Showing 73 results for Izadi
Volume 10, Issue 1 (Winter 2022)
Aims: The present study was conducted to review the relationship between health literacy and self-care of diabetic patients.
Information & Methods: This study is a systematic review based on the PRISMA statement (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) and was implemented systematically through an electronic search in Iran Medex, SID, Magiran databases, Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, and Science Direct from January 2011 to April 2020. The terms were used, including health literacy, self-care, diabetes and their combinations. To maximize the comprehensiveness of the search in Persian references, general and general Persian keywords, including health literacy, self-care, diabetes self-care, health literacy, and self-care, health literacy, and diabetes and their possible combinations in the abstract, title, and keywords were used “AND” and “OR” operators were used for this purpose. For the English equivalent of Latin and MESHE, the words were searched, including “Health literacy”, “diabetes”, “self-care”, “Diabetes self-care”, and a combination of the “AND” and “OR” operators.
Findings: The results showed that in most studies there is a significant relationship between health literacy and self-care in patients with diabetes.
Conclusion: Health literacy plays an important and key role in promoting self-care behaviors in diabetic patients. It requires paying attention to health literacy and adopting strategies to improve the health literacy of diabetic patients.
Volume 10, Issue 2 (6-2010)
During the last decades, many researches have been carried out on development of
supplemental passive energy absorption devices especially hysteretic metallic
dampers and different types of them with different capacities and potentials have
been developed. The idea of buckling of thin-walled tubes and the use of this
property was led to develop an accordion metallic damper (AMD) [Motamedi,
Nateghi-Alahi-2007]. This damper utilizes the capability of accordion thin-walled
tube for excitation of axisymmetric concertina buckling mode as a damping
mechanism which in turn increases the amount of dissipated energy.
In this paper filled accordion metallic damper (FAMD) is suggested and
analytically and experimentally the behavior of AMD's and FAMD's under axial
cyclic loading are investigated and compared. For this purpose, Firstly analytical
studies based on Finite element method and nonlinear dynamic analysis was
performed on FAMD's for the determination of the approximate preliminary
specifications of different polymers for potential use. After specifying the
preliminary material properties, 4 specimens include 2 FAMD's filled by polymeric
foam and 2 AMD's were subjected to dynamic tension and compression actuator
and the effect of filling AMD's by this polymeric foam on the some of important
specifications of damper studied and try to use this method for improving and
developing of AMD's. Based on the results obtained using the appropriate filling
inside the AMD's is a suitable technique for the purpose of improvement the some
of important specifications such as the number of cycles before failure, amount of
dissipated energy and plastic capacity. The effect of interaction between foam and
accordion thin walled tubes play an important role for this purpose especially in
low capacity AMD's.
Volume 10, Issue 4 (11-2021)
The plant symbiotic fungi, Arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM), increases host competency and causes partial control of Egyptian broomrape Phelipanche aegyptiaca (Orobanchaceae). In this study, a greenhouse experiment was designed to investigate the AM efficacy on the morphological and physiological traits in the association of cucumber and P. aegyptiaca. Findings showed that the broomrape contamination increased the activity of ascorbate, peroxidase, and catalase in cucumber. In contrast, AM decreased ascorbate, peroxidase activity and increased total phenolic compounds. However, AM in P. aegyptiaca-infected genotypes had no significant effect on malondialdehyde and hydrogen peroxide content. In AM inoculated treatments, the height and number of cucumber leaves were unaffected by P. aegyptiaca infestation. Also, AM decreased the harmful effects of the P. aegyptiaca by reducing the total dry weight and number of attachments, increasing the leaf area, the shoot, and the dry root weight of cucumber genotypes. Despite the positive effect of AM, about 35 and 50% reduction in shoot and dry root weight of cucumber indicated high susceptibility of the host. Overall, It seems that the AM cannot be effective as a primary broomrape control strategy in cucumber.
Volume 10, Issue 4 (Fall 2022)
Aims: Nowadays, the depletion of renewable resources and production particulate matter brought on by desertification and the subsequent dust storms pose a serious and immediate threat to human health. The purpose of this study is to investigate the stabilization methods applicable for desert dust as well as sandy soils to prevent desertification and dust-related negative consequences.
Materials & Methods: The methodology used in this research is a complete review of the provided sources and evaluation of their results in the last two decades in this field. This review deeply investigates the methods and Materials of stabilization of desert sandy soil.
