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Volume 15, Issue 3 (July & August (Articles in English & French) 2024)

Investigating learners' motivational factors from Basic Psychological Needs (BPN) has been prevalent in a foreign/second language domain, but there is a dearth of well-documented research on ESP instruction. This study addressed the void by scrutinizing ESP learners' BPN of relatedness, competence, and autonomy using a validated and reliable BPN instrument to assess online ESP practices and challenges within unideal EFL situations. A total of 617 ESP students and 94 ESP lecturers from 14 universities across provincial areas of Indonesia participated in the study. A mixed-method design administering questionnaire and interview was applied to draw ESP students' BPN from the perspective of lecturers and students. The results revealed significant differences between lecturers' and learners' perceptions regarding several indicators of relatedness, competence, and autonomy categories. While the lecturers' questionnaire and interviews reported that the ESP students had an acceptable level of engagement with wider ESP communities, the students mentioned their low engagement with content lecturers, stakeholders/experts, and communities. These differences are then utilized as a stepping stone to design a more 'ideal' ESP program using a specific BPN framework to enhance ESP lecturers' and students' specific English and content knowledge under the online learning platforms. The study implies that to help ESP students learn English, online ESP programs should be collaboratively designed by involving English lecturers, content lecturers, ESP stakeholders from relevant fields, and technology-related materials that meet English and specific content knowledge needs.
Alireza ErFani, Neda Samiei, Farzaneh Sadeghi,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (Spring 2016 2016)

The short–term inflation dynamics and its cyclical interactions with real economic variables are basic issues in the context of monetary policies analysis. This study investigates and estimates the hybrid new Keynesian Phillips curve for Economy of Iran during 1971-2008. On this curve, the effective variables on current inflation would be future inflation, lagged inflation and GDP gap. This paper makes use of three Kalman, Hodrick- Prescott and band-pass filters to estimate GDP gap. There is a structural break in 1979 due to victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. Findings indicate that GDP gap has a significant positive impact on current inflation, which means the effectiveness of real variables, besides monetary policies, on inflation in the long-run. Our findings are consistent with other Phillips curve models, which confirm the effective role of output gap on current inflation. In addition, the coefficients of the expected inflation and lagged inflation variables are statistically significant, which indicate that firms look forward and backward in setting prices, but coefficient of expected inflation variable is higher than that of lagged inflation, means that firms pay more attention to the expected inflation in setting current prices. The evaluation tests indicate the accuracy and reliability of models.  

Volume 16, Issue 2 (7-2012)

In a recent decade there has been a great deal of interest in work engagement. This interest stems from evidences that show the strong relationship between engagement and individual and organizational outcomes. It has been reported that the level of employee engagement in organization is low. The decline in level of employee engagement costs organization billions of dollar in term of lost productivity. Different factors (such as job demands, job resources, personal resources) has been identified as antecedents and also different factor (such as organizational commitment, job satisfaction, Organizational citizenship behavior etc.) as consequences of work engagement. In this line, aim of this research is to explain antecedents of work engagement and its effect on organizational commitment. Results show that job resources (autonomy, social support, feedback, supervisory coaching, opportunities for development) and personal resources (self efficacy, proactive personality, conscientious trait) are work engagement antecedents. And work engagement has positive effect on organizational commitment.

Volume 16, Issue 3 (10-2016)

