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Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2016)

Background: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are concerned as costly health problems worldwide. Rural people are more susceptible to musculoskeletal disorders. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and related factors among adult living in Aq Qalaian, Iran.
Methods and Material: This was a cross-sectional study which performed among 200 adult living in rural region in north of Iran named Ag, Qalaian. The data were gathered through Nordic Standard Questionnaire and were analyzed using SPSS, version 18. To compare subgroups in terms of different variables, the significant level of %5 was considered.
Results: Totally, 200 adults including 100 women and 100 men with mean age of 38/36 ± 7/72 and 41/84 ± 9/39 respectively were studied. Seventy nine percent of the studied participants suffered from a type of musculoskeletal disorders. The most musculoskeletal disorders were occurred among housewives. Low back pain was the most prevalent musculoskeletal disorders.
Conclusions: Considering the high prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in people living in rural areas, ergonomics interve­ntion and education programs are guaranteed.

Volume 1, Issue 4 (10-2016)

Background: In addition to individual problems and conditions, low back pain reduces working capacity, resulting in the waste of time and absence from the work, and increases healthcare costs and economic losses. This study aimed to determine the prevalence rate of low back pain and its relationship to demographic factors, body mass index, and education in ergonomic principles in rural men.
Methods and Materials: This study was a cross-sectional descriptive study. Study population was consisted of 215 men from the village of AqQala city. Data collection tool was Nordic questionnaire. Data were analysis using SPSS software version 19 and chi-square test and descriptive statistics.
Results: About 54.88% of the patients (67.82% workers and 40% farmers) during the last year have been experiencing discomfort in the lower back. χ2 statistics analysis showed a significant relationship between low back pain and occupation, BMI, age, and education in ergonomic principles (P˂.05). There was no relationship between low back pain and level of education (P = .085). Only 13% of the participants were trained in ergonomic principles.
Conclusions: Considering the high prevalence rate of low back pain as well as significant relationship between BMI and education in ergonomic principles with back pain, the need is felt for training of these people in how to lose weight, how to implement ergonomic principles in laboringand agricultural activities and carrying heavy objects, how to avoid bad work situations, how to maintain and care for the waist, how to perform simple exercises for strengthening and flexibility of lower back muscles.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (9-2017)

Background: In today's world, Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) with high prevalence in work settings are one of the most important occupational health issues. In addition, MSDs cause personal distress, decreased working capacity, and waste of time, work absenteeism, increased health care costs and economic losses. This study aimed to compare the prevalence rate of MSDs and their associated factors among farmers and workers in Agh Ghala.
Methods and Materials: This study was a cross-sectional study. The study population consisted of 300 patients (150 farmers and 150 workers) who were selected from Agh Ghala city in Golestan province. The data collection instrument was Nordic questionnaires. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and chi-square test in SPSS software version.
Results: In this study, about 72% of the farmers (N = 108) and 83.33% of the workers (N = 125) were suffering from MSDs during the preceding year. The most common disorders were Lower Back Pain (LBP) 36.7% (N = 55) and 55.3% (N = 83) in farmers and workers respectively, followed by knee pain 25.3% (N = 38) and 36.7% (N = 57) in farmers and workers respectively. The chi-square test showed a significant relationship between the MSDs and age, level of education, and training in ergonomic principles (P <.05). The finding suggested that there was no significant relationship between MSDs and Body Mass Index (BMI) in both groups (P < 0.05).
Conclusion: Regarding the high prevalence rate of MSDs, it is necessary to organize training courses about professional ergonomic interventions in order to raise farmers' and workers' awareness and skills. These programs can be used to improve the health behsubsequentubsequently healthworkers, duefarmers and workers due to preventing from the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (, (Articles in Persian) 2012)

If a language makes use of a case marker to indicate the role of the object in a sentence, that marker is called “object case marker”. In some languages, only a subset of objects is marked with a case marker, which is called “differential object marking” (DOM). Definiteness and animacy of the object are among the factors for an object to be accompanied with a case marker. This article studies the effect of definiteness and animacy on the use of the object marker in Mâzandarâni, a modern North-Western Iranian language of the Southern Caspian subgroup. Studying DOM in a Mâzandarâni corpus, 148 noun-phrases as direct object of the verb were recognized, and animacy and definiteness were the influential factors on the use of object marker with an object in this corpus.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (5-2017)

