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Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2014)

Aim: There is conclusive scientific evidence of the adverse effect of excessive salt consumption on health, particularly on blood pressure, leading to cardiovascular disease (CVD), gastric cancer, osteoporosis, cataracts, kidney stones, diabetes and obesity. We investigated the determinants of salt consumption among the rural women in Chabahar (Iran) by applying the theory of planned behavior. Methods: Rural native Chabahari women (n =230), aged 12-75 years old, were selected by multistage sampling via native assistants. Data were gathered through a questionnaire with acceptable validity and reliability consisting of TBP constructs (intention, attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control), as well as demographic characteristics. Bivariate correlations and stepwise regression analyses of TBP model were performed with the SPSS software. Findings: The results showed a significant direct asociation between attitude, subjective norms, percieved behavioral control and intention, and salt consuming behavior, also between attitude (sig.<0.001), subjective norms (sig.<0.01), perceived behavioral control (sig.<0.01), the intention to reduce salt consumption. Subjective norms, attitude and intention together predicted 10.9% of salt consuming behavior. Attitude and perceived behavioral control together predicted approximately 9% of the intention to reduce salt consumption. Conclusion: This study indicated that the theory of planned behavior can be used to predict the salt consuming behavior and the intention of Chabahari rural women. Focus on the family- and community-based educational programs to change attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control is necessary to make women reduce salt consumption.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2015)

The effects of mucal proteins of sea anemone, Stichodactylahaddoni,on different stages of embryonic development of zebra fish (D. rerio) were examined. The sea anemone samples were collected from the intertidal areas of the Hormuz Island (Persian Gulf), and were frozen at -160 °C. Protein and peptide components were extracted by 100% methanol. Following the total protein assessment by ELISA, three concentrations (2.1, 3.7 and 7.4 mg/ml distil water) were prepared. From each concentration, 2 ml was added to the microplates containing 150 zebra fish eggs each, with 2 replications; microplates with normal aquarium water was also used as control group. The eggs were incubated for 72 hrs and the process of embryonic development was observed every 6 to 12 hours. Results showed that the embryonic development was normal in the control group, while the eggs treated with 3.7 and 7.4 mg/ml ofmucal proteins degenerated and blackened in less than 12 hours. Also a delay in the phase of growth in embryonic development was observed in the group with 1.2 mg/ml of protein. Our results showed that the mucal proteins from this sea anemone can affect embryonic development rapidly, causing delayed growth at low concentration, and cell lysis and embryonic degeneration at high concentrations.

Volume 4, Issue 3 (8-2016)

Aim: Nowadays, life is endangering women’s health, so that without organizational support, women are engaged in unhealthy life styles. Osteoporosis is the most common metabolic bone disease that increases the risk of bone fracture by creating a structural abnormality in the bone. Osteoporosis is a common disease among middle-age and older persons, especially women. Therefore, the necessity of implementing strategic plans to prevent osteoporosis is significantly important. This study was designed to determine the prediction of osteoporosis preventive behaviors using the Health Belief Model (HBM).
Methods: This cross-sectional study was done among 200 women referred to the health centers in Taft in 2016. A stage simple random sampling was used. In order to gather the data a questionnaire consistent with the structures of HBM was used. Data were analyzed using the SPSS v16 and descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, and mean±SD) and analysis (Linear regression). The significance level was 0.5.
Findings: The mean age of the participants was 53 years. Linear regression analysis showed the perceived awareness among the participants (p> 0.001).
Conclusion: The results showed that HBM is able to predict well the osteoporosis preventive behaviors in women. The findings of this survey confirm the efficiency of HBM in adopting preventive actions of osteoporosis.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (Summer 2021)

