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Showing 75 results for Naseri

Volume 12, Issue 4 (Issue 4 (Tome 59)- 2009)

A critical step to develop artificial neural networks that has considerable effect on network performance is designing architecture of neural networks. In designing the architecture of networks, generally, the number of hidden layers, number of neurons in each layer and transfer functions are determined. Most researchers often use trial and error approach and/or ignore interactive effects between the factors of design. In this research, a model is presented based on the design of experiment (DOE) for optimal architecture of neural networks. The proposed model was applied to determine the optimal architecture of neural network for forecasting the monthly consumption of gas oil of Iran. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed model, using the common method of trial and error was used and advantages of the proposed model were shown. In addition, to compare the performance of neural networks by statistical methods, two models based on regression and ARIMA were designed. Comparison of the forecasting results obtained by neural networks and the statistical methods proved that the proposed model produced better forecasts in all performance criteria.

Volume 12, Issue 5 (Supplementary Issue - 2010)

Seasonal activity and spatial distribution of Eoteranychus frosti Mcgregor, Tydeus longisetosus (ElBagouy and Momen) and Zetzellia mali Ewing were studied during 9th July to 22th October 2006 in an unsprayed apple orchard, Maragheh region, Northwest of Iran. Also the density dependence interaction between preys and predator was assessed. To estimate the spatial distribution pattern of these species, data was analyzed through Iwao's patchiness regression, Taylor's power law, Morisita's coefficient, Lloyd's mean crowding and index of dispersion. Iwao’s patchiness regressions and Taylor’s power law showed a random and Morisita’s coefficient, Lloyd's mean crowding and index of dispersion revealed an aggregated distribution pattern for E. frosti, T. longisetosus and Z. mali. The results indicated that the peak density of E. frosti and T. longisetosus occurred in mid September and in late August (2.46 and 4.4 per leaf, respectively). Regarding their predator, the peak density (10.34) occurred in early July. The linear regression between prey and predator densities indicated a density independent predation by Z. mali.

Volume 12, Issue 5 (November & December, (Articles in English & French) 2021)

This study investigated rhetorical functions and their associated linguistic realizations in English review article abstracts. The analysis was based on a corpus of 100 English review article abstracts from linguistics and applied linguistics disciplines and followed a corpus-driven discourse analytic top-down approach. MAXQDA and WordSmith were used to code the moves and analyze their associated sub-corpora, respectively. The results of calculating range and frequency distributions showed that English conceptual review article abstracts use a rhetorical structure, different from that of research paper abstracts. This rhetorical organization is realized through a different set of moves, namely 1) establishing the territory or area of study, 2) identifying the problem, 3) introducing the present research, 4) organizing the paper, and 5) concluding or reflecting. Moreover, each move was realized through a distinct set of sub-moves. In terms of range, the moves dealing with purpose and structure were the most widely present moves; in terms of frequency distribution, the move dealing with structure was the most frequent. Furthermore, the highly frequent use of plural self-mentions indicates that in review article abstracts the emphasis is on research as a group activity inclusive of the researcher(s) and objects of study. In addition, the presence of ‘establishing the territory’, together with ‘identifying the problem’ can be seen as an attempt to sell the research. Finally, the prevalent use of the five moves showed that most review article abstracts are indicative-informative in function

Volume 13, Issue 1 (Number 1 - 2011)

Reproduction parameters for Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) were determined and compared on 13 soybean varieties (DPX, L17, BP, Clark, JK, 356, M4, M7, M9, Gorgan3, Sahar, Zane and Williams) at 25±1ºC, 65±5% RH over a photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D) hours. Reproduction parameters were estimated for individual newly emerged moths, which had spent their immature stages on different soybean varieties. The highest rate of gross fecundity was on M4 (2,238 eggs female-1), whereas the lowest value of this parameter was on Gorgan3 (467 eggs female-1). The gross fertility rate was the highest on M7 (782 eggs female-1) and lowest on Gorgan3 (149 eggs female-1). The net fecundity rate varied from 192 (BP) to 1,275 eggs (M7). The net fertility rate was the highest on M7 (586 eggs female-1) and lowest on Sahar (56 eggs female-1). The daily number of eggs laid per female ranged from 50 to 282 eggs, the minimum on Gorgan3 and the maximum on M4. Our results demonstrated that M9, Williams, Clark, L17, M7, M4 and Zane varieties were more suitable host plants for reproduction of the studied population of H. armigera. The other varieties examined showed less suitability as host plants for H. armigera reproduction.