The column members of moment frames are subjected to high axial forces as well as inelastic rotations during a seismic event. Estimating the boundaries of these simultaneous structural demands on the columns of special moment frames are one the aims of this research. These demands were evaluated in this research by performing a vast number of non-linear time history analyses on some archetype frames. Totally, eight archetype buildings were designed under two levels of spectral accelerations represent the Maximum Credible Earthquake (MCE) and the Design Earthquake (DE). Both geometric and material nonlinearities were taken into account. Far-field earthquake record set proposed by FEMA P696 was utilized in this study to conduct the required time history analyses. This set includes 44 individual seismic records with different magnitudes and other specifications. Each sample SMF was excited by each of the individual records with two different intensity levels referring to DE and MCE respectively. After performing numerous time history analyses, the boundaries and the characteristics of the axial force and the story drift ratio demands on columns were fairly stablished for the seismic events with MCE and DE intensity levels. It was proved that they might experience the axial force around 0.3 of their yielding capacity as well as the drift ratios up to 0.06. Moreover, based on the results of these analyses, a representative loading protocol was also developed for the column members of special moment frames because the effect of simultaneous change of the axial force demand on columns along with the change of plastic rotation in these members was neglected in all of introduced loading framework for these members. On the other hand, the utilized loading frameworks in different research studies were introduced quite arbitrarily and with no root in the real seismic demands of these structural members. Hence, a statistical approach implemented to extract the loading cycles based on the results of the mentioned non-linear time histories. This loading protocol includes cycles of varied axial force ratios as well as simultaneous cycles of lateral loading. Providing such a loading regime can pave the way to investigate the behavior of the columns of moment frames using more sophisticated numerical models that cannot be ordinarily employed to perform time history analyses under seismic records due to excessive computational costs. The overall response of steel columns may be dominantly affected by the local effects like as local bucking at large deflections. Hence, the response of some archetype individual columns was fairly investigated under the proposed loading protocol by utilizing continuum finite element simulations which are expected to be able to capture deliberately these kinds of local effects. The investigation not only revealed more on the details of the behavior of these members, but also proved the versatility of the proposed loading protocol in comparison to the previous loading procedures implemented on columns. In order to do so, the numerical models of the archetype columns were also loaded under the proposed lateral loading protocol besides constant levels of axial loading and the results of both cases were compared. It was shown that implementing a constant axial load besides the cyclic lateral cyclic loading may not be an appropriate loading framework and the results would not represent the seismic demands in these members accurately.

Volume 16, Issue 91 (September 2019)

Nowadays, cinnamon essential oil has been considered as an antioxidant and antimicrobial activity for addition to food and biological systems. Directly use of these essential oil for food storage has some limitations due to low solubility in water, high vapor pressure and physical and chemical instability. One of the ways to reduce these limitations is the microencapsulation of essential oils in lipid carriers, including microcapsules. Therefore, the aim of this work was to study the encapsulation of cinnamon essential oil in microcapsules stabilized with sodium caseinate and β-cyclodextrin and also the antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. In this study, in order to encapsulation, different formulations of nano emulsions containing cinnamon essential oil were prepared by ultrasound method and the effect of different polymers on droplet size, encapsulation efficiency, antioxidant properties and turbidity of nano emulsion were investigated. The results showed that the interaction of nano emulsions and encapsulated samples was effective on particle size (p <0.05). The diameters of sodium caseinate with β -cyclodextrin particles size ranged from 234 to 237 nm. Also, the diameter of the β -cyclodextrin particles in the range of 713-717 nm, and the diameter of the essential oil particles size in the range of 84-85 nm. Zeta potential was negative for sodium caseinate with β -cyclodextrin and essential oil. That showed the system had a significant negative charge. The effect of different polymers and essential oil on the encapsulation efficiency and antioxidant properties was significantly different. (P <0.05). The encapsulation efficiency of all formulations was above 70%. SEM-scanning showed homogeneous and spherical shapes with pores. FT-IR analysis confirmed the effect of van der waals forces in the formation of microcapsules.

Volume 17, Issue 1 (2-2013)

Organizational behavior is a complex of voluntary and intentional behaviors that are committed by the staffs and personnel of an organization even though they are not part of their official behaviors. The consequence of such behaviors is an enhancement of the functions and jobs of the organization. Organizational justice refers to ethical and fair behaviors of the staffs and personnel of the organization and is identified with 'equity', 'impartiality' and 'indiscrimination'. It is the organizational health that provides an opportunity for the staffs or their respective organization to perform far beyond the held expectations or their rivals. Considering these factors, the present study aimed at investigating the effect of the organizational health on organizational citizenship behaviors. It also aimed to explore the role of 'organizational healthy personality'   as a moderate factor.  

