Showing 163 results for yousefi
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The purpose of the present study was to examine the interrelationships between the perception of social and teaching presences and the satisfaction of basic psychological needs, persistence, intrinsic motivation, and negative emotions of Iraqi EFL learners in online courses. To this end, 200 intermediate Iraqi university students studying English were recruited to participate in the study. Then they were asked to complete self-report questionnaires on their perception of social and teaching presence, satisfaction of basic psychological needs, intention to persist, intrinsic motivation, and negative emotions. SEM analysis showed that the students’ perceptions of social and teaching presence had a positive relation with their satisfaction of basic psychological needs, persistence, and intrinsic motivation. The results, however, showed that there was a negative relationship between the students’ perceptions of social and teaching presences and boredom, anxiety, and shame. The results imply that providing opportunities for students to interact effectively with their instructors and peers in online classes in a socially supportive environment can lead to positive outcomes. The implications of the study are discussed, and suggestions for further research are proposed.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The Historical Ashura books are historical reflections of the Ashura event and they are expressed in the form of narration. The application of new theories of literary criticism in the analysis of historical provides a better understanding of the narrative context of these works. The purpose of this study is to introduce an unknown Ashura historical book and its narratology from Todorov's point of view. This article tries to examine the syntactic level of narration in the book Sar-e-Asrar in a descriptive-analytical way. So that narratives better illustrates the narrative structure of such works. Todorov's narrative analysis is one of the most prominent structuralist approaches that deals with manifestations such as syntactic representation. According to the findings of the research, the narration with its developments, propositions, etc., which show the syntactic manifestation of the narration, has advanced the design of the narration. In terms of linguistic structure, the murder is based on the traits and actions of the characters. From a syntactic point of view; It has ten basic enhancements that include a minor enhancement. According to the findings of the research, the narration with its developments, propositions, etc., which show the syntactic manifestation of the narration, has advanced the design of the narration. In terms of linguistic structure, the book is based on the traits and actions of the characters. From a syntactic point of view; It has ten basic enhancements that include a minor enhancement. Descriptive and present propositions have emerged side by side with various narrative aspects...
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Abstract: This paper investigates the polysemy of the Persian word /širin/ from the perspective of cognitive sociolinguistics. It starts with introducing the principles of cognitive sociolinguistics, then investigates the polysemy of the Persian adjective /širin/ within the framework introduced by Robinson (2010), (2012a), (2012b), and (2014), to show that polysemy cannot be reduced to a static state, one and the same for all speakers of the language. In fact, social variables like age and gender affect the way people perceive different senses of the polysemous word. The data is gathered using documentary and field method(library research, interviews, and questionnaires). The research method employed is mixed(quantitative and qualitative). The statistical population is all monolingual Persian speakers living in Tehran, and the sample includes 200 subjects, 100 male and 100 females, in four different age groups of under 18, between 18 and 30, between 30 and 60, and above 60 years old. The results show that different senses of the polysemous word do not have the same distribution among different speakers, both male and female, belonging to different age groups, and are not accidental but explainable in terms of gender and age of the speakers. The results also indicate that cognitive sociolinguistics is more adequate in giving more exact explanations concerning meaning variation in polysemous words and the effect of social variables of age and gender on the number and salience of each sense.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (Winter 2021)
According to Avicenna's theory of knowledge, intellectual knowledge in human beings is explained via the inherence of intelligible forms in the soul. In this paper, I will show that the inherence of intelligible forms in the soul is at odds with the soul's immateriality.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (7-2013)
