent balls in each layer of the grid is 1.414 m and the total height of the structure includes the column length (1.3 m) and the distance between the top and bottom layers (1 m), which is equal to 2.3 m in total. The approximate weight of the structure is 3532 N. All the members and the balls used in the grid are identical. After all the members of the grid have been assembled, the bolt at each joint is tightened in a series of steps by twisting the corresponding sleeve. Exciting the grid, its acceleration response was measured. The modal parameters were obtained using four output-only modal identification techniques; namely enhanced frequency decomposition (EFDD), curve-fit frequency domain decomposition (CFDD), data-driven stochastic subspace identification (SSI-DD) and covariance-driven stochastic subspace identification (SSI-Cov). Two types of excitations were used in output-only modal tests, namely direct and indirect excitations. Since the modal parameters obtained via input-output modal analysis have less uncertainty compared to the output-only modal analysis techniques, an input-output modal test was also performed and the results are considered as reference values. It deduced that parameters identified in the direct excitation, were more accurate compared to indirect excitation. The results showed that the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the double-layer grid were estimated with a high accuracy via the four methods. The greatest relative difference between the natural frequencies belonged to the second mode and equaled 2.07%. The dispersion of estimated damping was much higher compared to natural frequencies and mode shapes. The results indicated that identified damping in the direct excitation was lower than indirect one. Among the 4 methods, SSI-Cov had the least error in damping estimation of the double-layer grid. The values of estimated modal damping ratios were relatively low (fraction of 1%). The mean relative error of the identified parameters showed that the time-domain methods estimated the damping ratios with less error; While the frequency-domain methods identified natural frequencies and mode shapes with higher accuracy.

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