Findings: Chemical stabilizers of loose sand, including cement, lime, nanoclay, blast furnace slag, polymer, fly ash, and other stabilizers, have been used in different countries of the world and have shown acceptable results. The results of the studies show that by using these methods and stabilizing materials, wind erosion can be reduced by 70% and the compressive strength of the soil can be increased by up to 2 times its initial value.
Conclusion: We draw the conclusion that we will require a green and reasonably priced stabilizer to stabilize the desert dust based on the study we have done and the analysis of the papers that have been presented in this sector. Given the limitations and drawbacks of the aforementioned stabilizers, a good stabilizer doesn't destroy the soil's vegetation, doesn't significantly alter the soil's color, texture, or chemical composition, and doesn't interfere with the roots' ability to breathe.
Volume 11, Issue 3 (Vol. 11, No. 3 (Tome 57) (Articles in Persian) 2020)
Compound verbs in Persian are verb constructions formed by more than one simple lexeme. For example, negah kardan (literally “watch do”) is a compound verb made of a nonverbal element negah (watch) and a light verb kard-an (to do). Syntactically, they are heads which can split during sentence derivation. The light verb kard-an, merged with a nonverbal element, comprises a compound verb and it cannot determine argument and transitivity of a verb alone. If such compound verbs are lexical words, then they should not split in the sentence structure by syntactic operations. On the other hand, if they are syntactic constructions then forming a new lexeme after syntax floats some theoretical conditions. The purpose of this paper is to describe the derivational steps of one type of compound verbs and explain how it is separable in syntax. Some of the data are selected from Sokhan Dictionary and some other (used in the sentence structure) from the online version of the Persian Linguistic Database (PLDB). The results indicated that Persian compound verbs are morphological phases the edge of which is visible and accessible to syntactic operations. First, the roots negah and kard enter merging, and after merging of a phase head involving [Tense] feature (usually, a light verb category), the root kard adjoins it to obtain the [Tense] feature. Finally, if root negah remains at the phase domain (under the phase head) it should transfer to the interface levels and become inaccessible to the moved kard at the phase edge. Therefore, negah should move to the phase edge; otherwise; kard and negah should be interpreted in two different phases and could not join to form a compound verb. That is, negah is also absorbed to Spec-phase by the [EPP] feature of the phase head. Now, both of them are regarded as a compound verb and the nonverbal element at the phase edge is accessible to the syntactic operations. Hence, it can split in syntax (for more details, see Heidarizadi, et al, 2017). Finally, following Johnson (2003) a syntactic operation called "renumeration" is introduced which targets the nonverbal element at the morphological phase edge and splits it, hence leads to its separability in syntax as the derivation proceeds.
Volume 11, Issue 3 (12-2021)
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify and rank the most important factors that cause the failure of chain restaurants during the Covid-19 crisis with a resource-based view so that they can have a definite picture of these factors to overcome the challenges of this crisis.
Method: The research method is mixed, and the statistical population of this research is chain restaurants. In the first step, which has been done qualitatively, the previous papers were first reviewed, and several factors were identified. Experts were then interviewed to identify new factors; experts were purposefully selected from restaurant managers and consultants. The identified factors were classified into three groups: management, culture, and resources, and the average of the factors was obtained using a t-test. In the second step, which was done quantitatively, a questionnaire was designed using the best-worst pairwise comparison between the indicators, and the factors were ranked.
Finding: The results showed that the inflexibility factor as a subset of culture with a weight of 0.155 is primarily essential, then the inefficiency factor with a weight of 0.140 as a subset of management, and finally the factor of investment reduction with a weight of 0.042 as a subset of resources are located.
Volume 11, Issue 3 (10-2022)
A greenhouse experiment was conducted to examine the influence of Phelipanche aegyptiaca on vegetative growth, rate of photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence and leaf chlorophyll content of 35 cucumber genotypes. High demand of assimilates by P. aegyptiaca caused significant reductions in shoot and root dry weight, leaf number, leaf area and plant height in all cucumber genotypes. Once plants were infected by P. aegyptiaca, the leaf chlorophyll content, the photosynthesis rate and the maximum quantum yield of PSII chemistry were significantly less than control, thus implying a reduction in carbon assimilation, photosynthesis efficiency and susceptibility of infected plants to photoinhibition. P. aegyptiaca traits were significantly affected by cucumber genotypes. There was no correlation between P. aegyptiaca traits with the reduction percentage of cucumber shoot dry weight. However, there were correlations between underground attachments number plant-1 (UAN) and percentage of cucumber root dry weight reduction (-0.58), total attachment number plant -1 (TAN) and the percentage of reduction of root dry weight (+0.39). In accordance with the results obtained, the genotypes were classified into 3 groups. It was demonstrated that the genotype number 22 (Khassib) behaved differently to other genotypes and, in particular, they suffered less damage from the presence of P. aegyptiaca.