Research subject: Ethylene is a very important material in petrochemical industries, whose chief application is producing polymers such as polyethylene. The steam cracking of ethane or naphtha is commonly used to produce ethylene. A small amount of acetylene is produced in this process. The amount of acetylene in the product stream should not exceed 1 ppm, because it is harmful to polymerization catalysts in downstream units. The acetylene hydrogenation unit is designed for acetylene removal in industrial plants. In this unit, the removal of acetylene up to 1 ppm in the product stream and ethylene’s selectivity are of great importance.
Research approach: In this paper, the modeling and the dynamic simulation of acetylene hydrogenation reactors of Marun petrochemical complex with considering catalyst deactivation are presented. Then, here investigated is the effect of the operating conditions such as temperature, pressure and flow rate of the reactor feed on the amount of outlet acetylene as well as ethylene’s selectivity.
Main results: The simulation results show that in order to compensate for catalyst deactivation, it is necessary to gradually increase the reactor inlet temperature. With a linear increase in the inlet temperature of the reactors from 55 to 90 ˚C in a period of 720 operating days, the amount of outlet acetylene and ethylene’s selectivity are decreased. The reactions of acetylene to ethylene and ethylene to ethane are increased by increasing the inlet temperature of acetylene hydrogenation reactors. By increasing the feed flow rate from 50 to 100 kg/s, the amount of outlet acetylene and ethylene’s selectivity are increased. The residence time is decreased by increasing the feed flow rate and thus the conversion of acetylene to ethylene is decreased (increasing the outlet acetylene in the product). The amount of outlet acetylene and ethylene’s selectivity are decreased by decreasing the inlet pressure from 40 to 33 barg.

Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2019)

The paper presents a comprehensive compilation of 543 species and 24 subspecies of aphids, within 144 genera, belonging to 15 subfamilies, 3 families and three superfamilies of Aphidomorpha recorded to date from Iran. Among them, 35 species of aphids are endemic to Iran.

Volume 6, Issue 4 (Fall 2018)

Aims: Water is a basic demand of sustainable development in every region of the world. Hirmand catchment is one of the most important cross-border of Iran basins affected by the recent drought periods from water scarcity and caused severe crisis in the Sistan region. Fuzzy theory is able to convert most incorrect and enigmatic concepts, variables and systems into a mathematical form and set the context for reasoning, deduction and decision making at uncertainty conditions. The aim of this study was to simulate the Hirmand catchment by Water Evaluation and Planning System (WEAP) model and prioritization of the implementation of agriculture development projects in Hirmand catchment.
Materials & Methods: In this analytical-computational study, water development projects in the study area were predicted. The effects of the water development projects predicted using WEAP model and the projects according to the economic criteria was evaluated and prioritized with Fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Situation (TOPSIS). Ten water development projects and criteria including 5 economic indexes were considered.
Findings: Water transfer project to agricultural field called Zehak and Sistan were the first priorities which is needed for noticing target population to these projects. Irrigation efficiency (70%) was in the third rank among the options.
Conclusion: The remarkable thing in the ranking of scenarios is that the current account scenario (SC1) is lasted ranking that shows Sistan region's water status, according to the study criteria is not good. 
Rahman Khosh-Akhlagh, Javad Shahraki,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (1-2009)

This paper examines urban residential water demand for the city of Zahedan in Iran using the data over the period 1999 – 2006. The continuously intensifying scarcity of water resources is a crucial problem in almost all contemporary societies. Even in areas where there are adequate quantities of water. The problem of scarcity is usually confronted through the deterioration of water quality resulting in increasing costs for certain water uses. In the framework of water demand, it is vital to analyze and understand the characteristics of water demand. There are several important questions that need to answer. They are as follows: How the demand is formulated? Which factors determine the demand? How the demand responds to the changes in income and the cost of water? Stone-Gray approach is used to model and answer the above questions. The results show that the main determinants of residential water demand comprise water price, income, and temperature. The price elasticity of demand equals –0.06 while the income elasticity equals 0.062. Finally, the findings confirm that the minimum water requirements are 95 liters per person per day.

Volume 9, Issue 2 (Spring 2023)

Backgrounds: The primary goal of this study was to identify the potential association between COVID-19 prognosis and demographic and clinical features, underlying diseases, and drug and supplement use in patients admitted to Amir al-Momenin hospital in Zabol.

