Showing 52 results for davoodi
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
I aim to explore whether there are similarities and differences between the ethical virtues and vices in Nahj al-Balāghah in terms of cognitive-linguistics and based on the image schemas of Evans and Green's Model piety, perseverance, expenditure are the ethical teachings, described in Nahj al-Balāghah, chosen and analyzed based on image schemas. And the vices described in Nahj al-Balāghah are Secularism, greed, and jealousy. Studying the descriptive-analytical approach, I investigate and compare the virtues and vices discussed in sermons and short sayings of Nahj al-Balāghah in terms of cognitive semantics. Finally, the findings reveal that the general types of image schemas of Evans and Green’s model (schemas of Force, Balance, Unity/ Multiplcity, Existence, Identity, Locomotion, Containment, Space) have almost similar frequencies for both the virtues and vices. Among all, the schemas of force are the most repetitive in virtues and vices. And the balance is on the second level. The research finding is significant because it shows the similarity of the virtues and vices in using the different types of schemas in Nahj al-Balāghah. Their main difference lies in the way of using the subsets of the general concepts.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The human experience is shaped through effective collaboration with forces. Johnson (1987) initially highlighted the significance of force schemas in conceptualizing events. Thus, this research seeks to explore this topic using a library-based approach, focusing on the force schemas presented in Johnson's cognitive semantics model and their application in Quranic verses related to infaq (almsgiving). In this inquiry, I seek to identify which force schemas are most commonly used in these verses and how they contribute to the understanding of the concept of infaq. In the analysis of the research data on the ethical concept of infaq in the Holy Quran, the concept of force image-schemas based on Johnson's model was used. The importance of the topic of infaq and the presence of force image-schemas in it were the reasons for choosing this ethical concept. In this regard, I examined the seven types of power in the context of infaq in the Holy Quran. The results showed that the force image-schema of obligation has the most frequency. In figurative language, the divine revelation's imperative and prohibitive commands, exert a pressure that functions as a force of compultion. After the force schema of compultion, the force schema of blockage has the highest frequency. In the Holy Quran, factors such as greed, hypocrisy, disbelief, and denial are introduced as obstacles to infaq. The force schema of "deviation from the path" does not exist in the interpretation of the verses of infaq.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (ARTICLES IN PRESS 2024)
The current study evaluated the interactive impacts of water temperature and feeding rate on digestive enzymes, intestine histology, growth and stress-related genes, and cultivable intestinal microbiota of Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer). For this purpose, 180 fish (85.0±3.0 g) were reared at three different temperatures (20, 27, and 33 °C) and two feeding rates (apparent satiation and 2.5% of biomass) with three replications for 6 weeks. The results revealed no significant differences among different treatments regarding the activity of digestive enzymes (P˃0.05) of fish reared under different temperatures and feeding rates. The length, width, and thickness of intestinal villi were unaffected by different temperatures and feeding rates (P˃0.05). In addition, no variations were found in the total aerobic bacterial count of fish gut from different experimental groups (P˃0.05). At the molecular level, IGF-I and HSP70 coding genes were found to be highly expressed in experimental treatments (P<0.05). To conclude, present results showed that temperatures between 27 to 33 °C are more optimal for Asian seabass, and the different temperatures and feeding rates do not affect digestive enzymes, intestine histology, and gut microbiota after 6 weeks. Further molecular research is needed to unravel the complex impact and mechanisms of feeding rate and different rearing temperature on fish physiology.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2014)
Essential oils are volatile mixtures of hydrocarbons with diverse functional groups. In the current study the effect of essential oils from five medicinal plants including Zataria multiflora and Nepeta cataria (Lamiaceae), Tagetes minuta and Artemisia sieberi (Asteraceae), and Trachyspermum ammi (Apiaceae) were analyzed using GC-mass spectrometry. The toxicity of these plant essential oils against the adult stage of the cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae L. (Hemiptera: Aphididae) was studied using a fumigant assay.GC/Mass analysis revealed that the main essential oils varied between species. The most abundant components in N. cataria, Z. multiflora, T. ammi, T. minuta and A. sieberi were 4a-α, 7-β, 7a-α-nepetalactone (76.8%), carvacrol (62.1%), γ-terpinene (27.1%), limonene (13.0%) and artemisia ketone (48.0%) respectively. The fumigant assays showed that all of these essential oils were toxic to B.brassicae in a dose-dependent manner. The essential oils of N. cataria at 126, 63, 31, 16, 8, and 3 μl L-1 air caused 94, 76, 52, 46, 36, and 24% mortality within 24 hours, respectively. The same trend was seen when essential oils of the other plants were tested against B. brassicae. These plant essential oils have great potential to be used in integrated pest management especially in greenhouses or other closed systems.
