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Showing 73 results for Saadat

Volume 16, Issue 9 (11-2016)

Skeletal muscles simulation remains a controversial topic as a result of its complex anatomical structure and mechanical characteristics such as nonlinear material properties and loading conditions. Most of the current models in the literature for describing the constitutive equations of skeletal muscles are based on Hill's one-dimensional, three element model. In this paper a 3D constitutive model which is based on the hyper elastic behavior of skeletal muscle and energy function has been presented. By using the derivatives of such energy function for defining the Second Piola and Cauchy stresses, we able to describe the inactive behavior of skeleton muscles. The applied constitutive equations are an efficient generalization of Hamphury's model for the inactive behavior of skeletal muscle. In this paper using a 3D model, different modes of deformations of skeletal muscle such as simple tension, biaxial and shear tests has been investigated and material properties constants for each modes of deformation has been optimized by Genetic algorithm. Finally the results of the model simulations of each mode are compared with those obtained from experimental tests. Also, the model results are compared with the ones from two well- known hyper elastic Ogden and Mooney-Rivilin models in order to show the priority of the new developed 3D model to those aforementioned models has been shown.

Volume 16, Issue 11 (1-2017)

Numerical investigations of the effects of ocean water waves on the structures and also the devices designed to capture energy from waves, primarily need proper generation of desired water waves with Specific features. In this study, a numerical method for generation of nonlinear irregular waves is proposed for viscous flow simulations based on Navier-Stokes equations. The numerical method is based on a control-volume approach where a two-step projection method is used to solve the governing equations. In this regard, the motion of the flap-type wavemaker inside the water is simulated using the fast-fictitious domain method, the VOF method is used to capture the free surface evolutions and high-viscosity regions are employed to damp the reflecting waves. First, various methods of wave generation for the numerical wave tanks, available in the literature, are reviewed and next, three waves with different wave steepness are simulated to demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed method. Results show that the method can effectively produce irregular waves, from linear waves up to the steep nonlinear ones. Furthermore, shallow to deep water waves can be generated with reasonable accuracy using the proposed method.

Volume 17, Issue 1 (3-2017)

The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of stand-off distance and the explosive ratio parameters on metallurgical and mechanical properties of three-layers explosively bonded copper-aluminum-copper interface. To illustrate effects of these two parameters, samples welded with different stand-off distances and explosive ratios. Optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, microhardness and tensile-shear strength tests carried out on the samples. The results indicate a suitable joint with proper metallurgical and mechanical properties in copper-aluminum-copper plates. Microscopic images showed the semi unsymmetrical wavy interface with cracks and voids, also by increasing the explosive ratio, locally melted zones was increased at the interfaces. Elemental analysis confirmed the brittle intermetallic compounds at the interface that produce cracks in these areas. Also, the wavelength increased with increasing explosive ratio. Hardness increased near the interfaces due to the severe plastic deformation and increased with increasing the explosive ratio. Tensile-shear test results showed the decrease in bond strength caused by increasing the explosive ratio.

Volume 17, Issue 8 (10-2017)

According to numerous capabilities and increasingly military and commercial applications of radio controlled helicopters, many investigations are being performed on these unmanned aircraft vehicles. Due to nonlinear, complex, unstable and coupled dynamic system and also existing limitations on manual control, the ability of automatic control of these vehicles has gained great importance. In this paper, in addition to investigating different methods of unmanned helicopters dynamic modeling, a multi-level simulator environment has been designed and implemented for flight performance analysis and effects of different parameters have been investigated. The main importance and innovation of present simulator is in possibility of dynamic flight simulation of helicopter using different theories for applications like control system design, performance analysis and real flight simulation. The main difference of the utilized methods is in theories and assumptions applied in main rotor and its flapping dynamics modeling. For each level, Kalman filter and control system design have been performed and preliminary results show the acceptable performance of estimator and controller systems. Considering the complexity of real unmanned helicopter behavior compared to previously performed models, the proposed multi-level simulator can be used as an appropriate tool for the first step before real flight tests.

