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Showing 73 results for Izadi

Volume 18, Issue 2 (3-2016)

Somatic embryos of Persian walnut were transformed with two strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens i.e. LBA4404 and C58, and two plasmids, namely, pBI121 with nptII and gus genes for improving the transformation protocol, and p6u-ubi-FVTI plasmid containing the hpt and fld genes. The transformation frequency was 10%. PCR and RT-PCR analysis proved the presence and expression of the genes. The transgenic and non-transgenic somatic embryos of Persian walnut were exposed to four salinity levels (0, 50, 100, and 200 mM NaCl) and four osmotic stress (0, 1.5, 5, and 10% PEG) levels. After 20 days, the number of survived, secondary and cotyledonary somatic embryos, as well as fresh and dry weights of embryos were evaluated. In addition, the transgenic and non-transgenic regenerated plantlets with 3 leaves and 2.5 cm length were subjected to 200 mM NaCl. In both experiments, the main effects of fld-transformation and stress treatments on evaluated parameters were significant. Transgenic somatic embryos showed no significant differences at 0 and 200 mM NaCl and 0 and 1.5% PEG. Significant differences of transgenic vs. non-transgenic somatic embryos were observed at 50 and 100 mM NaCl and 5 and 10% PEG. Non-transgenic plantlets on medium containing 200 mM NaCl showed complete necrosis and died after 10 days, while transgenic lines continued growth until 45 days. Our results clearly showed that expression of fld gene increased stress tolerance in fld transformant lines of walnut, and also revealed that expression of this specific cyanobacterial protein may provide a powerful tool to improve tolerance to environmental stresses.
Dr Hussein Marzban, Zahra Dehghanshabani , Dr Parviz Rostamzadeh, Hamid Izadi,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (Autumn 2018)

The aim of this study is to investigate optimal monetary and fiscal policies for the Iranian economy considering Ramsey problem.  Using a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium model, the effects of imposing various taxes such as consumption tax, capital income tax, labor income tax and profit tax are examined by different scenarios. The results indicate that Friedman’s rule, or zero inflation is determined as optimal monetary policy under scenarios with and without price rigidities. In addition, since the governments try to minimize the distortions from taxes levied on different economic sectors, necessity of a subsidy or negative tax is confirmed under Ramsey conditions. According to the findings, the inflation rate not only depends on nominal and real rigidities assumed in the model, but also to the number of instruments available to the Ramsey planner.

Volume 18, Issue 118 (December 2021)

One of the major changes that occurs during the processing, distribution and final preparation of food is the oxidation of fats and oils, and due to the production of undesirable compounds in the oil, it has adverse effects on the health of consumers, so prevent or delay in oxidation process under thermal and storage conditions is necessary. In this study, ultrasound was used to extract the antioxidant extract of beet leaves and the best extract in terms of antioxidant power was used to increase the oxidative stability of soybean oil. In this study, 4 ultrasonic time levels (0, 20, 40 and 60 minutes) were used and the best extract in different concentrations (200, 600 and 1000 ppm) was soybean oil which was accelerated for 15 days under oxidation conditions (temperature 63 ° C). was maintained, added, and tests such as peroxide, thiobarbituric acid index and conjugated dien value were performed on the oils. The results showed that with increasing ultrasound time, the extraction efficiency of antioxidant extract, total phenol, percentage of free radical scavenging DPPH and iron reducing power increased and finally the sample obtained from 60 minutes of ultrasound was selected as the best sample. On the other hand, the results of tests performed on soybean oil showed that by increasing the concentration of antioxidants to 600 ppm, the amount of peroxide, thiobarbituric acid index and conjugated dien value decreased and with increasing the concentration of antioxidants and storage time in soybean oil These features increased. Finally, it can be stated that the use of 600 ppm of antioxidants obtained from sugar beet leaves extracted by ultrasound can compete with the synthetic antioxidant BHT and can be used to stabilize soybean oil.