Volume 17, Issue 1 (4-2014)

Objective: In recent decades, the anticancer effect of curcumin has been proven by several studies. Curcumin affects multiple cell signaling pathways and prevents cell proliferation, invasion, metastasis and angiogenesis. However, the aqueous solubility of curcumin and its bioavailability are very low which restricts its anticancer properties. In this research, we have synthesized a monomethoxy poly (ethylene glycol)-Oleate (mPEG-OA) di-block copolymer and used a surface PEGylated poly (amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimer to improve bioavailability of curcumin in cancer cells. Methods: Thecritical micelle concentration (CMC) of mPEG-OA, drug loading efficiencies, and cytotoxicity in the human glioblastoma cell line (U87MG) of all the prepared nanodevices were thoroughly investigated. Results: Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) studies have shown that mPEG-OA have two common nanostructures, micelles and polymerosomes. mPEG-OA micelles had a very low CMC (0.03 g/l). The IC50 of free curcumin (0.01 methanol solution) was 48 μM, curcumin-loaded mPEG-OA was 24 μM , and curcumin-loaded PAMAM dendrimer was 13 μM. Moreover, the PEGylated PAMAM was non-cytotoxic. Conclusion: The results indicated that by using these nanocarriers, the bioavailability of curcumin significantly increased compared to free curcumin. Overall, this research revealed that these curcumin nanocarriers could be considered as appropriate drug delivery systems for curcumin delivery in cancer cells.

Volume 17, Issue 2 (5-2013)

Trying for improvement performance as an essential principle, since of preliminary management creation, had been noticeable and more extensive every day. Today, it has prospect behaviors beyond the formal duties that are contextual performance, extra-role behaviors, Spontaneous behaviors or organizational citizenship behaviors. The other wise, the results of studies indicate that strain hinders of this behaviors. Therefore it's necessary schematization of plans and solutions for decreasing strain and then increasing OCBs. One of the most important of the activities is recognition of the effective variables on the OCBs for its preservation, increasing and reinforcement. This study with meta-analysis approach has recognized and studied the moderator variables that have been effective on this relationship. Statistical society is the hole of the studies that have investigating the relationship between strains and OCBs, total studies are 169 with 893 effect sizes, The results of studies revealed this relationship is moderated by five moderators of the characteristics of the study sample: the kind of job and organization (governmental vs. private), organizational position (managerial vs. nonmanagerial), the kind of employee (full time or no full time), and the number of statistic society.

Volume 17, Issue 3 (9-2017)

Strengthening of existing structures is one of the most important issues in the field of structural engineering. Due to avoiding any interruption of service on a structure and economic issues, strengthening process usually occurs when a member is under service loads. On the other hand in the loaded steel columns, it is really difficult to weld plates after unloading the column from existing loads, Therefore one of the important issues being neglected in the redesign process of strengthened columns is the significant axial load existing in the column, caused by service loads before strengthening them. This paper aims at numerically investigating the behavior and ultimate load bearing capacity of in-service strengthened steel box columns with continuous welded plates. Effects of different parameters on the capacity of preloaded strengthened columns are presented and discussed. Included in the result are the effects of initial imperfection; magnitude of preload before strengthening; slenderness ratio of the strengthened column and ratio between cross sectional area of reinforcing plate and unstrengthened column. To investigate the effect of these parameters, each un-retrofitted specimen is exposed to the preloading levels of 0.0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 of the load carrying capacity of unstrengthened column. Then results of this preliminary analysis are defined as a predefined field for the column of same retrofitted model and ultimate bearing capacity of the strengthened model is calculated using a modified Riks analysis method. The critical load carrying capacity of models without pre-existing axial load was set to the theoretical value presented in ANSI/AISC 360-10 and suitable imperfection for each model was calculated. This is because the main objective of this study is the variation of results with respect to the existing design curves. Based on the results of numerical analysis, application of preload to unstrengthened column magnifies the initial geometric imperfection of the column and consequently decreases the ultimate bearing capacity of strengthened column. Also as the magnitude of axial load existing prior to addition of reinforcing plates increases, the ultimate bearing capacity of the strengthened column decreases with respect to the calculated theoretical value. The maximum amount of this reduction for the preload ratios of 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6, is respectively up to 2%, 5% and 9.5% of the load-bearing capacity of strengthened column. As another result, slenderness ratio is one of the main parameters that affect the bearing capacity of specimens with a specified preload level. This means that at a constant preload level the maximum reduction in bearing capacity occurs for models with median slenderness ratio. Also models with cross sectional ratio of reinforcing plates ranging from 0.4 to 1.0 were studied and it was shown that inside this range the cross sectional ratio of reinforcing plates parameter does not have remarkable effect on the ultimate bearing capacity of column. At the end, an empirical relation is proposed to calculate reduction of ultimate bearing capacity for columns with different slenderness ratios and preload level. Results of this study may be utilized to increase the accuracy of redesigning process during in-service strengthening of steel box columns.