Background: Klebsiella pneumoniae (K. pneumoniae) causes a wide range of nosocomial and community-acquired infections. In recent decades, K. pneumoniae has been known as the agent of community-acquired primary pyogenic liver abscess. In attempts to find the causes of this disease, researchers found a new virulence gene called magA (mucoviscosity-associated gene A). The present study was performed to determine the prevalence rate of magA gene among the extended-spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL)-positive and ESBL-negative K. pneumoniae strains.
Materials and Methods: The current cross-sectional study was conducted on 130 K. pneumoniae isolates collected from patients in Imam Reza hospital and its associated clinics in Mashhad city (Iran) from May 2011 to July 2012. The presence of K. pneumoniae species was confirmed by conventional microbio­logical methods.  Samples were tested for the production of ESBLs by the double disk diffusion (DDS) test. PCR was performed to detect magA gene. The hypermucoviscosity (HV) phenotype of Klebsiella isolates was char­acterized by the string test.
Results: magA gene was detected in 11(8.5%) out of 130 isolates of K. pneu­moniae. Of 11 isolates with positive result for magA gene, three cases were HV+, and 8 cases were HV- phe­notype. Of 130 K. pneu­moniae isolates, 56 isolates were ESBL-positive, and 74 isolates were ESBL-negative. The magA gene was detected in 4 out of 56 (7.14%) ESBL-positive, and 7 out of 74 (9.46%) ESBL-negative samples.
Conclusion: In the present study, no correlation was observed between the presence of magA gene and the production of ESBL in K. pneumoniae strains isolated from different clinical samples in Mashhad. 

Volume 3, Issue 2 (Spring 2018)

Aims: one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders among farmers is low back pain. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of corrective exercise training on low back pain disorder among farmers.
Materials and Methods: This research is a semi-experimental study that was conducted on farmers in Aq-Qala, Golestan Province, Iran in 2017. The statistical population of this study was all farmers in the central part of the city of Aq-Qala. The sample consisted of 100 farmers in the central city of Agh-Ghala were randomly divided into two groups, intervention (n=50) and control (n=50) groups. The instrument of research was Nordic questionnaire. The intervention group participated in an 8-session sports training program. Chi-square and McNemar tests were used and the collected data were analyzed by SPSS 18.
Findings: The prevalence of back pain among farmers in both intervention and control groups was 56% and 60%, respectively. There was a significant difference between the percentage of low back pain in the intervention group before and after the training of corrective exercise training (p=0.001). This difference was not significant in the control group (p=0.879). The intervention in the intervention group reduced the back pain by 24%.
Conclusion: Intervention of corrective exercise training can reduce the prevalence of low back pain among farmers.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2014)

The ladybird beetle, Hippodamia variegata (Goeze) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) is one of the most important natural enemies of the common pistachio psylla, Agonoscena pistaciae Burckhardt and Lauterer (Hemiptera: Psyllidae). The effects of hexaflumuron and spirodiclofen were investigated on development and carbohydrates and total lipid contents of 4th instar larvae of H. variegata. The insecticides had significant effects on the mortality of eggs, but no significant effects on mortality of larvae or pupae. Hexaflumuron significantly increased the length of development of eggs (2.89 days) and first instar larvae (3.28 days), but had no significant effects on other instars or pupae. Spirodiclofen had no significant effects on developmental stages of H. variegata. Glycogen content was significantly reduced by spirodiclofen (17.42 mg/g fresh body weight) and hexaflumuron (16.07 mg/g fresh body weight). Trehalose content in hexaflumuron (1.89 mg/g fresh body weight) and spirodiclofen-treated larvae (2.02 mg/g fresh body weight) was significantly lower than control (8.01 mg/g fresh body weight). Glucose content in spirodiclofen-treated larvae (0.96 mg/g fresh body weight) was significantly higher than in hexaflumuron-treated larvae (0.24 mg/g fresh body weight) and control (0.15 mg/g fresh body weight). Significant reduction in the amount of lipid was observed in spirodiclofen-treated larvae (5.29 mg/g fresh body weight), but not in hexaflumuron-treated larvae (7.11 mg/g fresh body weight). These results suggest that substantial physiological events in the life of larvae are affected in response to the action of the tested insecticides.  

Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2015)

Aim: The aim of this study was to design a tool and to assess its validity and reliability based on native culture characterization to evaluate the health belief model (HBF) constructs about prenatal care.
Methods: 215 pregnant women covered by the health centers of Iranshahr in the age group of 18-35 years and the least ability of reading and writing participated in this cross-sectional study. After reviewing the literature, the tool was designed, and its validity and reliability were approved based on psychometric data of the target group and the view of a panel of experts through calculating the content validity ratio, content validity index, exploratory factor analysis, and internal consistency.
Findings: The validity of 42 items was assessed through calculating the index score of the item effect above 1.5, content validity ratio more than 0.80, and content validity index higher than 0.79. By using exploratory factor analysis with a special value greater than 1, six factors and 35 items remained that were classified into six categories based on the literature review and content items, which were able to predict 77.095 % of the total variance of the tool. The reliability of the research tool was calculated using Cronbach’s alpha equal to 0.816.
Conclusion: The results of this study provide proper evidence about the strength of structural factors and the reliability of the assessment tool for the structures of HBM about prenatal care. It can be considered by the researchers in developing a tool for research, education and action.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2015)

The genus Phaneroserphus Pschorn–Walcher, 1958 is recorded for the first time from Iran and its allied species, Phaneroserphus punctibasis Townes, 1981 is recorded from West Palaearctic region for the first time. The specimens were collected from Mazandaran Province during 2011 using Malaise traps. Diagnostic characters and geographical distribution of the newly recorded genus and species is briefly discussed.  

Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2014)

The evolution of urban regeneration was the story of interaction and sometimes conflict of economical and cultural priorities and this subject has happened to change the paradigms, theories and pattern which are dominanted on political-economical systems and social transitions. During the last decades, the role of culture in urban regeneration in related to other factors has been changed scientifically. In recent decades, cultural emphasis has been the main approach to urban regeneration.Meanwhile, today in the context of social-economical changes, the theory of creative city which has globalization in its main content, on the one hand has special attention to human, social, and cultural capitals and on the other hand in dealing with spatial features try to create economic competitiveness, social cohesion and cultural diversity reaching to unique image of city. Therefore, addressing capacity of the creative city theory in urban regeneration field can has the new visions on the strategies and policies in this field in our country. This study explains creative city theory and describe its position in culture led urban regeneration ,for this purpose , the theory of creative city and its urban strategies with descriptive-analytical research method has been studied. The results show that the theory of city creative with emphasis on culture and economic(competiveness) in physical context , sets to culture led urban regeneration direction and such a communication mechanism is presented in the form of a conceptual model. This conceptual model can offer strategies in operating this theory as an intervention approach in obsolescent and historical contexts. The evolution of urban regeneration was the story of interaction and sometimes conflict of economical and cultural priorities and this subject has happened to change the paradigms, theories and pattern which are dominanted on political-economical systems and social transitions. During the last decades, the role of culture in urban regeneration in related to other factors has been changed scientifically. In recent decades, cultural emphasis has been the main approach to urban regeneration.Meanwhile, today in the context of social-economical changes, the theory of creative city which has globalization in its main content, on the one hand has special attention to human, social, and cultural capitals and on the other hand in dealing with spatial features try to create economic competitiveness, social cohesion and cultural diversity reaching to unique image of city. Therefore, addressing capacity of the creative city theory in urban regeneration field can has the new visions on the strategies and policies in this field in our country. This study explains creative city theory and describe its position in culture led urban regeneration ,for this purpose , the theory of creative city and its urban strategies with descriptive-analytical research method has been studied. The results show that the theory of city creative with emphasis on culture and economic(competiveness) in physical context , sets to culture led urban regeneration direction and such a communication mechanism is presented in the form of a conceptual model. This conceptual model can offer strategies in operating this theory as an intervention approach in obsolescent and historical contexts The evolution of urban regeneration was the story of interaction and sometimes conflict of economical and cultural priorities and this subject has happened to change the paradigms, theories and pattern which are dominanted on political-economical systems and social transitions. During the last decades, the role of culture in urban regeneration in related to other factors has been changed scientifically. In recent decades, cultural emphasis has been the main approach to urban regeneration.Meanwhile, today in the context of social-economical changes, the theory of creative city which has globalization in its main content, on the one hand has special attention to human, social, and cultural capitals and on the other hand in dealing with spatial features try to create economic competitiveness, social cohesion and cultural diversity reaching to unique image of city. Therefore, addressing capacity of the creative city theory in urban regeneration field can has the new visions on the strategies and policies in this field in our country. This study explains creative city theory and describe its position in culture led urban regeneration ,for this purpose , the theory of creative city and its urban strategies with descriptive-analytical research method has been studied. The results show that the theory of city creative with emphasis on culture and economic(competiveness) in physical context , sets to culture led urban regeneration direction and such a communication mechanism is presented in the form of a conceptual model. This conceptual model can offer strategies in operating this theory as an intervention approach in obsolescent and historical contexts The evolution of urban regeneration was the story of interaction and sometimes conflict of economical , social and cultural priorities and this subject has happened to change the paradigms, theories and pattern which are dominanted on political-economical systems and social transitions. During the last decades, the role of culture in urban regeneration in related to other factors has been changed scientifically. In recent decades, cultural emphasis has been the main approach to urban regeneration.Meanwhile, today in the context of social-economical changes, the theory of creative city which has globalization in its main content, on the one hand has special attention to human, social, and cultural capitals and on the other hand in dealing with spatial features try to create economic competitiveness, social cohesion and cultural diversity reaching to unique image of city. Therefore, addressing capacity of the creative city theory in urban regeneration field can has the new visions on the strategies and policies in this field in our country. This study explains creative city theory and describe its position in culture led urban regeneration ,for this purpose , the theory of creative city and its urban strategies with descriptive-analytical research method has been studied. The results show that the theory of city creative with emphasis on culture and economic (competiveness) in physical context , sets to culture led urban regeneration direction and such a communication mechanism is presented in the form of a conceptual model.

