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Volume 1, Issue 2 (Spring 2019)

Introduction: Spatial planning is a set of measures to organize the distribution of human and activities carried out in the geographical space. Each area should enjoy a range of economic and social activities based on its capabilities, needs, and situation. Spatial planning is the basis of organizing regional development and it is the main instrument for regional and national planning and policy making; it provides the basis for the preparation of socio-economic development plans for each area or country. Since for the fulfillment of development objectives all social resources, including human, economic, spatial, and environmental resources should be used and making use of all these elements needs planning, spatial planning is the basis of comprehensive development plans and projects and connects spatial, social, and economic planning, or as a whole in the form of comprehensive planning, in regional and national scale. Border areas have special characteristics due to their contacts with the external environments. The cross-border exchanges and spatial connections between the adjacent countries as well as the various vulnerabilities and threats posed by this issue necessitate special care to the process of development planning in these areas. The aim of the present research was to investigate the employed strategies for spatial plannig in brder areas in Five-Year economic, social, and cultural development plans of Islamic Republic of Iran (1st to 5th Plan).
Conclusion: In general, and especially in the 3rd and 4th plans, the economic strategy is more important. Also, spatial differences have not been considered in 5-year development plans; strategies ignored the differences in the various border areas of the country and looked at all areas in the same way. In addition, a special type of strategy is focused in each plan.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2015)

Constructionof underground dams is a practical solution to save groundwater in alluvium watersheds, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions where surface water scarcity is an environmental challenge. Considering socio-economic and environmental benefits of underground dams, the accurate locating is the primary consideration for dam construction. The new technologies and methods are a step toward the proper locating to reduce the risk of underground dam construction. In this study, two methods,decision making and geographic information system (GIS) were used for locating suitable places for underground dam construction in Hamedan-Bahar watershed where water shortage has been a serious problem during the last decade. In the first step, the effective factors in locating and construction of the dams underground were identified, and then their GIS information layers were created. The primary selection maps of suitable sites were provided using Boolean logic method in ArcGIS software. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was then applied in EXPERT CHOISE. In the next step, the results of Boolean logic and AHP methods were overlapped to provide the final selection map. A consistency rate of 0.06, showed a relatively high accuracy of weighting process. Considering the normal weights, geology and distance of well, springs and qantas were found to be the most and the least effective criteria, respectively. Furthermore, the final selection map suggested the surrounding area and the outlet of the plain as the most suitable sites for dam construction.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2015)

Soil alkalinity and salinity are serious problems in arid and semi-arid regions, and therefore monitoring of soil pH and electrical conductivity (EC) is necessary in any region. The present study aimed to properly interpolate soil pH and EC as soil quality indices in a semi-arid mountainous area with annual precipitation of 342.4 mm. The study area is the Karimabad rangelands in Hamadan Province, western Iran. A total of 266 composite soil samples were collected from 0-25 cm soil depth in a systematic random design. Soil samples were processed for pH and EC analysis and then further used for interpolating based on the optimal interpolation method for the study area. The overall soil pH and EC ranged from 7.3-7.9 and 0.33-2.13 dS m-1, respectively, presenting the slightly alkalinity and salinity problem in the region. The results showed the accuracy of spatial prediction of interpolation methods, particularly inverse distance weighting and radius basis function. However, based on root mean square error, the radius basis function was the most appropriate interpolation method to predict spatial distribution of soil pH and EC of topsoil in the study area. While salinity and alkalinity were low, still monitoring these soil indices is highly recommended to prevent the salinization and alkalization in the study area.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (3-2016)

Ongoing climate change has been a major global challenge since the 1880s. Sequestration of carbon(C) in rangelands ecosystems could provide a net carbon sink to offset increases in atmospheric C in global scale. This research is aimed at estimating the above-ground biomass carbon sequestration potential in Iran. For this purpose, total rangelands area and productivity data were extracted from the annual reports of Agriculture Statistical Pocketbook (2006-2013) of the country. Then productivity data was used to calculate above-ground C storage per province. The maximum and minimum rangeland areas were observed in Sistan and Baluchestan and Mazandaran (Nowshahr) Provinces, respectively. Maximum above-ground biomass C storage was about 1.07 Mg Cha-1y-1 in Fars Province. The minimum amount occurred in Qom province with only 0.023Mg C ha-1 y-1. In summary, mean carbon CO2fixation was about 0.25 Mg C ha-1 y-1in Iran’s rangelands from 2003 to 2013. Considering the total rangeland area(≈ 84.8 million hectare) and productivity of Iran, 11770.011 Gg C y-1 carbon is stored in above-ground biomass annually providing at least 5885 Gg organic C sequestration potential.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2016)