Volume 3, Issue 3 ((Articles in Persian) 2012)
The present study aimed to provide a comprarative analysis of the performance of Persian monoligual and Azari-Persian bilingual adolescents in comprehension of Persian proverbs. The study has been made on the basis of the constraint satisfaction model, within which the effect of the variables of “linguistic context”, “familiarity” and “gender” is examined on their “speed of comprehension”. The corpus includes 142 high school students in two groups of monolingual and bilingual individuals. The proverb comprehension test has been provided as a testing software in which the data are saved in the textual format and the response timing is saved in milliseconds. Data analysis was performed by a two-way analysis of variance. The research findings illustrated the significant effect of the variables studied, that by itself supports the efficiency of the constraint satisfaction model, as its theoretical base, in the comprehension of Persian proverbs.
Volume 4, Issue 1 (Number 1&2 - 2002)
This study was carried out to investigate the morphological and anatomical aspects of somatic embryogenesis in date palm. Lateral bud and shoot tip explants excised from young offshoots were cultured on MS medium with 2,4-D. Somatic embryogenesis was in-duced by transferring the calli produced on the same medium without hormones. Micro-tome sectioning of paraffin-embedded specimens was carried out using the callus tissue and its differentiated structures. The sections were stained with safranin and fast green. Observation of three-celled proembryos with the longitudinal and oblique division of the top cell, which in later stages results in wedge-like cell(s), supports the ASTERAD type of embryogenesis in date palm. Polyembryonic structures were raised from the embryonic callus formed in different regions of both the proembryos and germinating embryos and the secondary embryos formed directly from primary embryos.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (6-2016)
Powdery mildew, caused by Erysiphe necator is a common and severe fungal disease of grapevine all over the world including Iran. Although the application of chemical fungicides is the most common control method, the use of resistant varieties may be the most effective and environmentally sound strategy for managing the disease. Twenty two grape varieties were evaluated against powdery mildew under natural infection and artificial inoculation during 2011–2013 in Ardabil and Qazvin provinces of Iran. In this study, Perlett, Robee seedless, Flame seedless and Tompson seedless varieties were immune; Mish-Pestan, Khoshnav and Torkamanestan 8 were highly resistant; Torkamanestan 4 and Superior seedless were resistant; Shahani-e-Qazvin and Shast-e-Arous were tolerant; Ghermez-e-Bidaneh, Sefid-e-Bidaneh, Fakhri, Sahebi-e-Ghermez, Peikami, Rishbaba-e-Sefid, Siyah-e-Samarghandi and Rotabi were susceptible and Rishbaba-e-Ghermez, Asgari, and Shahroodi were highly susceptible varieties to grape powdery mildew. In general, findings of this research may be used as resistance genetic sources for management of the disease in national and international programs.
Volume 6, Issue 12 (Fall & Winter 2020)
Study and recognition and comparison of the divine names, plays an important role in understanding, translation and interpreting the Qur'an. In this research by using descriptive and analytical method, the eight divine names in the field of creation are examined. Based on Arabic poetry and prose, words of linguists and commentators, linguistic contexts, and succession relations, their exact meaning and their use in different verses should be revealed. "Sanee" means who create with precision, science and power. "Sanee" translated to "Maker". "Khaliq" means who create on the basis of size and creativity. The word "Khaliq" in Qur'an is associated with two names: "Rabb" (The Lord) and Razegh" (The Provider). "Khaliq" translated to "Creator"."Fatir" means who fission the inexistence and signifies God's power and greatness. "Fatir" translated to "Bringer". "Mobde", according to its antonyms [Moiid], means who began the creation. "Mobde" translated to "Producer". "Monshe" means the creator who exalt the creations. "Monshe" translated to "Establisher". "Badiee" implies that the Creator's innovation and his needless from former matter and form "Badiee" translated to "Originator". "Bare" means the Creator who himself and His creations are isolated from all flaws. "Bare" translated to "Shaper". "Zare" means the creator that his creations are vast, wide, and dispersed. "Zare" translated to "Multiplier". Without questioning it must consider the conceptual difference between these names in the translation, interpretation and cite of the verses.