Materials & Methods: This retrospective study surveyed the electronic health records of 848 COVID-19 patients hospitalized in a tertiary referral hospital in southeastern Iran from the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak until the end of February 2021. Univariate and multiple analytical tests including unconditional and penalized logistic regressions were used for statistical analysis.

Findings: Out of a total of 848 patients, 371 (43.75%) patients were female, and 477 (56.25%) patients were male. Age, underlying pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases, and loss of consciousness predicted a higher mortality rate. On the contrary, a negative chest X-ray was associated with a lower risk of death.

Conclusion: Identifying predisposing factors of mortality in COVID-19 patients will help physicians provide more intensive care to those at higher risk of death by classifying patients based on risk factors and underlying diseases.

Volume 9, Issue 3 (Summer 2021)

Aims: Most parts of the pastoralist's livelihood depend on income from livestock in the rangelands, but drought in rangelands has negative impacts on the ecosystem, cycle of nomadic pastoralists, livestock production, and their family's living. Recognizing the signs of drought effects in the nomadic environment can play a significant role in rangeland management. The present study was conducted to identify and investigate drought signs in Gonbad-e Kavous County, Golestan Province, Iran.
Materials & Methods: The study's statistical population consisted of 183 nomadic pastoralists in 10 customary systems, 100 of them were sampled and classified by random method. The data gathering tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. Drought signs were investigated in three dimensions: vegetation, soil, livestock, and herd. In order to ensure the validity of the questionnaire, the views of the experts of the Natural Resources Bureau and Cronbach's alpha method were used for more reliability with an average of 0.717.
Findings: The results showed that nomadic pastoralists assessed three factors forage quality degradation, increasing bare land, and livestock production as the most important indicators of drought effects in pastureland. Findings indicate a positive and significant relationship between the pastoralist's viewpoints about the signs of drought effect in the pasture with the variable of the people who depend on them. The results showed a significant difference between respondents' views on gender and education level in the context of drought effects.
Conclusion: According to the results of the research, it is suggested that future policies of rangelands can be used in plans for identifying drought signs

Davood Behbudi, Mahdi Shahraki, Simin Ghaderi,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (10-2010)

Exogenous shocks and economic fluctuations led to extensive changes in households’ savings. Changes in household savings can also influence macroeconomic indicators. Thus in this study, the impact of household savings on household Income and GDP are examined using a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model. In the literature, there are two static and dynamic general equilibrium models. We apply the Mixed Complementary Problems (MCP) method using the Iran’s time series data. Two different scenarios are considered in this study. In the first scenario, marginal propensity to household savings will be increased twenty percent while in the second scenario marginal propensity to household savings will be decreased by the same rate. Furthermore, we updated and developed a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Iran. The following results are obtained. Using the static model, the results vividly indicate that the urban and rural household incomes have increased 0.31 and 0.5 percent, respectively, through the supply of labor and capital in the first scenario. Moreover, GDP has also increased. The results of the dynamic model in the first scenario show that the rural and urban household income increased by 6.42 percent. However, in the second scenario it declined at the same rate as the first scenario indicating the fact that there is a positive relationship between household income and their savings. GDP has increased on average by 6.41 percent based on the first scenario. In summing up, it is found that by the implementation of the second scenario, the opposite results are obtained.

Volume 11, Issue 4 (Fall 2023)

