Showing 26 results for nejati
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
In this study, 30 mental states were suggested to 50 theatre actors. They designed a specific physical form for each mental state. In this process, 2000 images from actors’ gestures were collected. Images was surveyed by 321 accidental audiences; and among all images, images achieving the highest rate were selected. Reliability and validity of selected images were evaluated by a software designing for mind-reading's test though body. This study achieved its results mentioned below through preparation, design, implementation, analysis, record of results of a mind-reading’s test.
According to statistical results, the body has an ability to convey the mental state. We can figure out individuals’ mental states through body forms. Based on Baron-Cohen’s study, 30 body forms were determined. The relation between mind-reading through body and eyes was analyzed. Selected images for designing a mind-reading’s test through body were identified, and its reliability and validity were confirmed.
In this study, the first archive of images representing mental states through actors’ bodies has been designed and prepared. In comparison to men, women have a better function in understanding of mental states. Furthermore, bodies can represent mental states better than eyes.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (11-2009)
In this paper it is argued that the idea of “from socio-political to supported by Habermas has raised much theoretical and practical challenges. One of these challenges concerns with Habermasian trilogy of between facts and norms, communicative action, and discursive ethics. In the present paper the author, instead of liberal law-ethics theories, has concentrated on discursive law-democracy theory as an alternative to the first ones. To support this argument the writer has attempted to show and explain both the normative analytical merits of the chosen and supported theory and its limitations.ethical-legal
Volume 2, Issue 3 (NO. 3- 2010)
Generally speaking, globalization has confronted urban life and city management as well as citizenship to many key socio-cultural problems such as citizenship identity crisis. From this respect, the socio-politico-cultural relationships between urban management and urban citizenry have changed and weakened through urban globalization, on the other hand, they have positive outcomes in the context of urban localization or urban glocalisation at the same time. Therefore, in this paper, we attempted to explore four aspects of this urban problem: historical and conceptual schema of citizenship; citizenship politics at urban settings; urban citizenship theory and finally, urban citizenship policies as cultural urban experiences.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (4-2012)
Urban diplomacy is a new urban phenomenon and policy in a global urban management arena. It is also an advanced alternative policy instrument for extension of inter-cities social, cultural and political relations as well as corporations on human urban development. For these reasons, many of advanced urban regimes, especially in the western societies, attempt to apply this urban diplomacy in replace for nation-state politics as well as traditional international relations. Then, in this article, we describe both urban diplomacy theory and its relations with urban politics and urban management, as well as its urban policy experiences, which have been emerged in new urban management systems at global level of contemporary urban societies. Furthermore, according to the findings of this article, the main idea and procedure of urban diplomacy is that global mega-cities must solve their urban problems and confront with socio-cultural challenges by urban capacities, abilities and potentials, existing in urban participatory management diplomacy.
Volume 3, Issue 3 ((Articles in Persian) 2012)
The present study aimed to provide a comprarative analysis of the performance of Persian monoligual and Azari-Persian bilingual adolescents in comprehension of Persian proverbs. The study has been made on the basis of the constraint satisfaction model, within which the effect of the variables of “linguistic context”, “familiarity” and “gender” is examined on their “speed of comprehension”. The corpus includes 142 high school students in two groups of monolingual and bilingual individuals. The proverb comprehension test has been provided as a testing software in which the data are saved in the textual format and the response timing is saved in milliseconds. Data analysis was performed by a two-way analysis of variance. The research findings illustrated the significant effect of the variables studied, that by itself supports the efficiency of the constraint satisfaction model, as its theoretical base, in the comprehension of Persian proverbs.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (No.1 (Tome 29), (Articles in Persian) 2016)
The present research is aimed to evaluate the working memory (WM) in Persian words (as a L2) in comparison to it in Chinese words (as L1) in Chinese Persian learners. Thirty learners at Dehkhoda institute were chosen as the study sample. Sampling has been relied on the available subjects who took part in the visual n-back task which was specifically designed to measure WM. The participants had to press the congruent key (predetermined number 1) if the stimulus was the same as the one presented just before, and pressed incongruent key (number 2) if it was not. Then they took part in the stroop test. In psychology, the Stroop effect is a demonstration of interference in the reaction time of a task. the stroop test here included 40 stimuli- a pseudorandom selection of 20 Persian words and 20 Chinese words, selected among four main color which was written with incongruent ink. The participants had to press the key predetermined the color of the word- not ink-. Accordingly, the score of their WM “accuracy”, WM “mean respond time”, attention bias “accuracy” and attention bias “mean respond time” have been calculated separately for both languages and compared with paired samples T test. Results illustrate a meaningful difference between L1 and L2 among the selective attention mean respond time, WM accuracy and WM mean respond time, and didn’t illustrate meaningful diference between L1 and L2 among selective attention accuracy.