Volume 4, Issue 5 (Supplementary Issue - 2015)

The common pistachio psylla Agonoscena pistaciae is a key pest of pistachio in Iran. A study was conducted to determine the spatial distribution ofpsyllanymphs and eggs in a 10 ha pistachio orchard in the Rafsanjan region, southeast of Iran. Three rows, each containing 33 trees (totally 99 trees), were randomly selected in the orchard based on a stratified sampling scheme. In each of the selected trees, three positions in the crown (top, middle and bottom) were considered. One leaf from each position as sampling unit (totally 297 samples) was clipped and number of nymphs and eggs were counted. Ordinary kriged maps were achieved for nymphs and eggs of the three positions using a variogram function. Results indicated the highest and lowest density of the nymphs occurred on the top and bottom positions of the crown, respectively. Eggs of the common pistachio psylla were laid mostly on the bottom of the pistachio crown.

Volume 4, Issue 11 (1-2016)

This article aims to study the aesthetics of Nakhlgardani ritual of “Abyane” village. Because of the migration of the young people from Abyane, a collection of natives is observable only in special situations as Nakhlgardani ritual. It is in such situations that we can study the life components of this culture with regard to its historical origins. This study aims to understand cultural aesthetics of Nakhlgardani ritual. To do this, we tend to answer these questions that, what are the aesthetics standards of “Abyane” culture? How these standards in Nakhlgardani ritual are used? This research has been done in field and for data collection we have applied interview, participant observation, photography, filming, oral history and historical image documents strategies.In the theoretical framework of anthropology, after analysis cultural analysis of the ritual components, we analyzed them in the whole ritual process. As the results of this research show, the main aesthetics standards of the people of Abyane are brilliance, harmony, balance and movement. Brilliant decoration in Abyane’s culture is equal to life and the separation from this decoration is equal to death. Thus, the function of the decorative art in Abyane society is creation and protection of the social life

Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2015)

