Showing 75 results for Naseri
Volume 18, Issue 2 (3-2016)
Limited data exist about the production of extruded linseed as a feed ingredient in farm animal nutrition. The objective of this study was to produce and evaluate extruded linseed mixed with alfalfa hay, pistachio by-products, and sugar beet pulp or corn grain in different proportions of linseed: alfalfa hay: pistachio by-products at ratios of 70:15:15, 70:20:10, 70:10:20, and 80:10:10 for quality parameters and in situ rumen Dry Matter (DM) degradability. Using a completely randomized design, the treatment containing alfalfa hay had higher Extrusion Effectiveness (EE), Water Holding Capacity (WHC), and Angle of Repose (AR), but lower Oil Loss (OL) and Bulk Density (BD) than other treatments (P< 0.05). There were no differences among extruded linseed products with different ratios of linseed: alfalfa: pistachio by-products for EE, WHC, and AR (P> 0.05). The treatment with an 80:10:10 ratio had the highest OL among all treatments and the treatment with a 70:15:15 ratio had lower BD than the others (P< 0.05). The DM degradability parameters of extruded products was affected by the absorbents and the treatment containing alfalfa hay had higher potential DM degradability than other treatments (P< 0.05). In conclusion, extruded treatment with alfalfa hay had the highest EE, oil retention capacity and potential rumen DM degradability compared to other treatments. In addition, extruded linseed product with an 80:10:10 ratio of linseed: alfalfa hay: pistachio by-products had higher OL than the other ratios.
Volume 18, Issue 2 (4-2018)
In this paper, performance analysis and optimization of a trigeneration system based on different thermodynamic criteria such as energy and exergy efficiency, power and dimensionless power have been investigated. The trigeneration system consists of three subsystems which including the solar subsystem, Kalina subsystem and lithium bromide-water absorption chiller subsystem. The proposed system uses solar energy generates power, cooling and domestic water heating. Power is introduced as a tool for understanding thermodynamic concepts of limited time. Dimensionless power is defined as the ratio of power to the product of total thermal conductivity and minimum temperature of the system. Dimensionless power can be used as a tool to understand the concepts of finite time thermodynamics. The exergy analysis has shown that the most exergy destruction is related to boiler. As a result, energy and exergy efficiencies, capital cost rates and dimensionless power are 17.77%, 18.82% and 9.63 dollars per hour, 0.01781 respectively. Sensitivity analysis has shown that increasing parameters such as ambient temperature, solar radiation, the dimensionless mass flow rate of the Kalina cycle, collector inlet temperature and pressure ratio of the Kalina cycle increase energy and exergy efficiencies. Also increasing pressure ratio the of Kalina Cycle, reducing the dimensionless mass flow rate of the Kalina cycle, the ambient temperature and collector inlet temperature has led to increased dimensional power. In addition, the optimization criteria such as energy efficiency, exergy efficiency, power and dimensional power have been compared. The results showed that power and dimensional power are the best thermodynamic optimization criteria.
Volume 18, Issue 5 (9-2018)
In a thermoelectric air-handling unit, a number of thermoelectric modules with forced convection heat sinks are used. In this research, it is tried to investigate the effect of module arrangement and air flow pattern on thermal performance of the system. For this purpose, the thermal performance of an air-handling unit including four thermoelectric modules with three different heat sinks layouts; parallel, series with unidirectional flow and series with counter flow were compared. The entropy analysis has been used to study the thermal performance and pressure drop imposed on the system. In addition, the effect of the electric current applied to the modules and the hot and cold air flows on the coefficient of performance of the system has been studied for three different layouts. Results indicated that, heat sinks layout and air flow pattern through the fins have significant effects on the thermal performance of a thermoelectric air-handling unit. The coefficient of performance for cooling and heating in the series arrangement are 1.4 and 1.1 times of those in parallel arrangement, respectively. The results of the entropy analysis showed that although the pressure drop imposed on the system in the layout of the series is greater than the parallel arrangement, this cannot reduce the advantage of using the series layout.
Volume 18, Issue 9 (12-2018)
Particle image velocimetry (PIV) is an optical flow measurement technique, which is capable of measuring instantaneous flow velocity. In this method, visualized flow patterns by small tracer particles, which follow the fluid flow and reflect an incident light, is recorded by a camera successively, and an analysis of particle movements in the recorded images results in the velocity of flow field. Correlation analysis is commonly used for the analysis of particle shift images, in which the images are divided into smaller windows called interrogation windows. The common displacement vector of particles in each interrogation window is determined by correlation analysis, which in turn results in the displacement vectors for the entire image. The accuracy of this method is dependent on the estimation of the location of the maximum value of correlation with subpixel accuracy. The objective of this research is the evaluation of function fit methods to estimate of the correlation peak location with subpixel accuracy. For this purpose, parabolic curve and second order surface fitting are investigated theoretically and experimentally. To achieve definite displacements, deformation of a solid part under uniform loading is investigated instead of fluid flow and the displacement of point patterns painted on the solid surface are analyzed. The results show that both function fit methods are capable of resolving subpixel movements with the accuracy of 0.035 pixel or one micrometer in this research.