Volume 10, Issue 4 (1-2011)
In a mobile ad hoc network, there are some features such as the ability to exploit multipath effect for information exchange with high reliability and low error rate. dealing with the aggressors and discovering the path in data transmission are of importance. Approaching these goals ends in network promotion and efficiency.
In this paper, the designed protocol is able to discover multipath for information exchange with high reliability. The designed network has advantages such as resistance against error occurrence, decreasing the effect of the aggressors and discovering the path in data transmission. The network security is based on the desired encoding and encryption and it provides increased speed and mobility of the network performance and efficiency and reduces the weaknesses of the security system. With increasing the speed of the nodes and density of the network, the receipt of the packets increases about four percent which causes one percent increase in packets transition. At the same time packet overhead decreases 12% on average.
Volume 12, Issue 2 (4-2023)
This study was conducted to compare the morphological characteristics of wild and farmed common carp. In total 70 samples of common carp, including 25 samples of wild from Torkaman port and 45 samples of farmed common carp from Silver carp center in Gilan province were collected. Morphometric results were standardized using Elliott formula, and then principal component analysis (PCA) and discriminant function analysis (DFA) were used. Independent t-test was used to evaluate the significance of traits between these two populations. The results of this study revealed that the two populations of wild and farmed common craps were completely separated from each other, using PCA and individuals were assigned to their true population with high accuracy (98%) based on DFA. Among the 33 truss distances that were analyzed, 16 distances showed a significant difference between two populations (p<0.05). The results showed that the studied populations can be distinguished by many morphological differences, especially by dorsal fin length, pectoral fin length, pelvic fin length, anal fin length, dorsal fin width, body width, tail stem width, distance between pectoral and pelvic fin, distance from mouth to dorsal fin and the distance from the mouth to the anal fin. Overall, the results showed that the population of wild carp was significantly different from the population of farmed common carp from the morphological point of view.
Gene ontology and KEGG enrichment revealed potentially related trait potential and genes associated with body shape, scaling patterns, and skin color.«نتایج کامل» بار نشدامتحان مجدد
Volume 13, Issue 56 (10-2015)
In this study, the effect of sucrose substitution by date and glucose syrup in kombucha production has been investigated due to heath and economic benefits of date syrup. The effect of this substitution on the rheological, flavor and organoleptic properties of final product have been analyzed in order to evaluate possible marketability and consumer acceptance as the diverted product.Results showed that date syrup has the significant effect on the growth and persistency of microorganisms which effect on its healthy characteristics but its sour taste and flavor was stronger than blank sample.kinetics of glucuronic acid and total acid production have been evaluated by first order equation.result showed that at the first day after filtering(treatment pasted 10 days for initial fermentation) initial value of glucuronic acid and total acid were higher in date syrup added kombucha and the increment of glucuronic and total acid production was high in date syrup treatment which indicated that prescence of simple sugars (glucose and fructose) in date syrup can affect on microbial groth and both initial value and rate of acid production during the storage of filtered kombucha.
Volume 14, Issue 4 (3-2012)
Objective: Antigen 85 complex of Mycobacterium tuberculosis includes three immunogenic proteins which are important TB vaccine candidates. The use of these protein as a component of subunit vaccines, as a part of DNA vaccines or recombinant BCG boosters, enhances their recombinant production. Recombinant production of these mycobacterial proteins located in the cell wall somehow differs from the other proteins, as they are partially apolar. Therefore, this study aims to produce recombinant Ag85C as a vaccine candidate.
Methods: Ag85C gene was cloned in pJET1.2 and subsequently in pET32a(+). Both recombinant plasmids were sequenced. Expression of the recombinant protein was induced with 1mM IPTG. Recombinant Ag85C was purified through dissolving the inclusions in 8M urea buffer, absorbed to Ni-NTA resins, washed by buffers with decreasing urea concentrations, and finally eluted in aqueous solution. Western blot analysis was performed using anti-6His tag antibody, rabbit anti-M. tuberculosis polyclonal antibody, and the serum from hospitalized TB patients.
Results: Ag85C successfully cloned in both plasmid vectors. The recombinant Ag85C expressed in the E. coli host and was purified with significant yield.