The total concentration and percentage of heavy metals content in the sediment of Hashilan wetland, Kermanshah province, was assessed in summer 2015. The total concentrations of Cu, Pb, and Fe were around 18.57, 6.95 and 379.24 μg g-1, respectively. Successive extractions of the samples showed a decreasing trend as follows: residual>organic matter>iron and manganese oxides>exchangeable parts. The comparison of the total metal concentrations and SQGs and NOAA standards proposed high concentrations of Pb and Fe contents, while RAC suggested that Cu, Pb, and Fe had posed a low-moderate risk, low risk and no risk to the system, respectively. Furthermore, the results showed that the most common sources of Pb and Fe were natural while sources of Cu was anthropogenic. Continuous monitoring of the wetlands, particularly water inputs are recommended.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (6-2017)

Aim: The main purpose of this study was to investigate the safety and protective behavior of farmers in relation to the application of chemical pesticides in the fields and the factors influencing their behavior.
Methods: This quantitative and survey research was conducted in Mahidasht County, Kermanshah Province, in 2016. The population consisted of 170 farmers (N=200) Mahidasht County, who were determined by randomly method. Questionnaire used as a research tool. Validity and reliability of the tool were confirmed by a panel of experts and Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Correlation coefficient and statistical test was used for analyzing the data by SPSS20.
Findings: Most people have poor performance in the use of protective equipment when spraying pesticides. There was positive correlation between safety behavior of using pesticides, work experience, economic status, attitudes toward the correct application of pesticides, and participating in training.
Conclusion: Due to the farmers' inappropriate performance in safety and protection actions and significance relationship between participation in the training programs and safety behavior, it is necessary to design education programs to improve their knowledge.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (winter 2018)

Aims: In Iran, safety and health education in agriculture such as the industrial sector has not been taken into account, and most farmers are not covered by professional health. The aim of this study was to assess the farmers’ awareness about occupational safety and health and factors affecting it.
Instruments & Methods: The population of the present descriptive correlational study included 140 households from farmers based on the simple random sampling method in 2014, in Mahidasht, Kermanshah Province, Iran. A researcher-made questionnaire was used as a research instrument and its validity was confirmed by the panel of experts and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The data were analyzed by SPSS 23, using multiple stepwise regression and Pearson correlation test.
Findings: Most of the farmers had a negative attitude towards the observance of occupational health issues. The mean awareness had a significant correlation with social status (r=0.47; p=0.001), satisfaction of the agriculture as an occupation (r=0.51; p=0.0001), attitude (r=0.37; p=0.012) and, economic status (r=0.42; p=0.005). In the first step, the social status and satisfaction of the agriculture as an occupation predicted 66.9% of variance of awareness. In the second step, social status and satisfaction of the agriculture as an occupation as well as attitude predicted 53.3% of variance of awareness, and in the third step, by adding economic status to the previous variables; all variables predicted 51.2% of variance of awareness.
Conclusion: The level of farmers’ awareness about occupational safety and health is moderate. Social status, attitude, and economic status affect the farmers’ awareness about occupational safety and health.

Volume 7, Issue 0 (0-2007)

Arbitrage is a known economic term, implying simultaneous transaction on commodities. For instance, a Generation Company (GenCo) may involve itself in selling fuel, emission allowance and etc., instead of generating either active or reactive power. Moreover, arbitrage between active and reactive powers can, in turn, be considered. In this paper, arbitrage between active and reactive power is considered from Independent System Operator (ISO) viewpoint. A pool model is employed. ISO runs an optimization problem, by which, it could determine and predict GenCos behaviours; in terms of participating in active and reactive power markets for the next twelve months. A normal distribution function is used for price forecasting. Two 3-bus and 14-bus test systems are used to demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed algorithm.