Volume 18, Issue 115 (September 2021)
Producing of fish powder is a good way for increasing the shelf life of these valuable protein sources, easy accessing and increasing of food variety.In this study, the effect of drying temperature on physicochemical properties of kilka and carp fish powder was investigated. For this purpose, temperatures of 45, 55, 65 and 75 °C were used to dry the fish. The results of this study showed that moisture, fat, protein and TVN for carp powder was 7.02%, 4.92%, 83.80%, and 150 mg/g, while moisture, fat, protein and TVN of kilka fish powder was 8.12, 8.8%, 5.09%, 82.18% and 140 mg/g, respectively. The highest water binding capacity was related to dried carp samples at 45 °C and dried kilka at 55 °C. The lowest and highest fat reabsorption was in dried carp samples at 45 °C and dried kilka at 55 °C, respectively. The results of density test showed that with decreasing drying temperature, the density of the final powder decreased. The highest densities of carp and kilka powders were 0.511 g/cm3 and 0.408 g/cm3, respectively, which were dried at 45 °C. The study also represented that with increasing temperature from 45 to 75 °C, L* factor of the powders decreased. Besides, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) results indicated that the proteins were more denatured at higher temperature and the particle sizes were reduced.
Volume 18, Issue 121 (March 2022)
With increasing public awareness, the demand for healthy foods has increased. Low resistance of probiotic bacteria against adverse environmental conditions is one of the most important factors limiting the production and development of probiotic products. Encapsulation by enclosing probiotic cells can increase stability against limiting factors such as gastric acidity. In this study, the efficiency of double layer encapsulation with sodium alginate and chitosan by spray drying and emulsion methods on the stability of Lactobacillus acidophilus under simulated gastric conditions (pH=2) during 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes were examined. The size of the microcapsules was determined by the particle size analyzer and their morphology using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The obtained growth curve showed that the bacteria enter a stationary growth phase 40 to 42 hours after inoculation. The size of the microcapsules obtained from the emulsion method were significantly (p≤ 0.05) smaller than the spray drying method. The morphology of the microcapsules was spherical to oval, and the samples obtained from the spray drying method had a shrinked surface. The highest survival was shown by emulsion encapsulated samples with a decrease of 1.9 logarithmic cycles, followed by spray dried encapsulated bacteria with a reduction of 2.4 logarithmic cycles. The lowest survival rate was related to the control sample (free bacteria) with a decrease of 3.83 logarithmic cycles. Encapsulation of Lactobacillus acidophilus probiotic bacteria by the emulsion technique by creating appropriate stability under simulated gastric conditions is a suitable method to obtain probiotic products enriched with this bacterium.
Volume 19, Issue 4 (April 2019)
Nowadays, the need of welding industry's to improve weld quality has led to the consideration of robotic welding. The use of articulated industrial robots for welding has many challenges. Because some robots do not have the capability of online error compensating of the seam track. Therefore, in order to remove the welding seam tracking error, the use of an auxiliary mechanism is proposed in this article. This mechanism is a table with 1-degree of freedom (dof), which produces a continuous motion in workpiece under the welding torch. The rotational motion of the motor is transformed into a translational motion of the workpiece by a ball-screw system, where this linear motion compensates the tracking error. Since in the welding process, relative motion accuracy of the workpiece and the welding torch is crucial, proper control of the interface table ensures the weld quality. In this paper, two different methods for controlling the table with 1-dof are studied. In the first method, due to the complexity of friction model of the ball-screw mechanism and the presence of nonlinear terms, this part of the model is considered as an external disturbance, and, then, a PID controller for the linear part is designed. In the second method, known as feedback linearization, a control law is designed for that the tracking error tends to zero by passing time. Throught a comparison between the simulation results, the second control method demonstrates better precision relating the first controller. While the error of PID controller equals to 3 mm and the second controller’s error does not go beyond 0.5 mm. At last, the experimental cell used for the robotic welding is introduced to evaluate the mentioned results.