Volume 19, Issue 2 (7-2019)

 Construction of hydraulic structure on dispersive soil created a lot of problems such as piping or internal erosion. Since it is not economical to change dispersive soil with non- dispersive soil, therefore, it is very important to improve the erosion resistance of soils using appropriate and cost effective techniques. This research is intended to study the effect of adding nano-clay on erodibility of dispersive soil. The nano-clay (montmorillonite) has been used as a modern and eco-friendly additives for controlling internal erosion in dispersive soils. To conduct this research, dispersive soil has been treated with four different percentages (i.e. 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 3 % by weight of the parent soil) of nano-clay. The Variables taken into account are the curing time (i.e. 1, 2, 7, 14 and 28 days) and the mixing percentages. Erodibility parameters were obtained by the Hole Erosion Test (HET) in different hydraulic gradients (i.e. 7.05, 7.96 and 11.05). It is found that increase in nano-clay content is increasing the resistance of dispersive soil to erosion. The optimum amount of nanoclay in reducing erosion for samples of one day curing time was obtained 1% and the erosion index rate was 4.33. For 2 and 7 days curing times the  optimum amount of nanoclay was observed equal to 1.5% and the index of erosion rate was 4.85 and 4.72, respectively. It was also observed that in larger hydraulic gradients, the effect of nanoclay in reducing erosion is more. Also, increasing nano-clay addetive changed plastic index properties of soil.

Volume 19, Issue 11 (November 2019)

Nowadays, metro system is widely used for public transportation. Its regular operation consumes large amounts of electrical energy in comparison to other urban systems, while a considerable part of its non-traction energy is consumed for air exchange and ventilation of tunnels and stations. In this research, the train movement inside the four stations and connecting tunnels of underground subway system is simulated. The tunnel and station models contain important units such as ticket hall, staircases, platforms and ventilation systems.  The numerical model is validated by comparing the results with the experimental data available in the literature.  The flow field inside the tunnel and stations induced by the train movement is calculated and compared in fan-off and fan-on conditions. The results show that the train movement changes the flow direction around the fans and grille openings and can severely affect the air-exchange performance. The flow field inside the tunnels and stations is completely dependent on the piston effect caused by the train movement.  Because of the train movement, the volume OF flow exchange through station entrances, and also through station and tunnel inlets becomes ten times of that on the steady state condition with the stationary train. Also the air flow induced by the train movement is much higher than the flow generated by the air-exchange system. Therefore, the optimal use of the piston effect has a significant effect on reducing the energy consumption.

Volume 19, Issue 123 (May 2022)

The nutritional fats are essential for good health and normal functioning of the human body, hence understanding the relationship between diet to heart disease CVP to a major change in the pattern of consumer food and they demand more towards low calorie food. In this study, the emulsifier DATEM ranging from 0.05 to 0.5 % weight and maltodextrin ranging 0.3-1.3 weight as a fat replacer was used in the formulation of low-fat biscuits and decreased fat content of 0/5-5% total weight of the dough. physical characteristics (size and weight (, texture, color and sensory parameters were evaluated. To compare the formulations under investigative the response surface methodology was used to compare the formulations tested. The results indicate that the reduction of fat in the formulation, there were no significant difference in physical characteristics, texture and color compared to the control sample. The organoleptic test was conducted by Friedman non-parametric test results were analyzed using SPSS software. The difference between treatments was significant ratings. According to optimize results, the optimal amounts of fat reducing and maltodextrin utilization rate of 3% emulsifier DATEM 3/2% weight was determined.

Volume 20, Issue 1 (1-2018)