Volume 13, Issue 1 (3-2024)

For IPM programs, it is crucial to use plant cultivars that are less sensitive to pests or resistant to them. In this research, the susceptibility and resistance of 20 canola cultivars to the diamondback moth, one of the most destructive pests of canola worldwide, were evaluated under laboratory conditions based on the biological performance of the moth and the response of the secondary metabolites and protein of canola plants leaves. The biological performance of the pest was evaluated using larval development and pupal weight, oviposition preference, and the age-stage, two-sex life table. The highest intrinsic rate of increase (r), the net reproductive rate (R0), developmental time, and lowest pupal weight were observed on the 1009 cultivar, while the lowest r, R0, and highest pupal period were obtained on the RGS003 cultivar. Also, fecundity in RGS003 and Zarfam cultivars was lower than the other cultivars. Overall, study findings suggested that the Hyula50, Zarfam, and RGS003 cultivars would be suitable candidates for inclusion in integrated pest management programs against diamondback moth.


Volume 13, Issue 2 (5-2022)

The process of Reduplication, due to its importance, has attracted very much attention from linguists in recent decades The present research aims at describing and analyzing total reduplication processes including added medial and final total reduplication and echo reduplication (changing the initial consonant or vowel of reduplicant) in Ghayeni dialect based on Parallel Optimality Theory (POT), in particular Stratal Optimality Theory (SOT). To this end, the considered reduplicative data were gathered based on Shaghaghi reduplication model (2000, 2018). To analyze some data, we need to predict the correct output through some levels to consider the morphological derivation correctly. Since POT has a one-level (input and output) nature, it is unable to explain some reduplicative data. So, SOT, with no limit on the number and kinds of levels, is used to analyze the medial and final added total reduplication. In the present study, the final added total reduplication is considered in two stem levels in which ONSET is on the top of constraint ranking. Since the final consonant of the base undergoes germination, in the medial added total reduplication using enclitic /o/, two levels of stem and word are required. In the medial added total reduplication, the constraint ranking is only different in stem level (a) because the type of reduplicant (echo or non-echo) is determined in this level. But in the next levels, stem level (b) and word level, which undergoes germination and resyllabification, constraints have the same ranking. The results show that SOT presents a more obvious analysis of the mid-levels in the medial and final added total reduplication.
1. Introduction
Reduplication is a syntactic process in which all or part of a base word is repeated (Lieber, 2009). In the Reduplication process, an element (or an affix) is added to the base word, which is called a Reduplicative component, and its form is affected by the base word (Kager, 1999). In this word formation process, all or part of the base word is repeated to the left, right, or sometimes in the middle of the base word, included total reduplication (total reduplication and total added reduplication) and partial reduplication (prefixation, suffixation and infixation). Types of repetition in Persian and its different variants have been considered especially in the framework of parallel optimality theory (OT). The question now is whether reduplicative words can be analyzed in another approach of OT, here the stratal OT, in one of the Persian linguistic variants, the Ghayeni dialect? Ghayeni dialect is spoken in Ghayen. Ghayen is one of the cities of South Khorasan which is limited to Gonabad and Torbat-e Heydariyeh from the north and Birjand from the south. Therefore, among the types of reduplication processes, the aim of the present study is to investigate and analyze the total reduplication process including total non-additive reduplication and total additive reduplication (middle and end) and complete echoic reduplication (by changing the vowel or initial consonant of the reduplicated component) based on the classification of reduplicative process types from the perspective of Shaghaghi (2000, 2018) in Ghayeni dialect according to parallel OT (Prince & Smolensky, 1993/2004) and stratal OT (Kiparsky, 1998a, 2000).
2. Theoretical Framework
Stratal OT is one of the approaches to OT that is made by combining stratal approaches such as morphology and lexical phonology with OT. In the stratal optimality approach, there are different models, the similarity between them is in the variety of layers and there is no limit to the number and type of them. In the optimality approach, there are several layers that are arranged sequentially from input to output. According to Kiparsky, there are three layers in the stratal OT. At the three levels of this approach, the stem first enters the stem level. Inside the stem level, in addition to the stem, a derivative affix or a compound word is added to it. The product of this level enters the word level. At the word level, a second derivative (if any) or inflectional affix is added to the output of the stem level. Finally, at the postlexical level, which is at the phrase level, the words are combined, and what happens at this level is only the study of phonological and morphological changes.

