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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

Autism is a neurocognitive disorder. Many children with autism do not have a change in language and usually tend to have literal interpretations of phrases, which makes it difficult to understand metaphorical language, which can be seen in both visual and visual metaphors. The aim of this study was to compare auditory and visual metaphorical perception in children with mild autism and normal children. The present study is a cross-sectional and causal-comparative study. The statistical sample of this study includes 30 boys aged 7 to 10 years with mild autism studying in educational centers for exceptional children in Mashhad and 30 normal children matched in terms of age who were selected by convenience sampling method. After initial language assessment, they were assessed by metaphorical perception test and U Mann-Whitney test and SPSS 23 software were used to analyze the data. The results of data analysis showed that in metaphorical perception in general there is a significant difference between autistic and normal children (P <0.001), also, in understanding visual and auditory metaphors, the two groups showed a significant difference (P <0/001). The obtained results indicate that compared to normal children, children with autism have a lower performance in terms of understanding visual and auditory metaphors, and considering this issue can be used in planning and designing educational content and rehabilitation interventions in order to improve educational performance and social benefit of these children.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

Language learners find it hard to change a text’s wording and present it differently while maintaining the original meaning in the text. This research therefore examined the effect of concept mapping instruction on summarizing short stories for EFL learners. Two intact grade-eight classes were assigned to experimental (n = 20) and control (n = 18) groups randomly. They summarized a starter-level short story, Drive into danger, using a maximum of 450 words as pretest. Next, the experimental group experienced concept-mapping instruction whereas the latter group received the traditional way of teaching summarization, for six consecutive weeks. Both groups summarized the same story again, based on their instruction, into a 450-word text at a maximum as posttest. Pretest and posttest summaries were assessed in terms of content, organization, vocabulary, and language use. The experimental group positively improved on overall performance, content, and organization, marginally improved on vocabulary, but did not improve on language use. Furthermore, the participants’ feedback on the instructional treatment support the statistical results. The findings offer several instructional implications.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

The current study identified EFL teachers' emotional experiences in technology-equipped classes from an appraisal theoretical framework (Frenzel, 2014). It further explored the underlying antecedents of the recognized emotions and sought instructors' suggestions for improving the current unpleasant feelings experienced. To this end, 10 EFL teachers took part in the study. Necessary data were collected through journalkeeping and semi-structured interviews. The obtained data were analyzed using Merriam's (2009) inductive approach. Research findings revealed that teachers enjoyed the class as a result of students' achievement, positive interactions among learners, and pupils' active involvement. Moreover, they felt proud if they received positive feedback from students, observed progress in students' learning, and felt capable of instructing the learners. Furthermore, shame was experienced because of feeling unable to work with technical tools, strong filtration on educational websites, and not having internet-connected systems in class. Anger was also reported to be felt if they had to work with obsolete or impaired devices. Finally, teachers' pity was aroused as they perceived the lack of professional technical tools as detrimental to students' learning. They also mentioned that they felt compassion for learners as they cannot take part in CBTs and have limitations accessing e-sources online. Teachers also argued that unpleasant emotions could be minimized through investing in equipping classes, holding training courses, and establishing a criterion for teaching evaluation. In the end, the implications and limitations of the study are discussed.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (Spring 2021)

PPrior to approving the Islamic Penal Code Act 2013, the concept of repentance was accepted to some extent in the context of provisions related to Hudud (fixed religious penalties). In the latest efforts to revise the Islamic Penal Code, the lawmakers dedicated some articles to repentance which stipulated specific rules on the framework and other detailed provisions on applying this concept. This initiative of the legislators can be challenged on the one hand through the criminological analysis of the subject, and on the other hand, in the context of its implementation within the framework of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Due to its ignorance of modern criminological theories, particularly on victimology, the deviation of attention from offender’s personality to the criminal act, and the impossibility of realization of all repentance conditions, it appears that approving legislative provisions on repentance in the Islamic Penal Code will result in a serious crisis. Therefore, in order to reach an effective criminal policy, it is necessary that all aspects of the concept be duly scrutinized. Taking into account the substantive and procedural limits surrounding this topic, the gap between the bases of repentance in the Islamic Penal Code with the recent developments in criminal policy and also the absence of practical approaches to materialize this concept, it seems that its implementation will face challenges, thereby making the criminal policy far away from being effective.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2014)