Volume 7, Issue 1 (Winter 2019)

Aims: Todays, the change of range land to agricultural uses by unplanned and improper locations of water supply wells would be led to sever reduction of ground water level and subsequently fully land degradation. However, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of land use change on soil physical, chemical, and mineralogical properties.
Materials & Methods: In this study, 9 soil profiles in Kangavar plain with range and different arable land uses were dug and described. Some properties of soil samples were determined, then, pedons classified to Inceptisols, Entisols, and Mollisols orders.
Findings: The result showed that with land use change from range land to agriculture, content of soil clay reduces (from average 47.6% to 41.4%). With land use change of range to cropland properties including pH, organic matter and calcium carbonate equivalents contents decreased. The amount of soluble potassium in the surface horizons in range lands was more than arable land. In the cropland pedons, the amount of soluble sodium reduced compared to rangeland pedons. The results showed that land use change had no effect on clay minerals type, but changed those value. According to the results, in range land, illite and vermiculite percentage were greater than crop land soil pedons. The smectite content in arable land use more frequency than range land (data have significant difference at p< 0.05 level).
Conclusion: It was concluded that long-term agriculture in study area induced to sever reduction of nutrient and consequently caused to soil degradation in whole plain.

Volume 8, Issue 1 (6-2006)

Purpose: In order to express human granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (hGM-CSF) under heat shock. Materials and Methods: Two expression plasmids were constructed based on pBC(SK) plasmid. The expression cassettes in the two plasmids are equipped with a 75 base pair fragment, derived from the PL promoter of the bacteriophage lambda (λ). The plasmids also contain a temperature mutant of repressor coding gene (CI857) to regulate the promoter activity. The two plasmids differ from each other in having a transcription termination signal or not, down stream to the recombinant gene in the expression cassette. A pelB signal sequence was also used in order to have the recombinant protein in the periplasmic space of Escherichia coli. The efficiency of the constructed plasmids was demonstrated by heat-regulated expression of hGM-CSF. Results and Discussion: The protein analysis of the recombinant bacteria, containing either of the two plasmids, indicates a successful expression and complete processing of the hGM-CSF precursor, following the heat shock activation of the λPL promoter. In order to enhance the applicability of the terminator containing plasmid, for the expression of other proteins of interest by heat regulation, a multiple cloning site including eleven unique restriction sites was inserted in the plasmids. The heatregulated plasmids, designed in this work, have provided suitable tools to study the expression of recombinant proteins under temperature up-shift in Escherichia coli, when the use of chemical inducers are not desirable.
Mahmoud Khataei, Mohammad Reza Farzin, Ali Mousavei,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (7-2008)

Hotels are fundamental elements of tourism industry and provide various services for tourists. Moreover, hotels development has an important impact on tourism industry development. Therefore, an understanding of hotels relative efficiency performance, over a period of time, is important for practitioners, analysts, and policymakers alike. The main objective of this paper is to measure the efficiency of the four and five stars hotels in Tehran. A Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is employed to investigate the technical efficiency of eight hotels using the data over the period 1380 - 1384. DEA analysis is a methodology for analyzing the relative efficiency of units having the same multiple inputs and multiple outputs. In this study, the input variables comprise employee, rooms, restaurants and land and the output variables include hotel income and occupancy rate. The results show that technical and scale efficiency scores in all periods are relatively higher but there is no a regular trend over the period under study. Since 1380 to 1384; 75, 62.5, 75, 62.5, and 50 percent of the selected hotels were respectively efficient under the constant and variable to scale assumptions. Moreover, the findings confirm that more scale efficiency (0.997) refers to 1380 and less scale efficiency (0.894) refers to 1381 and 1382. The results also show that more technical efficiency, on average, under variable to scale assumption (0.964) refers to 1380 and less technical efficiency (0.894) refers to 1384. Finally, the efficiency of the five stars hotels is more than the four stars hotels implying the priority of the five stars hotel’s development in Tehran. Overall, the findings indicate that the particular problem is mismanagement in the Tehran’s hotels. Consequently, it caused the average scale efficiency to be more than the average technical efficiency. Since management plays a vital role in the efficiency improvement of hotels, this paper suggests the improvements of managerial systems in the hotels. More specifically, education, employment and Customer Reservation Systems (CRS) are the main factors influencing the efficiency.