Volume 18, Issue 1 (5-2014)

Over the years, political behavior has been one of topics of interest to researchers in the field of organizational behavior. The reason for this interest is the extensiveness of this type of behavior in the organizations. This study, with regarding political skill and political will as moderating variables, considers the impact of perceptions of organizational politics on political behavior. The statistical population consists of managers and workers of water industry. In this research, the stratified (classified) sampling is used. To collect data, the questionnaire from five-option Likert  scale was used, and the validity and reliability for each variable were confirmed. The data analysis was done by structural equation modeling, and path analysis by using LISREL software and Smart PLS. The results showed that perceptions of politics lead to political behavior, and political will moderates the relationship between the perceptions of politics and the political behavior. In this research, the moderating role of political skill was not confirmed.   Keywords:

Volume 18, Issue 2 (4-2018)

In this study, the performance of direct absorption solar collector is experimentally investigated using Fe3O4/Silica hybrid nanofluid based on deionized water. First, stability of prepared nanofluids is considered using spectral absorbency method. Then, spectrophotometry method is used for measuring optical properties of nanofluids. A prototype of this new type of collector was built with applicability for solar water heating systems. The procedure of EN 12975-2 standard was used for testing the thermal performance of the collector. Results show that collector efficiency is enhanced by nanofluid concentration, so that collector maximum efficiency is 73.9%, 79.8% and 83.7%using nanofluid with concentration of 500 ppm, 1000 ppm and 2000 ppm, respec/tively. This vaule is 63% using the base fluid as working fluid. Regarding very low volume fractions of nanofluids used in direct absorption solar collectors, the viscosity of the base fluid experience insignificant increase, therefore, pumping power will not increase significsantly. Such increase in efficiency show that direct absorption solar collector performance using hybrid nanofluid is much better than that of using the water at the same operating conditions. Application of stable hybrid nanofluid results in higher conversion efficiency of solar energy to useful energy.

Volume 18, Issue 2 (4-2018)

In this paper, the three dimensional ventilated cavitating flow in the steady condition around a projectile model is simulated using CFD method combined with a sst k-ω turbulence model and volume-of-fluid technique, With the aid of CFD software ANSYS CFX. The numerical model is validated using comparisons between numerical predictions and existing experimental data and fairly good agreement is revealed. The numerical results show that with increasing the ventilation gas rate at constant Froude number, the cavity length gradually increases to a critical value and then remains fixed upon further increase in gas ventilation rate. Also, it has been observed that rear portion of larger cavity moves upwards due to gravitational effect. With increasing the ventilation gas rate, the gas leakage mechanism at rear portion of ventilated supercavity changes from the re-entrant jet closure mode to twin vortex closure mode. The variation of ventilation gas rate versus cavity length is a function of Froude number and the critical ventilation gas rate increases linearly with Froude number.
Dr Alireza ErFani, Dr Hossein Tavakolian, Azadeh Talebbeydokhti,
Volume 18, Issue 4 (winter 2018 2018)