Relying on the dramatic effects and all cultural potentials of Iranian old and poular literature, this paper aims to deal with the possibilities to contemporarize them for new media productions. Literature is one of the most prominent icons of Iranian rich culture. A notable part of Iranian literature is composed of folklores and popular narratives, which are genuinely full of novel themes and authenticated knowledge to be adapted into film and TV series. The present research will show why exactly Iranian contemporary film-makers and play writers, despite the existing large culrual legacy, have failed so far to apply the potential capabilities. Using a pathological approach to the historical discontinuities happened during the evolution of dramatic functions of Persian old narratives, this study attempts to present a qualitative assessment of these literary art works. After reconsidering the most significant elements of Iranian popular narratives, the paper goes then to propund some common ignored challenges concerning the "adaptation" techniques for media productions. Finally, we would describe a typical narrative of Iranian folklore by which a practical method for new possible adaptation for Iranian TV drama might be provided.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (Spring 2021)
One of the most important issues in the reference section of the philosophy of language is the sense of the proper names. Two main figures in this discussion are Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege and John Stuart Mill. Frege has posed several puzzles against Mill's view. One of the puzzles is the puzzle of the belief context. the puzzle of the belief context implies that Mill's view of proper names is incorrect because it entails an account of the Substitution Principle (S) which is the origin of contradiction in the belief context. (S) is accounted in two ways. Frege shows in his puzzle that S1 is responsible for contradiction in belief context. Since Mill’s view entails S1, it is responsible for contradiction. But if Frege’s view of proper names is accepted, since the referent of proper names in belief context is identical with the sense of proper name in ordinal context, S2 which is more intuitive than S1 is not violated in any context. Kripke, a prominent advocate of Millie's view, shows the puzzle of the belief context can be reproduced even if Frege's view of the sense of the proper names is accepted. He designs his first puzzle by two intuitionally true principles (Disquotation and Translation), and designs his second puzzle by only Disquotation Principle. David Sosa, a proponent of Frege's view, claims that He has been able to revive Frege's puzzle against Mill, which Kripke believes he was able to neutralize with two similar puzzles. On his opinion, intuitionally true Hermeneutic principle is violated in the context of belief only if Millian view is accepted. In this paper, after explaining Sosa's proposal, a concern have been proposed about it. The concern is related to the analytical nature of line 7 of Frege’s puzzle, line of 8 of Kripke’s first puzzle, and line of 7 of Kripke’s second puzzle. Sosa believes that these lines are analytic. Nevertheless, according to the scenario of puzzles, being analytic of these lines is not clear. Because of this unclarity, Steinberg claims that these lines are responsible for contradiction.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (7-2016)
Background: The main objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance profiles of the main bacteria which are responsible forurinary tract, blood stream, cerebrospinal fluid, lower respiratory tract, and wound infections in Hamadan province in the west of Iran.
Materials and Methods:In this study,a total of 773 urinary tract, 273 blood stream, 13 cerebrospinal fluid, 408 respiratory tract, and 147 wound positive samples were collected from patients who referred toBesat hospital from April 2013 to October 2014.Antibiotic susceptibility testing was performed by Modified Disk Diffusion Method (MDDM) against different classes of antibiotic.
Results: The most common pathogens isolatedfrom urine tract, blood stream, cerebrospinal fluid, lower respiratory tract, and wound infections wereE. coli 425 (54.9%),S. aureus 68 (24.9%),Klebsiellaspp. 3 (23%), P. aeruginosa 110 (26.9%), and S. aureus 30 (20.4%) respectively.The overall prevalence of resistance to the antimicrobial agents testedin various clinical specimens is discussed in this study.
Conclusion: The high resistancerate was observed in our study to most used antibiotics. Therefore, setting up a comprehensive surveillance systemis need to evaluate the distribution of organisms isolated and their drug resistance pattern over different period of time and place of Iran.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (1-2017)
Background: The global control of the drug resistance tuberculosis has remained as major challenge. The present study was the first review study in the Middle East region in order to determine levels of Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistance to the first-line anti-TB drugs among both new and previously treated cases.
Materials and Methods: The computer-assisted search was performed by using PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus databases and related keywords. Within the time span of 1981-2014, a total of 480 articles were collected on the antibiotic resistance rates of M. tuberculosis in different countries of the Middle East region. About 63 relevant articles were selected by applying inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Results: By using meta-analyses, we determined mono drug resistance, any drug resistance, and multidrug resistance (MDR-TB) rates in both new and previously treated TB patients living in different parts of the Middle East. Other aspects related to patients, antimicrobial resistance, and methods used to assess the resistance rate were also analyzed.