3. Methodology
The research method is a descriptive-field method to test the hypothesis. In this regard, both documentary and field methods have been used in collecting data. In the field method, the researchers recorded the speech of twenty native speakers, mostly illiterate or older than sixty years. Finally, a written corpus containing one hundred reduplicative words and an oral corpus consisting of three hundred sentences were collected. Then one of the authors, who is a native speaker of Ghayeni and has sufficient mastery of its words, extracted reduplicative words based on the dialect. After categorization based on Shaghaghi's (2000, 2018) reduplicative process types, the reduplicative words were transliterated according to the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), Doulos SIL version. Next, by identifying the occurrence or non-occurrence of constraints corresponding to the context of reduplicative words and their ranking, the analysis appropriate to each of the changes was first examined in the framework of the parallel OT.
4. Results and Discussion
The process of repetition has long been one of the interesting topics for linguists as a result of advances in phonological and structural theories (McCarthy, 1979; Marantz, 1982; Kiparsky, 1986; McCarthy & Prince, 1986, 1993, 1995; Spencer, 1991; Haspelmath, 2002; Inkelas & Zoll, 2005). In this section, the types of total non-additive reduplication and total additive reduplication (middle and end) and complete echoic reduplication (by changing the vowel or initial consonant of the reduplicated component) are examined in the framework of parallel OT (Prince & Smolensky, 1993/2004). In cases where the parallel OT is not able to justify the differences between the input and output forms, the stratal OT )Kiparsky, 1998a, 2000( is used. parallel OT is used to justify total non-additive reduplication in Ghayeni dialect. The faithfulness constraint IDENT-BR (Kennedy, 2008) has the highest order, according to which the corresponding base and reduplicated parts must be exactly the same. The two faithfulness constraints of MAX-IO (McCarthy & Prince, 1995), which rejects output deletion, and MAX BR (McCarthy & Prince, 1995), which do not allow any deletion in the reduplicated component, rank higher than *REPEAT (Kennard, 2004) which penalizes the proximity of identical syllables. To examine final total and medial added reduplication, it is necessary to describe the layers and the stages of their formation step by step, so parallel optimal theory (Prince & Smolensky, 1993/2004) is not able to describe this process appropriately, because it has a single-level input-output nature. To explain total reduplication of the final addition based on the stratal OT, two layers must be considered, both of which are at the stem level. At the stem level, word formation is of the derivation and composition type. While at the word level inflectional form (s) of the word is generated. Some types of total medial added reduplications are created by /o/ suffix. In this case, due to the occurrence of the final consonant of the base between the two vowels, that consonant geminates. In Persian, the geminated phoneme is not placed at the end of the syllable, but it can be after the vowel, the geminated phoneme is divided into two syllables (Kord-e Za'faranloo et al. 2016, p.228). To explain total echoic reduplication that changes the beginning of the reduplicated component, three levels must be considered, two stem levels and one word level. Three levels of analysis, two stem levels and one word level, are needed to explain the total echoic reduplication that changes the vowel in the reduplicated component. At the level of stem A, the reduplicated component is echoed to the base, so that its vowel is different from the base vowel.
5. Conclusion
In response to the main question of the research, based on the ability of the stratal OT to justify the changes between input and output forms of reduplicated words in Ghayeni dialect, the results showed that to evaluate the total final and medial added reduplication, the layers and its formation steps needed to be described step by step. Therefore, parallel OT was not considered appropriate due to the monolayer nature of input-output. Thus, stratal OT was used to explain the complete repetition processes of medial (echoic and non-echoic) and final.
For the analysis total reduplication, the final added was assumed to have two layers at the stem level and it was shown that the order of the constraints was different in each layer. In the case of total reduplication, the medial added is geminated due to the linking morpheme /o/. Parallel OT could not justify this change in input and output, so stratal OT was the solution of this analysis and three levels (two stem levels and one word level) were considered. Regarding the explanation of the total medial added reduplication, both echoic and non-echoic, it was observed that the ranking the constraints is different only in the first layer, i.e. the level of stem A, and is the same in the other two layers. The reason for the difference in the first layer is that at this level the type of the reduplicated component is determined to be non-echoic or echoic, and if it is echoic, the onset changes or the vowel. At the other two levels, the addition of the /o/ morpheme, gemination and resyllabification are common in all three types of reduplications. That being said, parallel OT can only handle the analysis of total non-additive reduplication, but is not sufficient for the analysis of total medial and final added reduplication. This confirms the research hypothesis: stratal OT is sufficient to analyze these processes, although the principle of linguistic economics may not be observed.