This study aimed first to investigate the relationship between Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and vegetation attributes (vegetation cover, bare soil, litter frequency, and the amount of biomass) and, then, evaluating the vegetation changes using NDVI in semi-arid rangeland in western Iran. Ground data were collected to assess the accuracy of NDVI index.   For this purpose, 14 sampling units were randomly selected for collection of vegetation attributes including biomass, vegetation cover, litter, and bare soil. Then, the correlation between digital pixel values ​​and the sampling units were analyzed. The results showed that NDVI was highly correlated with all vegetation attributes. The maximum correlation was related to vegetation cover (0.84). So, to evaluate the vegetation changes, the NDVI maps were created in 1986, 2001, and 2013. The results showed that the amount of class 1 (very poor vegetation cover) increased from 0.27 km2 in 1986 to 12.89 km2 in 2013, and also class 4 and 5 (good and very good vegetation cover, respectively) decreased about 27.8 and 37.7%, respectively. The relationship between precipitation and temperature with NDVI was investigated to assess the sensitivity of NDVI to these parameters. The results showed that the amount of precipitation decreased during the studied time periods. This parameter seems to be one of the most important factors affecting the vegetation in our study area.

Volume 20, Issue 5 (11-2020)

   As a passive control system, braces have an effective role in creating structural resistance to lateral forces such as earthquakes and winds. One of the ways to make the braces more economical is to use their inelastic capacity. Ordinary braces perform well in tension; however they buckle under pressure and exhibit undesirable behavior. This problem can reduce dissipated energy due to lack of plasticity, which plays an important role in cyclic loading such as earthquakes. For this reason, buckling-restrained brace (BRB) have become increasingly popular in different countries. BRBs include yielding steel core and an outer steel hollow section. Although the yielding steel core has a low compressive capacity, its capacity in pressure can be increased by limiting its buckling due to the outer steel hollow section. So far BRBs introduced as mentioned have a single yielding core, however
In this paper, in order to improve the seismic behavior of BRBs, buckling-restrained brace with three parallel cores with different yield stress have been suggested and introduced. The buckling braces were made in one and three steel core with the same tensile and compressive capacity. These braces were subjected to cyclic tensile and compressive loads in the laboratory under the ATC-24 loading protocol. Hysteresis cyclic performances of each brace were obtained and examined. The experimental results show that: 1) the hysteresis loop of the 3-core brace is thicker and higher than the 1-core brace, 2) indicating that the three core brace has 16.3% and 8.8% higher energy absorption and damping capacity, respectively compared to that of the single core brace. Furthermore, it has better seismic performance.

Volume 20, Issue 6 (June 2020)

Piezoelectric actuators are the most common choice for position control with ultra-high precision. Despite the significant advantages, the linear and nonlinear dynamics of these actuators, such as hysteresis, could decrease the precision of the control system. In this research, a controller based on the sliding mode method is proposed for position control of piezoelectric actuator. Sliding mode control is a model-based and useful method in nanopositioning systems. In this research, Bouc-Wen model is used for description of the actuator’s behavior. In this model, the linear dynamic is modeled with mass, stiffness and damping terms, and the hysteresis is modeled by its nonlinear dynamics. Usually, there are mismatch and uncertainty between the physical system and mathematical model. For stability analysis of the prevalent sliding mode control, the upper bound of uncertainty must be known. But, in practical systems, this is not possible, simply. On the other hand, selecting the large values for this bound, increases the controller gain and distances it from the optimum value. The proposed adaptive robust control eliminates the dependency to the upper bound of uncertainty. This is done by introducing an online adaptive law for estimating this bound. Proposing this law, asymptotic stability of the closed-loop control system is proven. Implementing the presented method on the laboratory setup and simulator software, its effectiveness is shown by simulation and experimental results.

Volume 20, Issue 137 (July 2023)

Shelf life increasing of red meat has the great importance due to its perishable properties and consumers' demand to use food free synthetic preservatives. This study was aimed to investigate the antimicrobial and antioxidant effects of poly lactic acid film (PLA) containing different concentrations of ethanolic sumac extract (SE 1 and 3%) and copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO1 and 2%) on shelf life enhancement of the minced beef during cold storage. The samples were stored at 4 ± 1 °C for 12 days and analyzed at 0, 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 days of the storage period. All of the treatments significantly (P≤0.05) decreased total viable count, psychrotrophic bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae spp. population as compared control group during the storage period. Total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N) and pH values of the non-packed samples (control) were significantly (P≤0.05) higher than the packed ones during the storage time. The combined treatments containing SE and CuO-NPs showed the highest efficiency in shelf life increasing of the cold stored minced beef in dose dependent manner. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the usage of biodegradable poly lactic acid film containing a complex of SE and CuO-NPs is effective packaging in the shelf life improvement of minced beef during 12 days of the refrigerated storage period.