Conclusion: The present study revealed that in comparison with the global average rate, the prevalence rate of drug resistant TB, especially MDR-TB, may be increasing in the Middle East. Therefore, in order to prevent the spread of drug-resistant isolates, detecting primary resistance to anti-TB drugs with the use of new rapid diagnostic methods is necessary.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2015)
Aim: Hypertension is a chronic and asymptomatic disease leading to death of at least 45% of patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Self-care is important to minimize the risks and complications caused by hypertension.
This aim of the present study was to determine the predictive power of constructs of the Health Belief Model (HBM) in self-care behaviors of patients with hypertension.
Methods: This was a descriptive-analytic study of cross-sectional type carried out on 125 patients over 30 years old with hypertension who referred to the rural health centers in Rasht city. Sampling was done in multi-stage form, and the patients were selected randomly. To collect data, a valid and reliable questionnaire containing demographic information and questions of constructs of the HBM and self-care behaviors was used.
Findings: Based on Pearson’s correlation analysis, a significant and negative relationship was observed between self-care behaviors and construct of perceived barriers. Also there was a significant and positive relationship between self-care behaviors and the construct of cues to action. Based on linear regression analysis, the HBM could predict 19% of variance of self-care behaviors by two constructs of perceived barriers (B=0.22, SE=0.04, P=0.01) and cues to action (B=0.19, SE=0.06, P=0.02).
Conclusion: According to the predictive power of the HBM and the role of constructs of perceived barriers and cues to action in self-care behaviors of patients with hypertension, it is needed to focus on educational interventions based on this model to reduce the perceived barriers and influencing the cues to action.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2017)
Background: Nosocomial infections have high mortality rates because of infective organisms' specific characteristics and the type of patients identified with different comorbid diseases. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence rate of different microorganisms and their characteristics in terms of resistance to various antibiotics.
Materials and Methods: Samples of urine, blood, abscess and wound secretion, and septum or tracheal secretions were cultured for 139 patients who were hospitalized during September 2012 to September 2014 and identified with nosocomial infection in different hospital wards. Then the type of microorganism and their antibiotic resistance were determined for each patient using culture antibiogram with disk diffusion method. Results were then analyzed using SPSS software.
Results: The incidence of nosocomial infections was observed more in men than in women. Fever and purulent discharge from the wound site were the most common symptoms, leading to patient's hospitalization. Most patients were from the transplant and urology wards. Urinary tract, skin, and soft tissue infections (SSTI) had the highest prevalence rate in patients. Escherichia coli was the most common infectious microorganism in patients, which was sensitive to imipenem and meropenem. Kelebsiella as the next most common infectious microorganism was resistant to imipenem.
Conclusion: The results of this study are consistent with the previous studies. Due to infectious microorganisms' resistance to antibiotics, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of antibiotics.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (Summer 2023)
Effective Altruism has discussed helping others both in the domain of theoretical foundations and in the domain of practical foundations. In fact, helping others includes helping other humans, animals, the environment, and any other thing that improves the conditions of men and the world, and the discussion of this issue is of a background as ancient as human existence itself. The Most Good You Can Do by Peter Singer, one of the contemporary thinkers in practical ethics, contains four parts and fifteen chapters. The book has discussed the issue of helping others in a very proper and, of course, effective and applied manner, and it is unique in its specific domain; but the most significant point of weakness of this book is its negligence of the role of global organizations in prevention from war, etc., which in turn can play an effective and even fundamental role in the domain of altruism.
Volume 4, Issue 5 (Supplementary Issue - 2015)
The effect of temperature on demographic parameters of the greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella (L.) was studied at 23, 25, 27, and 30 °C, 50 ± 10% RH and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L: D) h. The life table parameters were estimated according to the age-stage, two-sex life table procedure. In addition, the bootstrap technique was employed for estimating the means, variances, and standard errors of the population parameters at all studied temperatures. All estimated parameters were affected considerably by temperature. Among examined temperatures, the highest values of net reproductive rate (R0), intrinsic rate of increase (rm) and finite rate of increase (λ) were 223.04 egg, 0.096 day-1, and 1.101day-1, respectively at 27 °C. The lowest mean generation time was 50.31 day at 30 °C. Moreover, the highest reproductive value was observed at 27 °C. According to the results, temperature can affect all life table parameters of G. mellonella, and according to our investigation, 27 °C is the best temperature for its mass rearing in laboratory condition among the evaluated temperatures.