Volume 8, Issue 3 (Summer 2023)

Aim: Adolescence is a very sensitive and important period in everybody’s life, particularly in individuals with disabilities, because it can significantly impact their experiences. The present study aimed to investigate the mediating role of academic self-efficacy in the relationship between curiosity and academic well-being among adolescents with physical and motor disabilities.
Method and Materials: The statistical population in this descriptive correlational study included all the adolescents 12-18 years old with physical and motor disabilities in Khuzestan Province of Iran during the academic year 2022–2023. The study sample consisted of 282 adolescents who selected using purposive sampling. The research instruments included the Academic Wellbeing Questionnaire, the two-dimensional Curiosity and Discovery Inventory, and the Students’ Academic Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (SASEQ). The proposed model was evaluated using structural equation modeling (SEM).
Findings: The results revealed that there was a significant direct path from curiosity to academic self-efficacy (P<0.001). However, the direct relationship between curiosity and academic well-being was not significant. In addition, a significant relationship, mediated by academic self-efficacy was found between curiosity and academic well-being linked by an indirect path (P<0.001).
Conclusions: Overall, the modified final model exhibited a good fit. Accordingly, this model can be considered a useful step in identifying factors that influence academic well-being of adolescents with physical and motor disabilities.

Volume 8, Issue 34 (10-2020)