Volume 23, Issue 2 (5-2023)

One of the information needed for all planning problems and specifically transportation planning is to have accurate prediction about the future. Traffic variables prediction is one of the efficient tools in travel demand management. Using this tool and advanced traveler information systems (ATIS), the predicted traffic variables are informed to the users and transportation system operators to make plans and set policies. In this study, the average speed and traffic volume of the Karaj to Chalus suburban road with the high variation of traffic variables in the north of Iran is predicted. The Karaj to Chalous road is part of the route from Tehran as the capital of Iran to the country's northern coast. Along the Karaj to Chalous road, three parallel roads, with different lengths, connect Tehran with the cities of the north. In general, finding the pattern of non-mandatory trips is more complicated than mandatory trips. Generally, the predictive methods are divided into three groups, naïve, parametric and non-parametric methods. Among the various predictive models, the SARIMA as a parametric model and the artificial neural network and the support vector machine as nonparametric models are employed. In the data pre-processing step, the variables affecting the average speed and traffic volume are extracted and added to the dataset as predictor variables. These variables are related to time, calendar, holidays, weather, and roads blockage. Also, because of the importance of the maximum and minimum values of traffic speed and volume, as critical values and rare events, models are evaluated with emphasis on the prediction of rare events compared to normal values. The results show that, for the test data, the lowest root mean square error of predicting the average traffic speed and traffic volume are obtained using artificial neural network and support vector machine models equals 139 vehicles per hour and 5 kilometers per hour, respectively. In terms of R2 of prediction-observation plot, the performance of SARIMA for predicting the average speed and traffic volume is the same for the test dataset. In contrast the R2 of hourly traffic volume prediction is higher for the training data. The R2 of artificial neural network model and the support vector machine for traffic volume prediction is higher than traffic speed prediction. The lowest root mean square error of predicting the first and fourth quartile of the observed average traffic speed values is obtained by support vector machine models and artificial neural network, respectively. Also, predicting the first quartile and fourth quartile of the observed traffic volume values by the support vector machine model is more accurate than two other models. Using predicted traffic parameters and providing them to travelers and transportation agencies by intelligent transportation systems leads to make a balance between travel demand and travel supply in the near future which is the main aim of this study. Travelers can have a better personal plan for their future trips based on these predictions. Also, the transportation agencies are more prepared to deal with critical traffic situations and can prevent traffic congestion.

Volume 23, Issue 3 (5-2021)

The common pistachio psylla, Agonoscena pistaciae Burckhardt and Lauterer (Hem: Aphalaridae) is one of the main and most destructive pests of pistachio orchards in Iran. Chemical control is a widely applied method to manage this pest problem. The intensive use of insecticides has led to the development of resistant populations of the common pistachio psylla. In this research, the activities of detoxifying enzymes (general esterase, glutathione S-transferase and cytochrome P450) were assessed against two populations of the common pistachio psylla, and the coccinellid predator, Oenopia conglobata L. (Col: Coccinellidae) in Kerman Province, under treatment of three rational insecticides, namely, acetamiprid, spirotetramat, and hexaflumuron in four concentrations (control, LC25, LC50 and LC75). The results indicated that the activities of detoxifying enzymes were higher in the resistant population of psylla compared to the susceptible one. Esterase was the predominant detoxifying enzyme in the pest and its predator. Based on the results, the activity of detoxifying enzymes were higher at the higher concentrations of the pesticides. Esterase activity was greater in the psyllid populations than the coccinellid predator; which may indicate a higher sensitivity of the lady beetle to insecticides than its prey.