Volume 20, Issue 5 (May 2020)
In the present study, multilayer nanocomposites fabricated by accumulative roll bonding (ARB) process. Aluminum sheets, copper sheets (with 0.1 and 0.3mm thickness) and multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were used as experimental materials. The rolling process continued to five cycles. Then, microstructure, hardness, tensile strength and electrical conductivity of nanocomposites were investigated. Necking and fracturing recognized as mechanisms of copper layers distribution in the aluminum matrix. The bonding strength between layers increased with the number of cycles due to the improvement of MWCNTs distribution. The results show that the hardness of aluminum increased with increasing copper layer thickness and these increases were about 30 and 32% for composites without nano reinforcements and nanocomposites contain MWCNTs, respectively. The highest hardness (147HV), is related to the sample containing carbon nanotubes and 0.3mm copper sheet, after five rolling cycles (446% increase compared to aluminum sheets). The results confirm the positive effect of copper and the MWCNTs on the improvement of strength. The highest strength and elongation is observed in the aluminum-copper-MWCNTs nanocomposite after four cycles. The results also indicated that the addition of copper and MWCNTs can simultaneously increase the strength and electrical conductivity of the resulted composites.
Volume 20, Issue 137 (July 2023)
Soybean meal is one of the sources of vegetable protein, which together with wheat flour proteins, can provides a complete source of amino acids for the human body, so using it in bread can help to solve protein deficiencies. For this purpose, to prepare Barbari bread containing soy meal, a combined design containing a group of mixing variables, including different levels of transglutaminase enzyme (0 to 1 %), soybean meal flour (0 to 50 %), wheat flour as filler (0 to 100 %) and a process variable including ultrasonic altitude (0 to 100%) was used and physicochemical and sensory characteristics including total ash, pH, moisture, porosity and taste, texture and color scores were investigated. The results showed that transglutaminase enzyme and ultrasonication have a significant effect on physicochemical properties and porosity (P<0.0001). The significant increase in color score of the samples was due to the positive and significant effect (P<0.0001) of soybean meal on that characteristic. The porosity of the samples was significantly affected (P<0.0001) by the interaction of enzyme and ultrasound. Finally, in order to obtain samples with the highest porosity and color, taste and texture scores, it is suggested to use the mixing ratio of soybean meal flour 33%, enzyme 1%, wheat flour 66% and ultrasound altitude 100%.
Volume 21, Issue 2 (Summer 2017)
Digital assets include an individual‘s email accounts, personal webpages, blogs, social networking sites, documents, videos, or photo storage sites. Technological innovations will most likely expand this list in the future, and digital assets are becoming more economically valuable. As more and more use social media to share personal information, privacy Issues and growing digital assets become critical to the discussion about control over user accounts after their death .There are two primary theories offered as a means for protecting a deceased person’s online privacy. The first is rooted in contract law, while the second is rooted in property law. The contract theory relies on analyzing terms of service agreements that users accept to determine the scope of their posthumous privacy rights, while the property theory evaluates whether a deceased user’s digital assets may be treated similarly to “real property” after death. Although the formation of digital asset contracts may be valid, this Article has argued that the terms prohibiting transfer after death and ignoring the testamentary intent of a testator should be unenforceable as against public policy.
Volume 22, Issue 3 (7-2015)
In this study, we have tried to identify two different approaches for dealing with social problems and issues. The first one is causal explanation, which is retrospective, static and physical. The other one, functional analysis, is prospective, dynamic, and normative. Institutions are the main subject of economics. Human social-institutional reality has a common underlying structure and these structures are matters of status functions. We proposed a method which aims at efficacy of these functions using intelligence rather than assuming these functions as intrinsic and trying to grasp the realty from without by a rationality apparatus. The aim of this article is to show that, Dewey’s Logic provides us with this alternative functionalistic approach in a comprehensive way.
Volume 23, Issue 6 (11-2021)
Following favourable agro-ecological conditions, powdery mildew becomes a destructive disease in wheat worldwide. Efficiency of the most common control methods (fungicide application and plant resistance) for wheat powdery mildew improves by using a better understanding of the effects of highly influential agronomic practices and weather factors on disease development. Disease severity was rated at plot scale according to a manageable number of agro-ecological variables in Kermanshah province, Iran in 2013 to 2017. Disease severity rating was varied by cultivar, disease-assessment date, and sowing time. Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA determined a high area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) based on disease severity rated in 2016. A greater AUDPC was detected for early disease onset than late onset. Later sowings had greater AUDPC values compared to earlier sowings. From Principal Component Analysis (PCA), four principal components accounted for 88% of data variance. From PCA-based regression analysis, earlier powdery mildew onset corresponded with further rainy days and higher wind speed in spring, later sowing and maturity, lower disease resistance, and warmer growing season of commercial wheat cultivars. The present findings recognized proper sowing time as effective as genotypic resistance for sustainable management of wheat powdery mildew and provided valuable information on cultivar, disease, maturation, sowing date, and weather interactions.