Volume 11, Issue 4 (September, October & November (Articles in Persian) 2020)
We live in a world of language and we communicate with each other using language (Fromkin et al., 2007). Deafness occurs when a person cannot understand speech through hearing, even when the sound is amplified. The degree of hearing loss is measured according to the sensitivity of deaf people’s ears to the sounds (Ganji, 2017) and then those people are asked to use hearing aids or do cochlear implantation surgery (Ebrahimi, 2006). Children have the opportunity to hear others’ speech during normal speech development while children with hearing impairment lose much of the auditory input, which may hinder speech development (Tseng et al., 2011 as cited in Serry and Blamey, 1999; Blamey et al., 2001; Peng et al., 2004; Bouchard et al., 2007). Different factors will affect speech development. One of these factors is DISABILITY, any disorder in hearing will affect speech and subsequently will cause problems in communication (
Amiri et al., 2014). Some speech characteristics of children with hearing loss are different from each other and different from normally hearing children (Kord et al., 2012). GENDER is another factor affecting speech. While analyzing vowels produced by Azari speakers, Mirahadi et al. (2018) proved that men produce some vowels different from women.
Vowel space is a vowel quadrilateral which is used to shows the first and the second formants. Phoneticians put vowels in the vowel space according to their position in the oral cavity, which was first introduced by Essner (1947) and Joos (1948) (as cited in Harrington & Cassidy, 1999). The first formant will increase as we go down the vowel space, it shows highness of tongue while producing vowels in the oral cavity. The second formant shows anterior or posterior position of tongue in the process of production of vowels in the oral cavity and will increase as we go to the left side of the vowel space (Hayward, 2013: 227, 228 & 502).
The present study aims to compare the vowel space of hearing aided, cochlear implanted, and normally hearing children, with DISABILITY and GENDER as factors, in order to investigate the difference between the vowels produced by these children (Their average age was 10 years and 4 months and their participation in the study was optional, after getting permission from their parents.) and find out more effective hearing aid tools among two groups of children with DISABILITY (They did not have any mental or physical problems except hearing impairment and took part in language therapy classes for about 450 hours.), the group which makes vowels similar to normally hearing children will prove the effectivity of the hearing aid tools. So, the results will be useful for language therapists while helping children learn how to pronounce vowels.
Therefore, the participants, 5 girls and 5 boys in each group, were asked to repeat thirty-six CVC framed words. Each word consists of one of the stops [p, b, t, d, k, g] in the onset and offset of the pattern and one of the Persian vowels [æ, e, o, a, i, u] in the center. Then the words were recorded using a Shure microphone in PRAAT software. After that, the first and the second formants of each vowel were measured and by using SPSS software the data was analyzed.
The results showed that the effect of DISABILITY on the first formant of vowels [æ, a, i, u] and the second formant of vowels [a, e, o, u] was significantly different (p < 0.050). The results of a Post Hoc Bonferroni test showed that children with DISABILITY produced vowels [u, i, e, ᴂ] in a lower place in the vowel space comparing to normally hearings. Cochlear implanted children produced vowel [a] in a lower place and vowel [o] in a higher place in the vowel space comparing to normally hearings. Hearing aided children produced vowel [a] in a higher place in the vowel space comparing to normally hearings. All vowels in cochlear implanted children and vowels [ᴂ, a, e, i, u] in hearing aided children were produced in an anterior place in the vowel space comparing to normally hearings.
The results also proved that the effect of GENDER on the first formant of vowel [a] and the second formant of vowel [i] was significantly different (p < 0.050). The results of a Post Hoc Bonferroni test revealed that the mean of the first formant of vowel [a] in girls was more than boys and the mean of the second formant of vowel [i] in girls was less than boys.