Volume 24, Issue 2 (6-2024)

Dams are one of the best ways to store water in the long term. In general, it is important to increase the coefficient of water passage, more energy loss, and of course, to reduce scour downstream of dams and hydraulic structures and overflows. Weirs are part of hydraulic structures that allow more flow to pass over them during floods. Crump spillway also improves and protects the body of dams and spillway by passing excess flow during floods. Increasing the energy loss prevents the flow rate and scour or reduces the scour and prevents cracking and overturning of the crump weir. Many people have done valuable studies on the water transfer coefficient of crump weirs, but a review of previous research shows that few researchers have investigated the energy dissipation of crump weirs. Also, the energy dissipation in free flow and submerged states in Crump weirs has not been investigated. One of the conditions that can lead to an increase in energy loss is the presence of obstacles in the downstream slope of crump spillways. To better understand these cases, in this research, Crump spillways with different heights and slopes upstream and downstream were used. Also, the existence of the block (baffle) and the free and immersed states of the flow were investigated to estimate the energy losses. Experiments were carried out in a flume 10 meters long, 0.6 meters wide and 1.2 meters high. The flow is supplied by a pool tank and a pump. The flow is calmed down by flow relaxers and then reaches the overflow in 6 meters. To evaluate the effect of the slope and height of the spillway, three spillway models with a height of 0.15 meters and one spillway with a height of 0.2 meters and with different slopes upstream and downstream of the spillway were used. The flow rates used are 0.03, 0.035, 0.04, 0.045 and 0.05 cubic meters per second. By setting the appropriate engine speed for the pump, the flow rate entered the laboratory flume through the tank and the water depth was measured with the sensors installed on the top of the flume. The results showed that with the increase in the height of the overflows, the amount of energy loss decreases. The amount of energy loss in free flow mode with baffle is higher than the amount of energy loss in free flow mode without baffle. The amount of energy loss in submerged flow mode is lower than the amount of energy loss in free flow mode. As the downstream angle of the overflow decreases, the energy loss increases. By reducing the upstream angle of the overflow, energy loss is reduced. The amount of energy loss in free flow mode in type A, B, C and D spillways is 33.29, 33.83, 39.77 and 27.32% respectively. A general relationship was presented to calculate the amount of energy loss in crump weirs. In this relationship, there is a coefficient that is a function of free flow without baffle, submerged flow and free flow with baffle.

Volume 24, Issue 4 (10-2024)

Labyrinth weirs are of the non-linear weirs whose discharge coefficient is higher than similar linear weirs. These weirs have a simple structure. They are mainly made in rectangular, trapezoidal, triangular and semicircular shapes. Investigating the amount of energy loss in these high-efficiency weirs has become very important for engineers in recent years. The experiments were carried out in a flume with a length of 10 meters, a width of 0.6 meters and a height of 0.8 meters. The flow is fed by a pump with an error of 0.01% by three surface tanks and after passing through the flow relaxers into the flume. In this research, four sinusoidal labyrinth weirs were used to check the amount of energy loss. The first spillway has a crown length of 1.3 meters, the second spillway has a crown length of 1.5 meters, the third spillway has a crown length of 1.55 meters, and the fourth spillway has a crown length of 1.6 meters. Also, the first and second weirs have a height of 0.15 meters and the width ratio of the inlet to the outlet is 6.86, and the third and fourth weirs have a height of 0.18 meters and the width ratio of the inlet to the outlet is 7.67. The flow depth in the upstream and downstream of the weir was taken by a point gauge with an error of 1 mm. Weirs are installed at a distance of 5.5 meters from the beginning of the channel. The downstream depth of the spillway was not artificially adjusted by the end valve of the laboratory flume. The weirs are made of wood and wood glue was used for their impermeability. The flow is transferred downstream over the sinusoidal edges of the weir like a curved slide or similar to peak weirs. Also, due to the sinusoidal nature of the weirs, the flow will be transferred downstream faster next to the walls. At the edge of the keys, a local vacuum is created. As the flow rate increases, the available air volume increases. At the downstream of the inlet and outlet keys, a vortex and rotation of the flow is formed, which increases in strength as the flow speed increases. The reason for the formation of vortices is the interference of the falling flow from each sinus. Due to the sinusoidal nature of the flow and the indentations and protrusions in the weir, the flow enters the downstream with a curve and the outflow from each sinus is mixed with the outflow from the other sinus. Also, at the beginning of the outlet keys, a small submerged area is formed, which increases in length and moves downstream as the flow rate increases. In front of the inlet keys, two relatively strong hydraulic jumps are formed, and after that the flow is transferred downstream more calmly. The results were that by increasing the flow rate or increasing the depth of the flow upstream of the weir, the energy loss decreased. Also, the amount of energy loss increases with the effective length of weirs. By increasing the ratio of the width of the input keys to the width of the weir output keys, the amount of energy loss increases. Also, by increasing the ratio of flow depth plus height, such as kinetic energy upstream of the weir to the height of the weir, the amount of energy loss decreases. The amount of energy loss is the highest in the fourth weir and the third weir, respectively. On average, with a 20% increase in the height of the weir, the amount of energy loss increases by 23.2%. Also, the average energy loss in type A, B, C, and D weirs is 42.3, 47.2, 57.9, and 58.6, respectively.