Conclusion: Western blot results along with that of sequencing ensure accurate production of recombinant Ag85C, retaining its partial epitopes
Volume 15, Issue 5 (Supplementary Issue- 2015)
An experimental and numerical approach on crack propagation and fracture toughness of Central Straight-through Crack Brazilian Disk (CSCBD) samples under compression is carried out to be investigated the effect of particle size heterogeneity. To accomplish this goal, six type of specimens with different silica sand particle size but same combination are used for preparation CSCBD specimens. Diametrical compression load with a rate of 0.3 mm/min in two directions respect to the central crack orientation is applied to the discs and the failure loads corresponding to the each test are recorded. Also In this study, a numerical simulator based on RFPA (Rock Failure Process Analysis) is used to study the crack propagation path and fracture load in simulated CSCBD specimens with different particle size (Similar laboratory specimens). In this simulator, the heterogeneity of specimens is considered by assuming that the material properties of elements conform to a weibull distribution. Result of laboratory tests indicates a nonlinear relation between specimen’s particle size and mode I and mode II fracture toughness. The specimen whit medial particle size (2-2.38 mm) has the maximum fracture toughness in two fracture mode. Toughness of specimens decreased with increase and decrease of silica sand particle size. Numerical results shows, the trajectory of crack path for fine particle are more regular and initiated from the crack tip, propagate parallel to the load direction. But it’s for coarse particle, initiated from the boundary of grains in whole of the specimen and lead it to failure in an unexpected path. An experimental and numerical approach on crack propagation and fracture toughness of Central Straight-through Crack Brazilian Disk (CSCBD) samples under compression is carried out to be investigated the effect of particle size heterogeneity. To accomplish this goal, six type of specimens with different silica sand particle size but same combination are used for preparation CSCBD specimens. Diametrical compression load with a rate of 0.3 mm/min in two directions respect to the central crack orientation is applied to the discs and the failure loads corresponding to the each test are recorded. Also In this study, a numerical simulator based on RFPA (Rock Failure Process Analysis) is used to study the crack propagation path and fracture load in simulated CSCBD specimens with different particle size (Similar laboratory specimens). In this simulator, the heterogeneity of specimens is considered by assuming that the material properties of elements conform to a weibull distribution. Result of laboratory tests indicates a nonlinear relation between specimen’s particle size and mode I and mode II fracture toughness. The specimen whit medial particle size (2-2.38 mm) has the maximum fracture toughness in two fracture mode. Toughness of specimens decreased with increase and decrease of silica sand particle size. Numerical results shows, the trajectory of crack path for fine particle are more regular and initiated from the crack tip, propagate parallel to the load direction. But it’s for coarse particle, initiated from the boundary of grains in whole of the specimen and lead it to failure in an unexpected path.
Sayyed Abdolmajid Jalaee, Mehdi nejati, Farkhondeh Bagheri,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (summer 2016 2016)
Exchange rate in Iran has been facing fluctuations for many years, and has been affected the economic structure. Therefore, studying the changes in Exchange rate is of great importance. In this regard, the present paper studies the effects of exchange rate shocks on investment and employment within a systematic multi-regional computable model using GTAP.8 in 2007. To assess the impact of these changes, two scenarios of a 10% increase and reduction in the exchange rate are considered. The results confirm the same movements of price and exchange rate. Increase in the exchange rate in agriculture, industry and mining sectors has caused a reduction in production and employment, but has caused an increase in both variables in the service, oil and gas sectors. The decline in the exchange rate has resulted in fall of production and consequently and employment in the service, oil and gas, sectors, but it has caused an increase in both variables in agriculture, industry and mining sectors. The total investment in all areas examined is in line with exchange rate changes. Therefore, positive exchange rate shocks can increase overall employment rate. The issue is important because the share of employment in the service, oil and gas sectors is more than its share in agriculture, industry and mining ones. In addition, the positive exchange rate shock results in an increase in investment, regarding the structure of exports and imports.
Volume 16, Issue 4 (7-2014)
In recent years, sexed semen has been commercially available. Due to its lower fertility and higher price compared to conventional semen, economic evaluation should be undertaken before recommending the technology to dairy producers in each country. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the sexed semen usage at farm level in economic conditions of Iran based on total net present value (TNPV) and to estimate the impact of sexed semen on the rate of genetic improvement in dairy cattle population with and without using genomic information. Three relative conception rates (RCR) of sexed semen compared to the conventional semen were assumed i.e. 0.80, 0.75, and 0.70. Visual basic 6 and Excel software were used for calculations. The results showed that greater numbers of sexed semen services in heifers resulted in higher TNPV for all assumed RCRs, but for cows in parities 1 and 2, use of two sexed semen services for RCR, 0.80 and 0.75 resulted in the highest TNPV; while, for RCR= 0.70, the results indicated that using sexed semen was not economical. By using traditional evaluation, genomic evaluation with 3k chip, and genomic evaluation with 50k chip, the additional genetic gains in 305-day milk yield were, respectively, approximately 25, 34, and 38% higher than the current annual genetic progress for this trait in Iran (that is, about 53 kg per year).