The influence of one literature on the other is the   consequence of cultural interaction in different nations. No literary dynamics can keep itself away from the influence of other literature. When both sides of the equation interact through the cultural and literary language of the two nations, the issue will be more serious.  Since the Literature and language of Iran and Tajikistan have the same origin, then this can be a subject for a comparative study. So in this article, we will investigate similarities and differences in how to apply mythology, poetic language, its functions and its application in both quantity and quality in the poetry language of two contemporary poet from Iran and Tajikestan ( Forough Farrokhzad, Golrokhsar Safi-Ava). The main question is that how is each of these poet`s  attitude to myth, mythological themes and  their origins, and to what extent do they have used from these mythological motifs in their poems. These motifs are: God, goddesses, gods, prophets and entrepreneurs, mythological figures, historical and epic creatures, plants and animals and mythological mythology as well as certain areas.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (1-2016)

Background:  Aeromonas spp. can cause diarrhea and various infections in humans. Access to rapid techniques with a high sensitivity and specificity is strongly needed for the identification of Aeromonas species. The aim of this study was to evaluate two different methods including API 20E bacterial identification tests and the molecular detection using PCR primers specific for 16s-rRNA and 23S-rRNA genes sequences for identification of Aeromonas spp. in stool samples from patients with diarrhea. Materials and Methods: One hundred stool samples from diarrheal patients were collected. All isolates were subjected toAPI 20 E strip tests and PCR using specific primers for identification of Aeromonas spp. Results: The API 20E analysis identified 2 (2.2%) isolates as Aeromonas spp. Molecular identification by aero-23S-rRNA gene confirmed the same 2 isolates as identified by the API 20E strips. Conclusion: Both API 20E system and PCR method using Aero 23S-rRNA primer were found to be accurate in identification of Aeromonas spp. isolates with highconfidence.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (Summer 2018)

In this study, three different size (100-300-500 µm) of the rubber powder (waste tire) were used in the formulation of epoxy- phenolic adhesive. Rubber powder was modified with grafting method by acrylamide monomer. In order to prevent any loss in properties such as modulus and strength of the adhesive, which is due to the addition of rubber powder to the adhesive, the micro particles of silica were used in formulation of epoxy- phenolic adhesive.  The experiment was designed by Taguchi method, and in the experiment, the effect of the composition of rubber powder, size of rubber powder, composition of silica filler and phenolic resin on mechanical and thermal properties of epoxy adhesives were investigated. To study the mechanical properties of adhesives and adhesion properties, dumbbell-shaped specimens and single edge lap bonds that have been made of metal (stainless steel) to composite (epoxy resin / carbon fiber) were prepared and subjected to tensile test. Thermal stability and interfacial interaction between epoxy and filler in adhesive formulation were explored by thermogravimetric analysis and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analyses, respectively.  Tensile test results showed that for lap- joint bonding with the addition of each factor in its optimal level into epoxy adhesive, strength, modulus and toughness increase by 7.5%, 27.56% and 114% respectively in comparison with  the samples bonded with the neat  epoxy adhesive. A significant increase was obtained in thermal stability for formulated adhesive samples compared with neat epoxy adhesive.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (Spring 2020)