It is also important to mention that hearing aided children had the smallest vowel space among three groups of participants while the vowel space of cochlear implanted children was not so different from the vowel space of normally hearings. So, language therapists have to try more to teach vowels to the children who use hearing aids comparing to the children who are cochlear implanted.
Volume 12, Issue 2 (9-2023)
Temperature and water potential are the main determinants of the seed germination of plant species. Experiments were conducted to quantify the seed germination response of two sterile oat Avena sterilis subsp. ludoviciana (Durieu) Nyman biotypes susceptible and resistant to acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase inhibitor herbicides under six temperature regimes (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 °C), and five levels of drought stress (0.0,-0.3, -0.6, -0.9, and -1.2 MPa). The base temperature of seed germination in both biotypes was affected by drought stress. The base temperature changed from no stress to maximum stress in the susceptible biotype from 3.24 to 7.15 °C and in the resistant biotype from 3.12 to 7.43 °C. Thermal times required for 50% germination of the seed population at sub-optimal temperatures was increased from 26.2 to 87.8 °C day in the susceptible biotype and from 28.8 to 90.6 °C day in the resistant biotype. Increasing the temperature from 5 to 30 °C decreased the constant hydrotime from 10.92 to 1.66 MPa in the susceptible biotype and 11.52 to 1.98 MPa in the resistant biotype. The hydrothermal time constant for susceptible and resistant biotypes was 28.6 and 31.1 MPa. According to the hydrothermal time model, the herbicide-resistant biotype (-0.858 MPa) seeds require more water potential than the susceptible biotype (-0.905 MPa) to germinate at higher temperatures. Based on the parameters of the models, the germination response to temperature and water potential was similar in both susceptible and resistant biotypes. Consequently, maximum emergence of both biotypes is possible at 15 °C and without water stress conditions.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2023)
Three dose-response experiments were conducted separately to study the effect of several adjuvants on nicosulfuron efficacy for controlling Amaranthus retroflexus L., Chenopodium album L. and Echinochloa crus-galli L. The experiments were arranged in a completely randomized block design with a factorial arrangement of the treatments and four replications. The treatments consisted of six doses of nicosulfuron at 0 (control), 5, 10, 20, 40, and 80 g a.i.ha-1 of the recommended dose with and without the adjuvants of cotton oil, rocket oil, soybean oil, maize oil, Adigor®, Volck®, HydroMax™ at 0.5% (v/v), Cytogate, Trend® 90, and D-octil® at 0.2 % (V/V). The efficacy of nicosulfuron in control of A. retroflexus, C. album, and E. crus-galli increased significantly when the adjuvants were used. HydroMax™ and Trend® 90 were the best adjuvants, considering enhanced nicosulfuron efficacy for controlling C. album, E. crus-galli, and A. retroflexus. In the presence of HydroMax™ nicosulfuron efficacy was raised by a factor of 4.02, 3.45, and 1.65-fold for controlling A. retroflexus, E. crus-galli, and C. album, respectively. In general, the efficacy of nicosulfuron to control A. retroflexus and E. crus-galli was higher than C. album.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2023)
In this study, the specimens of the genus Cinetus Jurine, 1807 (Hymenoptera: Diapriidae) were collected using the Malaise traps during 2010-2019 in Northern Iran. The genus Cinetus and five related species are recorded from Iran for the first time: Cinetus angustatus Kieffer, 1910, C. ditomus (Kieffer, 1910), C. fuliginosus Curtis, 1831, C. iridipennis Lepeletier and Serville, 1825 and C. simulans Nixon, 1957. Diagnostic characters, illustrations, geographical distributions, and a key to Iranian species of the genus Cinetus are provided.
Volume 13, Issue 1 (March & April 2022 2022)
Voice onset time (VOT) is the time between release of a stop consonant and pulses in larynx while making a following vowel or sonorant. In this research VOT is one of the most important acoustic distinctive features in recognition of voicing of Persian plosives, produced by repaired cleft lip and palate (RCLP) children in the onset of words. So, two groups of six participants with average age of 11, a group of two RCLP boys and four RCLP girls and a group of clients (two boys and four girls), were asked to repeat CVC framed words after the researchers, each word was consisted of one of the plosives in the onset and offset of the pattern and one of the Persian vowels in the center. The words were recorded using a Shure microphone and then they were analyzed using PRAAT software. The VOT of plosives was measured and compared between two groups of participants. The results indicate that DISABILITY, GENDER, VOICE, and PLACE OF ARTICULATION OF PLOSIVES affect mean VOT of them. The mean VOT of plosives in clients was less than RCLPs and boys produced plosives with shorter mean VOT comparing to girls. The mean VOT of voiceless plosives was more than that of voiced ones. Moreover, moving from bilabial to velar plosives the mean VOT increased.