Volume 14, Issue 3 (9-2011)

Objective: Leishmaniasis is one of the six most common parasitic infections in tropical regions. There are different therapeutic modalities. However therapeutic resistance is developed and resulted in numerous problems. So evaluation of other therapeutic modalities is performed extensively. We compared the therapeutic response of cutaneous leishmaniasis with Glucantime and Garlic extract and it'R10 in animal model. Materials and Methods: This experimental study was conducted in Shahed University. The therapeutic response of cutaneous leishmaniasis to Glucantime and Garlic extract and R10 in animal model was studied in BALB/c, outbred SW mice and C57BL/6 mice. These three races were divided in four groups according to receiving either one of these three agents or no treatment (control). The therapeutic response was evaluated according to parasitic load before and after treatment and also with measuring the size of the lesions. Results: The results showed that R10 had good therapeutic efficacy in treatment of lesions in mice (P<0.05) that this efficacy was significant in sixth, seventh and eighth weeks after the treatment. There was also a statistically significant difference between the groups regarding the parasitic load (P<0.05). Conclusion: According to the results, it may be concluded that R10 extract would have a good efficacy in treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis that is comparable with glucantime.

Volume 14, Issue 7 (Supplementary Issue - 2012)

Campylobacter is known to be one of the most common causes of human intestinal disorders. Since poultry are known to be the main reservoirs for this pathogen, decreasing this bacterium in intestinal tract could be beneficial in reducing contamination of poultry products. The effects of probiotic (PrimaLac®), medicinal plant (Sangrovit®) and organic acid (Selko-pH®) as broiler feed additives on cecal colonization, and fecal excretion of broilers were studied. Other parameters such as performance, immune response and intestinal morphology were also determined. A total of 300 broiler chicks (Cobb 500) were divided into 5 groups. Groups consisted of unsupplemented feed (negative and positive controls), probiotic, medicinal plant and drinking water containing organic acid mixture. Except for the negative control group, all chickens were orally challenged with (109 cfu mL-1) Campylobacter jejuni at day 21. Cecal and fecal samples were collected for Campylobacter count. Body weight (BW), feed intake (FI) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were determined weekly and cumulatively. BW and FI in the probiotic treated group were higher (P< 0.05) than the positive control group. On day 49 all supplemented treatments showed a reduction of Campylobacter colonization in cecal contents (P< 0.05). Fecal samples showed reductions (P< 0.05) on day 35 and 42. Villi height of duodenum and jejunum in the probiotic and medicinal plant treated groups were improved (P< 0.05). Immune response was significantly higher in these two groups (P< 0.05). These effects could be due to the antibacterial effects of the used feed supplements. Our results indicate that these feed additives could be potential treatments for reducing Campylobacter in the intestine of broilers. Probiotic and medicinal plant improve growth performance of these birds.

Volume 14, Issue 12 (3-2015)

This research aims to provide new information about the mechanical behavior of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). For this purpose, a series of extended atomic resolution molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of DNA dodecamer is performed. The MD calculations are carried out using Generalized Born solvent-accessible surface area method and Langevin dynamics. The stress-strain curves of DNA obtained under various pulling rates and pulling angles are analyzed, and the role of pulling angle and velocity in determining biomechanical properties of short dsDNA is discussed. The results illustrate that how much the behavior of DNA under action of tensile forces could be complicated. By means of at base pair level analyses of the molecule conformation during the stretching processes, the structural stability of the DNA molecule subjected to the angled pulling with different pulling rates and different pathways to the dsDNA rupture are studied. The structural stability of dsDNA can be dependent on the pulling velocity and pulling angle. Whereas the DNA stability can decrease significantly with the reduction of pulling velocity, stretching the DNA under different angles has different unpredictable effects on its structural stability.

Volume 14, Issue 53 (Spring 2021)