Volume 17, Issue 10 (1-2018)

Heat transfer through the internal supports of the cryogenic fluid tanks is an important issue in the tank design and manufacture. On the other hand, the internal supports strength should be enough to stand safely against the forces applied to the internal tank. From the heat insulation point of view, most of the polymers are suitable materials to use in the internal supports. But the low mechanical strength of the most of the polymers limits the life of the supports made from polymers. In this paper, a new composite support made from steel and polymer is presented for the internal supports. Multilayered design of the steel part of the presented supports controls the heat transfer through this part by adding more thermal contact resistance (TCR) to the heat flow path. An analytical model is developed to calculate TCR between layers of the steel part at various pressure and temperature conditions. A thermo-mechanical coupled finite element (FE) model is developed for the proposed support and solved by ANSYS FE code. Temperature distribution and heat flux of the presented support are investigated by FE analysis results. Heat flow through the new support design is compared with the heat flow of the supports constructed with polymer blocks. Comparison of the heat flow results shows that the amount of heat transferred to the cryogenic tank through the internal supports in the static loading condition decreases when using proposed composite design instead of polymer blocks.

Volume 17, Issue 67 (12-2020)

The prose of the Tārikh-e Jahāngoshā Joveini is mixed with Persian and Arabic verses that fit the subject in the text. The book has nearly four hundred Arabic verses, and Ahmad Khatami has translated them all in the Sharh-e Moshkelāt-e Tārikh-e Jahāngoshā Joveini. His translation of these verses is, in many cases, inadequate, incomplete, and sometimes completely wrong. In this paper, we divide these errors into four groups: syntactic errors, morphological errors, inadequacies, and lexical errors, and with critically and descriptively analyze, we have reviewed the verses that fall under each group. We have tried to show by referring to the Court of Poems, reference books and Persian and Arabic dictionaries how the translator made a mistake in each of these cases and what was the source of this error. The translator's syntactic and grammatical errors are often the result of not recognizing the syntactic role of words and phrases, not recognizing the tense of verbs, the root of verbs, and the form of verbs. And his inadequacies and ambiguities are due to his lack of reference to the Court of Poems, reference books, and authoritative cultures. We have quoted every Arabic verse from its original source in his Court of Poems or from reference books and we have expressed Ahmad Khatami's translation of the verse and after reviewing his translation and showing his mistakes, we have provided the translation of our proposal from the verse. We have tried to make the proposed translation free from these slips and more precise and accurate.

Volume 17, Issue 69 (1-2021)

The purpose of this study was to interpret the moral Motif of the novel “The nation Of Love” in an analytical and descriptive way based on the author's expression. Shafak reminds the necessity of turning to morality and spirituality in life by borrowing from the thoughts of Shams and Rumi and by creative and innovative re-reading of love in two parallel narratives and focusing on the forty laws of Shams. Although the novel is narrated in two different times and places that are significantly different, but they are similar to each other because they both have the same Motif. One of the reasons for Shafak's growing success is the combination of tradition and modernity and the invisible connection between the two stories. However, the main reason for the readers' interest in this novel can be the second narrative and the familiarity and relationship between Shams and Rumi. The magnetism of the mysterious relationship between Shams and Rumi, which made the first narration impossible, has caused the spiritual transformation of the readers of this novel.
      The research findings indicated that the author has focused on spiritual issues in this novel in two direct and indirect ways and has diligently tried to instill moral values. In the direct method, the author has used communing (questioning and answering), arguing, and short sentences by relying on news propositions. In the indirect method, the author has explained moral bottleneck through description, the use of symbols and similes, the performance of the fictional character, as well as ironic tricks and provided the ground for cultivating moral understanding in the audience through illustration and detail. Finally, the readers of this novel could strengthen their moral senses with the help of simulation, empathy, and imagination.