Volume 4, Issue 11 (1-2016)
Folklore Fictions such as mystery and legends contain magical elements which have been considered since further past years among people. Whereas the metaphysical beliefs provide the psyche calm, they have approved their places despite of scientific progress. Folklore Fictions are one of the most popular features of folkloric culture which has provided the suitable bed for the collective consciousness of a nation. This study approaches two layers including; deep-structure and surface structure of fiction simultaneously. The different forms of magic appear in the surface structure, while the deep structure refers to the critical method of archetype. The findings show that 89% of magical elements appear in the fictions containing the archetype of hero’s journey. Such fictions overlap with the archetypal elements .There are either white or black magic due to archetypal heroes in such fictions, their connections are as if that shadow or the black magic make conflict for the hero and the archetype of old wisdom or white magic guide the hero, in order to remove problems. Their functions are diabolical. The different forms of magic make the elements of fiction which are respectively frequent like: the magical objects, the natural elements, the human personality, the imaginative elements and creatures, the semi-human creatures, the surrounding elements of human, the pseudo-animals, semi-animals, and Satan.
Volume 4, Issue 16 (Winter 2011)
This paper analyzes communicative style of dialogues in Akbar Radi’s Melody of Rainy City (1998), using Grice’s ‘cooperative principle.’ The word ‘Gilan’, the name of the main character of the Melody of Rainy City, refers to a female name and also a province in the northern Iran. The play reveals the contradictions which can be naturally seen in the gap between the traditional culture and the imposing elements of modernity. Examining the cultural differences of characters, this paper deals with their hesitation to defend or dispose their individual values. Gilan’s nervous instability symbolizes the cultural chaos the province is facing. She is the young girl of an old caretaker who works for an aristocratic family. Gilan is in love with a youngguy who has just completed his academic education and returned home from the West. The socio-political debates of family members during their daily talks and their quarrels over the legacy of father, basically, have made these cultural gaps to be largely explicit. By using a cultural approach for the analysis of the relationship between characters, this article reveals how these paradoxical behaviors have been especially prevalent among the middle class of Iranian society. This paper finally presents a stylistic reading of dramatic dialogues as the conversational behavior of social characters.
Volume 5, Issue 15 (7-2017)
This paper aims to examine the major effects of popular culture of folklore culture in the production process of Iranian dramatic literatureand studying the solutions for localizing the literature. This interdisciplinary study, tries to discuss the effective roll of folklores roll of developing Indigenous patterns of creative writing for the dramatic arts. Hamid Amjad, as one of the Iranian contemporary dramatists, uses various aspects of folk culture in create and representing dramatic world, and his works are proper example for research for studying some factors such as
language and tone, beliefs and customs, behaviors and subjects, and common signs of Iranian folklore culture.