Volume 24, Issue 6 (11-2022)

The present study aimed to explore the intention of traditional ranchers to use biogas in rural areas of Iran conducted among the traditional ranchers in the provinces of Fars, Khorasan Razavi, Kermanshah, and Golestan (N= 91,325). The sample, composed of 383 traditional ranchers, was taken by stratified random sampling. The measurement tool was a questionnaire whose face and content validity was confirmed by a panel of experts and its reliability was estimated in a pilot study by calculating Cronbach’s Alpha. The results showed that the indicators used to measure the research variables were consistent enough with the factor structure and theoretical framework of the research. It was found that normative processes had a significant positive impact on the habitual processes and intention of the traditional ranchers. Also, the effect of situational influences was positive and significant on normative processes, habitual processes, and the intention of the traditional ranchers. In addition, habitual processes and attitudes influenced intention to use biogas positively and significantly. It is concluded that the results have significant implications for the use of rigorous theoretical frameworks such as the Comprehensive Action Determination Model (CADM) when attempting to understand the intention to use biogas.

Volume 25, Issue 1 (Winter 2022)

Objective: Genetic studies point to the effective role of protein levels or expression of gluconeogenic genes in hepatic glucose release in healthy or diseased individuals. This study aimed to assess the effect of resistance training on PEPCK expression in hepatocytes in obese rats with type 2 diabetes (T2D).
Methods: For this purpose, 21 rats obesed by 6 weeks high-fat diet (HFD) were randomly divided to 1) non-diabetic, 2) control T2D, 3) exercise T2D groups. Type 2 diabetes induced by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (STZ: 25 mg/kg) in diabetes groups. The rat of exercise group were completed resistance training for six weeks (5 times weekly) in the form of climbing the ladder by applying resistance. The non-diabetic and control T2D groups did not participate in the exercise program. 48 hours after the lasting exercise session, PEPCK expression in hepatocytes, serum insulin and glucose were compared between groups. Data compared by One-Way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc test (P< 0.05).
Results: T2D induction resulted in significant decrease in insulin and increase in fasting glucose and PEPCK expression in hepatocytes compare with non-diabetes rats. Resistance training resulted in significant increase in insulin and decrease in fasting glucose and PEPCK expression in hepatocytes of exercise T2D than control T2D group.
Conclusion: Based on these data, we conclude that resistance training can be improve glucose in diabetes rats and tis effect may be attributed decrease PEPCK expression in response to this training method.