Volume 18, Issue 1 (3-2018)

In this article, indentation process of thin-walled metal sections with quadrangular cross-section was studied under the applied lateral compressive loading by a rigid cylindrical punch through numerical simulations by the ABAQUS. Based on numerical simulations and by changing one of the parameters and fixing the other parameters, effects of that parameter was investigated on total and specific absorbed energy by the structure. In other words, influences of various geometrical dimensions such as height, width and wall thickness of cross-section, punch diameter, loading rate and also, effects of material were investigated. In each part, physical justifications of the obtained results were presented, based on theoretical and engineering concepts. Comparison of the results showed that in the specimens with the same cross-sectional perimeter, but, with different aspect ratios, the highest ratio of height/width of the cross-section, results in the best energy absorber, in the studied domain. Furthermore, by changing the height and fixing the width of cross-section and the other parameters, when height of the cross-section was selected equal to punch diameter, the maximum value of total and specific absorbed energy was achieved. But, when cross-section width changed and height and the other characteristics remained constant, by reducing the width, energy absorption performance of the structure improved. In addition, numerical simulations showed that total and specific absorbed energy of quadrangular sections are dependent on the second and first power of wall thickness of the cross-section, respectively. Also, in same specimens, by increasing punch diameter, both TAE and SAE increased.

Volume 18, Issue 2 (4-2018)

Human walking is one of the most robust and adaptive locomotion mechanisms in nature, involves sophisticated interactions between neural and biomechanical levels. It has been suggested that the coordination of this process is done in a hierarchy of levels. The lower layer contains autonomous interactions between muscles and spinal cord and the higher layer (e.g. the brain cortex) interferes when needed. Inspiringly, in this study, we present a hierarchical control architecture in order to control under-actuated and high degree of freedom systems with limit cycle behavior and it is implemented for the walking control of a 3-link biped robot. In this architecture, the system is controlled by independent control units for each joint at the lower layer. In order to stabilize the system, these units are driven by a sensory feedback from the posture of the robot. A central stabilizing controller at the upper layer arises in case of failing the units to stabilize the system and take the responsibility of training the lower layer controllers. We show that using this architecture, a highly unstable system can be stabilized with identical simple controller units even though they do not have any feedback from all other units and the robot.

Volume 18, Issue 3 (5-2018)

In this study, the performance of a cylinder absorbing wave energy from irregular incident waves, as one of the renewable energy systems, is investigated numerically using complete solution of the Navier-Stokes equations. For this purpose, the control volume approach in conjunction with the fictitious domain method, for modeling the solid object motions inside fluid, are used where a two-step projection method is used to solve the governing equations. The results show that despite the cylinder absorbs energy in two main directions, its energy absorption efficiency in irregular waves is about 8%. Due to the employed spring and damper in these devices, the system has only one natural frequency which is the reason for its low efficiency at irregular waves. Results also show that for steep waves at deep waters, the maximum efficiency occurs at larger spring coefficient and smaller damping coefficients, while at moderate water depths and wave steepness, the maximum efficiency occurs at smaller spring coefficients and larger damping coefficients. Therefore, to reach maximum energy absorption efficiency at irregular waves, not only these coefficient has to be adjusted carefully, but also it is recommended to use multi-resonance systems or several cylinders with different natural frequencies.

Volume 18, Issue 5 (9-2018)

Piezoelectric materials, in different shapes such as rectangular plate, annular plate, circular plate and cylindrical shell, have increasing application in industries in order to create smart structures. In this article, experimental and numerical analysis of free vibration of a two-layered cylindrical panel with metal and piezoelectric layer in different boundary condition is carried out. First, a single PZT-4 layer is polarized in radial direction. Using the Piezoelectric layer and an Aluminum layer, a two-layered smart panel is prepared. Then, the first natural frequency of the hybrid panel with free boundary condition is measured experimentally in three different ways. The hybrid panel is simulated in a finite element software (Abaqus). Results show good agreement between different experimental methods, as well as, between finite element model and experimental results. The accuracy, limitations and merits of different experimental methods are discussed completely. The results show that the natural frequency can be achieved accurately by excitation of actuator layer. Finally, the influence of different boundary conditions as well as geometrical parameter such as radios, length and thickness of smart cylindrical panel are investigated using the finite element software.