Volume 7, Issue 2 (Spring 2021)
Backgrounds: Parvovirus B19 (B19V) infection is mainly manifested as erythema infectiosum in children. Primary B19V infection during pregnancy is accompanied by a 30% risk of fetal infection, especially in epidemic conditions. Given the important impact of parvovirus B19 infection on maternal and neonate health, this study assessed parvovirus B19 susceptibility among women of childbearing age in Mashhad, northeast Iran.
Materials & Methods: Serum samples were collected from 185 women aged 20-35 years living in Mashhad. Cluster sampling was performed in different health centers located in the city to cover the main city area. A commercial ELISA kit was used to measure IgG antibodies against B19V. This study was performed in accordance with the ethical standards mentioned in the declaration of Helsinki. Informed consent was taken from all participants. A questionnaire was filled by each participant. SPSS software Version 11.5 was used for statistical analyses.
Findings: Anti-B19 IgG was observed in about 31% of women. Seroprevalence of anti- B19 antibodies among different age groups (with 5-year intervals) was not significantly different (p=.839). Also, there was no significant difference among different city areas of Mashhad in terms of anti-B19 IgG seropositivity (.39, p>.05).
Conclusion: The prevalence of parvovirus B19 infection varies in different parts of the world. Comparing to other reports, the present study revealed a rather low immunity against parvovirus B19 among women in Mashhad. These findings highlight the potential risk of B19 infection in non-immune/susceptible mothers, which may lead to sever outcomes, especially during epidemics.
Volume 8, Issue 4 (8-2019)
Some samples were collected from tomato fields in Qazvin from tomato plants with big bud symptoms such as plant droop and purplish vein under the leaf, enlarged and sac-like pistils and malformed buds. DNA was extracted from the veins and vascular tissues of the plant with CTAB-based methods. In symptomatic plants, DNA fragments of 1800 and 1200bp were amplified by PCR using P1/P7, R16F2n/R16R2 primers. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of nested R16F2n/R16R2 primed PCR product (1200bp) showed that the tomato big bud phytoplasma from Qazvin (TOM-Qazvin) is a member of clover proliferation (16SrVI). Phylogenetic analysis of 16SrRNA and putative restriction site analysis of the R16F2n/R16R2 primed sequence classified TOM phytoplasma in clover proliferation (16SrVI) group and belonged to subgroup 16SrVI-A. Virtual RFLP by using 1200bp sequencing of 16SRNA and 17 restriction enzymes confirmed that TOM-Qazvin belonged to the subgroup 16SrVI-A and16SrVI group. To our knowledge, this is the first report of tomato big bud disease in Qazvin province.
Volume 10, Issue 3 (6-2021)
Pepper Capsicum annuum is one of the important vegetable crops in Iran, especially north of Iran. Various symptoms of stolbur, including limited growth, small and chlorotic leaves, spoon-shaped leaflets, and sterility or fruit alterations, were detected in samples collected from the pepper field in Qazvin province. DNA was extracted from midribs and petioles of pepper leaves using CTAB-based methods. The phytoplasma in all symptomatic pepper plant parts was detected by direct and nested polymerase chain reactions (PCR) using primer pairs P1/P7 and R16F2n/R16R2. The 16S rDNA sequences of phytoplasma isolate were deposited in GenBank (MN877916). Based on phylogenetic studies of the 16S rDNA region, the results of enzymatic digestion of the fragment obtained by amplification with R16F2n/R16R2 primer and virtual RFLP, phytoplasma agent associated with stolbur pepper disease was detected to belong to 16SrXII group and 16XII-A subgroup. According to our knowledge, this is the first report of pepper stolbur disease in Iran.