Aims: Preventing rangeland degradation and conserving them is a challenging task that necessitates targeted changes in rangeland policy and management systems. Planning should aim for the optimal utilization of rangelands while meeting the needs of stakeholders. One of the most crucial measures involves adopting a systemic approach to rangeland management, encompassing all resources, livelihood potentials, and income generated from rangelands through multi-purpose use. To effectively manage rangelands, it is crucial to take a comprehensive approach that considers all resources, livelihood opportunities, and income generated from these areas through multi-purpose use. This involves adopting a systemic approach to rangeland management, encompassing the identification and utilization of non-sustainable potentials within the content of multi-purpose exploitation of rangelands. Such an approach can have a significant impact on reducing the livelihood dependence of pastoralists. Since numerous factors influence its successful implementation in rangeland management, particularly in the summer season, this research was conducted to investigate the influential drivers affecting the development of multi-purpose management in the summer rangelands of Mazandaran Province, utilizing a future studies approach.
Materials & Methods: This descriptive-applied study employed a survey method. The study population comprised experts, deputy heads of departments, and members specializing in rangeland management. Through purposive judgment sampling, 50 individuals were selected from these populations within the natural resources domain in Sari, Mazandaran Province. Data was collected using a researcher-developed questionnaire, and the Cross-Impact Analysis technique was applied to analyze 21 extracted indices from individual and group interviews. The MicMac software facilitated this analysis.
Findings: The study revealed that the primary influential drivers for the advancement of multi-purpose rangeland management included “decentralization and stakeholder participation in the implementation process of multi-purpose plans,” “The results indicated that the indicators “ decentralization and stakeholder participation in the implementation process of multi-purpose plans,” “ generation of new employment prospects and strengthening of rural income potentials,” “ establishment and fortification of rural cooperatives and organizations,” “ governmental support and assistance,” and “ trust-building communication between stakeholders and the government” were the most significant drivers with the highest coefficients of 607, 596, 585, 585, and 564, respectively. These indicators influenced the multi-purpose utilization of the studied region’s rangelands.
Conclusion: Based on the obtained results, the paramount recommendation of this study, employing a forward-thinking approach, is the development of a long-term vision document encompassing economic, socio-cultural, and environmental dimensions. This strategic move is poised to catalyze the transformation of the multi-purpose rangeland management system in Mazandaran Province.

Volume 12, Issue 2 (Spring 2024)

Global warming and the loss of freshwater resources have turned attention to promoting crop water productivity by focusing on the role of crops’ embedded virtual water. Indeed, the production pattern based on maximizing water productivity and minimizing virtual water is gradually replacing the traditional patterns that were based on maximizing production and yields.
 Methods: The present research aimed to present a cropping pattern and water allocation to crops and regions based on the virtual water scenario and water productivity. The research used a bi-level programming model (leader-follower) and applied the objectives of maximizing economic profit and water productivity and minimizing the Gini coefficient and virtual water to optimize irrigation water allocation among irrigated regions and crops and determine the optimal cropping pattern for crops in five regions, including Zabol, Zahak, Nimruz, Hamun, and Hirmand, for 2022-2023.
Findings: When virtual water and water productivity were considered, the system’s economic profit was estimated at 3.02 × 1013 IRR and 3.04 × 1013 IRR, respectively. Also, the highest water and cultivation area were assigned to melon and onion.
Conclusion: Considering the Virtual water content (VWC), less water was assigned to crops with higher Virtual water content, i.e., wheat and barley. When the water productivity index was considered, the results revealed that more water was allocated to crops with higher water productivity, such as melon and onion. The proposed model can be used to determine a cropping pattern that considers minimizing virtual water and maximizing water productivity as its objectives.

Volume 12, Issue 4 (Winter 2023)

Aims: Cities play a key role in promoting human values. Nowadays, population growth, widespread urbanization in developing countries, demographic change, environmental challenges, economic problems, urban transportation problems, advances in information and communication technology, and bureaucracy have necessitated the need for smart urban governance. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to provide a model of smart urban governance with a future study approach.
Methods: The research method is descriptive-analytical and exploratory. The statistical community is experts in the field of research. The sample size was determined using Roscoe rules 45 people and the sampling method is snowball.
Findings:  the key drivers of smart city governance were extracted from Latin sources as well as the Delphi method, 9 key drivers for the future of smart city governance were considered. In the next step, scenarios were developed for each driver and strategies were considered for each desired scenario. Finally, the model of smart city governance in Rasht was presented.
Conclusion: direct citizenship education, design of public participation opportunities, formulation of local policies, integrated urban management, create a financial model to allocate appropriate budgets, development of data communication infrastructure and access network, encourage investors, develop The law as a means of attracting private sector investment in public infrastructure, Creating open data portals, enacting strong laws to protect the privacy, providing online services and eliminating bureaucracy and careful planning of smart government at the national level, the highest score in achieving They achieved the model of futuristic smart city governance.