Volume 18, Issue 111 (May 2021)

Date is one of the most important and strategic products of the country and has a very important role in exporting the country. This product has a lot of waste due to its high humidity and inadequate storage, handling and inappropriate packaging. In this project, in order to reduce contamination and extend the shelf life of dates, Mazafati cultivar was sprayed with 0.5% phenyl ethanol in two types of packages, polystyrene and polyamide, and then stored in a refrigerator for 60 days. The control sample was compared to the treated samples for comparison. Chemical (pH and acidity) and microbial tests (total count of microorganisms) and sensory evaluation were performed on the samples. Analysis of variance showed that the type of packaging, storage temperature and storage time had a significant effect on the evaluated characteristics (p˂0.05). According to the results, spraying of Diphenyl Ethanol after 15 days controlled the pH of Mazafati dates and prevented its decrease over time. Polyamide packaging was better known than polystyrene packaging. The changes in chemical properties (acidity and pH) in the samples kept at 25 ° C were significantly higher than those at 4 ° C. It also effectively prevented the growth of microbial growth. In general, the use of this compound and its polyamide retention at 4 ° C is recommended because of its effect on reducing microbial growth and preserving the chemical and quality properties of dates.

Volume 19, Issue 10 (October 2019)

The superhydrophobic surfaces have many applications, including skin friction reduction, anti-icing, anti-fouling, and self-cleaning surfaces. Also, with the precise design of these surfaces, it is possible to increase the heat transfer coefficient in the condensation heat transfer. In recent years, a variety of methods have been proposed for the fabrication of the superhydrophobic surfaces, some of which are very complex and not applicable for industrial uses. In this paper, a nanocomposite superhydrophobic coating is produced in a simple and applicable way for large surfaces. Using this method, a superhydrophobic surface with surface structures in multi-scale and with a sliding angle of less than 5 degrees is obtained. After evaluating the specification of superhydrophobic surfaces, slip length measurement of the coating is performed using a fabricated measurement system. It should be noted that the slip length of the superhydrophobic surface is a characteristic feature of these surfaces and always its measurement is associated with challenges. In this research, the slip length of the created coating was measured by use of the proposed measurement system. The results show that the slip lengths of about 40-500 microns can be achieved by use of the proposed measurement system.

Volume 19, Issue 11 (November 2019)

An analytical solution for the problem of time-dependent stress redistribution of a piezomagnetic rotating hollow cylinder subjected to an axisymmetric thermo-magneto-electro-mechanical loading is derived for the condition of plane strain. A differential equation containing creep strains is found using the constitutive equations, equilibrium equation and solving heat equation in plate strain. In the first step, eliminating creep strains in the differential equation, an analytical solution for the differential equation is obtained. Then, by adding creep strains and assuming constant thermal conditions, the creep stress rates and electric and magnetic potential are obtained using solving a differential equation. Lastly, the history of stresses, radial displacement, magnetic potential, and electric potential during the time can be obtained using an iterative method. In the numerical examples, the effects of time passing on the structure behavior and the effective parameters such as thermal boundary condition, angular velocity, and electromagnetic boundary condition were investigated comprehensively.

Volume 19, Issue 78 (12-2022)

The Tārikh-e Jahāngoshā Joveini is one of the most special texts of Persian prose, which is full of Persian, Arabic and Turkish words, idioms, poems and proverbs. These features have led to the need for a comprehensive description of the Tārikh-e Jahāngoshā Joveini. Habibaullah Abbasi and Iraj Mehraki have corrected and explained this book. This edition, in addition to its many advantages, in some cases has major drawbacks. In this article, we have divided these problems into five groups: problems with the preference of the Paris version, problems with the commentary of the Persian section, translation of Arabic poems, insufficient search for the description of the text, and lack of mention of the speakers. We have tried to show how the correctors made a mistake in each of these cases and what the source of this error was by referring to the Divan of Poets, reference books and authoritative Persian and Arabic dictionaries. The typographical errors of this correction are due to the insistence on the Paris version on the other version, the syntactic and morphological errors of the commentators are often the result of not recognizing the syntactic role of words and phrases, not recognizing the time, root and form of verbs, and their inadequacies and ambiguity are due to not referring to the poet's divan, reference books and valid dictionaries. In each case, after mentioning the error of the text, we have provided the explanations of the commentators, and after reviewing these explanations and showing their errors and drawbacks, we have provided the description and explanation of our proposal from the verse. We have tried to make our proposed explanations free of these slips and to be deeper and more accurate.