Volume 11, Issue 5 (Post-COVID Special Issue 2023)
Aims: Populations are generally susceptible to the new coronavirus, but the elderly are more susceptible to severe disease and are admitted to the intensive care unit, and the mortality rate is higher in elderly patients. This study aimed to evaluate the quality of life of the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic in Iran.
Instrument & Methods: The present cross-sectional survey was conducted on 461 Iranian elderly. Data collection tools include a questionnaire focusing on the quality of life in physical and mental dimensions. Stark quality of life questionnaire to adapt and be useful in COVID-19 disease outbreak conditions; only short phrases have been added to relate it to the disease. Data analysis was done using independent t and ANOVA tests.
Findings: Out of 461 participants in this study, 236 (51.2%) were men and the rest were women. Their average age was 70.46 years. The mean score of the mental component was 7.6±1.8 in women and 6.8±1.9 in men. The mean score of the physical component was 17.3±5.6 in women and 14.9±5.8 in men. There has been a significant relationship between the mental and physical components of gender. The results also showed that physical states of men enjoy better conditions compared to women (p=0.001).
Conclusion: Therefore, it can be concluded that the quality of life of the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic was low. Men also enjoyed better conditions in comparison with women.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (11-2012)
Pseudo-static method is one of the oldest and simplest techniques for seismic stability analysis of embankment dams. Selection of appropriate seismic coefficients is the foremost part of analysis in Pseudo-static method. Previous researchers and design manuals often suggest constant values for selecting the seismic coefficient, regardless of geometry and stiffness of foundation and the dynamic characteristics of the structures.
In the proposed method, the seismic coefficient is a function of parameters α and β. Parameter β is indicative of acceleration amplification in the direction of the dam height, and is related to the geometrical specifications and material properties of the dam body and foundation. Therefore, β can be obtained through dynamic analysis. In this research, in order to obtain the effect of foundation on this parameter, a geometrical model of the Masjed Soleiman Dam has been analyzed dynamically using seismographs of earthquakes that occurred in different sites. Dam consultants used this value for the MDE of the Masjed Soleiman Dam site. Parameter was obtained by assessing the way in which the maximum acceleration varied at different points on the height of the dam. Also, the effect of far and near field records of earthquake are evaluated.
In this research, the safety factor in a wedge corresponding to the seismograph that causes the allowable displacement in that wedge is assumed to be equal to one. Thus, available seismographs were scaled to peak acceleration values and, using them, the wedge displacement values were calculated. The safety factor changes were then calculated using the seismograph that caused the allowable displacement in the wedge. These safety factors were assumed to be equal to one, and the dynamic safety factor for each wedge was determined by comparison of the results obtained from the original seismograph.
After comparison of the dynamic and pseudo-static safety factors, the desired safety factor was determined. The distribution of the horizontal acceleration corresponding to the safety factor was compared with the linear distribution of horizontal acceleration proposed in this article and the values of β were determined. Finally, a new technique to estimate the pseudo-static seismic coefficient is presented. Different conditions for foundation are assumed and results of analyses are evaluated. Results of this research imply that geometry, stiffness and analyses have been compared and based on the comparison of axial forces in the nails (as the most important factor of the stability), the equivalent horizontal acceleration coefficient for the model is proposed. The applied forces cause the reinforcement tension and the mobilized tension force can overcome the soil tension weakness. Thus, predicting mobilized forces in soldier pile nails during earthquake is very important.
The effects of most important parameters such as wall height, nail arrangements and soil types through numerical modeling of the soldier piles under dynamic loading by using FLAC have been investigated.