Today, achieving financial stability alongside stabilizing inflation and output is of particular importance among monetary policymakers and regulatory authorities. In this study, a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model was used for the period 1990: 1 to 2014: 4 in the economy of Iran, in which a measure of financial shock was also introduced. In this model, the financial shock is modeled as a reduction in external financing premium of the firm. Comparison of the performance of policy rules showed that following an expansionary financial shock, macro-prudential policy regime, in which instruments of monetary policy and macro-prudential policy deal with excessive growth of credit, leads to a significant reduction in the external financing premium of the firm.  This in turn leads to less volatility in economic variables, such as inflation and output. This would improve the welfare in the Economy of Iran.

Volume 18, Issue 7 (11-2018)

In this study, energy and exergy efficiency of residential-type direct absorption solar collector using PVP-coated silver nanofluid has been evaluated experimentally. First, stability and thermophysical and optical properties of nanofluid have been considered using the theoretical and experimental methods. Then, outdoor thermal performance of collector is investigated using the experimental setup based on EN12975-2. Results of energy analysis show that the collector efficiency is increased by increase of flowrate and concentration of nanofluid asymptotically. It is observed that exergy efficiency is firstly increased by nanofluid concentration and then, decreased after reaching the optimum value. The optimum concentration was 500 ppm for all flowrates. The variation of exergy efficiency by reduced temperature difference is similar to volume fraction. The optimum exergy efficiency is obtained at 0.01 m2K/W. The decrease of exergy efficiency by flowrate indicated that exergy losses due to pressure drop have the significant effect on the collector performance.

Volume 19, Issue 2 (7-2019)

The purpose of this study is to develop the previous proposed analytical model by the first and second authors for short links, so it can be used for all kinds of links including short, intermediate, and long links. Eccentrically braced frames (EBF) offer high lateral stiffness because of their braced configuration while also providing high ductility and energy dissipation. They are widely used as a lateral-force resisting system for multi-story buildings located in seismic areas. The key components of the EBF system include columns, collector beams, braces and active links. The active links are designed to provide ductility and energy dissipation through yielding under design basis earthquakes, while all other structural members are designed to be stronger than the links and stay in elastic range. The link is defined by a horizontal eccentricity between the intersection points of the two brace centerlines with the beam centerline. Sufficient analytical model which can accurately predict the inelastic performance of the links is needed to perform reliable nonlinear analyses of EBFs. Analytical models that are used to study the inelastic seismic response of the EBFs usually reflect the anticipated behavior of the different frame elements. Links are modeled as inelastic elements with concentrated end flexural and shear hinges. Beams outside of the link, braces, and columns are typically modeled as elastic beam-column elements, because no inelastic behavior is anticipated in design. Ricles and Popov proposed an analytical model for short links. Ramadan and Ghobarah replaced the sub-hinges with translational and rotational springs and proposed a new model. Both models had incorrect shear stiffness so that the shear stiffness of model was half the link shear stiffness. Richards and Uang corrected the shear stiffness of the model proposed by Ramadan and Ghobarah, and proposed a new analytical model for short links. Koboevic et al. proposed an analytical model based on the results of experimental test performed by Okazaki and Engelhardt, regardless of the fact that the actual measured dimensions of sections were different from the standard dimensions of sections. To account for this issue, despite of what is said in their paper, the strain-hardening ratio was set to 0.0045. For this reason, the shear stiffness of their proposed model was incorrect and the predicted shear forces are 15 to 24 percent more than the experimental shear forces. Ashtari and Erfani showed that available analytical models do not predict very well the maximum shear forces and deformations too, and proposed an analytical model which can accurately predict both maximum and intermediary values of shear force and deformation of short links. To the authors’ knowledge, currently there are only suitable analytical models for short links. In this study an analytical model which can accurately predict both maximum and intermediary values of forces and deformations for short, intermediate, and long links, is proposed. The parameters of model are established based on test results from several experiments on links and EBFs. Comparison of available test results with the hysteresis curves obtained using the proposed analytical model established the accuracy of the model. The proposed model is recommended to be used to perform inelastic analyses of EBFs.