Proverbs are short utterances in verse or prose, showing parts of the culture of people using them. They will be transmitted to the next generations and their origins can be traced. They can be considered a case of cultuling, that is (culture in language), and demonstrate the culture, worldview and the attitude of the speakers. The present study, a qualitative one, aimed to investigate the “positive thinking” cultuling in Persian proverbs from the viewpoint of the SPEAKING model of Hymes (1967). To this end, of the total 99621 Persian proverbs, 777 proverbs were delineated to include the “Positive Thinking” cultuling. The researchers were seeking to find different ends of using the proverbs by Persian speakers. The data were investigated by two Applied linguists professors and an M.A graduate in Linguistics. The most recurrent ends of using proverbs encompass giving advice 101 cases (30%), good wish 7 cases (2%), religious beliefs 92 cases (27%), encouraging to be patient 27 cases (8%), being grateful 7 cases (2%), being happy 9 cases (3%), showing exaggeration 16 cases (5%) and solidarity and cooperation 13 cases (4%). The keys include admonitory 83 cases (45%), praising 14 cases (8%), hopeful 67 cases (36%), humorous 14 cases (8%) and good wish 7 cases (4%). The findings show that among all, the most occurring end, of using the “positive thinking” cultuling in Persian proverbs accrues giving advice (30%) and the most recurrent key, accrues admonitory (45%). The multiplicity of the cases of advice and admonitory displays the indirectness of Iranians. The paper concludes with some implications.
Research Background
The issue of positive thinking can be considered a case of “cultuling” in Persian proverbs. Culture is, in fact, an instrument delineating relationships among the members and the speakers’ attitude and worldview (Wardhaugh, 2010). Zolfaghaari (2013) believes that culture and its subcategories constitute parts of the national identity that encompass personal and social identity. The issue that anguage, culture, and thought are interrelated, has been proposed by prominent scholars, including Agar (1994) and Risager (2011, 2012). In the meantime, Pishghadam (2013) proposed the inseparability of language and culture. He introduced the term “cultuling” by merging the two terms of “language” and “culture. Accordingly, several studies have been carried out on various types of cultulings, namely, the study of the cultuling of “Patriarchy” by Pishghadam, Derakhshan, and Jannati Ataei (in press), in which the researchers investigated the “patriarchy” cultuling in Persian movies from the viewpoint of the SPEAKING model of Hymes (1967), aiming at demonstrating Iranian cultural patterns and trying to find the reasons for using the cultuling of “patriarchy” and the attitude toward women in Iranian culture. To this end, 100 Persian movies from 1981 and 2011, were investigated. The results showed that the decade 1981 could demonstrate the dominance of the cultuling of patriarchy, and the decade 2011 illustrates the dominance of the cultuling of matriarchy. Other related studies include the analysis of “Cultuling” as an innovative method for the analysis of language in light of variational pragmatics, which is a step towards ‘euculturing’, by Pishghadam, Ebrahimi, Naji Meidani, and Derakhshan (in press). In a similar study, Pishghadam, Ebrahimi, and Derakhshan (in press) investigated cultuling analysis, which is a new methodology for discovering cultural memes. They conceptualize a cultuling analysis model that integrates the cultural, emotioncy, SPEAKING models, as well as the underlying environmental factors collectively to reflect the participants’ culture.
Aims, question, and assumptions
In the present study, the researchers investigated “Positive Thinking” cultuling in Persian proverbs using Hymes’s (1967) SPEAKING model and its eight subparts, including setting, participants, end, act sequence, key, norms, and genre. The data were collected from 99621 Persian proverbs. The utterances were being studied, and their ends and keys were identified. It aimed at showing Iranian cultural patterns and the attitudes of Iranian speakers using the cultuling of ‘Positive Thinking’. The investigators are interested in finding out the ends of the cultuling of  “Positive Thinking” in Persian proverbs.
Table  1. The most recurrent ends of using Persian proverbs
giving advice encouraging to be patient
good wish being grateful
religious beliefs being happy
showing exaggeration solidarity and cooperation
The most recurrent ends of using proverbs encompass giving advice (30%), good wish (2%), religious beliefs (27%), encouraging to be patient (8%), being grateful (2%), being happy (3%), showing exaggeration (5%) and solidarity and cooperation (4%) shown in Table 1. The keys include admonitory (45%), praising (8%), hopeful (36%), humorous (8%), and wishing good (4%). The findings showed that the most occurring end of using the “positive thinking” cultuling in Persian proverbs is giving advice (30%), and the most recurrent key is admonitory (45%), shown in Table  2.
Table 2. The most recurrent keys of using Persian proverbs
Admonitory hopeful
Praising humorous
wishing good  
 The multiplicity of the case of advice and admonitory displays the indirectness of Iranians. One of the psycholinguistic factors which plays a major role in the study of people’s thought is the underlying covert emotion in their utterances, called “Emoling” (Pishghadam, Ebrahimi, & Derakhshan, in press). It is inevitable that if expressions like proverbs, poems, etc. have a high emotional load, they will be better, and they will be transmitted to the following generations. Considering the role of emotional center of the brain, emotional information will be better stored in memory for retention (Bigdeli, 2020). Given that the proverbs are important cultural resources and their high capacity in transmitting cultural issues and cultural norms, they can be studied from different aspects, including the study of the cultuling of “negative thinking” in Persian proverbs.
  •  Agar, M. (1994).  Language Shock.  Understanding the Culture of Conversation. New York: NY: William Morrow.
  •  Bigdeli, I. (2020). The management of intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships based on "Ordering Model. Introducing the conceptual model of training. Mashhad: Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.
  •  Hymes, D. (1967). Models of the interaction of language and social setting. Journal of Social Issues. 23(2). pp. 8-28.
  •  Pishghadam, R. (2013). Introducing cultuling as a dynamic tool in culturology of language. Language and Translation Studies, 45, 47-62.
  •  Pishghadam, R., Derakhshan, A., & Jannati Ataei, A. (in press). An investigation of the cultulings of “Patriarchy” and “Matriarchy” in the Iranian culture: A comparative case study of Iranian movies across two decades of 1360s and 1390s. Women in Culture and Art.
  •  Pishghadam, R., Ebrahimi, S., & Derakhshan, A. (in press). Cultuling analysis: A new methodology for discovering cultural Memes. International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 1-18.
  •  Pishghadam, R., Ebrahimi, S, & Derakhshan, A. (in press). Introducing "Emoling" as a missing link in ethnography of communication: A supplement to SPEAKING Model of Hymes. Language Related Research.
  •  Pishghadam, R., Ebrahimi, S., Naji Meidani, E., & Derakhshan, A. (in press). An introduction to “Cultuling” Analysis (CLA) in light of variational pragmatics: A step towards “Euculturing”. Research in Applied Linguistics.
  •  Risager, K. (2011). The cultural dimensions of language teaching and learning. Language Teaching, 44(4). pp. 485-499.
  •  Risager, K. (2012). Linguaculture and transnationality: the cultural dimensions of language. The Routledge Handbook of Language and Intercultural Communication. 117-131: Routledge.
  •  Wardhaugh, R. (2010). An introduction to sociolinguistics (6th ed.). Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
  •  Zolfaghari, H. (2013).The major dictionary of Persian proverbs (in Farsi). Tehran. Alam.