Volume 20, Issue 79 (4-2023)

The Igd -ul-ula' is one of the most special texts of Persian prose, which is full of Persian and Arabic words, idioms, poems and proverbs. These features have led to the need for a comprehensive description of the Igd -ul-ula'. Maryam Iranmanesh has described and analyzed this book. This description has major drawbacks in several cases. In this article, we have divided these problems into six groups: lexical problems in Persian and Arabic, grammatical errors, syntactic errors, ambiguities and inadequacies in translating Arabic poems, and not mentioning the speakers of the poems. We have tried to show how the commentator made a mistake in each of these cases and what the source of this error was by referring to Davin poets, reference books and authoritative Persian and Arabic dictionaries. Explanatory lexical errors are due to not referring to valid Persian and Arabic dictionaries and her morphological and syntactic problems are often the result of not recognizing the syntactic role of words and phrases, lack of recognition of time, roots and form of verbs and inadequacies and ambiguity due to not referring to the poet's divan, Are authentic reference books and dictionaries. In each case, after mentioning the forms of the text, we have provided the explanatory explanations, and after reviewing these explanations and showing its errors and defects, we have provided the description and explanation of our proposal from the text. We have tried to make our proposed explanations free of these slips and to be deeper and more accurate.


Volume 21, Issue 3 (5-2021)

Sustainability helps the environment by reducing the consumption of non-renewable natural resources. Concrete uses a significant amount of non-renewable resources. Efforts aimed at producing environmentally friendly concrete can play a major role in securing sustainable construction. Candidate technologies for sustainable concrete materials include the incorporation of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) such as fly ash, silica fume and granulated blast furnace slag as a partial replacement for portland cement; the incorporation of recycled materials in concrete production. As a result, an experimental investigation was conducted to study the hardened properties of concrete constructed with 10% and 15% recycled tires (coarse and fine) as well as 6% silica fume. This experimental program consisted of ten mix designs. The hardened properties (compressive strength and tensile splitting strength) of concrete were compared with the provisions of the international design codes (U.S., Australia, Canada, Europe, and Japan). Results of this study show that using coarse recycled tires in the mix designs decreases compressive strengths between 35% and 45% and splitting tensile strength up to 20%. To overcome inferior hardened properties of recycled tire concrete mixes, silica fume (6%) has been added to the recycled tire concrete mixes. Results of the mixes including both recycled tire concrete and silica fume show better hardened properties compared with the mixes without silica fume, but still the hardened properties of the mixes with recycled tire and silica fume are less than the conventional concrete.

Volume 21, Issue 146 (April 2024)