Numerous studies in the last decade that have investigated the stylistic features of literary works in morphological layer do not help much in advancing stylistic studies and historical behavior of Persian language.
In the present study, which evaluates the literature of stylistics in morphological layer, twenty-seven research papers and dissertations written in the Iranian departments of Persian language and literature of academia have been reviewed and critiqued.
Numerous studies in the last decade that have investigated the stylistic features of literary works in morphological layer do not help much in advancing stylistic studies and historical behavior of Persian language. In the present study, which evaluates the literature of stylistics in morphological layer, twenty-seven research papers and dissertations written in the departments of Persian language and literature in Iran have been reviewed and critiqued. The findings indicate that these studies suffer several shortcomings, including: misunderstanding the basic morphological concepts, defining overlapping morphological categories, misreading texts and misidentifying the grammatical role of words, neglecting the diachronic behavior of Persian language, confusing research strategies and introducing unnecessary and redundant models and some other common mistakes. These problems are serious hurdles in the way of stylistic studies in morphological layer and also understanding Persian language changes. Finally, some suggestions have been made to address the aforementioned problems.
Studies on literary stylistics would seemingly lead to weak theoretical and applied literary research if linguistic theories and tools were not considered. Although in recent years, some researchers have paid attention to this important issue and inspected stylistic studies, they haven't considered linguistic theories. Literary stylistics as an interdisciplinary field studies literary styles with the help of linguistic tools. It is argued that the goal of literary stylistics is to find linguistic data for critical judgment of literary texts (Wales, 2006: 213). Studying the stylistic research related to morphological layer, the authors tended to investigate the attitude of researchers toward morphology.
Materials and Methods:
Investigating 18 research articles, 7 MA dissertations and 2 PhD theses in the field of Persian literature, this paper studies and evaluates the studies in field of stylistics and morphology, employing Spencer and Zwicky (2001) and Shaghaghi (2010). Morphology studies the internal structure of words and its rules and relations. The goal of the studies in the field of morphology is to identify words from non-words, morphemes and their types, types of words and word-formation processes. Also, inflection and derivation are considered as two distinct areas in morphology.  
This paper found that although these studies open a way toward stylistic study of morphology, they suffer some shortcomings, such as:
A) Misunderstanding the basic morphological concepts: It is obvious that stylistic researchers who focus on morphology and lexical layer should use the terminologies and specialized words of this field, so that avoid using unrelated terminologies. Any violation of this principle will lead to the confusion and misunderstanding of the readers, and finally not transferring the knowledge. Investigating the corpus of the present study, the authors find that there exists chaos in the use of terminologies and specialized words in the field of morphology. The most prominent misunderstanding of linguistic concepts was related to two key concepts of derivation and compounding. Stylistic researchers utilize "derivational compounding" and "derivational compound" to indicate the processes of derivation and compounding, and this shows the inattention and carelessness of these researchers in the use of standard terminology in the field of morphology. 
B) Defining overlapping morphological categories: Investigating the corpus clearly shows that the authors didn't consider homogeneity principle in analyzing the Persian word-formation system. For instance, "affixed and semi-affixed compounds" is, in fact, the same as "derivation" in Persian which is formed by affixation. Furthermore, the concepts of "infinitive compounds", "adjective compounds", nominal compounds" and "truncated compounds of agentive and accusative adjectives" are overlapping and obviously shows the misunderstanding of researchers in identifying and differentiating the fields of morphology, syntax and semantics and also indicates their carelessness in methodology and in defining the categorization of concepts in a scientific and systematic way. 
C) Misreading texts and misidentifying the grammatical role of words: some research, although few, didn't correctly identify the grammatical role of words, for example Abedi and Ali Jola (2015).
D) Neglecting the diachronic behavior of Persian language: One instance of neglecting the historical changes of language is incorrect usage of words like "archaic" and "obsolete".
E) Confusing research strategies and introducing unnecessary and redundant models.
F) Neglecting the application of coinage and neologism: In one of the studies (Golizadeh and Gorooyi, 2012), some words were regarded as coinage which were used long before that date.
G) Neglecting foundations and principles of corpus linguistics: Neglecting foundations and principles of corpus linguistics is one of the important shortcomings of the investigated studies. Most of these studies were done to investigate linguistic innovations and word-formation skills in Persian literary works.
The negligence of researchers in choosing the corpus, linguistic norms and its frequency hurdles in the way of stylistic studies. In addition, the analysis showed that the researchers didn't consider linguistic knowledge. Stylistic linguistics uses linguistic theories in description and interpretation of literary texts, so the stylists in the field of literature should know linguistics and apply it in research. In order to satisfy this goal, there are some suggestions in stylistic studies in the field of morphology: a) choosing one linguistic element or concept in research, b) determining a definite goal for stylistic research, c) using linguistic theories for understanding the basic concepts of research and designing a purposeful structure for the research, d) studying the existing linguistic corpus.  
Abedi, M., & Ali Jola, E. (2015). Tarkibsazi va Hamayi Vazhegani dar Shaer-e Enghelab-e Eslami va Paydari. Adabiyat-e Paydari, 13, 205-226. [in Persian]
Golizadeh, P., & Gorooyi, R. (2012). Tahlil-e Sabkshenasi-e Tarikh-e Beyhaghi bar Mabna-ye Tarkibat-e Eshteghghi. ­ Sabkshenasi Nazm va Nasr-e Farsi (Bahar-e Adab), 5(6), 275-292. [in Persian]
Shaghaghi, V. (2010). Mabani-y-e Sarf. Tehran: Samt. [in Persian]
Spencer, A., & Zwicky, A. M. (Eds.). (2001). The Handbook of Morphology. Oxford: Blackwell.
Wales, Katie. (2014). A Dictionary of Stylistics. 3rd Edition. Routledge.