Volume 16, Issue 1 (12-2024)

 The recent developments in scientific advancements notably enhanced the understanding of the complex relationship between cancer and the microbiome.Various experimental studies demonstrated that the interaction between the host and microbiota plays a crucial role in the health or disease of the human body. The human microbiome has various benefits, including regulating fundamental processes such as signal transmission, immunity, and metabolism, which contribute to the proper functioning of the host. The imbalance of intestinal microbiota or dysbiosis is associated with the onset and progression of complex diseases such as colorectal cancer(CRC). Motivated by these, in this research, by utilizing metagenomic and metabolomic data and functional analyses of the colon microbiome, we have identified bacteria, metabolites, and important bacterial pathways in colorectal cancer compared to the healthy control group. Also, we investigated the role of different bacteria in pathways with significant abundance. Ultimately, by analyzing the network of bacteria-metabolite interaction in both healthy and cancer groups, we identified the differences between these two networks in terms of topological parameters. Our findings introduced potential biomarkers for CRC that could be used in future research orientation. Furthermore, it highlighted that some bacteria, such as Bacteroides fragilis and Bifidobacterium longum, which had increases and decreases in abundance in the cancer group, respectively, also contribute to key bacterial biological pathways in CRC. These findings underscore the potential of the gut microbiome as a promising non-invasive approach for early CRC screening, emphasizing the significance of gut microbiota composition and their metabolites in providing valuable insights into CRC.
Maryam Farmani, Nazar Dahmardeh Ghaleno, Javad Shahraki,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (summer 2016 2016)

In Sistan and Baluchestan province, unemployment rate has been increased from 9 percent in 1996 to 31.52 percent in 2006. Thus, in order to reduce unemployment rate and because of limitation of resources, the attention should be paid to activities, which create the highest employment opportunities. This research answers to these questions: What are the key economic sectors with regard to employment generation in Sistan and Baluchestan province? Do the growth-centered policies necessarily create the highest employment? In order to answer these questions, the linkage indexes related to production and employment, and input – output elasticities were calculated using the provincial input – output table in 2007. In addition, Multi – rank index (MRI) was calculated for the production and the employment generation in order to include all mentioned indexes simultaneously.  The findings show that the activities "Agriculture, hunting and forestry", "Mining", "Manufacturing", "Hotels and restaurants", "Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles", "personal and household goods" and "Health and Social Work" are key sectors in creating employment. While key producing sectors are the "Agriculture, hunting and forestry", "Manufacturing", "Electricity, gas and water supply", 'Hotels and restaurants", "Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles", "personal and household goods", "Transport, storage and communications" and "other community, social, personal and family services". Therefore, growth-centered policies do not necessarily create the most employment opportunities.  

Volume 16, Issue 89 (7-2019)

Apple is a rich source of fiber and polyphenols. Dried apple powder can be used for increasing nutritional value of sponge cake. In this study to improving rheological, appearance, textural and sensory properties of sponge cake contained apple powder, different percent of guar gum were used. First guar gum at four levels 0, 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 % were added to sponge cake contained 15% apple powder and then batter rheological properties, and physicochemical, color, texture (puncture test and texture profile analysis) and sensory properties of cakes were studied. With increasing guar gum in formulation of apple cake, viscosity of batter increased significantly (p<0.05). With increasing the guar gum from 0 t 0.75 %, sponge cakes batters viscosity at shear rate of 20 s-1 were increased significantly from 19.3 to 31.88 Pa.s (p<0.05). The moisture content and volume of cakes were increased with increasing gum percentage (p<0.05). With addition gums brightness of cakes increased, as well as decreased yellowing of the samples (p<0.05). The L*, a* and b* indexes for sample containing 0.75 % guar gum were 86.36, 2.53 and 35.32,. With increasing gum content, the firmness of the cakes was reduced, but the amount of springiness, cohesiveness and resilience of the cakes increased significantly due to the formation of proper and soft texture by gum in the cakes (p<0.05). According to the sensory evaluation results, samples containing 0.75 % guar gum had the highest total acceptance score.
Mrs. Nasrin Ohadi, Dr Javad Shahraki, Dr Mosayeb Pahlavani, Dr Mostafa Mardani Najafabadi,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (winter 2019 2019)

Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a powerful technique for measuring efficiency. The traditional DEA approach is applicable when inputs and outputs are certain. Since, some input and output data, such as CO2 emission are often imprecise or vague in real world, this approach cannot be used efficiently. Therefore, this study uses the fuzzy data envelopment analysis to measure carbon-environmental efficiency. The results show that the average interval carbon-environmental efficiency is 75.90 percent in the sample and period under study. In addition, the minimum and maximum carbon- environmental efficiency scores in Iran are 61 and 74 percent, respectively, which indicates low environmental efficiency in Iran compared to other countries.  Accordingly, using inputs optimally and lowering dependency on resources are recommended for increasing the carbon-environmental efficiency.

Volume 19, Issue 122 (April 2022)

The demand of low-fat and reduced-fat product has greatly increased due to consumer’s awareness of the relationship between diet and health. This has led the dairy food industry to continuously work on formulating and developing “functional dairy foods” with good textural qualities. In this research, the influence of different levels of Alyssum homolocarpum seed gum (AHSG) (0-1%) and Flaxseed gum (FG) (0-1%) on the physicochemical, sensory and microbial properties of low-fat synbiotic cream cheese during 45 days of storage were evaluated. The results showed that AHSG and FG increase caused significant increment in moisture content, hardness, springiness, adhesiveness and spreadability of samples. Evaluation of the organoleptic properties showed that addition of AHSG and FG caused a double impact on the sensory properties, and sensory parameters improved up to medium concentrations of AHSG and FG. Results showed that during the storage, acidity increased while pH, hardness, springiness, adhesiveness and spreadability were decreased. Based on the probiotic count test, only optimized sample had the amount of probiotic bacteria in the standard range at the end of storage time. The findings of this study showed that incorporation of AHSG and FG into the formulation of low-fat synbiotic cream cheese could be an effective strategy to overcome the problems associated with fat reduction.

Volume 20, Issue 1 (Spring 2016)

The principle of full compensation for damages has been accepted in different legal systems and the international documents such as the Convention on the International Sale of Goods, Principles of European Contract Law, and UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contract. Also it is reliable about violation of international sale agreements for the damaged party. In violation of international sale contract, this principle necessitates to put the damaged party situation in a condition that it has been expected with full implementation of the contract; therefore, in methods of determining contractual damages, the above principle should be considered. So in objective method, determining the amount of damage that the damaged party has the right to conclude a successor deal, or in abstract method, determining the amount of damage that damaged party can receive the difference of the price of received the good with market price through applying the principle of full compensation is necessary, and any method that supports this principle well has priority.

Volume 21, Issue 6 (10-2019)

Rural production cooperatives, as an effective tool for rural development, have an important role in increasing the capabilities of rural farmers. In order to achieve the goals, in addition to human, social, and economic support, cultural development is also needed. In this regard, this study aimed at investigating the impact of cultural capital on the empowerment of rural production cooperative members. The study was conducted in Amol, Iran. A total of 6,150 members of 11 rural production cooperatives were selected as the statistical population of the study, and 300 of whom were selected as the study sample based on Cochran's formula. Data collection was done using a researcher-made questionnaire composed of two parts of cultural capital (embodied, objectified and institutionalized) and empowerment (psychological, social, and economic). The content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts' opinions. Also, based on the Average Variance Extracted (0.514> AVE< 0.663) and Composite Reliability (0.808> CR< 0.966), the questionnaire had a convergent validity and appropriate reliability. SPSS16 and Smart PLS2 software were used to analyze the data. Results of the research showed that cultural capital had a significant impact on the psychological, social, and economic empowerment level of the members of the rural production cooperatives. According to the results, it is recommended that, by careful planning, sufficient benefits be gained from the potential of cultural capital in the future development policies of rural production cooperatives, so that an effective, though small, step can be taken toward development of the aforementioned cooperatives.

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