Volume 16, Issue 90 (August 2019)
Diabetes is an inherited and/or acquired chronic disease. It is one of the most common metabolic disorders caused by the deficiency in production of insulin, or reduction of organ responses to secreted insulin. Prevalence of diabetes is high in the developing country and it is the 4th main cause of death and the major cause of blindness in adults. Since the main goal of diabetes treatment is the control of blood sugar level in the normal range and providing adequate conditions for insulin activity to reduce vascular and neurological diseases, nutritional treatment, food diet and the control of weight are the most solutions. On the other hand, the lack of appropriate food alternatives demonstrates the need for research on developing the special formulation of products designed for diabetic patients. The inhibition of α-amylase and α-glucosidase activities, natural and artificial sweeteners in formulations, medicine foods, low digestible carbohydrates, gradual decrease, enhancers, release profile and legislation are the most important ways for control of diabetic diet.
Volume 17, Issue 1 (3-2017)
In this paper, a novel model based on the indicial functions concept is presented to calculate the unsteady aerodynamic loads in the incompressible and subsonic compressible flow. Indicial functions represent the two-dimensional airfoil response to a unit step change in the angle of attack or the pitch rate about the reference axis. In contrast to the incompressible flow where the aerodynamic loads can be determined in terms of a single indicial function, four indicial aerodynamic functions are required to find them in the compressible one. If the indicial functions are known, the unsteady loads can then be obtained through the superposition of indicial responses using Duhamel’s integral for any arbitrary motion. For the purpose of combination the aerodynamic loads for the entire subsonic flow speed range, i.e. 0≤M≤0.8, a new, efficient and Mach dependent approximations of the indicial functions are presented by using the analytical as well as numerical data. Using four instead of seven Mach dependent coefficients in the common indicial functions, the required coefficient are decreased from 28 to 16 to fully describe the aerodynamic loads. Utilizing the indicial functions, then a novel and convenient form of unsteady aerodynamic loads and the corresponding state-space representation is presented; having a unified formulation in incompressible and subsonic compressible flight speed regimes. Based on the strip theory as well as the modified lift curve slope, the finite span effect of 3D wings is also included. The generated indicial functions is validated against available results, which shows a good agreement.
Volume 17, Issue 7 (Supplementary Issue - 2015)
Genetic parameters were estimated in a base and closed population of Iranian honeybee colonies. Data were obtained on 500-700 Iranian native population of honeybee colonies (honeybee breeding project in central region of Iran) subject to 9 successive generation of selection. These populations had been selected for honey production, swarming behavior, and defense behavior. Heritability of honey production, swarming behavior, and defense behavior were 0.22, 0.34, and 0.44, respectively. Phenotypic and genetic correlations between honey production with swarming tendency and defense behavior were -0.16, -0.59, and 0.21, 0.48, respectively. Phenotypic and genetic correlations between swarming and defense behavior were -0.52 and -0.67 respectively. The genetic and phenotypic trends of swarming behavior, defense behavior, and honey production in the honeybee colonies during the 1999-2009 were desirable. Lower heritability of honey production and its higher dependence on apiary management and environmental or climatic factors caused lower improvement of honey production in breeding plans.
Volume 17, Issue 105 (November 2020)
Hawk (Crataegus spp.) is a rich source of natural antioxidants, especially flavonoids and anthocyanin, and these bioactive compounds have various beneficial effects on health and well-being. In this study, hawthorn fruits extract were prepared by ultrasound (for 30 minutes), microwave (150 s) and ultrasound- microwave (30 min ultrasound + 150 s microwave). After applying these pre-treatments, the extract of fruits was extracted with Ethanol. A sample without any pre-treatment was selected as a control. The total phenolic content, scavenging activity of DPPH, reducing power assay, acidity and determination of important compounds (by gas chromatography / mass spectrometry) of the samples were investigated. Statistical analysis and optimization process were performed through completely randomized design using SAS software. The results showed that the use of different pre-treatments resulted in increasing the total phenolic content, scavenging activity of DPPH and reducing power in extracts. The total phenol content of sample obtained from the pretreatment of ultrasound-microwave was higher (9.89%) than control sample. The analysis of the acidity data showed that the pre-treatment type did not have significant effect on the acidity of the samples (p <0.01). The using microwave- ultrasound pre-treatment resulted in increase in the extract compounds and the bis-2-ethylhexyl-phethalate was the most detectable combination in the extracts. It was concluded, that combination of microwave and ultrasound was the best pretreatment for extraction of hawthorn fruit.