Volume 15, Issue 6 (8-2015)

Equal channel angular pressing is one of the most effective severe plastic deformation processes for fabrication of ultrafine grained or even nanostructured materials. Among the metallic biomaterials, commercially pure titanium exhibits the best mechanical properties, compared with other alloys. In this study, the effect of work-piece cross section on the mechanical properties of commercially pure titanium produced by this process has been investigated. The work-pieces in two types of cross section(square and circular) are pressed one pass in the square channel with angle 120° at room temperature and effects of cross section on the forming load, grain size, hardness, strength and toughness was studied. Finite element simulation by using the ABAQUS software has been performed for forecasting the forming load, equivalent plastic strain and investigation of effects of geometry parameters of die channel on these. The simulation results have shown good agreement with experimental results. Through analysis of results, it is found that by using the work-piece with circular cross section at equal channel angular pressing process, not only decreased the required pressing load, but also significantly improved the mechanical properties of the materials such as hardness and strength as compared to using the work-piece with square cross section.

Volume 16, Issue 1 (1-2014)

 The cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), is one of the important polyphagous pests causing serious loss to many economically important crops in Iran. The goal of this experiment was to study the age-stage, two-sex life table of H. armigera on different bean cultivars including white kidney bean (cultivars Daneshkadeh, Pak, and Shokufa), red kidney bean (cultivars Akhtar, Naz, and Sayyad) and common bean (cultivar Talash) under laboratory conditions (25±1ºC, 65±5% RH, a 16:8 h light-dark photoperiod). The longest and shortest larval period and development time of total pre-adult H. armigera were 19.83±3.83 and 37.58±0.90 days on red kidney bean Akhtar, respectively, and 14.13±0.32 and 31.82±0.42 days on white kidney bean Pak, respectively. The lowest intrinsic rate of increase (r) was on red kidney bean Akhtar (0.115±0.009 day-1) and the highest on white kidney bean Pak and common bean Talash (0.142±0.001 day-1). The lowest and highest values of the net reproductive rate (R0) were on red kidney bean Akhtar (177.3±6.7 offspring) and white kidney bean Shokufa (270.1±6.7 offspring), respectively. The mean generation time (T) on different bean cultivars ranged from 37.03±0.05 to 44.64±0.07 days, which was shortest on white kidney bean Pak and longest on red kidney bean Akhtar. The results revealed that the cultivar Akhtar was the most unsuitable host for population growth of H. armigera.
Ebrahim Hosseininasab, Solmaz Abdullahi Haghi, Alireza Naseri, Lotfali Agheli,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (summer 2016 2016)

In this paper, we try to analyze the effects of oil boom and management of oil revenues by government in a sustainable manner on optimal path of Iranian macroeconomic variables by designing a dynamic computable general equilibrium (DCGE) model. This paper considers several scenarios of utilizing oil revenues in terms of allocating these revenues between savings in the form of oil fund on the one hand and consumption of oil revenues on the other hand. The results show that the a 50 percent increase in world oil price leads to higher optimal level of GDP, but the level of GDP excluding oil exports is reduced. According to the results, the long-term reaction of Iranian economy in the face of permanent shocks of oil price is consistent with the theory of Dutch disease. Due to the Dutch disease, production factors are decreased in tradable sectors and increased in oil and non-tradable sectors. However, the increase in employment in the oil and non-tradable sectors will not compensate for the fall of employment in the tradable sectors, thus total employment will decline. The analysis of oil revenue management shows that saving oil revenue in an oil fund leads to higher level of total consumption and gross domestic product in the long run. Saving oil revenues in an oil fund not only ensures precautionary measures against the so-called Dutch Disease syndrome, but also leads to increase in total employment.

Volume 16, Issue 89 (7-2019)

Ice cream yogurt is one of the dairy frozen products, which is in terms of physical characteristics and the appearance of ice cream. Due to the presence of lactic acid bacteria and the fermentation process, it has a high nutritional value; also it has a lower amount of sugar and fat than ice cream. In the present study, the effect of adding White mulberry juice and Teranjabine (at 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100% levels) on some physicochemical properties (percentage of Over-run, pH, acidity, melting resistance, apparent viscosity and total sugar content) and the sensory evaluation of ice cream yogurt were evaluated. The statistical method was factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with three replications. According to this study, With Increasing the percentage of white mulberry juice and Teranjabine in ice cream yogurt samples: acidity and viscosity increased (p <0.05), Over-run and melting resistance decreased and increased respectively (p <0.05), and pH and total sugar content increased and decreased respectively (p <0.05). According to the results of the sensory evaluation, the best sample from the taste, color, texture, sweetness and overall acceptance of the sample with the replacement level of 40% white mulberry juice and 60% Teranjabine were taken. Totally, the sample of containing 40% White mulberry juice and 60% Teranjabine was selected as the best sample, which can be produced as a dietary product in dairy industry.