انگور یکی از مهمترین محصولات کشاورزی است که می تواند به صورت میوه تازه یا فرآیند شده مصرف گردد. انگور یکی از مهمترین محصولات باغی و تجاری ایران به شمار می آید. سالیانه مقادیر زیادی پسماند انگور در واحدهای تولید کننده ی شیره انگور تولید می شود و تولید کنندگان این محصول را با مشکلات زیادی برای دفع پسماند رو به رو می کند. ضایعات  و پسماندهای انگور منبع ارزشمندی از رنگدانه ها و ترکیبات آنتی اکسیدانی طبیعی خصوصأ ترکیبات پلی فنولی هستند. استخراج ترکیبات آنتی اکسیدانی از مواد اولیه ارزان قیمتی مانند ضایعات انگور روش مناسبی برای استفاده از آنها در صنایع غذایی و دارویی است. در این تحقیق برای یافتن شرایط بهینه استخراج ترکیبات فنولی از پوست انگورشانی استان همدان از روش سطح پاسخ (RSM) و طرح  مرکب مرکزی (CCD) با سه متغییرمستقل (زمان استخراج با استفاده از حمام اولتراسونیک، نسبت فاز مایع به جامد وغلظت حلال اتانول (استفاده شد. شرایط بهینه استخراج ترکیبات فراسودمند از پوست انگور قرمز برحسب ماکزیمم مقدار ترکیبات فنولی، ترکیبات فلاونوئیدی، ترکیبات آنتوسیانینی وهمچنین ماکزیمم ظرفیت آنتی اکسیدانی (بر حسب DPPH) به دست آمد. شرایط بهینه استخراج ترکیبات فنولی، فلاونوئیدی و آنتوسیانینی شامل غلظت اتانول 59.06%، نسبت فاز مایع به جامد  ml/g16.08 و زمان بهینه استخراج min 24.12 بود. نتایج تحقیق نشان داد عصاره پوست انگور قرمز حاوی 8 نوع ترکیب فنولی مختلف است که درمیان آنها اپی گالوکاتچین و کاتچین بالاترین غلظت را دارند. بنابراین با یافتن شرایط بهینه استخراج ترکیبات فنولی و شناسایی اجزای دقیق آنها، میتوان این ترکیبات را در مقیاس کارگاهی تهیه کرد و در اختیار صنایع مختلف غذایی و دارویی قرار داد.

Volume 21, Issue 147 (May 2024)

The presence of heavy metals such as arsenic, cobalt, cadmium, lead and mercury in canned food is of great importance from the point of view of their toxicity and nature, and it covers a wide range of food. The presence of these metals in canned products is sometimes the source of the food, the type of can or the possibility of corrosion of the inner body of the used can is attributed. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to measure and compare the concentration of heavy metals in canned food (strong acid, acid, low acid). In order to analyze the data, descriptive statistics methods were used to compare the mean and difference between the data, the one-way multivariate variance measurement and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test were used to ensure the normality of the data and if there was a significant difference between the data , then Tukey's test was performed to separate the data. The results of this research showed that the average concentration of heavy metals was in the order of lead > mercury > cobalt > arsenic > cadmium, and among the available metals, lead with a total average of 0.2670 ± 0.019723 mg/ kg had the highest value and cadmium had the lowest value with an average of 0.0028±0.0049. Compared to international standards and other studies, all metals except lead were lower than the maximum value. Although the concentration of these metals in canned food samples was acceptable but it is necessary to pay attention to the factors that increase the presence of these metals in canned goods in order to control them and achieve a high-quality product.

Volume 21, Issue 157 (March 2025)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the activity of probiotic extract achieved from Lactobacillus casei against the growth of 4 standard drug-resistant bacterial strains and to compare its antimicrobial effect with some common antibiotics in vitro. L. casei was cultured in standard MRS medium and under anaerobic conditions. Probiotic dry extract was extracted after separating the mass of living cells by centrifugation and stabilized by lyophilization. The investigation of antimicrobial activity was done using the diffusion-disc method, the results were analyzed using SPSS software with a significance level of P<0.05. There was a significant difference between all antimicrobial agents (P<0.05). The findings showed that LPE was able to control resistant pathogenic bacteria. The highest inhibitory effect of LPE was evaluated against Staphylococcus aureus with a diameter of 26 mm of non-growth halo and on the other hand, the lowest effect was evaluated against Escherichia coli with a diameter of 13.3 mm of non-growth halo. Although LPE had the greatest effect compared to antibiotic agents against 3 bacterial strains, it was weaker than gentamicin and streptomycin in the case of Salmonella typhi. Despite the significant antibacterial effects of LPE against several strains of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, more studies are necessary before its clinical administration and to prove its beneficial role in the treatment of infectious diseases.

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