Volume 8, Issue 35 (11-2020)

In textual criticism, it is necessary to pay attention to side sources and sometimes books of proverbs. Depending on the content and the main form of the proverbs, the editor can remove some of the ambiguities of the classical texts. Gradually, the use of these proverbs becomes more limited and turn into vague expressions for the scribes so that they may change them. For example, the phrase of "Shomar e khāne be bāzār rāst nemÎayad" (The counting of the house is not acceptable in the Bazar) is an ancient proverb, which means "Not matching a person's account at home with what he encounters in the market". This proverb at least has been used in Persian poetry and prose from the 5th century, and in our time, it has been used in Tajik Persian works. Sa'adi has used this proverb in the one of the verses of his Odes, but for the scribes of Saʿdī's Divan, it was not a familiar phrase, and hence, in most manuscripts and in all available editions of Divan and Odes, "arz e jame" (length of the clothes) has been distorted to the "arz e khane" (the length of the house). Most of the commentators of Sa'adi's Odes have trusted the text without paying attention to its transformation and distortion. They have interpreted the verse in such a way that it does not relate to Sa'adi's thought. In this article, the correct form of the Saʿdī's verse has been presented relying on some of the manuscripts of Sa'di's Divan and the background and meaning of this proverb.
 Research Background
In this article, some distorted examples have been mentioned in the literary texts. For example, in the articles "The correction of some verses in Sanaī’s Hadiqa using Farhang-e jahāngīrī", "Pey e ŝirân gereftan va rân e gurân xordan", "The Necessity of re-correcting Katebi Neishaburi's Divan of Odes" (Khosravi, 2014, pp. 346-347; Harandi, 2018, pp. 99- 113; Bashiri et al., 2018, pp. 85-113), there are some evidence to show that the conversion and distortion of a proverb has taken the text away from its original form.
Aims, questions, and assumptions
The proverbs are one of the side sources that are effective in textual criticism. Sometimes, the proverbs have been changed due to the unfamiliarity of the scribes, but according to their prevalence in literary texts, the correct form of that text can be found.
To this aim, the following research questions are raised:
1. How do factors such as neglecting the meaning and ignoring proverbs have distorted the text?
2. How does investigating the use of proverbs in literary texts help the editor to edit the text?
3. How commentators' trust in correcting the meaning of proverbs written in some edited texts had diverted their minds from the original form of the text?
In the study of classical texts, we find that the change and conversion of the proverb has sometimes taken the text away from its correct form. In this article, we have chosen a verse of Sa'di as an example to show that neglecting the proverb “Shomar e khāne be bāzār rāst nemÎayad" has caused ambiguity in the meaning of the verse. As in some manuscripts and all editions of Odes, “arz e jame” has been changed to " arz e khane” (Foroughi, 2007, p. 469; Yousefi, 2006, p. 19)
Searching this proverb in the classical texts, we found its other forms and mentioned its meaning and application in the literary texts, and showed that how researchers' trust in the Foroughi's edition of  Sa'di's Odes prevented their minds from grasping the correct meaning of the verse and led to its misinterpretation and explanation.
The findings show that this proverb has been prevalent in Persian poetry and prose since, at least, the fifth century, and in texts such as Manouchehri Damghani's Divan (2006, p. 20), Nafsat ol- Masdoor (Zaidari Nesavi, 2002, p. 100) and Rouh-ol-Arvah (Samani, 2010, p. 538) and in our time has also been used in Tajik Persian works (also see Dehkhoda, 1984, 2/953; Zolfaghari, 2010, 1/834).
In textual criticism, it is necessary to pay attention to side sources. For example, the study of a hemistich of Sa'di's Odes and the commentators' descriptions of that verse clearly shows that due to the inaccuracy of the text, even the most meticulous scholars have misunderstood the meaning of the verse.  The confidence in Foroughi's correction has prevented them to perceive the possibility of errors in the text, and consequently, the mistake in recording the hemistich is hidden. Most surprising of all is the distraction of Yousefi's precise notion, which did not pay attention to the correct recording of some manuscripts. The editors and commentators of Sa'di's Odes have not discussed the ambiguity of the second hemistich, but in explaining the verse according to the power of their imagination, they have made a new theme or taken it from someone else.
Bashiri, B., Amani, R., & Farzi, H. (2018). The necessity of re-correcting Katebi Neishaburi’s Divan of Ode. Textual Criticism of Persian Literature, 54, 85-113.
Dehkhoda, A. (1984). Dehkhoda's proverbs. Amirkabir.
Khosravi, M. (2014). The correction of some Verses in Sanaī’s Hadiqa using Farhang-e Jahāngīrī. Name-ye Farhangestan (Sub-continent), 3, 339-350.
Sa'di, M. (2007). Kolliāt (edited by Mohammad Ali Forughi). Amir Kabir.
Sa'di, M. (2006). Sa'di's Odes (edited by Gholamhossein Yusofi). Sokhan.
Samaani, Sh. (2010). Spirit of all spirits in understanding the names of the all good (edited by Najib Mile Heravi). Elmi va Farhangi.
Nandimi Harandi, M. (2018). Pey e ŝirân gereftan va rân e gurân xordan. Culture and Folk Literature, 20, 99-113.
Zolfaqari, H. (2010). The dictionary of Persian proverbs. Moin.
Zidari Nesavi, Sh. (2002). The sigh of a sad heart (edited by Amir Hassan Yazdgerdi). Toos.