Volume 16, Issue 96 (February 2020)

In this study, the moisture content of kiwifruit in vacuum dryer was predicted using artificial neural networks (ANN) method. The protein (1, 2, 3 and 4%), lactose (4, 6, 8 and 10%), fat (3 and 6%) and temperature (50, 55, 60 and 65ºC) were considered as the independent input parameters and electrical conductivity of recombined milk as the dependent parameter. Experimental data obtained from electrical conductivity meter, were used for training and testing the network. In order to develop neural network firstly experimental data were randomly divided into three sets of training (70%), validating (15%) and testing model (15%).  In order to develop ANN models, we used multilayer perceptron with back propagation with momentum algorithm. MLP models trained as two, three and four layers. The total number of hidden layers and the number of neurons in each hidden layer were chosen by trial and error. The best training algorithm was LM with the least MSE value. The highest coefficient of determination (R2) and lowest mean squared error (MSE) were considered as the criterion for selecting the best network. The network having three layers with a topology of 4-4-1 had the best results in predicting the electrical conductivity of recombined milk. This network has two hidden layers with 8 neurons in the first hidden layer and 5 neurons in the second hidden layer.  For this network, R2 and MSE were 0.992 and 0.011, respectively. These results can be used in milk processing factories. The correlation between the predicted and experimental values in the optimal topologies was higher than 99%.

Volume 17, Issue 3 (9-2017)

Strengthening of existing structures is one of the most important issues in the field of structural engineering. Due to avoiding any interruption of service on a structure and economic issues, strengthening process usually occurs when a member is under service loads. On the other hand in the loaded steel columns, it is really difficult to weld plates after unloading the column from existing loads, Therefore one of the important issues being neglected in the redesign process of strengthened columns is the significant axial load existing in the column, caused by service loads before strengthening them. This paper aims at numerically investigating the behavior and ultimate load bearing capacity of in-service strengthened steel box columns with continuous welded plates. Effects of different parameters on the capacity of preloaded strengthened columns are presented and discussed. Included in the result are the effects of initial imperfection; magnitude of preload before strengthening; slenderness ratio of the strengthened column and ratio between cross sectional area of reinforcing plate and unstrengthened column. To investigate the effect of these parameters, each un-retrofitted specimen is exposed to the preloading levels of 0.0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 of the load carrying capacity of unstrengthened column. Then results of this preliminary analysis are defined as a predefined field for the column of same retrofitted model and ultimate bearing capacity of the strengthened model is calculated using a modified Riks analysis method. The critical load carrying capacity of models without pre-existing axial load was set to the theoretical value presented in ANSI/AISC 360-10 and suitable imperfection for each model was calculated. This is because the main objective of this study is the variation of results with respect to the existing design curves. Based on the results of numerical analysis, application of preload to unstrengthened column magnifies the initial geometric imperfection of the column and consequently decreases the ultimate bearing capacity of strengthened column. Also as the magnitude of axial load existing prior to addition of reinforcing plates increases, the ultimate bearing capacity of the strengthened column decreases with respect to the calculated theoretical value. The maximum amount of this reduction for the preload ratios of 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6, is respectively up to 2%, 5% and 9.5% of the load-bearing capacity of strengthened column. As another result, slenderness ratio is one of the main parameters that affect the bearing capacity of specimens with a specified preload level. This means that at a constant preload level the maximum reduction in bearing capacity occurs for models with median slenderness ratio. Also models with cross sectional ratio of reinforcing plates ranging from 0.4 to 1.0 were studied and it was shown that inside this range the cross sectional ratio of reinforcing plates parameter does not have remarkable effect on the ultimate bearing capacity of column. At the end, an empirical relation is proposed to calculate reduction of ultimate bearing capacity for columns with different slenderness ratios and preload level. Results of this study may be utilized to increase the accuracy of redesigning process during in-service strengthening of steel box columns.