- Introduction
Speech is the process of making phonemes which transfers the meaning to the listener. It is also a useful tool for human beings to communicate with each other. The act of speaking needs adaptation between articulators. Speech disorder is a word used to mention a condition which affects the production of sounds. The size of vocal tract can also affect the quality of sounds. Cleft lip and palate, a kind of innate disorder in vocal tract, causes changes in the process of speech production. There are two types of cleft palate, cleft of the primary palate, alveolus and upper lip, and cleft of secondary palate, hard palate and uvula. Cleft lip is also divided into two types, unilateral cleft lip and bilateral cleft lip. A person may suffer from one of the mentioned disorders, in other conditions people may suffer from some or all of them (kummer, 2014, p. 26, 40, 43; Saudler, 2004, pp. 390-394). Type and the amount of severity of the mentioned disorders may cause difference in the speech of people who suffer from them (Rezaei et al. 2014).
Research questions:
The present study aims to measure voice onset time (VOT) in speech of children with repaired cleft lip and palate and compare them with normal peers in order to check if there is a difference between these groups with DISABILITY, GENDER, VOICE, and PLACE OF ARTICULATION OF PLOSIVES as factors.
- Literature Review
Recent studies showed that any disorder in speech causes disability in communication (Amiri shouki et al. 2015). Studying the speech of children with cleft lip and palate proves the mentioned point and showed that speech of these children is different from speech of normal clients(Moren et al., 2017) and children who have repaired cleft lip and palate has more phonetic problems comparing to normals (Deepthi & Pushpavathi, 2017). In another study by Casal et al (2002) it was proved that there was a significant difference between people with cleft lip and palate comparing to normal peers. Hypernasality is another disorder faced by children with cleft lip and palate (Derakhshandeh & Poorjavad, 2012).
Voice onset time, length of time that passes between the release of a stop consonant and the onset of voicing which is the most important acoustic distinctive feature in recognition of voicing of Persian plosives, will be affected by different factors, one of these factors is disability (Yanagida et al., 2014; Lane et al., 1994; khouw & Ciocca, 2007). In a researche done by Roohparvar et al. (2010) on hearing aideds and another research done by Bechet et al. (2008) on people with cleft lip and palate it was proved that plosives produced by participants with mentioned disabilities have longer mean VOT comparing to normals. Another factor which affects VOT is place of articulation of plosives, moving from lips to the back of vocal tract the mean VOT of plosives increases Fischer and M. Goberman, 2010; Klatt, 1975; Morris, Mc Crea, and Herring, 2007; Theodore et al., 2009; Oh, 2011; Thornburgh and Ryalls, 1998; Ferenc Bunta et al., 2016; Rezaei et al. 2013; Salehi et al. 2013).
The other factor affecting VOT is vowel context, plosives that are produced before high vowels have longer mean VOT (Fischer & M. Goberman, 2010; Klatt, 1975; Morris et al., 2007; Oh, 2011; Sudarshan et al., 2014; Bijankhan & Nourbakhsh, 2009; Rezaei et al. 2013). Gender is another factor affecting VOT Which was proved by Thornburgh & Ryalls (1998); Whiteside et al., )2004(; Roohparvar et al. (2010); Bigankhan & Nourbakhsh (2009); Whiteside & Marshal (2001); Morris et al. (2007). Next factor affecting VOT is Voicing of plosives (Whiteside & Marshal, 2001).
- Methodology
Two groups of 12 children (2 boys and 4 girls with repaired unilateral cleft lip and cleft of primary palate (RCLP) who took part in language therapy classes for 144 hours and 2 boys and 4 girls as normal peers with no mental or physical problems) with average age of 11 took part in this study as volunteers and could leave it when they wanted to. They were asked to repeat CVC framed words with one of the Persian plosives [p, b, t, d, k, g] in the onset and coda and a vowel [a, e, o, ɒ, i, u] in the center of each word, [pap]، [pep]، [pop]، [pɒp]، [pup], [pip] are examples of the mentioned words. The total number of words was 432 and they were all recorded in an acoustic room using a shure microphone. Then PRAAT software was used to analyze the sounds and the boundaries between vowels and consonants and text greed were made for each word. After that PRAAT script was used to measure VOT of plosives. Repeated measure ANOVA test in SPSS software was used to compare mean VOT of plosives in both groups of participants according to mentioned factors, DISABILITY, GENDER, VOICE, and PLACE OF ARTICULATION OF PLOSIVEs.