Iran has long borders with politically, security,defense and even territorially unstable neighbors,and with 8573.7 km of border and having 16 border provinces(more than half of the country) and 15 neighboring countries after Russia and China has the most borders.The special situation in the Middle East and the instability and tension in the neighboring countries,some divergent movements in the border areas in the past and now,etc.have caused a kind of pessimism and threatening view of the border areas by the government and border areas have been affected by the security approach.The approach of Iran's spatial structure is unbalanced,which despite many efforts is far from spatial justice and the center-structure is around the dominant pattern of its spatial relations and Iran's border areas do not have the desired level of development compared to the core and center of the country. Shannon and the TOPSIS multi-criteria decision-making model classify the cities of East and West Azerbaijan provinces from the perspective of spatial justice in order to highlight the effects of the security approach on spatial justice in these cities, especially border cities.The results of this study show that although the security approach in border management has improved security in its hard dimension, but the restrictions imposed on the intensification of backwardness and unbalanced distribution of spatial justice in the border cities of East and West Azerbaijan, especially Jolfa, Poldasht and Mako Implicitly, this can have consequences such as migration,land use change,environmental change,lack of employment and negative population growth rates in border areas.
The results of this study show that although the security approach in border management has improved security in its hard dimension, but the restrictions imposed on the intensification of backwardness and unbalanced distribution of spatial justice in the border cities of East and West Azerbaijan, especially Jolfa, Poldasht and Mako Implicitly, this issue can have adverse consequences such as migration, land-use change, environmental change, lack of employment and negative population growth rates in border area

Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2013)

The effect of Artemia urmiana nauplii enriched with flaxseed oil on growth performance, survival and fatty acid composition of severum, Cichlasoma severum, larvae (0.3 mg initial weight) was investigated through a completely randomized block design with two treatments, viz., (1) larvae fed with plain nauplii, (2) larvae fed with nauplii enriched with flaxseed oil, in three replications. Results of the first biometry (day18th), showed a significantly higher survival rate in treatment 1 (81.87±0.29%) than treatment 2 (68.83±1.62%) (P<0.05), but there were no significant differences in the specific growth rates, the average weight and length gains between treatments (P>0.05). At the end of the second period of the experiment (day36th), significant differences in growth performance and survival rate was recorded between treatment 1 (97.82 ± 1.09%) and treatment 2 (91.16± 1.34%) (P>0.05).  The larvae was also found to convert n-3fatty acids to EPA and DHA.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (Autumn 2019)

One of the miniaturization of heat transfer equipment is enhancing the convective heat transfer coefficient. The main aim of this study is design and producing a kind of nanofluid based on water and ethylene glycol. Graphene was synthesized via electrochemical method and its successful production was confirmed with XRD, FTIR spectrum and, SEM and TEM images. By using different amount of graphene i.e. 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, and 1.5%, water/ethylene glycol/graphene nanofluid was produced. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was used as surfactant to improve graphene stability in the base fluid. The designed experimental setup was composed of spiral tube with constant wall temperature and equipped with flow meter and pressure and temperature indicators. Nusselt number and pressure drop were measured for pure water and compared with those obtained from theoretical relations and it was found that the setup works properly. Convective heat transfer coefficient, Nusselt number, and heat transfer rate were investigated for water/ethylene glycol (60/40 wt.%) and nanofluid with different amount of graphene using experimental setup. The results showed that by adding 1 wt.% graphene into the based fluid the convective heat transfer coefficient increased about 50% while pressure drop was also increased about 50%. Overall, the findings of this research work support the potential of water/ethylene glycol/graphene nanofluid for using in heating/cooling equipment.

Volume 2, Issue 5 (Spring 2021)

The present study investigates the impact of emotion, team characteristics, and team social responsibility on the team identification of the most popular teams in the Iran Pro League. To measure variables Wann and Branscombe (1993) Team Identification Scale, Lee et al. (2018) Sport Emotion Questionnaire (SEQ), Yoshida and James (2010) Team Characteristics, Lichtenstein et al. (2004) Social Responsibility, and Weimann-Saks et al. (2019) Second Screen Behavior were used. To assess content validity, five sports management researchers and the reliability of the Team identification was 0.62, second screen behavior 0.80, Team Social Responsibilities 0.91, Team Characteristics 0.67, and Emotion was 0.86. In the first part of the research, 350 fans of the most popular teams in the Iran Premier League participated using a quota homogeneous convenience sampling methodology. In the second part, 379 people were present to fit the team identification model for Persepolis F.C., 387 people for Esteghlal F.C., 335 people for Sepahan S.C., and 431 people for Tractor S.C. as samples. The findings showed that team identification impacts the second-screen behavior of fans. However, the effect of predicting team identification on each of the most popular teams in the Iran Pro League is different. In general, team identification is important in the new media space, i.e., social media, and a new form of behavioral consequences of fans, i.e., second screen behavior.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (8-2011)