A broad definition of social life describes activities that require the presents of other individuals in a public sector; such as children playing; running into your neighbors; all kinds of local activities and most commonly passive interactions in which citizens see each other and listen to what they say. Social activities don’t just happen by themselves, as other people need be in the same place, meet each other, pass by or just happen to be in sight of one’s presence in a physical state. Environmental improvements significantly increase the selective interaction rates and accordingly the amount of social activities between people. Public space quality improvements, affects the daily/social interactions of the citizens, and this effect can be witnessed in pedestrian routs or home zone more than anywhere else. Most of our urban routs, from main roads to the local streets and alleys have turned into geometricallyaligned carriageways, all designed under one general structure (two sidewalks on each side and the roadway in the middle); without noticing that every urban space requires to meet a series of expectations being delivered through its urban functionality. Currently urban shapes only reflect the structural arrangements for vehicular accessibility, thus diminishing other aspects of human needs. Therefore social life has become territorial and resident activity has opted to leave the streets and other public spaces and focus more on the inside of homes and private courtyards. The significance of this issue as a historical process lies down within consideration of social life in streets and public spaces, and how their configuration reflects the values and excellence of our society. It seems as if it would be needed to avoid through traffic and crossing traffic to achieve traffic calming measures in residential streets. Also design practices for destination routs should be configured in a way so that access to collector roads becomes as short as possible. In addition, not only current residential streets have become a transportation route for un-local vehicles, but have also become a parking lot for on-street parking due to low parking capacities throughout the city. Thus streets and alleys turn into parking courts resulting in significant loss of space due to vehicle sizes. This space however must be in service for the social requirements of residence, such as children’s playground and rest spots. Traffic management and pedestrian interaction is an important case, studied is various resources. Therefore looking at the backgrounds, an analytic model should be introduced to demonstrate the standards and paradigms that impact the relation between traffic and social life. This model states the effect of four major components being: road hierarchies, parking, traffic management and pedestrian interaction, on the relation between social life in residential layouts and the vehicular traffic. The hierarchal parameter is to define the amount of through traffic and the parking parameter defines the number of vehicles estimated on plot by arranging end and on-site parking space. According to this model, each aspect in traffic management and pedestrian interaction is also assessed by two parameters. The parameters that help evaluate traffic management are Speed and Traffic volume. The pedestrian interaction aspect is evaluable by walk way and narrowing the optical width for drivers. The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact of open-space traffic in residential layouts on social activity levels in those areas. Since records show that the design quality of residential layouts and the satisfaction of the residence is linked to the conditions of the open spaces between the blocks in residential layouts, in this research vehicular traffic has been described as one of the effective factors on environmental standards, which can affect life quality and residence satisfaction. Thus, the main question being “How does traffic affect the social lives of the residence?” In this study the effects of vehicular traffic on the quality and level of social activities in two similar neighborhoods in the same district of Mehregan in Qazvin were evaluate using a survey research method, in which the data is collected through survey questionnaires and analyzed by the Chi-square parametric test. Using this analytic model, the social life should be ratable through aspects such as road hierarchies, parking, traffic management and pedestrian interaction. Each one of these four aspects has been explained through other paradigms. The survey method was used to examine the outcome hypothesis from this analytic model. The samples were selected out of Mehregan urban county in Qazvin. Containing 9neighborhoods, this county was designed and built neighborhood-friendly. Since this complex was designed, built and operated during a close period of time, and planned equally under both social and urban parameters, therefore had the potential to avoid the effect of unwanted variables in the study. Two sites in two different neighborhoods were selected for study, both being statistically very close in terms of number of residence and size. To evaluate each of these subject aspects, multiple questions were set in a filtering style, so that the outcomes of each aspect would quantify the perception of social life in that aspect. In the frequency table, the social life levels have been described as “not at all, low, average, high and very high”. Face validity was applied to weighting the factors, meanwhile multiple distribution of factors due to various reasons, were managed to be avoided. Therefore even and simple distribution of elements has been considered. Results show that meeting social life under the aspect of traffic management in both of the selected samples has a meaningful difference with each other. Those residence who had more activities, had considered the traffic calming and traffic volume of their residency more than other respondents. In the first neighborhood unit, vehicular travel speeds were lower due to various utilized traffic management tools while pedestrian features were considered at higher priority. However the define of social life would be meaningless in both narrowing the vehicular readability and supplying surroundings parking. Results also show that the more through traffic is reduced on site by achieving road hierarchies, the more social activities grow. In the selected neighboring units, the impact of designing local parking lot in both residential complexes seemed to have no significant difference on people’s social life. Since parking for residence in both locations was provided outside, the respondents evaluated the site structure of their residency in terms of the effectiveness of narrowed driving optical width and provision of local parking, as “average”. Therefore the impact of these aspects on social life cannot be measured. What can be concluded overall is that the road hierarchy and traffic management emphasizes on creating potentials for efficient and effective activity in the site. According to results, the level of environmental response in traffic management, in both selected locations demonstrated a meaningful difference. Since residence of the first neighboring unit, had evaluated the traffic calming and traffic volume of their residency better than the other respondents, having considered pedestrian features at higher priority, it could be said that reducing traffic volume and speed by the implementation of traffic management tools and also turning all of negative spaces to pedestrian spaces in the layout, affects and promotes social life. It can be stated overall that traffic management reflects a great impact on social life. However being said that narrowing the optical driving width makes no significant difference in improving social life, thus no comment could be provided on its effects.