- Results
The results revealed that DISABILITY, GENDER, VOICE, and PLACE OF ARTICULATION OF PLOSIVES affect mean VOT of them. Results of Post Hoc Bonferroni test showed that mean VOT of plosives in normal children was 19.319 ms less that mean VOT of them while they were produced by RCLPs. Moreover, girls produce plosives with longer mean VOT comparing to boys, the mean difference between them is 16,500 ms. This test also showed that the mean VOT of voiceless plosives is 47.361 ms less than mean VOT of voiced ones. By moving from lips to the back of vocal tract the mean VOT of plosives increase. The difference between mean VOT of bilabial plosives with alveolar and velar ones are 15.448 ms and 25.063 ms respectively and the difference between mean VOT of alveolar and palatals is 9.615ms. It is also important to mention that there is interaction between GENDER and VOICE. The results of Post Hoc Bonferroni test show that Boys produce voice less plosives with longer mean VOT comparing to girls, the mean difference between these genders is 29.582 ms. But, the results are not the same about voice plosives. The mean VOT of plosives produced by boys is 3.472 ms more than the mean VOT of them while they are produced by girls.
- Conclusion
Regarding the aim of the present study, the effect of cleft lip and palate on VOT of plosives, the results showed that VOT of plosives in RCLP children is different from that of normal. As it was proved, the mean VOT of normals is less than the mean VOT of RCLPs. The results also showed that boy produce plosives with shorter mean VOT comparing to girls and voiceless plosives were produced with longer mean VOT comparing to voiced ones. Moving from lips to back of the tongue, mean VOT of plosives with different places of articulation increases. The mentioned results can be useful for language therapists who work with RCLP children as this research is the first study on Persian plosives with DISABILITY, GENDER, VOICE, and PLACE OF ARTICULATION OF PLOSIVES as factors. So, language therapists can use them in different stages of their teaching methods in order to help people with cleft lip and palate while comparing patients’ type of disability, their gender and their age.
Volume 13, Issue 2 (5-2022)
This paper aims to investigate postposing in Modern spoken Persian. Persian is a verb-final language; however, some constituents frequently follow the verb and appear in the post - verbal domain. Among the factors motivating this phenomenon, one of them is grammatical weight. The universal tendency proposed by typologists is the “short-before-long principle”; locating the heavy constituents after the light ones in order to ease the process of production and comprehension. Some studies advocate the position of long constituents before short ones in verb-final languages like Japanese and Korean. Based on the Persian spoken corpus, this research analyzes the postposed constituents according to their grammatical weight. It is observed that the heavier constituents are postposed more easily compared with the light ones; supporting the universal trend of placing heavy constituents after the light ones.
1. Introduction
In most grammatical and linguistic studies, the order of the unmarked word order in Persian has been considered "subject-object-verb". But in Persian sentences, there are other sequences in which the above-mentioned order is not necessarily observed. One of these marked sequences is the presence of some constituents in the postposed position. This movement also called postposing, is a phenomenon that occurs mostly in the spoken form of Persian. The main hypothesis of this study is that the weight of structures affects postposing and heavier structures are more liked than lighter structures, and therefore the Persian language puts heavy structures in the postposed position; after light structures. To test this hypothesis, it is necessary to examine natural data and the corpus of this research is spoken corpus of Persian.
Research Question(s)
- Does grammatical weight affect postposing in Persian?
- Which constituent comes first? Heavy before light or light before heavy?
2. Literature Review
Reviewing previous studies, we can say that there are three types of conclusions about the effect of weight on the arrangement of constituents in Persian: the group that considers weight ineffective in word order (Frommer 1981; Ma’aref and Mehdizadeh, 1397). The second group has studied weight in preposed constituents and considers it effective. In their view, heavy structures take precedence over light constituents (Faghiri & Samvelian 2014, 2020). The third group has studied the postposed constituents and concluded that weight is effective in the postposing and heavier constituents are moved more easily and frequently and after the constituents (Alaei et al. 1396, 1397; Rasekh Mohanand et al., 1392, 2016).