Volume 19, Issue 127 (September 2022)

In order to evaluate the quality and quantity of some important commercial Iranian pomegranate cultivars, in the climatic conditions of Yazd, the fruits of 12 cultivars including: Ardestani Mahvalat, Bejestani, Shishekap Ferdows, Naderi Badroud, Qajaq Qom, Gel Tafti, Shirin Shahvar, Robab Neyriz, Malase Yazdi, Malase Saveh, Malase Yousefkhani and Khazar Bardaskan were harvested at commercial maturity stage and were evaluated for important quantitative and qualitative traits. The results showed, there were significant differences among the cultivars in terms of fruit weight, skin and aril color properties (CIE L *, a *, b * and Hugh angle), soluble solids content, titratable acidity, antioxidant activity and anthocyanin content. Meanwhile, the highest fruit weight was measured in Shirin Shahvar cultivar, this cultivar also had the lowest titratable acidity and the highest taste index among the cultivars, and also this cultivar showed a bright color, however, the brightest color among the cultivars was observed in Naderi Badroud. Based on the skin and aril color properties, anthocyanin content and fruit taste, Malase Yazdi was the best among the cultivars. However, cultivars such as Shishekap Ferdows, also showed good quality characteristics. Also the correlations between traits was investigated and significant relationships were observed between color properties and amount of anthocyanin or between antioxidant capacity and amount of phenol or amount of anthocyanin. 

Volume 19, Issue 132 ( February 2023)

In this study, biodegradable film was prepared from polyvinyl alcohol. Silver chloride nanoparticles and spirulina algae powder were used to modify the physicochemical structure and create antioxidant activity in the film. The surface morphology of the film was investigated. Polyvinyl alcohol film and its composites were used for packaging virgin olive oil. D-optimal design was used to investigate the effect of packaging type and storage time on the chemical, color and sensory characteristics of the oil. Chemical characteristics (acidity, peroxide value, refractive index and total phenol), sensory and color characteristics were investigated. The response surface method was used to investigate the effect of independent variables on the oil as well as the created mathematical models. The obtained results showed that in polyvinyl alcohol film modified with silver chloride particles and polyvinyl alcohol modified with silver chloride and spirulina particles, the presence of these particles on the surface of the film was completely evident. The results of the chemical, sensory and color analysis of the oil showed that the chemical, sensory and color quality of the oil decreased with the increase in the storage time of the oil in all packages. Peroxide value as the most important indicator of the quality of oils in normal packaging increased from 1 to 7 (mEq O2/Kg oil) during 30 days of storage, while in oil packaged with polyvinyl alcohol modified with silver chloride and spirulina algae, this increase was from 1 to 2 (mEq O2/Kg oil). In general, oils packaged with polyvinyl alcohol modified with silver chloride and spirulina algae showed the least quality changes compared to normal packaging, which indicates the ability of these films to control the quality and increase the shelf life of virgin olive oil.

Volume 20, Issue 136 (June 2023)