Volume 12, Issue 55 (April and may 2024)
The purpose of this article is to provide an analytical study of the roots of the presence of women in Bushehr in the performative ritual Bazaar-e Madineh with an interpretive approach based on Clifford Geertz's anthropological theory. In the religious culture of Bushehr, women, with the participation of men, perform the performative ritual Bazaar-e Madineh every year on the twentieth day of the month of Safar in a contemplative manner as a field performance. In this article, Bazaar-e Madineh is examined with an emphasis on interpretive anthropology based on understanding the cultural symbols in two fundamental aspects: 1) interpretation of cultural-religious symbols in Bazaar-e Madineh, and 2) exploring the impact of women's presence in Bazaar-e Madineh through the lens of interpretive and symbolic anthropology. The research method used was fieldwork (participatory observation and interviews) as well as library sources. The collected information was analyzed qualitatively using descriptive and analytical methods based on Clifford Geertz's interpretive approach, addressing fundamental questions such as key elements in Bazaar-e Madineh, women's position in belief systems, and the historical and cultural origins of this ritual performance in mourning culture in Bushehr. The findings indicate that women in Bushehr play roles similar to those of the women of the Ahl al-Bayt, and their presence signifies three points in the symbolic religious system: 1) animism, 2) collective cohesion, and 3) reenactment of religious beliefs.
Volume 13, Issue 57 (0-0)
Walnut (Juglans regia. L) belongs to juglandaceae, is a native fruit of Iran. Walnut is a rich source of unsaturated fatty acids like omega-3 and contains high levels of vitamin E, polyphenols, flavonoids, arginine and fiber. On the other hand, walnut causes many positive effects on human health that makes it worth. In this study, we used downgrade walnut to processing it to the walnut drink as a new drink that is nutritious and healthy. For production of walnut drink carrageenan gum addition was investigated. In this regard, carrageenan gum was added in three levels 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9% and the effect of carrageenan gum addition on walnut beverage was investigated. The effects of gum on pH, Brix, Acidity and total sugars were analyzed and overall acceptability was evaluated by Hedonic scale. Walnut drink color was estimated and analyzed by Image J software. Based on the results, the carrageenan gum addition at level 0.6%, were effective on physicochemical characteristics and quality improving at P<0.05. Sensory analysis showed that, carrageenan gum addition had a significant effect on walnut drink stabilization. Statistical analysis showed that the increasing of gum causes L* index to be declined. The effect of gum on b* and a* indicated that treatments contained less gum inclined more towards yellow and less green respectively.
Volume 13, Issue 59 (0-0)
Volume 13, Issue 61 (3-2016)
Volume 14, Issue 3 (6-2014)
This paper presents the inverted PID control of a quadrotor based on the experimentally measured sensors and actuators’ specifications. The main goal is the control and closed loop simulation of a quadrotor using inverted PID algorithm. First, a nonlinear model of quadrotor is derived using Newton-Euler equations. To have a more realistic simulation a setup were designed and developed to measure the sensors noise performance as well as the actuators’ dynamics. The setup involves a platform that two brushless motors mounted at the ends and rotates on a shaft. The platform attitude is measured using the MEMS sensors attached to it. A Kalman filter was used to reduce the sensors noises effect. Results demonstrate good performance for Kalman filter and the controller.
Volume 14, Issue 15 (Third Special Issue 2015)
Superalloys are extensively used in various industries like aerospace, chemical and petrochemical industries due to their properties such as high strength at elevated temperature and good corrosion resistance. On the other hand, owing to these properties, superalloys are classified as difficult to cut materials. In the present work, the effect of cutting parameters on tool life in turning of N-155 iron-nickel-base superalloy is investigated. Cutting speed and feed rate each at five level were selected as cutting variables. Relationship between cutting parameters and output variable i.e. tool life was modeled by using response surface methodology (RSM). The results showed that there was a good agreement between the experimental results and the predicted values using the developed mathematical model. Additionally, analysis of variance was implemented to evaluate the adequacy of the regression model and respective variables. ANOVA results indicated that the cutting speed had more effect on tool life than feed rate. Moreover, wear mechanisms and failure modes of the cutting edges were analyzed by using the images of scanning electron microscope (SEM) at different cutting speeds and feed rates. It was observed that abrasion and adhesion were the most dominant wear mechanisms in this study. Finally, desirability function was used so as to predict optimum cutting parameters for achieving maximum tool life.
Volume 14, Issue 62 (4-2017)