Education and Training were of great importance in Iran since ancient times. It was further developed along with Islam uprising. Education centers were also flourished at the same time. The process of the religious sciences schools initiated in Saljuqid era formally when the Nezamies were established. They continued their survival more or less until Qajar era, So that we find most of mosque-schools in Tehran as the time capital of the country that is why we believe that the study of such buildings from the view points of the architecture and the related decorations is a must. The greatest and the most important mosque-schools of the Qajar era in Tehran is the old Sepahsalar. It has experienced the least changes in more recent times; so it is an original sample of the mosque-schools. In this paper we attempt to study and consider the architecture and decorations characteristics of this building. Therefore, we evaluate its history, general map, spatial and functional elements and decorative methods applied in this mosque-school through a descriptive-analytical approach.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (spring 2022)

Problem statement: Due to the increase in population and lack of land to provide services to city dwellers, high-rise architecture became popular, but most of these high-rise buildings were built without regard to citizens' perceptions, which created problems in this regard.
Aim: The purpose of this study is assess the impact of tall buildings on residents' perceptions in the central context Tabriz from a physical-semantic perspective.                                                                   Methods: The present study is descriptive-analytical survey. The statistical population included the population of the central part of Tabriz equal to 29384 people and the sample size was obtained through Cochran's formula equal to 379 people. Structural equation method through Smart PLS and Amos software was used to analyze the data.                                                                                                                                                 Results: The results showed that among the components of the impact of tall buildings on the perception of residents of the central part of Tabriz, the component of desirability of using high-rise buildings for residential use with a factor load of 0.951 has the greatest impact on residents' perception (physical-semantic) It has the central texture Tabriz and its lowest is related to the component of feeling happy in the face of high-rise buildings with a factor load of 0.615.                                                                                                Conclusion: The design of tall buildings should be designed with full knowledge of the needs and desires of the residents of the central part Tabriz, because they are real consumers and their understanding of their living environment and facilities provided a very important role in their satisfaction and comfort. It has a living environment.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (10-2013)

Test of a sample approach of post occupancy evaluation (POE) methods for assessing health care spaces in Rasht (the capital of Guilan province, Iran) carried out through this study. The primary results of questionnaires compared to outcomes of controlling tools of the very same POE protocol, results of the following conducted interviews and qualitative analysis of variances in gathered data emerged Some social concept and factors assumed to be reasons of difference between findings of parallel ways; apparently influencing the assessment of built environment. On a macro scale of sociology these concepts were Apathy, Ignorance, Normlessness and Fear where on an operational scale the study addresses social concepts like Social situation, Active participation, Illiteracy , Lying, Reluctance to written participation, Lack of Inter-subjectivity , Peer pressure as well as more specific details like Time spent in space , Zoning and Who knows what. The applied POE (referring its validity to data gathering from real users of space) was an approach claiming to be an international tool for architecture evaluation free of cultural context might be used at. The test result indicates that previously mentioned social factors in Iran highly influence the findings and provide uncertain and invalid data if not considered in POE studies. The applied POE (referring its validity to data gathering from real users of space) was an approach claiming to be an international tool for architecture evaluation free of cultural context might be used at. The test result indicates that previously mentioned social factors in Iran highly influence the findings and provide uncertain and invalid data if not considered in POE studies. The applied POE (referring its validity to data gathering from real users of space) was an approach claiming to be an international tool for architecture evaluation free of cultural context might be used at. The test result indicates that previously mentioned social factors in Iran highly influence the findings and provide uncertain and invalid data if not considered in POE studies. The applied POE (referring its validity to data gathering from real users of space) was an approach claiming to be an international tool for architecture evaluation free of cultural context might be used at. The test result indicates that previously mentioned social factors in Iran highly influence the findings and provide uncertain and invalid data if not considered in POE studies. The applied POE (referring its validity to data gathering from real users of space) was an approach claiming to be an international tool for architecture evaluation free of cultural context might be used at. The test result indicates that previously mentioned social factors in Iran highly influence the findings and provide uncertain and invalid data if not considered in POE studies.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (Number 3 - 2001)