Volume 24, Issue 4 (7-2022)
Some plant extracts contain elicitors for inducing systemic resistances in treated plants like the lavender extract, whose protective effects against pathogen proved to be by activating the SAR systemic defense pathway. In this study, plant crude extracts including Azadirachta indica (neem), Tagetes erecta (marigold), Thymus daenensis (thymus), and Carum carvi (caraway) were used to control Root-Knot Nematode (RNK) Meloidogyne javanica in cucumber. First, the effect of these extracts on egg hatching and juvenile mortality was investigated, then, the effect of plant extracts on characters such as numbers of egg masses, nematode galls, and eggs per plant root was evaluated under greenhouse conditions. In the third part of this study, the effect of plant extracts on Polyphenol Oxidase (PPO), Peroxidase (POX), Catalase (CAT), Phenylalanine Ammonia-Lyase (PAL) and β(1,3) Glucanase (β-1, 3-Glu) enzyme activities was studied. Finally, the expression level of three stress enzymes genes including CAT, PPO, and β-1, 3-Glu β-1, 3-glu was evaluated by Real-time RT-PCR method. Results showed that, on the second day after treatment, 500 and 2,500 ppm concentrations of aqueous neem extract inhibited 64.79 and 73.48% of eggs hatching, respectively. In the greenhouse conditions, the four studied plant extracts (neem, marigold, Thymus, and caraway) at 1,500 ppm concentration significantly suppressed the development and reproduction of M. javanica terms of eggs/plant root, egg-masses, numbers of galls, nematode population in soil and, consequently, enhanced growth of the plants. In addition to the activity of the enzymes, the expression levels of these defense enzymes were also increased by the use of plant extracts.
Volume 24, Issue 5 (9-2022)
Several viruses affect iris plants worldwide, and are major constraints in commercial production due to serious economic losses. The first genomic sequences of two potyviruses, namely, Iris Severe Mosaic Virus (ISMV) and Iris Mild Mosaic Virus (IMMV) from naturally infected iris plants (Iris versicolor) in Iran were determined using RNA deep sequencing and RT-PCR followed by sequencing of amplicons. Both viruses (ISMV-Ir and IMMV-Ir) had a typical potyvirus genetic organization, with a large open reading frame translated as a polyprotein, including nine autocatalytic cleavage sites, and a putative smaller protein P3N-PIPO. Phylogenetic analyses and sequence comparisons revealed close relationships between ISMV and members of group Onion Yellow Dwarf Virus (OYDV) of the genus Potyvirus. The ISMV-Ir showed > 92% nucleotide (nt) identity (> 96% amino acid (aa) identity) to the three previously reported ISMV isolates, the highest with the Japanese isolate J (94.10% nt identity, 97.41% aa identity) and the lowest with Chinese isolate BJ (92.73% nt identity, 96.77% aa identity). IMMV-Ir belonged to the Chilli Veinal Mottle Virus (ChVMV) group of potyviruses, had 82.36% nt identity (91.25% aa identity) with the BC32 isolate, and 75.55% nt identity (83.59% aa identity) with the WA-1 isolate from Australia. The genetic distance among IMMV polyprotein-coding genomic sequences or gene-specific sequences indicated a high genetic divergence of these isolates. Our analysis indicated that natural selection has contributed to the evolution of isolates belonging to the two identified potyviruses. The information on genomic sequences presented in this study will improve our understanding of virus function and pathogenicity leading to better control of the disease.
Volume 26, Issue 3 (5-2024)
The use of essential oils and new drug delivery systems have been considered two approaches for controlling plant pathogenic fungi. This study aimed to synthesize, characterize, and evaluate the antifungal activity of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLNs) incorporating Mentha×Piperita L. Essential oil (MPE) compared to the free MPE. In the present study, the formulations of SLNs incorporating MPE (MPE-SLNs) were synthesized by high-shear homogenization and ultrasound method, and they were assessed by Z-average diameter, particle size distribution, Zeta potential, leakage stability during 6 months of storage, encapsulation efficacy, and morphological properties of the SLN formulations. The results indicated that the particle size of MPE-SLN formulations was 155.5±4.7 nm with a PDI of 0.156±0.012, a Zeta potential of -15.93±0.87 mV, and encapsulation efficacy of about 88±0.88%. They were physically stable for 6 months of storage. The results also showed that the in vitro minimum inhibition concentration for MPE on the fungal microorganisms, Rhizoctonia solani and Rhizopus stolonifer, were 2,000 and 1,000 ppm, respectively, and for MPE-SLNs it was 1,000 and 750 ppm, respectively. Therefore, the antifungal activity of MPE-SLNs was more significant than MPE, and none of the fungi were susceptible to essential oil-free SLNs. Based on the results, MPE-SLNs can be used for the safe preservation of a wide array of foods and agricultural products.