This study is organised with gathering library data and the method of direct expose of dramatic texts, and with analytical method tries to determine the potential of Iranian folklore culture in organizing the ideas and realize them using techniques of playwriting. Findings of this research shows that some of the most important indexes of Iranian folklore culture, like folk tales, folk feasts and folk language was attend in creating dramatic texts by Hamid Amjad. Comparative comparison with some dramatic concepts and elements, like characterizations, subject, creating folk spaces and native language and culture, shows the different aspects of this usage. finally, research shows that using the elements from folklore
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2014)
The tombs play an important role in the Islamic era. These buildings, which are widely distributed in all parts of Iran, can reveal detailed information about the architectural styles, decorations and other materials relating to the structures and forms of these kinds of buildings. Shiite Zeidiyye government in the fourth century AD and Mar’ashid in the eighth century AD, and immigration of Sādāt and Alavid individuals to the Iranian plateau and regions such as Rey, Ghasran, Damavand, Tabarestan, Ghumes (Kumesh) and Khorassan, have been the reasons for the development of these buildings. With the death or martyrdom of these people, those places were focal points for the growth of the Shi'ite thoughts and justice-oriented uprisings or jumps. Lavassanat and Rudbar-e-Ghasran region in the northern present-day Tehran has been in direct contact with the area of Damavand in the southern Alborz climatically, historically, and culturally. This study is an analysis between some Ilkhanid buildings in the area of Lavasanat and RudbarGhasran and some contemporaneous monuments at Damavand area. The purpose is a comparison and studying of architectonic structure of the buildings, stylistic similarities and differences between them, and the kind of material and ornaments used at the mentioned regions. The research method is descriptive – analytic, data gathering was done by field and documentary methods with a theoretical orientation in cultural history studies.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (12-2006)
Home Uterine Activity Monitoring (HUAM) has demonstrated to be of great value for preventing preterm labor in recent years. In this research, a low cost monitoring device for non-invasive monitoring of the uterine activity in pregnant women is presented. The new device has been designed based on an inductive Colpitz oscillator and vertical displacement of a ferrite core in a coil. The resulting frequency of the oscillator is proportional to the pressure in the external surface of the abdomen. This frequency is measured by the portable monitor. A low-power static random access memory (SRAM) provides long-term data storage. The proposed sensor for detecting uterine contractions has light weight, high stability and low cost. This sensor is very simple to manufacture and use for long-term ambulatory monitoring of the uterine activity. Furthermore, this sensor can be calibrated using software. Other features of the sensor are, resolution of 0.13 mmHg, repeatability close to 96% and input range from 0 to 95.32 mmHg.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (6-2017)
The effect of Spirulina powder at levels of 0 (control), 3, 7, and 10%, of food ratio on growth, survival, and total carotenoids of dwarf gourami fry (Trichogasterlalius) of 3.6 g average weight as well as its larval stage was investigated for a period of 8 weeks. Carotenoids was significantly increased with increase in spirulina level up to 7% (p<0.05), but not significantly different from 10% level (p> 0.05). Survival showed no significant difference (p> 0.05). In larvae, survival, total carotenoids and total length increased significantly with increasing spirulina powder (p<0.05). Overall, the spirulina powder at 3% improved the growth and total carotenoids factors in pre-adult gourami and 10% level for larval stage as the best treatments in this study.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 23), (Articles in Persian) 2015)
The Dialogic beats make up a significant portion of a play as concrete manifestations of language paying attention to reader’s mind. This paper aims to study on features of linguistic arrangements find an answer for the main research question i.e. analysis of Dialogic beats in “technique of playwriting” by Mohammad Yaghoubi and their function in linguistic structure in discussed samples. The theoretical framework derived from linguists’ ideas in field of literature and drama such as Paul C. Castagno and Vimala Herman enables qualitative analysis of samples and achieving objectives of the research. The research method is descriptive – analytical. The findings suggest the fact that Yaghoubi, as one of the Iranian contemporary playwrights, uses different arrangements in writing dialogue and applies dialogic beats in wide levels of linguistic and meta-linguistic implications as a mean for “emphasis”, “suspension”, “interruption” and also effecting on ending methods of the work. The difference is that function and the way of using these linguistic arrangements has been more specific and more harmonic with the theme of work.
Volume 6, Issue 4 (winter 2018)
Mithras is one of the oldest mythical, religious, and cultural characters of Indian and Aryan tribes. The god, expression of common beliefs in gods, before migrating Indo-European and long before the advent of Zoroaster were formed. On the one hand, religious texts and sacred hymns India and Iran represents the ideas and religious beliefs the land millennium BC. Mithras too one of the gods and common characters the two old people, which after the separation, his special position with both retained.The present study tries to study Mithras based on the oldest indigenous and Iranian populations and by direct reference to Rig Veda and Avesta, it seeks to stamp the role of the intellectual-cultural context of these tribes in determining the actions and characteristics of a mythical face. The findings show that the common actions and attributes of the goddess are rooted in the period of the unity of these tribes and the root of the differences in this mythical face must be found in the Iranian branch and after the physical and spiritual separation of the Indian branch. So, after ethnic separation, intellectual and cultural differences also appear in common mythical characters. These characteristics and influences have evolved or evolved under the influence of cultural context and social factors.