Volume 9, Issue 2 (Spring 2018)

Aims: IP3 is a key regulator molecule in the message transmission pathway, and releases calcium into the cytoplasm by binding intracellular IP3R receptors on the surface of the internal calcium stores. The aim of this study was expression, purification, and characterization of IP3-binding domain from human type 2.
Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, the pET-28a plasmid of the carrier of the IP3BD gene was transferred to the E.coli expression strain BL21 (DE3) by chemical method. In order to optimize the expression in the bacterial system, the expression was studied in different conditions, and various temperatures such as 16, 18, 20, and 24°C, the different times after incubation, type of inducer, and its different concentrations were investigated. The induced bacteria were purified on the basis of thermal shock through nickel column for chromatography and the purity of the protein was measured through SDS-PAGE. The fluorescence emission of IP3-binding domain was measured in the presence and absence of an IP3 ligand at wavelength of 295nm.
Findings: Protein did not have a significant expression in LB, TB, and 2xYT environments, and no changes were observed at different times. Expression of bacterial protein at 20°C based on thermal shock of 42°C was higher than in all cases. The purification of the induced bacteria was difficultly repeated due to thermal shock, and the purified samples did not have high concentrations. The fluorescence emission of the protein decreased in the presence of the IP3 ligand.
Conclusion: The bacterial expression of IP3-binding domain from human type 2 is weak, but the expression of protein increases with the induction of shock of 42°C.

Volume 9, Issue 3 (Summer 2023)

Background: The use of plant extracts or their compounds as antimicrobial agents for oral infections worldwide represents that herbal medicines could be used as an effective alternative method in oral health care. This study aimed to evaluate the antifungal and antibacterial effects of five traditional medicinal plant extracts on standard and clinical strains of bacteria and fungi causing dental caries.
Materials & Methods: Aqueous and methanolic extracts of Zataria multiflora, Lawsonia alba, Zizyphus spina-christi, Myrtus communis, and Citrus aurantium were prepared using maceration method. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum microbicidal concentration (MMC) of the prepared extracts were evaluated against bacterial (Streptococcus sanguinis and S. mutans) and fungal (Candida albicans, C. krusei, and C. tropicalis) isolates using broth microdilution method.  
Findings: Aqueous extracts of the studied plants showed no antimicrobial effects on the studied microorganisms, except M. communis and C. aurantium. The results indicated the antimicrobial potency of the methanolic extract of M. communis (MIC range =2 to 64 µg/mL) against all the studied microorganisms, followed by Z. multiflora (MIC range = 512-2048 µg/mL), L. alba (MIC range = 1024-2048 µg/mL), C. aurantium (MIC range = 1024-4096 µg/mL), and Z. spina-christi (MIC range=2048- ˃4096 μg/mL).  Also, the lowest MMCs against the studied strains were related to the methanolic extract of M. communis (MMC range = 16-512 µg/mL).
Conclusion: The results showed remarkable antimicrobial effects of M. communis extract, which could be a suitable alternative to chemical mouthwashes to prevent and control oral infections. 