Volume 5, Issue 4 (No.4 (Tome 20), (Articles in Persian) 2014)

Tâti is one of the languages, which besides applying other means such as agreement and word order, uses case marking of dependents to show the grammatical relations in a sentence. Tâti is among the North-west Iranian languages. Tâti dialects are dispersed in some cities and villages in Ardebil, Qazvin, Zanjan and Gilan provinces. The Tâti variety studied in this article is the Dəravi variety, which is spoken in Khalkhâl. This article intends to study the case system of Dəravi.  Although this variety of Tâti has retained some ancient characteristics, its case system has not been studied yet. This variety is highly endangered as its young speakers immigrate to neighboring cities in search of work, and they no longer transmit their mother language to the next generations.   

Volume 7, Issue 1 (3-2021)

During our studies on the family Diapriidae, two species of the genus Pantolyta Foerster, 1856 were collected and identified for the first time from Iran: Pantolyta pallida Kieffer, 1908 and Pantolyta nixoni Macek, 1993. A key to the Iranian species of the genus Pantolyta and diagnostic characters for both newly recorded species are provided along with illustrations. In addition, distribution map of the two species in the Palaearctic region is presented.

Volume 8, Issue 3 (Autumn 2018)

Ornaments are inseparable elements of Iranian Architecture. They take a visual part in defining the quintessence of forms. Muqarnas, as one of these ornaments, stands on the summit of geometry and form of Iranian architecture. A multi-aspect study on Muqarnas is an important activity that can end to the construction of identifiable forms. The study of color, especially on the juxtaposition of colors in Muqarnas is in the scope of this paper. Color, as a vital element in visual perception, can arrange the taxonomy of forms. In comparison with other elements of form like shape, texture, and material, color is more independent in the way that it is not intertwined with non-visual elements like structure. This ends to a convenient application of color in contemporary forms. The juxtaposition of colors in Muqarnas of Safavid era is enquired in this paper; via this, a good tool for color patterns capable of creating Iranian original forms is provided. The quantitative method in the study and the comparison of frequencies of colors yields a quantitative color index applicable in identifiable forms. The data are collected on the field and two methods are applied for the analysis: visual and computational. The result is extracted on the basis of computer modeling and logical reasoning.

Volume 9, Issue 2 (2-2020)

Two genera, Aneuropria Kieffer and Diapria Latreille and two species, Aneuropria foersteri (Kieffer, 1910) and Diapria conica (Fabricius, 1775) (Hymenoptera: Diapriidae) are recorded from Iran for the first time. The specimens were collected using Malaise traps from Hyrcanian forests of Mazandaran, Gulian and Golestan provinces in northern Iran. Diagnostic characters and geographical distribution of the newly recorded taxa are presented.

