Showing 3 results for khosroabadi
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
In the Persian language, which follows the SOV (Subject-Object-Verb) word order, the interrogative complement or prepositional object usually appears after the object in the focal position. However, it is possible to move this phrase to other positions within the sentence. The aim of this study is to investigate the processing of interrogative complement displacement in Persian using Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) based on Friederici's syntactic processing model. This study focuses on the central-parietal region of the brain, specifically the N400 and P600 components, which, according to Friederici's language processing model (1995), examine the filler-gap dependency structure and the mental representation of these phrases. Four different positions of the interrogative complement in Persian were examined, and 50 sentences were constructed for each condition.. The results indicate that the displacement of the interrogative complement leads to different brain responses, with an increase in N400 amplitude in the central-parietal region when the interrogative complement follows the subject, and an increase in P600 amplitude in the initial or focal position of the interrogative complement. These findings suggest that the displacement of the wh-complement in Persian, according to Friederici's model, has a neurophysiological basis and may represent a filler-gap dependency structure in mental representation.
Mohsen Zayanderoody, Mohamad khosroabadi, Alireza Shakibaeei,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (Autumn 2017 2017)
With regard to the increasing income inequality, higher unemployment rates, urbanization, economic inefficiency, lack of economic justice in different societies especially within developing countries, and highlighting the role of governments in achieving a better distribution of incomes, the need for good governance is strongly felt. This study aims to examine the impact of the good governance on income distribution among the South-Western Asia countries during the period from 1996 to 2013. It estimates two panel data models using Stata12 software. In the first model, the index of good governance quality and in the second model, six indicators of good governance are investigated. The results show that the index of governance quality and the indicators of political stability and government effectiveness have negative and significant effects on reducing inequality. Thus, the proper policy-making may improve the distribution of income in these countries.
Volume 17, Issue 10 (1-2018)
Micro end-milling is one of the main manufacturing processes of creating miniaturized parts which are increasingly demanded in many industries. Using tools with diameter less than 1 mm results in rising the so-called “size effect” and problems due to ploughing at low feeds per tooth. It is therefore crucial to estimate value of minimum chip thickness which helps to reduce or eliminate the ploughing. In this study role of scaling down is investigated with regard to milling operation in micro- and macro-scale. A titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V is used as workpiece. Two-flute endmills with diameters of 0.8 and 2 mm are used representing micro and macro-scale, respectively. Effects of axial depth of cut and feed rate as input parameters were evaluated on such output characteristics as specific cutting energy, microhardness, surface roughness, topography and chip formation. Results show higher values of microhardness and specific cutting energy in micro-scale. Microhardness and specific cutting energy in micro-scale were found to be 6 times and 150% greater than the macro-scale, respectively. The study suggests that minimum chip thickness can be varied approximately between 0.25 and 0.49 of the cutting edge radius.