Volume 17, Issue 11 (1-2018)

One of the most important achievements of the Carnot was creating a limit for heat engines; this limitation is a criterion for measuring and comparing the performance of heat engines. Classical thermodynamics studies completely the equilibrium and reversible processes but transfer phenomena effects have been ignored, while in the real irreversible process, there are finite time processes and finite size systems. On the other hand, the close relationship between thermodynamics, fluid mechanic and heat transfer has caused thermodynamics to move from theoretical analysis toward a comprehensive and real analysis. Another point is that all the practical processes are irreversible. This study analyzed the irreversible combined cycle in finite time thermodynamics. The combined cycle studied consists two endoreversible cycles and three thermal sources. The irreversibility has occurred between the subsystems and the thermal sources and sink on the system boundaries. By solving algebraic equations, obtained dimensionless total power and efficiency were calculated based on dimensionless variables. The MATLAB programming code is used to solve algebraic equations. Finally, it is obtained that the thermal efficiency and dimensionless total power functions of the heat sources temperature, working fluid temperature and thermal conductance. Also, the effects of each dimensionless variable were investigated to the proportion of dimensionless total power and efficiency. In this study, the parameter study has been used for improving the irreversible combined cycle in the finite time thermodynamics. In addition, Optimization results have shown that the maximum dimensionless total power and thermal efficiency associated with it are 0.086102 and 47.81%, respectively.

Volume 18, Issue 1 (3-2018)

An ejector-expansion refrigeration cycle employing N2O is studied in this paper and thermodynamic and exergy analysis is carried out to find out the effect of some key factor within the system. The results show that Ejector-Expansion Refrigeration Cycle (EERC) obviously has the highest maximum coefficient of performance and exergy efficiency by about 12% and 14% more than Internal Heat Exchanger Cycle (IHEC); meanwhile these are about 15% and 16.5% higher than Vapor-Compression Refrigeration Cycle (VCRC) ones, respectively. Moreover, the total exergy destruction in N2O ejector-expansion cycle is 63.3% and 54% less than IHEC and VCRC and the exergy destructed in expansion process within EERC is 19.39% and 40.497% of total destruction less than IHEC and VCRC. Furthermore, the highest COP for vapor-compression refrigeration, internal heat exchanger and ejector-expansion refrigeration cycles is corresponding to the high side pressure of 7.328 Mpa, while this value for CO2 refrigeration cycle is about 8.5 Mpa.

Volume 18, Issue 1 (may 2018)

The staggered-truss system has been proposed as a lateral load resisting system in the structural steel framing for high-rise buildings, which was developed in Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1960s. The system consists of a series of storey-high trusses spanning the total width between two rows of exterior columns and arranged in a staggered pattern on adjacent column lines. the system has the columns only on the exterior walls of the building, the usual interior columns are omitted. Thus, the staggered-truss system can provide a full width of column-free area. In the system, the role of energy absorption and endurance of inelastic deformations is responsible for the special segment of truss, so that the ductility of structure is provided by the development of plastic hinges in this region. Although, in the special segment of truss an opening near the center of span must be provided to permit a width and height of sufficient proportions which is used as a corridor. Hence, the effects of this opening must be investigated in the performance of this system. In this study, the effects of the special segment length and its strengthening pattern on the seismic performance of staggered-truss system are investigated. In order to achieve this purpose, an 8-storey steel staggered-truss system with a 1/8-scaled studied in work of Zhou et al. [14] is selected and considered subjected to the low cyclic loading. First, the finite element (FE) model of this structure, in which both the material and geometric nonlinearity, is provided in ABAQUS software, and the validation of the model is controlled by experimental and numerical study and of Zhou et al. [14]. The results of modeling this structure show that the FE model of this structure has appropriately accuracy. Then, the seismic performance of the system is evaluated by considering the various lengths of the special segment and the proposed strengthening patterns in the special segment. The results of the evaluation show that the use of special segments with great length make the entire structural capacity is not fully utilized. Hence, when the large opening is required the regions must be properly strengthened. In this study, different patterns of the special segment, including strengthening of chords, strengthening of vertical members of the special segment and the strengthening pattern proposed by the Manual Number 14 of AISC code are investigated. Since the plastic hinges are usually formed at the chords of the truss, the strengthening of chords has the greatest effect on increasing the initial stiffness and strength of structure. Instead of the strengthening of the total length of the chord, a part of both ends of the special segment is also strengthened, so that its performance is as same as that of the strengthening of the total chord. It is noted that the strengthening of the special segment is one of the ways to increase the initial stiffness and resistance structure, but this strengthening must not omit the performance of the fuse in the truss system, and the conditions of strong beam and weak column are provided. Based on the FE analytical results, the suggestions of this study can be considered for the design of staggered-truss system.

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