Volume 9, Issue 3 (5-2020)

 In order to introduce new chemical weed management program in maize weed control in Iran, a study was conducted during 2014 and 2015. Experiment were carried out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. 15 treatments of the common maize herbicides, including nicosulfuron, foramsulforon, eradicane and 2,4-D + MCPA were applied in their recommended doses, moreover the treatments related to cycloxydim with dicamba + tritosulfuron were used with different doses and in different times along with two control treatments (weedy and weed-free). Treatments contained 75-150 g a.i. ha-1 of cycloxydim, showed similar results with the common treatments including nicosulfuron, foramsulforon, eradicane and 2,4-D + MCPA. However, treatments with high doses of cycloxydim, had a significant reduction in weed density and weed biomass. There were no significant differences between the effects of treatments on maize grain yield and biomass. Despite the acceptable weed control of the combined treatment of cycloxydim with dicamba plus tritosulfuron, maize canopy could overcome weed growth. Based on the results and by considering cycloxydim efficacy in controlling perennial grassy weeds in maize plantation, this chemical is a suitable option during different growing stages of weeds and maize. Finally, the application of 200-300 g a.i. ha-1 of cycloxydim combined with dicamba plus tritosulfuron was the best option from an economic and environmental safety points of view.

Volume 9, Issue 4 (8-2020)

 Although, weed control in saffron farms is critical, no herbicide is registered for saffron fields. This experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design with three replicates during 2016-2017. Treatments included application of trifluralin, pendimethalin, metribuzin, bentazon, ioxynil, oxadiazon, oxyfluorfen, haloxyfop-r-methyl, sethoxydim, clethodim, cycloxydim, nicosulfuron, rimsulfuron, tribenuron methyl, foramsulfuron, paraquat, dicamba + triasulfuron, and dicamba + tritosulfuron herbicides at recommended and reduced doses. Mother corms were planted on 10th of September 2016 at 5 × 10 cm corms distance and planting depth of 15 cm. Measured indices included: number of flowers, fresh and dry weights of flower and stigma, number of replacement corms and total corms weight. Results showed that visual phytotoxic symptoms were not observed in pre emergence herbicides. Post emergence herbicides showed different levels of phytotoxicity from slight to severe. The application of paraquat, oxyfluorfen and oxadiazon, caused higher levels of phytotoxicity compared to other herbicides. Acetyl CoA carboxylase inhibitor herbicides caused the least injury to saffron, while acetolactate synthase inhibitor herbicides damaged saffron severely. The highest and the lowest dried stigma yield was obtained from control treatment (0.54 g.m-2) and post application of tribenuron methyl (0.003 g.m-2) respectively. Among pre emergence herbicides, the highest dried stigma yield was recorded for pendimethalin herbicide. The post application of metribuzin, oxadiazone and oxyfluorfen resulted in greater dried stigma yield than other broadleaf herbicides. By reducing herbicide dose saffron yield increased and phytotoxic levels were reduced significantly. Among the studied herbicides, trifluralin, oxyfluorfen, pendimethalin and metribuzin can be used as selected herbicides in saffron.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (10-2021)

Efficiency of many herbicides can be increased by adding adjuvants to the spray solution. So, the addition of an appropriate adjuvant to foliar herbicides is important in weed control researches. To identify an appropriate adjuvant for sulfosulfuron and sulfosulfuron + metsulfuron-methyl herbicides against Japanese downy brome Bromus japonicus, two experiments were conducted in randomized complete block design with two factors under field condition separately in Zabol and Zahedan, Iran. Factor A was different doses of herbicide namely 0, 50, 75 and 100% of their recommended dose and factor B was adjuvants including: sweet almond oil, olive oil, sesame seed oil and D-Octil. Results showed that efficiency of sulfosulfuron and sulfosulfuron + metsulfuron-methyl herbicides increased by increasing their doses and adjuvant addition. The addition of sesame seed oil (followed by D-octil) had the highest effect on sulfosulfuron efficacy against Japanese downy brome control. In general, sulfosulfuron at 100% of its recommended dose (26.5 g ha-1) plus sesame seed oil was the best formulation to control of Japanese downy brome. In addition, this formulation significantly improved wheat grain and biological yield. Adding of D-Octil had the highest influence on sulfosulfuron plus metsulfuron-methyl performance in Japanese downy brome control. The highest wheat grain and biological yield were mainly obtained at 100% recommended dose (40 g ha-1) of sulfosulfuron + metsulfuron-methyl plus D-Octil followed by sesame oil.

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