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Showing 2 results for Zamani Shabkhaneh

Hamid Sepehrdoust, Saber Zamani Shabkhaneh,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (Spring 2015 2015)

Various socio-economic factors affect employment. In this regard, offering credit facilities has attracted the attention of economic policy-makers. This study aims to evaluate the impact of credit facilities on employment in Iranian industrial cooperatives. For this purpose, the Constant Elasticity Substitution(CES) production function and panel data regression analysis are used to analyze the relationship between credit facilities and  employment in provincial industrial cooperatives during the period 2006-2010. The results show that the offering credit facility is of significant effect on employment. The elasticity coefficient of employment with respect to credit facilities and technical services facilities is 0.1. In addition, the elasticity of employment with respect to credit facilities of fastest-growing and entrepreneur firms is 0.05. These figures indicate the different effects of facilities on employment in industrial cooperatives, and fastest-growing and entrepreneur firms. 
Hamid Sepehrdoust, Saber Zamani Shabkhaneh,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (winter 2016 2016)

Examining the strategies related to the promotion of human resource productivity, and quality level of laborers using wage payment is considered as the most important factor responsible for quantitative as well as qualitative economic growth of the society. Obviously, if the employees working in any part of the economic sector have high productivity, the overall performance of that sector will be improved in accordance with productivity. The aim of this study is to find out whether any increment in wage payments of the laborers as an effective measure can cause a substantial increase in the labor productivity and value added in industrial cooperatives. In order to study the effects of compensatory earnings by the employees on their productivity, the Cobb-Douglas model and panel data regression were used to analyze productivity performance of laborers working in industrial cooperatives across 30 provinces during the period 2006-2011. Moreover, the regression analysis on panel data of these cooperatives was applied to examine which section of compensatory payments, i.e., wage or other payments, has the highest effect on labor productivity. The results show that the variable of compensatory payments is of significant and positive effect on value added of industrial cooperatives in Iran.  However, the direct wages have higher impact than other payments on labor productivity.  

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