Volume 18, Issue 116 (October 2021)
Cornelean cherry is a very perishable fruit that requires proper postharvest management to reduce losses. This study was aimed to increase the postharvest life and marketability of the product using postharvest calcium chloride treatments. The present study was conducted in a factorial experiment based on a completely randomized design with three replications. Factors included 3 immersion calcium chloride treatments (0, 60 and 80 mM), 4 storage times (0, 10, 20 and 30 days) and two cornelean cherry genotypes. Fruit samples were harvested at maturity (more than 90% of red skin) and immersion treatments were applied on them. During and after the experiment, different physicochemical traits of fruits were studied. The results showed that KKP2 genotype had lower mean firmness and sugar content and higher weight loss percentage than Hir genotype. The results showed that the two genotypes did not show significant differences in terms of pH and titratable acidity. Firmness, titratable acid, ascorbic acid, anthocyanin and phenol decreased over time. Among immersion treatments, the highest and lowest firmness, titratable acid and ascorbic acid belonged to 60 mM calcium and control (distilled water), respectively. The difference between 60 and 80 mM calcium chloride treatments was not significant. The lowest fruit weight loss was obtained in 80 mM calcium chloride treatment.
Dr Mehdi nejati, Dr Reza Akhbari,
Volume 20, Issue 2 (summer 2020 2020)
If the technology gap between counties is narrow, the foreign direct investment (FDI) will have a greater impact on total factor productivity (TFP) because of technological spillovers. In this study, regarding the technology gap, the impact of FDI from nine selected OECD countries on TFPs in eight industrial subsectors of Iran is examined using panel threshold model during 2002-2015. To estimate this model, at first step, a Cobb-Douglas production function was estimated by ARDL approach, and TFPs were calculated. Then, technology gap as ratio of foreign to domestic TFPs were computed. The estimation of panel threshold model indicated that if technology gap between FDI recipients and donors is narrow, the effect of FDI on TFP will be high in industrial subsectors. In addition, estimating the coefficients of the variables independent of the regime indicated interesting results contrary to the theoretical expectations about the productivity of the industrial sector. The human capital and R&D expenditure had insignificant coefficients. These findings can be can be justified with the low quality of human capital, inadequate expenditure of industrial sector on R&D activities, and economic sanctions which raise the uncertainty and worsen the stagnation. Upgrading human capital in the industrial sector through on-the-job training, or encouraging workers to participate in overseas training courses are recommend to reduce the technological gap and to improve the attraction of FDI.
Volume 21, Issue 153 (November 2024)
Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L) fruit is very perishable and needs proper post-harvest management to reduce waste. This study was performed as a factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with three replications with the aim of increasing postharvest life and maintaining fruit quality of two Cornelian cherry genotypes KKP2 and Hir. Factors included three salicylic acid immersion treatments (0, 1 and 2 mM), four storage times (0, 10, 20 and 30 days) and two Cornelian cherry genotypes. Fruits were harvested at maturity (more than 90% redness of the skin) and healthy and uniform fruits were subjected to immersion treatments and stored for 30 days at 4 ° C. During and at the end of experiment, different physicochemical traits of fruits including soluble solids (TSS), firmness, total phenol, anthocyanin, ascorbic acid, pH and weight loss were examined at 10-day intervals. The results showed that KKP2 genotype had less firmness and TSS and more weight loss than Hir genotype. There was no significant difference between the two genotypes in terms of total acidity. The highest of pH, soluble solids and weight loss were observed in the control or distilled water treatment and salicylic acid treatment prevented the increase of these parameters. The highest levels of ascorbic acid, anthocyanin and firmness were observed in the treatment of 1 mM salicylic acid. The amount of fruit phenol in distilled water treatment was further reduced and the treatments of salicylic acid 1 and 2 mM prevented further reduction of phenol during storage. Salicylic acid treatments can be used as a promising method for increasing the firmness and extending the shelf life of cornelian cherry fruits.