Zakaria Farajzadeh, Gholamreza Soltani, Mehdi Roustaei,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2010)

The aim of this study is to examine the main determinants of visitors' willingness to Pay (WTP) for the Pasargad Historical Palaces using contingent valuation method (CVM). To this end, the data are collected using questionnaire throughout a random sample of the citizens of Isfahan, Shiraz and Marvdasht. The data include socio-economic information and visitors' willingness to pay. The variables considered in the WTP model comprise gender, age, education, occupation, income, household size, environmental attitude and distance. Considering the characteristics of the data, the Probit and Tobit techniques are employed to estimate the model. The empirical results indicate that the average visitors’ willingness to pay is 114530 Rials. Moreover, the results confirm that the gender, household size, distance and income have statistically significant effects on visitors’ willingness to pay. However, the results show that the women are more likely to pay more than men. Based on the individuals willingness to pay and the number of visitors, the value of Pasargad Palaces from the point of view of the domestic visitors and consumption surplus exceed to 6640 and 6060 million Rials, respectively.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (Spring & Summer 2006)

The Zab river basin is locate in south of west Azarbaijan and north of Kurdistan province with total area equals 3527 km 2 .This river is flowing in the tectonic vally and slope instabilities occur frequently in center of this basin.Annually ,occurs of landslide and other type of mass movements cause of damages for roads , habitats and agriculture lands. This paper has attempted to evaluate and recognize these natural hazards and finally prepare hazard maps by applying Anbalagan method.The method of research in this paper are recognition and verify of landslide in field and determination of cause of their occurrence.The second stage is preparing factor maps and finally drawing slope instability zonation map.

Volume 10, Issue 2 (Spring 2019)

Luciferase from firefly Photinus pyralis (P .py) is a peroxisomal enzyme that converts a heterocyclic substrate luciferin to an excited state oxyluciferin in the presence of Mg+2-ATP and O2. Excited oxyluciferin with the emission of visible light is changed to its ground state. The combination of rapidity, sensitivity, and convenience has led to the development of a broad range of luminescence applications. In spite of wide ranges applications, firefly luciferase is unstable against changes in chemical and physical conditions, thereby reduce its precision and sensitivity. The most undesirable instability of the luciferase is low thermostability and high susceptibility to proteolytic degradation. According to previous studies, limited proteolysis by trypsin of P .py luciferase indicated six cleavage sites on two accessible regions: 206-220 (Including K206, R213, and R218) and 329-341 (Including K329, R330, and R337) on N-terminal domain. In this study, we used site-directed mutagenesis to introduce one point mutation on the 329-341 accessible regions of P. py luciferase, in order to investigate the role of R330 on the enzyme structure and function which R330 changed to Q. Based on limited proteolysis data, R330Q mutant didn’t significantly change compared to wild type, but this mutation caused several alterations in enzymatic properties including shifting the pH optimum from 7.5 to 8 and increasing the thermal inactivation. Based on the results, it can be concluded that whilst Arg330 is a conserved residue but not effects on trypsinolysis stability.

Volume 11, Issue 3 (Summer 2020)

Inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) are a family of proteins that block cell death through caspase activity. Survivin is smallest IAPs family member that overexpresses in different cancer types but not in normal tissue except embryonic tissue. Survivin may be used as a new marker to stratify cancer patients for more optimal treatment modalities. The aim of the current study was to investigate survivin DNA cloning into pET-28a and its expression in E.coli.
The sequence of survivin gene was amplified by PCR using specific primers and pcDNA-survivin temple. PCR product and pET-28a plasmid were digested by HindIII/NheI restriction enzymes and survivin was ligated into the digested vector. Then, the ligation product was transformed into the E.coli DH5a competent cells and screened by antibiotic selection marker (kanamycin). Positive colonies were selected by colony PCR and screened by double digestion of isolated plasmid. One positive colony was sequenced and confirmed. The recombinant plasmid was transformed into the expression strain of E.coli (BL21) by chemical method. The expression of survivin was induced in the different conditions and expression level investigated by SDS-PAGE.
The size of PCR product in agarose gel showed the correctness of amplification. The digested pET-28a plasmid also indicated the correctness of enzymatic reaction. The sequence of the cloned fragment revealed a 100% similarity to the human survivin. In expressing, adding IPTG increased the expression of survivin protein in all conditions, especially 37 ᵒC from 2 h after induction. At all conditions, most of survivin accumulated in the bacteria as inclusion body.

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