Increasing and improving the stability of colors in food during processing and also controlling the release until consumption is one of the most important issues and challenges in the use of natural colors in food. Hence, the objective of this study was to produce phytocyanin-containing nanoliposomes coated with chitosan by thin-layer ultrasonic hydration method to increase the stability of phycocyanin and to investigate its physical properties and encapsulation efficiency during storage. In this study, phycocyanin was coated with different concentrations of chitosan (0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6 mg/mL) and stored at two temperatures (4 and 25° C) for 28 days. Then, to determine the best concentration of chitosan for coating the nanoliposomes, encapsulation efficiency, particle size, and zeta potential tests were performed. The results revealed that by increasing the concentration of chitosan to more than 0.2 mg/mL, no significant change in encapsulation efficiency was observed (p> 0.05). The sample without chitosan had the lowest particle size which was not a significant difference from samples containing 0.2 and 0.4 (p> 0.05). Increasing chitosan in the coating of nanoliposomes has led to increased zeta potential. Finally, a sample containing 0.2 mg/mL chitosan was selected as the best sample. Findings from analyses performed during the storage of nanoliposomes showed that nanoliposomes containing phycocyanin, which did not have any chitosan coating, had the highest encapsulation efficiency. On the other hand, it was found that with increasing storage temperature and storage time, the encapsulation efficiency decreased but the particle size increased. The lowest zeta potential of the samples was related to the phycocyanin-free nanoliposome sample which did not change significantly until the 21st day of storage at 4 °C. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the samples also confirmed the results of particle measurements.

Volume 20, Issue 141 (November 2023)

In fish processing industries, 50-70% of primary fish are produced as waste, while they are rich sources of protein and essential amino acids. The optimal use of these wastes and the production of compounds with high added value that have significant health-giving properties is one of the important challenges of fish processing industries. In this research, the effect of hydrolysis conditions (time: 30-300 minutes and enzyme concentration 0.5-3%) and type of protease (pepsin and trypsin) on the degree of hydrolysis and antioxidant properties (DPPH radical scavenging activity, Fe chelating activity, No radical scavenging activity, total antioxidant capacity and Fe reducing power) of hydrolyzed protein obtained from Skipjack viscera were evaluated using response surface methodology. The results showed that the optimal conditions for the production of hydrolyzed protein with the maximum antioxidant properties with pepsin and trypsin enzymes were respectively: hydrolysis time of 179.09 and 143.62 minutes and enzyme concentration of 2.63 and 1.94 %; In this condition, the degree of hydrolysis of the hydrolyzed proteins resulting from the activity of trypsin was calculated to be higher than that of pepsin. Comparing the antioxidant properties of the hydrolysates obtained from the two enzymes used showed that the hydrolyzed protein obtained from trypsin had a stronger antioxidant potential than pepsin. Therefore, it can be stated that the hydrolyzed protein of the Skipjack viscera using trypsin enzyme as a health-giving supplement and with high added value can be used in the production of functional food products and health supplements for athletes and elderly people.

Volume 20, Issue 143 (January 2023)

The seeds of Cucurbitaceae plants (pumpkin, melon, etc.) are one of the rich sources of protein. Proteins are one of the most important nutritional sources for humans. Enzymatic hydrolysis of pumpkin seed protein by using microwave pretreatment leads to the production of hydrolyzates with bioactive properties, including antioxidant activity. The use of microwave pretreatment causes changes in the 3D structure of proteins, It opens the 3-dimensional structure of the protein and accelerates the access of the enzyme to the peptide bonds. Therefore, the use of microwave pretreatment is a suitable method to save time and enzyme concentration which are used in enzymatic hydrolysis. In this study, The solution of pumpkin seed protein concentrate was exposed to microwave energy with a power of 500-900 W for 30-90 seconds and it was used as a substrate solution in enzymatic hydrolysis experiments. Enzymatic hydrolysis by pancreatin, with the concentration of 0.5 to 2.5% compared to the protein substrate, was performed in the time from 20 to 190 minutes, at the optimum temperature and pH of pancreatin, in order to produce hydrolysates with antioxidant potential. Antioxidant power was measured by using DPPH radical scavenging activity methods, total antioxidant activity (Absorbance at 695 nm) and iron chelating activity. The highest amount of antioxidant activity by using microwave pretreatment was in 105 minutes and the ratio of 1.5% E/S and the optimal conditions that provided by the software to achieve the maximum iron chelating activity (95.5%), DPPH radical scavenging activity (51.5%) and total antioxidant (Absorbance at 695 nm) (0.976), was in 102 minutes and the ratio of 1.5% E/S of which 89.5% corresponded with the obtained results.

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