Volume 25, Issue 4 (Fall 2022)

Thalassemia is a common disease caused by mutations in the beta globins gene. Today, this disease is high frequency due to some factors including lack of control, the increase of population growth, and lack of implementation of appropriate methods of family planning. In present study, the molecular β-thalassemia has been investigated in patients with thalassemia major in Ardabil, Iran. Blood samples of patients were collected over the province and in the process of collecting; sampling of venous blood was performed under blood expert guidance and with the consent of 50 patients with β-thalassemia major. The samples were stored at -70 ºC in the freezer and DNA after extraction was amplified by amplification refractory mutation system - polymerase chain reaction (ARMS-PCR) method. The results showed that the frequency of mutation was 16%, 14% and 4% for IVSI-110, IVSII-1 and IVSI-5 mutations, respectively. It can be concluded that the incidence of β-thalassemia major in Ardabil IVSI-110 has the highest ratio of the disease, IVSII-1 is in the second place and IVSI-5 has a bit effect on the creation of thalassemia major patients. It is recommended to create a database of mutations in β-thalassemia patients to find appropriate therapeutic solutions.

Volume 26, Issue 1 (Winter 2023)

Introduction: The process by which new blood vessels are formed from pre-existing vessels is called angiogenesis. Regarding chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla, MC) contains anti-angiogenesis properties, Herein; the effect of MC infusion on ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) was evaluated using an experimental model of OHSS.
Methods: The sample (10 g) of the shade dried plant material was added to 1000 mL of boiling distilled water.  This infusion kept for 10 min, then filtered and dried. OHSS was induced through the intra-peritoneal injection of pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) and hCG. Treated groups were administered with 25 mg/kg of MC extract. Body and ovary weights were measured. Vascular permeability (VP) was determined through the injection of 2 mL of 5 mM Evans Blue and staining was quantified at 600 nm using a spectrophotometry. 
Result: body weight gain observed in control OHSS group were attenuated by MC extract application (P<0.05). Also, MC decreased the ovarian weight and diameter in OHSS group. Vascular permeability was significantly decreased in MC treated rat in compared to control OHSS rats (P<0.05).
Conclusion: the results of the present study in a rat model indicate that MC infusion can reduce the severity of OHSS complications by reducing vascular permeability and protein leakage.

Volume 27, Issue 3 (Summer 2024)

Introduction: Clinical studies have pointed to muscle atrophy in diabetic patients. This study was conducted with the aim of determining the effect of resistance training on the expression of some transcription factors effective on muscle hypertrophy in type 2 diabetic rats.
Methods: For this purpose, type 2 diabetes was induced by intraperitoneal injection of nicotinamide-STZ in fourteen male Wistar rats (220 ± 10 g). Then diabetic rats were randomly selected in resistance and control groups. Rats in the resistance group participated in a 10-week resistance training (5 times weekly) in the form of climbing a step ladder with resistance (tying a weight to the tail based on the percentage of body weight), and the control group did not participate in the exercises. 48 hours after the last training session, the expression of PI3K and AMPK genes in the soleus muscle, as well as the weight of the soleus muscle and the ratio of soleus muscle weight to body weight (soleus/body weight ratio) were measured and compared by independent t test between groups.
Results: Compared to control group, resistance training resulted in significant increase in PI3K expression, soleus muscle weight and soleus/body weight ratio (P < 0.05).
Conclusion: Resistance training leads to soleus muscle hypertrophy in diabetic rats, and this improvement can probably be attributed to the increased PI3K expression.


Volume 27, Issue 4 (Fall 2024)

Introduction: Clinical evidence has supported vascular endothelial dysfunction in the presence of obesity. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of aerobic training on nitric oxide (NO) level, total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and homocysteine as markers of vascular endothelial function in inactive adult obese females.
Methods: For this purpose, 26 sedentary adult obese females were randomly divided into of aerobic (8 weeks, 3days/weekly, n= 12) and control (no training, n = 12) groups. Fasting serum levels of NO, TAC and homocysteine were measured before training program and 48 hours after lasting exercise session in both groups. Independent t-test was used to compare the pre-tests (baseline) between two groups and paired t-test was used to determine intra-group changes.
Results: No significant difference were observed in each variable between groups at baseline (p>0.05). Aerobic training resulted in significant decrease in homocysteine and increase in NO and TAC in aerobic group (p<0.05). All variables remained without change in control group (p>0.05).
Conclusion: Based on these results, it is concluded that regular aerobic exercise improves vascular endothelial function in obese adult women.


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