None of the above studies that have utilized the natural spoken corpus have not specifically focused on postposing. The present study, considering the spoken corpus of Persian, investigates the effect of weight on the rearrangement of constituents.
3. Methodology
In the present study, in order to study natural data from Persian, the spoken corpus has been used. ELAN software version 5.7.0 was used to prepare spoken corpus. This software is a tool for producing natural language data and is a tool used in the project of a spoken corpus with the name HAMBAM.
4. Results
Here Finally, it can be said that the results of this study are a confirmation of the researches of Alaei et al. (1396, 1397) and Rasekh Mohannad (1396) who have emphasized the effect of weight and more probability of moving heavy constituents to the end of the sentence. Also, according to Hawkins (1994), the main reason for the postposing and tendency of Persian to choose a heavy constituent after a light constituent can be considered as facilitating sentence comprehension and processing. The placement of the verb as the semantic core of the sentence before the heavy constituents makes it possible to understand the meaning of the sentence faster and thus convey the message.
5. Discussion
In summary, this study, considering the principle of "heavy constituents before light constituents " in four areas, confirms that in Persian, among the constituents that have become obsolete, and the constituents that are in the unstable position. The signs are located, four constituents follow this principle; In contrast to other constituents, with a slight difference, they show a tendency contrary to this principle.
6. Conclusion
We can examine the hypothesis of the present paper. In this study, the main hypothesis was that the proposed constituents are heavier than their corresponding pairs in the unmarked state. If this hypothesis is confirmed, at least it can be said that the Persian language puts heavier constituents in place after the verb, in other words, the principle of light structure is observed before the heavy structure.
Among the three types of views on the effect of weight on the arrangement of constituents in Persian mentioned, it can be said that the view that considers the effect of weight on the arrangement of constituents is acceptable. There is sufficient evidence for this tendency in the constituents of the subject, predicate, time, and indirect object, but the evidence related to direct object, place constituents, and manner constituents do not confirm this finding.
Volume 13, Issue 3 (10-2024)
The morphometric and meristic traits of the dominant demersal flathead fish P.indicus, G.suppositus, and G.scaber which were caught as by-catch of shrimp (bottom trawl) and also in coastal stake net (moshta), During the period from April 2022 to October 2023, it was evaluated comparative in different age groups. A total 19 morphometric and six meristic characteristics were recorded. The average total length and weight of the fish in P.indicus (23.2 ± 6.9) cm, (99.9 ± 78.4) gr and in G.suppositus species (20.6 ± 4.7) cm, (67.4±33.7) gr and also in G.scaber (18.5±2.9) cm, (31.0±17.2) gr. In the studied species, among all the measured morphometric traits (except head hight, body hight and Eye part head higth), the rest of the traits in P.indicus species have the highest and lowest (except head length and Anal fin hight ) has been observed in G.scaber. In the investigation of meristic traits, the highest and lowest number of gill rakers in G.suppositus and G.scaber, respectively. The number of rays Pectoral fin was the highest in G.suppositus and the lowest in P.indicus. species.the three studied species in different age groups, showed significant differences in various morphometric and meristic parameters (except for the number of rays of the first dorsal fin) (P<0.05). The three studied species clearly distinguished themselves in the present research. The results of this research showed that the analysis of morphometric and meristic traits is a useful tool for the separation of flatheads species studied in this research.
Volume 13, Issue 4 (12-2024)
Diaeretiella rapae is an important natural enemy in the biological control of the cabbage aphid Brevicoryne brassicae. This study evaluated the lethal effects of dichlorvos, dinotefuran, indoxacarb, spinosad, and hexaflumuron on the aphid and its parasitoid. The sub-lethal effects of spinosad and dinotefuran were also examined. Circular leaf discs were soaked in insecticide concentrations, and fourth instar nymphs of the aphid were exposed. For the adult wasps, the bioassay involved contact with insecticide residues. The toxicity of the insecticides against the pest and its parasitoid was ranked as follows: dichlorvos > dinotefuran > spinosad > hexaflumuron > indoxacarb, with significantly higher toxicity against the parasitoid wasp. The highest and lowest selective ratios for the insecticides' safety towards the parasitoid were calculated for hexaflumuron and indoxacarb, respectively. Hexaflumuron and spinosad are the least harmful insecticides to the wasp. The net reproductive rate of dinotefuran was lower than that of the control and spinosad. The values for gross reproductive rate were 41.99 ± 5.34, 27.75 ± 3.3, and 16.97 ± 2.36 offspring/female for the control, spinosad, and dinotefuran treatments, respectively. The intrinsic rate of population increase for D. rapae was lowest following exposure to dinotefuran. The percentage of adult D. rapae emergence in the control, spinosad, and dinotefuran was 99.6%, 96.8%, and 94.2%, respectively. A Type II functional response was observed for D. rapae after exposure to the control, Spinosad, and Dinotefuran treatments. Overall, it was found that hexaflumuron and D. rapae are effective options for an integrated pest management program to control the cabbage aphid.