The impact of climatic variations on basal area growth of basswood (BA) (Tilia americana L.), American beech (BE) (Fagus grandifolia Enrh.), bitternut hickory (BH) (Caria cordiformis (Wang.) K. Koch), largetooth aspen (LA) (Populus grandidentata Michx.), red maple (RM) (Acer rubrum L.), red oak (RO) (Quercus rubra L.), sugar maple (SM) (Acer saccharum Marsh.), and white ash (WA) (Fraxinus americana L.) was studied in a southern province of Quebec, Canada (45o 25 ’ N, 73 o 57 ’ W). In total, forty-eight climatic variations of precipitation (P) (13 variables), temperature (T) (13 variables), heat index (H), (11 variables), and evapotranspiration (11 variables) from the current (C) and past three years (P1, P2, & P3) were tested in regression models to find the best model of the relationship between those independent variables and the last ten years (1985-1994) of basal area growth of the species. Simple individual linear and second degree, mixed, and combination of multiple regression models were used to develop the best regression model for each tree species, separately. The best models explained 79% , 80% , 99% , 91% , 71%, 99% , 49% , and 98% of the total variance of the growth in BA, BE, BH, LA, RM, RO, SM and WA, respectively. The growth in BH, LA, RM, RO, SM, and WA were more associated with the previous year’s climatic variations rather than the current year’s. Bitternut hickory, LA, RM, SM, and WA growth were more related to the first year rather than the second or third preceding year variables. The June heat index of the third previous year of variables explained only 7% of the growth of white ash. It was concluded that the impact of climatic variables on tree growth may vary and may depend on the species and other unknown variables. Also, the results suggested that the first and second previous climatic variables have an important role on the growth of some species. American beech, BH, RO, and WA seem to be a good species to use for the study in dendrochronological and dendroclimatological studies.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (Fall 2019)

The aim of this project is the design and optimization of the formulation of epoxy adhesives for bonding metal to composite parts . This joints are most widely used in the aerospace industry to reduce stress concentration at a point. Joints for single edge joining include stainless steel metal with commercial code 316L and composite epoxy resin / carbon fiber. In this study, the effect of three types of additives: filler (alumina micro-particles), nylon 6.6 and phenolic resin (type of resin) on the mechanical and thermal properties of epoxy adhesive have been investigated. Tensile test results showed that increasing alumina fillers increases the tensile strength and overlap shear adhesive samples, respectively, in single lap joint dumbbells and elderly. The test showed that increasing the amount of nylon 6.6 When is slightly higher due to a sharp drop in tensile strength and overlap shear, respectively, in both cases is dog bone and single lap joint adhesives. This limit depends on the capacity epoxy ring to absorb amide hydrogens. The test for thermal properties (TGA) showed that increasing the amount of phenolic thermal stability is improved. High-temperature tensile test of appropriateness is also increasing impact of phenolic resin. Finally, the adhesive properties built with the similar adhesive (UHU) were compared. Results showed superiority in single lap joint metal to composite adhesive is made in the study.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (fall 2022)

Statement Problem: The discourse model of participatory design is proposed in the world as a solution for the redesign of urban contexts. Extensive destructions in the historical contexts of Iran are due to the lack of implementation of the urban design discourse.
Aim: This research explores the pattern of discourse creation in participatory design with the approach of citizenship education in the historical context of Kazerun.
Methods: The qualitative research approach was coded by categorizing the clusters of the participating community and snowball sampling into 3 open, axial and selective categories, then it was interpreted with the content analysis technique.
Results: The categories extracted from the interviews were included in 7 axial factors and in 2 selective reasons, including residents' ignorance and incorrect urban management.
Conclusion: Considering the effective factors in the citizens' ignorance (lack of understanding of the characteristics of the context, social and economic factors), the urban designer as a facilitator, at the beginning with the aim of making the participants aware of the historical context and creating a context for central participation, provided citizenship education then with preliminary education Urban design helps to turn the proposal into the ideas of the participants. Then moderates the ideas and codifies them in the form of integrated and comprehensive policies and helps the city management to communicate the implementation policies of participatory urban design and solve the problems caused by incorrect policies in the field of urban management, economic, design and security.