Volume 13, Issue 7 (10-2013)
In this article, effect of axial angle of injection nozzles on the flow field structure in a Low-Pressure vortex tube has been investigated by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques. Numerical results of compressible and turbulent flows are derived by using the standard k-ε turbulence model. The dimensions of studied vortex tubes are kept the same for all models and the performance of machine is studied under 6 different axial angles (β) of nozzles. Achieving to a minimum cold exit temperature is the main goal of this numerical research. Our investigation shows that utilizing this kind of nozzle changes the energy separation and flow characteristic. Considering total pressure of cold flow, a new parameter, ξ is defined and results shows that changing the amount of ξ can affect the cold exit temperature directly. Finally, some results of the CFD models are validated by the available experimental data which show reasonable agreement.
Volume 13, Issue 55 (9-2015)
Biosurfactants are amphiphilic compounds that are produced by bacteria and fungi and they are able to reduce surface tension. These compounds are preferred due to less toxicity and better degradation than chemical surfactants and they have many applications in the petroleum, food and pharmaceutical industries. The purpose of this study was the investigation of production conditions of biosurfactant from Bacillus strains identified in Biotechnology Laboratory, Chemical Engineering Department, Tehran university, that been named HR1, HR2, and HR3. Materials and Methods: After performing the inoculation, the culture medium incubated at different temperatures and times and rotation rates and then obtained biosurfactant extracted and measured by solvent. According to the results, temperature, incubation time and rotation rate are affecting factors on biosurfactant production. The maximum amount of biosurfactant was obtained by HR1 in 33 °C and 150 rpm after 5 days incubation. acillus HR1 is appropriate for biosurfactant production for use in various industries, especially in the food industry.
Volume 13, Issue 61 (3-2016)
Volume 14, Issue 2 (Summer 2010)
In human history, if a detection or revolutionary idea has emerged, once cause anger Palladian system of its age. The question of human cloning is analogical with such statues. Perspective of making human by cloning technology has caused widespread solicitude among religious, ethic and law thinkers.
Cloning is the birth of chrysalis homogeneous with original by non- sexual way. The main subject of this paper is the argument of parentage in human cloning. Yet two view points have been proposed about parentage in human cloning by current jurists. The first view point states that there is no parentage in human cloning because of non-normal zygosis. The second view point confirms the existence of parentage in human cloning, because of traditional understanding. They believe that if cell padrone was male, it is the father of the cloned child and if cell padrone was female, it is the mother. Our point in this paper is the firstly there is parentage in human cloning and secondly the father and mother of cell padrone are the father and mother of the cloned child. In other word, cell padrone and child are twins.
Volume 14, Issue 3 (11-2014)
Density is the best criterion in pavements quality control. Determination of asphalt mixture density while compaction and after that is an important issue from two aspects of compaction level measurement and the time of compaction process termination. The most common and accurate method of in situ density determination is core making. Common procedure is to use a core gear and performing density test on cores in laboratory. Being expensive, time consuming and unrepeatable test, besides causing pavement deterioration are disadvantages of core making. Time consuming causes layer weakness doesn’t discover soon enough to do some modifications on that. Nondestructive density tests became very popular in recent years. These tests don’t cause any deterioration on pavement surface and are more reach than core making and repeatable since are NDT which are divided to nuclear and non nuclear NDT tests. PQI 301 electromagnetic and Troxler (HS-5001EZ) nuclear devices field evaluation were done in this research. After statistical analysis it was resulted that PQI is convenience for asphalt layers and nuclear is convenience for granular layers.