Volume 3, Issue 4 ((Articles in Persian) 2012)

  This is a comparative study between two outstanding poets from two different cultures and civilizations. We try to show the effect of modern attitude on the two poets, T.S. Eliot and Ahmad Shamlu. For this purpose, we explain the word modern in the first part, then the history of modernity in Iran and Europe is described in brief. At the end, their similar thoughts and works are compared on the basis of modernity and literary modernism characters. Also we go through details of modern thinking in the above poets. We can brief our reasons for choosing these two poets for comparative study in these factors as:                                                                    First, they lived approximately at the same political, social and cultural context, which led them to create the same works and thoughts.                                                              Second, Shamlu is known as social poet and, like Eliot, lived in a revolutionary period. Eliot was under the impression of the world war and modernism, and Iranian poet had experienced 28th Mordad coup deta and the 2nd world war. Also he experienced the period of transition from traditional to modern society. So these poets have many similar characters for comparative study.                                                                    

Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2015)

There is different methods for simulating river flow. Some of thesemethods such as the process based hydrological models need multiple input data and high expertise about the hydrologic process. But some of the methods such as the regression based and artificial inteligens modelsare applicable even in data scarce conditions. This capability can improve efficiency of the hydrologic modeling in ungauged watersheds in developing countries. This study attempted to investigate the capability of the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) for simulating the monthly river flow in three hydrometric stations of Pole-Almas, Nir, and Lai; which have different rate of river flow. The simulations are conducted using three input data including the precipitation, temperature, and the average monthly hydrograph (AMH). The study area islocated in the Gharasu Watershed, Ardabil Province, Iran. For this aim, six groupsof input data (M1, M2, … M6) were defined based on different combinations of the above-mentioned input data. Theconducted simulations in Pole-Almas and Nir stations have presented an acceptable results; but in Lai station it was very poor. This different behavoirs was referred to the lower volume of flow and consequently irregularity and variability of flow in Lai station, which cause the decrease of accuracy in the simulation. The AMH parameter had an important role in increasing the accuracy of the simulations in Pole-Almas and Nir stations. The findings of this study showed that ANFIS is an efficient tool for river flow simulation; but in application of ANFIS, the selection and utilization of relevant and efficient input data will have a determinativerole in achieving to a successful modeling.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2017)

Background: In recent years, the presence of large amount of research isolating and detecting Arcobacter spp. from animals and humans with diarrhea and from food samples highlights the importance of Arcobacter spp. as emerging food-borne pathogens worldwide. Recently, independent studies have been conducted, making significant progress in the understanding of the classification and pathogenicity of this group of microorganisms. However, the incidence of Arcobacter infection is likely to be underestimated mainly due to the limitations in current detection and identification methods. This study was done to evaluate the effectiveness of staining method (Gram stain using 1% fuchsinein direct smear) versus PCR as the gold standard.
Materials and Methods: A total of 150 stool samples were collected from under 6 years of age children with diarrhea from clinical centers of Arak. Direct smears of samples were stained with a modified gram staining method (1% fuchsin for 5 minutes with heat). Concurrently, PCR amplification method was performed for all DNA samples.
Results: Arcobacter spp. was isolated by PCR from 28 out of 150 stool samples. Direct staining method identified 79 samples as Campylobacter-like organisms with a sensitivity and specificity values of 100 and 65.50%, respectively.
Conclusion: Detection of Campylobacter-like organisms by 1% fuchsin is simple, inexpensive, and fast with high sensitivity and specificity. Laboratories with limited resources can employ modified gram staining method to detect Campylobacteriaceae infection in early stages.

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